NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 8

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Also, if Maura did head up I-91 North from her campus it is very important to note that one of the area's maura would've driven by (not through but driven by) would be londonderry Vt.

I would argue that around the time maura was in the area of londonderry vt, she dialed in to her cell phone to check for messages.

Over at James'es blog, he found an affidavit that mentioned a londonderry cell tower hit on maura's phone coming in the afternoon of the day maura went missing, but it was stated on the affidavit as coming from londonderry Massachusetts (there is a londonderry in both states).

So this created a lot of confusion and led many to believe that this proved that maura was out to meet someone. Londonderry mass, is no where near where maura ended up or the believed route maura was taking.

But cell phones (and to this day I own the exact model, exact year everything) that maura had) send off pings to whatever the nearest cell phone tower is and no one has to be calling you in the process. a phone will ping to a tower as long as the phone is turned on. a call does not have to be in progress. The phone just has to be turned on. And I believe maura turned on her phone long enough to check for messages and then turned it back off as she continued driving.
Also, if Maura did head up I-91 North from her campus it is very important to note that one of the area's maura would've driven by (not through but driven by) would be londonderry Vt.I would argue that around the time maura was in the area of londonderry vt, she dialed in to her cell phone to check for messages.Over at James'es blog, he found an affidavit that mentioned a londonderry cell tower hit on maura's phone coming in the afternoon of the day maura went missing, but it was stated on the affidavit as coming from londonderry Massachusetts (there is a londonderry in both states).So this created a lot of confusion and led many to believe that this proved that maura was out to meet someone. Londonderry mass, is no where near where maura ended up or the believed route maura was taking.But cell phones (and to this day I own the exact model, exact year everything) that maura had) send off pings to whatever the nearest cell phone tower is and no one has to be calling you in the process. a phone will ping to a tower as long as the phone is turned on. a call does not have to be in progress. The phone just has to be turned on. And I believe maura turned on her phone long enough to check for messages and then turned it back off as she continued driving.

I believe the Londonderry Sprint tower in question is one near Londonderry, New Hampshire. (not Massachusetts or Vermont)


Unless... there was some sort of misinterpretation of the supporting affidavit (allegedly filed by Lt. Landry) and it is in reference to a tower near Londonderry, Vermont. Interesting possibility, although if the "call" was at 4:37PM it means Maura would have had to leave the UMass campus around 3PM to get to within range of that Vermont tower, which I don't think happened. By all accounts she departed from Amherst closer to 4PM.

I agree with you. The ping from a cell phone tower (whichever one it was) was probably Maura checking her voice mail before she turned her phone off. Mr. Renner has been of the belief that Maura was meeting with someone or traveling in tandem with another car, but I think she was on her own and just planning to get away and clear her head for a few days.
it was a long-winded way of saying maura was looking to head off to a mountain. That is what all of her searches have in common.

Mt. Greylock --- Considered to have highest point (tallest mountain in Massachusetts) ===== in the berkshires area

Mt. Mansfield --- Mountain with highest peak in vermont =====In the Stowe/Green Mountains area

Mt. Washington --- Tallest mountain in New Hampshire ====== White Mountains and coincidentally enough if you were to do a map search on a computer from amherst (maura's college campus) to Mt. Washington it would appear on the map search that you could take a shortcut at the wells river exit from I-91 cut through the 302 to the 112 and get to Mt. Washington faster than driving I-91 up and around and back to mt. Washington.

Wow scoops! What strikes me in what you hit upon is that these were all outstanding mountains - high peaks! It wasn't like she just wanted to go to any mountain, but one that was high. Wonder what that says? Would certainly be very cold!
There was a guy that Maura was at one time dating and he likes to mountain climb and still does. After Mr Renner named him he took down his facebook page, but I saw plenty of pics of him that he took on top of mountains before he suspended his FB page.
I believe the Londonderry Sprint tower in question is one near Londonderry, New Hampshire. (not Massachusetts or Vermont)


Unless... there was some sort of misinterpretation of the supporting affidavit (allegedly filed by Lt. Landry) and it is in reference to a tower near Londonderry, Vermont. Interesting possibility, although if the "call" was at 4:37PM it means Maura would have had to leave the UMass campus around 3PM to get to within range of that Vermont tower, which I don't think happened. By all accounts she departed from Amherst closer to 4PM.

