Since the bracelets were easily available to anyone who ever went to the Incline skate place I feel like the bracelet could be a red herring. Does the skate park charge people who want to come in and watch the BMX bikers riding? If entry is free, it might mean that homeless people could come in to get warm, use the restrooms and watch the bikers. Or a homeless man could have gotten the bracelet from a dumpster and found it useful to carry. Besides tying hair back, it could be used to open bottles or jars, connect grocery bags together, seal a plastic bag, hold something on his arm, or to add a grip to a bottle or something smooth that would be difficult to hold in the winter with gloves on. This could be someone who went missing from another state a long time ago. The watch, hoodie and shoes all could have been second hand or donated items. He may not have been reported missing if he is someone who was homeless or mentally ill or a runaway from a group home a long time ago. JMO.