AMBER ALERT NJ - Dulce Maria Alavez, 5, abducted at Bridgeton City Park, 16 Sept 2019

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So I hate to say this, but I am sure some are thinking it, if Dulce was abducted, chances are she is not alive, sorry, so where is her body? UGH, usually most times the abductor doesn't keep the body near them. She should have been found by now, no? That could be a good sign, at least I am thinking it could be
Do we know where mom was parked? Reports say she was 30 yards from the playground but if that's the other side of the basketball courts, that's too far away (at least according to Google maps).

So with Burt St being the alleged exit, the person either may have decided to go far, far away OR they may gone back into the park (worst case). If someone were to have nefarious motives, that park is densely wooded with lots of water and there'd be little reason to leave it. It's a long, slow, winding course to get out.

There are a few service roads that would get the driver over to the other side of the park, if they are open enough for a regular vehicle (and/or not chained up). It depends on how confident this person was about driving on regular roads.

If he wasn't staying in the park, then I'm guessing that Rt 77 or Rt 49 would be the fastest way out in any direction. North, East or West were the only way he could go and North or West were the only directions he could go in the long run, unless he lives locally.

I'm wondering when this vehicle will turn up. Either he owns it and is very brazen. Or he'll ditch it somewhere. Of course, there's always the chop shops of Newark.
He may not have been concerned at first since he appears to have taken her and driven away before she was even reported missing.

Also, as you probably know, there are many many back roads that will zigzag along in every direction. No need to take major roads like 77 or 49. He could head towards the Delaware River/Bay area and the myriad of roads and small towns along there. He could head east to other towns like Port Norris and Mauricetown and even reach the Jersey coast. He could take backways through Salem and Salem County could eventually head west and north without hitting a main road.

I still believe (and hope) he is local to the area, at least enough to know his way around and to/from that park and Bridgeton. I grew up in this area and knowing these roads and this park location is due to having visited and traveled them, not at all a random thing.

My dad had an affinity for driving back country roads and pretending we were lost, but all was not lost on me. :)

I guess my sad point is he could be anywhere by now.
I agree with all of this, and would add:

What does "red" mean? HOW red? Candy apple red? Brick red? Burgundy? This applies to the pants and the van.

I can't think of the last time I saw a red van that was not a work van. Burgundy, yes, but bright red? No.

IRDK, but did they specifically say it is a bright red? TIA!

The reason I'm asking I see various shades of dark red in mini vans.

I dont know why I envision an older model full size van though with the long sliding door on the side. Many of those came in various color choices including red.

When I think of a work or utility van, I think of them being white for some reason, whether they are older or the new ones. Maybe, I just think that way because white is the most bought color no matter if its cars, SUVs, trucks, vans or even semis. Etc.

Of course anyone can buy a van of any color to use it as a work van.

Until I read indepth about Joe Duncan, and learned about him saying he actually chose a bright red colored jeep to rent, over several other color choices when he traveled several hundred miles to find, and then kidnap, Shasta, and Dylan, I had always envisioned most pedophiles driving white vans. On his blog page found by the FBI he said he knew most everyone thinks the same, and think they all drive only the most generic looking vehicle. (Paraphrasing)

Of course sex predators will act very quickly when they see an opportunity to nab a child, no matter what they may be driving at the time.

While I know most seem to have written off Dulce being taken by a stranger sex predator, I've not done so.

Once irrefutable evidence comes forth from LE as to who really kidnapped her, I still have it as a strong possibilty.

Whomever has kidnapped Dulce, and ripped her away from her mom, grandparents, and family members/friends, and community must be found ASAP, and severely face the harshest punishment allowed. No one had a right to take her away from her family who are worried sick not knowing who took her, why, or if she is dead or alive.

Very rarely does anyone kidnap a small child who has good intentions when they do so. :(

In fact at the moment ,I cant think of a case like this one with the same circumstances where the offender did it for honorable reasons.

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Local news ABC 6 Action News reporting this afternoon that bloodhounds are still searching the park today and that FBI is at the family's home interviewing family members. No implications or discoveries. Dulce still missing, van and suspect not yet found.

Unless this guy was a figment of all the witnesses' imaginations, LE should be able to find him. Vivid description of him, his clothing, his vehicle. Can't hide forever. JM (hopeful) O
A red van, how hard can that be in that area?!?! Put it all over the news, everywhere. Red is an unusual color for a van. Someone knows this person!!!

I can understand if anyone is here already illegally doesn't want to come forward in person to talk with LE.

Varying individuals for many, many reasons may fear it becoming known they have provided vital information to the police.

That is the very reasons why Crimestoppers were enacted across our country, and when rewards have been setup for information.

The word spreads quickly in communities that it is a totally safe way to provided needed information, without ever disclosing who they are to anyone, including the police or to receive the rewards.

That is why it's been so highly successful for many long years now everywhere.

Again - local news just now. Investigation wide open. Nothing is off the table. Important - may actually be a red SUV instead of a red van. Police want to talk to the man seen driving this vehicle.

