NJ NJ - Brielle, WhtFem 18-30, UP2274, hit by train, blue rosary, clothes, scars, Jun'08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'd like to throw out the possibility that this doe is Canadian. My friends and I (teens at the time) wore those bracelets but not out of religious affiliation, just as a fashion trend. I wish there was a brand available for the winter-themed sweater, as it reminds me of items sold at Northern Reflections - a store at the mall geared towards older ladies, but also had kids stuff sometimes, and is nowadays popular to thrift. They sold a lot of bird/nature/seasonal graphic pullovers.

Additionally, the New York tote bag gives off tourist vibes, and the black pants look like the flared Lululemon leggings that were super popular around the time too. The nail polish art makes me think she's on the younger side as well.

Maybe I missed it, but is there proof that she committed suicide vs. fell/was pushed onto the tracks?

I will do my best to look at Canadian MP's around this time.
Thanks for bumping!

I've been looking into this one for a long time. The rosary/jewelry, while inexpensive, has been difficult to pinpoint. It seems that multiple groups of people wore them at the time, be it for religious or fashion reasons. I've had some folks reach out as well saying that with the release of the Twilight films, the bracelets were sometimes worn because of that.

The combination of the rosary and the bracelet may point to more of a religious affiliation, but, of course, no reason to rule anything out at this juncture.

The reports I have examined from law enforcement haven't noted specific brands of clothing, as most labels were worn. I can check to be sure, but, offhand, I remember Playtex underwear, Adidas sneakers, and one of the shirts was from GAP. That was all as far as names went.

The sweater was one I tracked down to a brand called Morning Sun. They seemed to be sold in K-Mart and the like at that time, but it's entirely possible they were purchased secondhand as well.

Based on the autopsy and incident reports, there was no evidence suggesting how she ended up on the tracks, be it intentional or otherwise. The only thing that even suggests one way or the other was that the engineer stated he saw "white debris" on the tracks, which sounds like he was seeing the shirt she had tied around her waist, but, again, not definitive either way. I can go back and get the exact wording, but that was the basis of it.

The New York bag, area maps (never specified as to which areas), tan on the extremities, and the Islander newspaper scraps (points to a few miles to the south, Long Beach Island), makes me think she have been down the shore there for work. Again, that's just speculation.

This case is so prime for genetic genealogy. I pray it goes that way. NJ forensic anthropology is clearly interested — hers is among the longest exclusion list I’ve seen.

We were trying to work on this with NJ Transit police, but the response we had gotten was that DNA had been submitted, probably to CODIS, so it's a matter of family members or anyone else submitting DNA and it matching. Obviously, this isn't exactly the route we were hoping for, so we've been trying to stay in contact to open up the possibility of the DNA Doe Network or some of the other DNA initiatives to help clear some of these cases. I do think it may be somewhat jurisdictional, as multiple agencies responded to the scene.

I doubt this was a suicide. She had no pants on. It looks more like she was assaulted and left unconscious on the train tracks.

Very hard to say. The autopsy did not make any mention of the possibility, though, of course, the autopsy is going to focus on the observable facts, nor were there any notes of injuries that would suggest sexual assault. Of course, given the fact this was a train collision, it is not easy to determine if any injuries or bruising occurred prior to death. It is possible that, as she was near a body of water, that the pants had become damp and she had tied a shirt around her waist as a makeshift skirt, especially if the temperature were a bit chillier in the evening and the cold won't be kind with damp clothing.

Unfortunately, there are so many ways to speculate in this instance.
She is a little too young but since she resembled the reconstructions I have sent the match through Doe Network:

Ewa Wołyńska
Age in 2008: 16 years old
Date of disappearance: 2002/04/05
Age on the day of disappearance: 10 years old
Height: 138 cm
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing characters: pierced ears with earrings
Last place of stay: Karlino
Country: Poland

April 5, 2002 - Karlino, a small town located in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. 10-year-old Ewa Wołyńska, a fourth-grade primary school student, returns home on Friday around 2 p.m. She is in a good mood and there is nothing disturbing in her behavior. A moment later, she goes out to the yard to play with his peers. After about two hours, the girl reports home. She really wants to go out again to continue having fun with her friends. The 10-year-old's mother, Mrs. Grażyna, does not agree to it at first, but after a while she allows her daughter to leave the house. During this time, she takes care of her younger daughter on her own. However, she looks at her daughter through the window to check what Ewa is doing. She notices her in the company of an unknown girl. She points out that the girls are very similar to each other. The stranger had short black hair and a distinctive jacket with red elements. And although she looks shorter than Ewa, it seems that the girls are the same age. The last time Mrs. Grażyna sees her daughter, she goes with a stranger towards the nearby forest.

When Ewa does not show up at home for bedtime an hour later, her confused and concerned parents notify the police. Additionally, with the help of neighbors, they comb the nearby area. The services are conducting large-scale search operations. They took part, among others: police tracking dogs, groups of divers, and army platoons. Every part of the nearby river was checked very carefully. Unfortunately, it did not bring any results and the girl "disappeared" into thin air. The father of the missing Ewa searched for his daughter in the country and abroad for many months on his own. The parents consulted detectives and clairvoyants. With no effect. The 10-year-old's image appeared on television programs, on websites and in newspapers.

The hypothesis that the girl had drowned was quickly ruled out because the area around the river and the river itself were carefully checked. It was speculated that Adrian M. may be related to Ewa's disappearance. M., who was behind the kidnapping of Maja from Wołczkowo in 2015. However, no evidence was found that could confirm this thesis.

During the investigation, it turned out that on that day and a few days earlier, a suspicious car with foreign registration numbers was driving around the area. Many of the neighbors believed that Ewa could have been abducted and taken outside the country or fell victim to a pedophile network. However, these assumptions could not be confirmed either.

Grażyna and Józef Wołyński are still waiting for the case to be solved, believing that new information will emerge that will bring them closer to finding out the truth. Due to the above, Ewa Wołyńska is still considered a missing person.

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