I agree with you. The ping from a cell phone tower (whichever one it was) was probably Maura checking her voice mail before she turned her phone off. Mr. Renner has been of the belief that Maura was meeting with someone or traveling in tandem with another car, but I think she was on her own and just planning to get away and clear her head for a few days.

You are correct, I meant to say Londonderry NH and not Mass. But I still say there is soemthing to Londonderry Vt and it should be looked at closer.

It is known that maura began her trip around 3:30 p.m. She was on the road and heading north and made stops to an atm and liquor store with her atm transaction showing 3:40 p.m.

If maura took I-91 North she would've arrived in the west minster vermont area in just under an hour. West minster vermont is about 20-25 miles from londonderry vermont. Maura did check her cell phone for messages at precisely 4:37 p.m., all of the time information comes according to the maura is missing series Part I The Departure: written by maribeth conway.
this is slightly off point here from what we have been talking about, but in my next post I wanted to share with you fellow websleuthers something I stumbled upon recently.

It is Fred Murray in his own words from around two and a half years after maura went missing.

This is a open letter he wrote to the people of the new hampshire area.

In his statement, he brings up some good information to mull over.

I only wanted to highlight one thing that he said and that had to do with the fact his daughter only brought a very small amount of clothes with her for her journey.

I think this is something very important to pay attention too, especially if one is to believe maura was starting a new life somewhere or, meeting someone to get away for an entire week. Or even for maura to be getting away for an entire week.

Either way, make of what you want out of it. Fred obviously loves his daughter and do remember to keep this in context and realize that it was written many years ago, before the James Renner blog and everything else.
Fred Murray in his own words, sometime around the summer of 2006.

Note: If I am understanding right, he wrote this representing his entire family, so he refers to himself in the third person. (I could be wrong on this, but that is how I interpret it.)

Fred Murray --- “Our thanks to the Northcountry News and its Publisher Bryan Flagg for allowing the family of Maura Murray to speak to its readers. As many of you know, Maura disappeared on February 9, 2004. She was last seen on Route 112 after a single car crash. Much has been said about Maura in the media and local coffee shops over the last two and a half years. Many of you have formed opinions of what happened and of Maura and her family based on what has been presented in the media and sometimes based on inaccurate rumors.

Maura is so much more than what has been presented in most of the papers. She is more than a missing person. Maura is a Missed Person, she is a daughter, a sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin and friend. My favorite quote about Maura is by one of her friends: "If you wanted to make a person, you would make her just like her." said Katie Jones a close friend of Maura since grade school.

She is an accomplished athlete, a very intelligent young woman who was attending the University of Massachusetts Amherst on a scholarship while working two part-time jobs to help pay her expenses. She had scored 1420 on her SAT (740 in Math) and had been majoring in Chemical Engineering at West Point when she transferred to UMass in late January 2002. Maura continued her pursuit of Chemical Engineering Degree through her first two semesters at UMass until she decided she would rather be in the medical field.

Maura had been recruited by many schools to run track and cross country. She competed in Track and Cross Country for both West Point and UMass Amherst until the fall of 2003. As a high school freshman, she played point guard on the girls' varsity basketball team and was a good softball pitcher.

Maura also loved to camp and hike, and her favorite camping and vacation spot is in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Her father had been taking the family there since she was a small child. Fred, Maura and Billy had spent a vacation together in the White Mountains in July of 2003. We know that Maura loved your area.

Was Maura perfect? No. Did she have alcohol in the car? It appears so. Was she drinking? Quite possibly. Does it matter???

Maura has been missing for almost two and a half years. Our family will continue to look for her as long as we have the ability to do so. There are those who speculate that Maura took off to start a new life. Our family does not discount anything, but believes this to be the least likely scenario for many reasons. We have no idea why Maura left Amherst, or how she came to be in your area. We know that she had hand written directions to Burlington in her car, and we know she made a call to a person who rents a condo in Bartlett that afternoon. We also know that she placed a call to a Stowe, VT information line. The car she was driving had had some mechanical problems. We are not sure whether she had not yet decided which area to head to or whether she had car trouble. Because of the way her car was found with the front end facing west, but in the east bound lane, we don’t even know for sure whether at the time of the accident she was headed east or west.

Though there was apparently something bothering Maura, we believe that based on the fact that she only took a couple of outfits and things like tooth whitener and text books she was going away for a couple of days to think things through. Despite some of what was in the newspapers, she was not having difficulty in her relationship with her boyfriend, Billy Rausch. In fact had sent him an email that day telling him “I love you more.” Although Billy had not yet given Maura her diamond, they were openly making plans to be married after she graduated in 2005. Maura had made arrangements in January 2004 to be employed for the summer of 2004 at a hospital near Billy in Lawton OK.