Cops still searching for missing 5-year-old girl, offering $20K reward

State and local police and the FBI are conducting a search for a thin, light-skinned man, possibly Hispanic, with acne on his face but no facial hair. He could be driving a red van with tinted windows and a sliding passenger-side door. Police say now the car may also be an SUV.

Now, authorities are offering a $20,000 reward for anyone who can provide information that can help find Dulce. The FBI contributed $5,000, as well as the Cumberland County Prosecutor's Office. The other $10,000 has been offered by Newfield National Bank.
Cumberland County Prosecutor Jennifer Webb-McRae said they're still searching for the alleged kidnapper.

"We need to speak to this person and feel that he may have information that will greatly assist us in this investigation," she added. "To our immigrant, undocumented community: We will not be asking questions about your immigration status. We only want information that will help us find Dulce."
Cops still searching for missing 5-year-old girl, offering $20K reward
Bridgeton has one of the highest concentrations in the state of immigrants. About 1 in 5 people in this city are not U.S. citizens, according to U.S. Census data, although many of them could still be in the country legally.

Webb-McRae said Thursday that her office has Spanish-speaking officials helping investigators speak with potential witnesses.

The apprehension that some immigrant neighborhoods have in cooperating with law enforcement was a driving force behind the state Attorney General's Office issuing guidelines last year that limit local police and jail cooperation with federal immigration authorities and civil immigration cases.

"It’s a small reward in the scope of a precious life," a spokesman for The Lakewood Scoop told New Jersey 101.5. "It’s every parent’s worst nightmare, and I can only imagine the nightmare the family must be living through. If this helps even a few more people look out for the little girl and hopefully reunite her with her family, it’s well worth it."
NJ girl, 5, abducted: Immigrant community might be afraid to talk to cops
I am so upset, on my drive home on a major thouroughfare, the huge alert sign was just black. OMG, a child is missing....put up the sign, put up the sign please. What is more important? An electric bill for a few days or a missing New Jersey child with eyewitness to her abduction and god willing and eyewitness to her being found.
Cumberland County Prosecutor Jennifer Webb-McRae said they're still searching for the alleged kidnapper.

"We need to speak to this person and feel that he may have information that will greatly assist us in this investigation," she added. "To our immigrant, undocumented community: We will not be asking questions about your immigration status. We only want information that will help us find Dulce."
Cops still searching for missing 5-year-old girl, offering $20K reward
People have no idea how scared these people are of ICE. When ICE is in town here they literally go underground. Children don’t go too school. We set up food banks and literally deliver the food to their homes. I can’t imagine living with that kind of terror! This is not meant as a political statement, it is just a truth. I am afraid that is what is hindering this investigation.
“We encourage anyone who was at the park to call us,” Webb-McRae said, adding that authorities were offering a total of $20,000 in reward money, given by local business and law enforcement agencies, to information that leads police to the little girl or to a suspect in a possible kidnapping.

Asked by a reporter if she still believed the man who fit that description is the person responsible for the suspected abduction, Webb-McRae said, “I don’t believe anything until we are able to determine how Dulce disappeared.”

Earlier Thursday, an ABC News 6 reporter tweeted a photo of FBI investigators searching the area of the park with bloodhounds. In response to a question about the bloodhounds, the prosecutor said that investigators are following up on any and all possible leads.

Webb-McRae also said that authorities are widening the vehicle search to include both red SUVs and red vans.

“We are looking at red vehicles,” Webb-McRae said. “When you receive descriptions, sometimes they may not be accurate.”

Webb-McRae declined to answer a reporter question about whether she believes Dulce’s mother, Noema Alavez Pérez, is a credible witness.

According to NBC Philadelphia, the Dulce lives with her grandmother, who is her legal guardian.
Missing Dulce Maria Alavez: Police, grandmother ask witnesses to come forward as bloodhounds search park where 5-year-old girl vanished three days ago
Also wondered if abductor knocked the boy's ice cream to distract him? Did the look for any prints on that cup if it was in a cup? The Orange shoes gets me...all the kids that I am around that play basketball are obsessed with sneakers, they WOULD notice this! I hope that they are running receipts for orange shoes sold in the area stores in recent months. I hope that he releases her, just lets her go.
I was out driving before in Woodbridge, NJ on RT 1 S and they had the Amber Alert posted stating Red Van. I wish it was more detailed. But, at least, it was posted since Bridgeton is 2 hours away, about 100 miles or so.

I have no doubt the mother has nothing to do with this. She probably got a little preoccupied with her sister in the car and in those few minutes, Dulce is gone. It's a shame how some of those people down there are judging her, when she made a horrible mistake that she will have to live with forever.
I was out driving before in Woodbridge, NJ on RT 1 S and they had the Amber Alert posted stating Red Van. I wish it was more detailed. But, at least, it was posted since Bridgeton is 2 hours away, about 100 miles or so.

I have no doubt the mother has nothing to do with this. She probably got a little preoccupied with her sister in the car and in those few minutes, Dulce is gone. It's a shame how some of those people down there are judging her, when she made a horrible mistake that she will have to live with forever.

She's also just a kid herself, really!
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