We have been so focused on finding out what happened to Maura, we don’t always take the time to voice our appreciation for those who have helped us in our search, those who have had the courage to tell us about rumors, those who have given so freely of their time and energy. Because we have made friends in the area, we are aware of a particularly ugly rumor being spread very effectively. I won’t discuss it except to say that it is false and may hamper our ability to find out what happened and I for one have to ask why someone would spread such malicious rumors? Why does someone feel it is necessary to add to a family’s pain? Why would anyone want to put down a family searching for a missing loved one?? To me it appears that someone sees some benefit from refocusing the attention away from the essential fact Maura Murray hasn’t been seen or heard from since February 9, 2004. Her credit cards have not been used, her cell phone was never used again, and it is our understanding that there has been no activity on her social security number.

Maura wasn’t perfect and yet her disappearance has touched more people than we could have imagined. Originally, our family put up a website in the hopes of providing her friends a place to talk about her. What we found is that most of her family and friends found it too painful. Instead, we have drawn many wonderful people from Haverhill and the surrounding areas. We have people posting from all over the country and Canada. We have attracted others who have lost loved ones or had painful experiences such as being abducted. Sometimes what is said on the website is controversial and sometimes there is a post that makes us realize that there is more than the controversy such as this post by the daughter of Audrey Groat who has been missing for 13 years: “thank you all for your support, this has been a good place for me to let out some of the feelings I have been carrying for so long. It means a lot to me that so many people care, and are supportive. I really appreciate it as an adult and really wish something like this could have helped us years ago, as kids.”

As with Maura, Audrey Groat is more than a missing person, she was a mother whose six young daughters were left without a mom. Though there is much more information on Maura’s site, I hope you will read the info presented by the Vermont State Police at http://www.dps.state.vt.us/vtsp/missing/groat.htm . As with Maura somebody knows something, not only about Audrey Groat, but others who are missing or whose murderers have not been apprehended Tina and Bethany Sinclair, Brianna Maitland, Laura MacKenzie and so many more. It is time to come forward, even if it has to be anonymously, our families need answers.

We would like to thank the Molly Bish Foundation for their efforts on behalf of Maura and our family and those private detectives, who through the Molly Bish foundation have volunteered their time and expertise to help find out what happened to Maura; those who have spent so much time and effort trying to figure out what happened to Maura; those who have taken the time to speak with Fred or others helping us. As Maura’s dad, Fred, has said, “So many people have selflessly and enthusiastically given of themselves and their time, that if force of will were enough by itself, then Maura would have been back with us many months ago. When people ask me if there is anything that they can do, I tell them that I know they would already have done it if there were.

Your universally overwhelming support is a striking demonstration, yet again, of the inherent goodness of people. You can sense my gratitude, but I want your “thank you” to come to you when you look in the mirror and see reflected a person who, by choice, interrupted his or her life to try to help another human being in trouble. If there is any worthier motivation than that, we would be all be hard pressed to name what it is.

In Deep Appreciation,
Fred Murray
Kinda odd to bring teeth whitener if you are only going to be gone a couple days. Fred says that she had a couple "outfits" with her. So I guess the only way to know this was the fact she left them behind? Also what type of outfits? Where they the type to go hiking in?

Another thing we may want to consider. Is it at all possible that Maura was headed to meet someone that she had been seeing and if so did she maybe keep other articles of clothing and personal items at this persons residence?

Long before Mr Renner started his blog and mentioned that Maura had been doing research on her computer about fetal alcohol syndrome I was of the opinion that Maura may have been going away to have an abortion. A couple things made me think this. The fact that she mentioned a death in the family and that she would be gone for a week, which is about how long one needs to recover. I personally think that there was another man in her life at that time and this is JMO based on how I have interpreted the info. We do know that at one point in her life Maura was seeing a man who also loved to mountain climb.
Long before Mr Renner started his blog and mentioned that Maura had been doing research on her computer about fetal alcohol syndrome I was of the opinion that Maura may have been going away to have an abortion. A couple things made me think this. The fact that she mentioned a death in the family and that she would be gone for a week, which is about how long one needs to recover. I personally think that there was another man in her life at that time and this is JMO based on how I have interpreted the info. We do know that at one point in her life Maura was seeing a man who also loved to mountain climb.

I don't have an opinion about whether or not she was pregnant (although she was in a nursing program and could have done searches on fetal alcohol syndrome for a class), but it seems unlikely to me that an abortion would be a reason to go to New Hampshire or Vermont. First, I am pretty sure you don't need a week out of your routine to recover from an abortion. Second, abortions are not hard to come by in Amherst.
Kinda odd to bring teeth whitener if you are only going to be gone a couple days. Fred says that she had a couple "outfits" with her. So I guess the only way to know this was the fact she left them behind? Also what type of outfits? Where they the type to go hiking in?

Another thing we may want to consider. Is it at all possible that Maura was headed to meet someone that she had been seeing and if so did she maybe keep other articles of clothing and personal items at this persons residence?

Long before Mr Renner started his blog and mentioned that Maura had been doing research on her computer about fetal alcohol syndrome I was of the opinion that Maura may have been going away to have an abortion. A couple things made me think this. The fact that she mentioned a death in the family and that she would be gone for a week, which is about how long one needs to recover. I personally think that there was another man in her life at that time and this is JMO based on how I have interpreted the info. We do know that at one point in her life Maura was seeing a man who also loved to mountain climb.


Concerning what maura brought with her: Click on this link and then click on the third photo and you can see the clothes and everything else maura brought on her trip. Some believe there was much more than what is in this picture. But you can clearly see the black bag this stuff was in right next to maura's sister and it looks like it has been emptied to display all of the contents.

I've posted this before, but I will post it again, maybe it will resonate with someone this time around.

If you click on this link, you will go to a wikipedia page and get a small fancy little colored box that shows up.

In this fancy colored box is a bunch of different locations (mountains seems to be the common theme here and yes I am typing with a little sarcastic tone, I apologize in advance)

Anywhoo, the mountains in this box all have one thing in common, even though many of the locations are hours apart from one another.

The common theme that this box of mountains has is that (Drumroll please ......)

Every mapquest search and hand written search for directions done by maura murray the night before and day of that she went missing, leads to one of the places in this box.

Now I am not Detective Columbo or no big city slicker like the NH assistant state's attorney Mr. Strezlin, but There might be something to this as far as figuring out where maura is or where maura was headed.

What do y'all think?

"She had hand written directions to Burlington in her car," according to her father (in letter posted elsewhere in this thread). Burlington is NOT where you'd go to reach a high peak in the Green Mountains. It's lakefront. She would have driven through the mountains and left them behind by the time she got to Burlington.

I've been reading about MM for years now and don't recall anyone coming up with any hypothesis about why she would be carrying directions to Burlington. I lived there for many years and can't make a connection myself. Any ideas?
... it seems unlikely to me that an abortion would be a reason to go to New Hampshire or Vermont. First, I am pretty sure you don't need a week out of your routine to recover from an abortion. Second, abortions are not hard to come by in Amherst.

Being a nursing student, she probably was aware of how fragile medical confidentiality is, especially when it involves someone within the profession. I can very easily imagine why an Amherst nursing student would want to get out of town for an abortion.
[...]Maura may have been going away to have an abortion. A couple things made me think this. The fact that she mentioned a death in the family[...]

I missed that subtle connection. Very interesting!

Concerning what maura brought with her: Click on this link and then click on the third photo and you can see the clothes and everything else maura brought on her trip. Some believe there was much more than what is in this picture. But you can clearly see the black bag this stuff was in right next to maura's sister and it looks like it has been emptied to display all of the contents.

Wow! If that's all she packed, it doesn't make sense. You mention some believe there was much more than shown - any idea what happened to it?
Wow! If that's all she packed, it doesn't make sense. You mention some believe there was much more than shown - any idea what happened to it?

I am not one of those at all that believe maura brought more than what is shown. The rest of her stuff could be found back at her dorm (In my opinion and my opinion also believes that the murray family knows this).
This is a repost from last september.

I try not to just throw willy-nilly theories around like maura was sleeping with her dad or maura had bullimia or maura's dad likely killed her.

I kind of try and use the information that is out there and available to begin the narrative on what happened to maura and not make huge leaps or guesses on things that will sound good in a book.

I didn't just come up with the mountain theory out of my behind.

Here is what I posted back in September. I still may be way off base and I would be OK with that. I would love to come up with a new theory about maura and not think that she took her own life. I really would.

More on Maura's possible destinations and an article excerpt in which Billy's mom addresses something Fred had chillingly mentioned to all of his children.

This is an excerpt from an article done by the New Hampshire Union Leader in 2007, quoting Fred Murray

Murray has many fine memories of runs and hikes with Maura, but one of the best was the autumn before she disappeared.

"We were concluding our collection of 4,000-footers. I was doing the last three I hadn't done." One day, they hiked to Owl's Head; the next day 23 miles on three 4,000-foot peaks.
"Then she whipped out of her knapsack for finishing my 48th, a Long Trail Ale, and handed it to me on the summit of West Bond.
" It was typical Maura," Murray said.

This was just months before Maura went missing that her and her father hit up these mountains in the White Mountains (the place Maura went missing from)

Here is another excerpt that I had already posted on here before but will do again
This is from an article done by a boston globe correspondent.

"Murray's father said he also discovered a note card that mentioned Burlington among many personal belongings she had packed in her car. The two last visited the northern Vermont city on Columbus Day weekend, when they hiked nearby Camel's Hump Mountain and Mount Mansfield."

This article was written just 12 days after Maura went missing. These mountains specifically Mount mansfield and camel's hump are in the stowe vermont area.

Concerning Maura's last minute map searches before she disappeared:
Notice she didn't have one specific place in mind which would kind of rule out the "meeting someone" theory. Stowe vermont is quite far from the White mountains (Just under three hours apart from one another). If Maura "had plans for a new life or plans to go somewhere specific" she wouldn't have been scrambling to find a place to go with such a variety in distance on the very same day she went missing.

Onto Fred and Sharon,
Just something to ponder and both Fred and Sharon have said publically that neither one of them believe Maura has taken her own life, but it is hard to get around this quote .

this excerpt from an article also came from the new hampshire leader union in 2007

Early on, her father, Fred Murray, briefly considered Maura may have committed suicide.

When police assembled the Murray and Rausch families to brief them on the investigation, Maura's father "moaned and rubbed his head and said, 'Oh, no,' " according to Sharon Rausch, the mother of Billy Rausch, Maura's then-boyfriend.

"I remember Fred said, 'I always have told the kids when I got old and worthless I was going to climb my favorite mountain with a bottle of Jack Daniels and drink myself to death.' That was emotional. He thought what if there was something he didn't know about," Rausch said.
Athletes are used to packing light. Sometimes I pack three sets of work out gear, a sweater, a couple of decent pullover shirts and what I'm wearing. My favorite workout pants are black and can pass for nice knit pants with the right top and sweater or jacket. You don't need all that much if you are going to run, hike, and sit in front of the fire. I also do laundry every day or two if the hotel or condo has laundry.

The tooth whitener really convinces me she wasn't considering suicide.
Unless she has your car and would have had to pick you up in the morning anyway, and there's crap all over the bed in her dorm room because she hasn't unpacked, in which case it would make total sense: "So I'll just see you later tonight and crash on the other bed, so we can get a quick start in the morning and you don't have to come get me."

Unpacked what ? Maura must have slept in her bed after work on Friday ?

The more I think about it then the more I feel that Fred is really too lax regarding mauras drinking

Let's assume maura had a key to the hotel room if we believe Fred not knowing she was there until 10am . So Maura has a drink with dinner - Fred let's her drive his car to a party where she will be drinking more ...and then instead of walking to bed then the plan is for her to drive back to the hotel . That's so irresponsible on both their parts

Unless Maura convinced Fred she wouldn't be drinking but I'd be dubious if any child of mine wanted to go to a late night dorm party and reckoned they wouldn't be drinking
Unpacked what ? Maura must have slept in her bed after work on Friday ?

The more I think about it then the more I feel that Fred is really too lax regarding mauras drinking

Let's assume maura had a key to the hotel room if we believe Fred not knowing she was there until 10am . So Maura has a drink with dinner - Fred let's her drive his car to a party where she will be drinking more ...and then instead of walking to bed then the plan is for her to drive back to the hotel . That's so irresponsible on both their parts

Unless Maura convinced Fred she wouldn't be drinking but I'd be dubious if any child of mine wanted to go to a late night dorm party and reckoned they wouldn't be drinking

My guess is that he didn't expect to see her until the morning. When she showed up at 3 am, he just accepted it and went back to sleep. Maybe to him, she was acting like a kid doing unpredictible things such as that. JMO
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