GUILTY NJ - Kara Alongi, 16, charged in abduction hoax, 30 Sept 2012

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I am in two minds over this one...... I am angry because we are dealing with a immature little girl thinking it might be fun to get people to call 911 and obviously after attention............Once she is found, I agree with others above, maybe she should be made to listen in for a day or two on REAL 911 calls and see what is really happening out there and how she has wasted valuable police time...........

BUT saying that, now that we think it is a hoax, I dont think this girl has been prepared for the level of attention she has got and the nasty backlash......I am actually more worried about her now than when I read about the will be really hard to be found and have to deal with what is bound to come her way from her peers.

More like, from the entire Internet....

ETA: Wait, I read your post like you just meant peers at school....
meant peers from everywhere......internet and the ones she knows at school as well as a few are bound to think she has been a bit of an idiot, and I dont know what they are like these days, but I know in my day, the thought of having to go back to school and have everyone talk about me behind my back and the toughies maybe say something to me would have been the scary thing...............let alone what the police might have to say to me.
Any statement from the parents yet?
I don't think Kara is a "little" girl. She is 16. She may not be very mature but 16 is old enough to drive and approach high school graduation. Its old enough to realize that actions have consequences, especially actions that involve lying to authorities.
I think she realized what she was doing when she did it. It would be one thing to say, "Hey all, I'm outta here." But to suggest that she was being intruded upon to all of her twitter associations and then suggest that they call 911....she had to know that the Law would get involved. But not only did she do this with twitter, she left home and allowed those around her, especially her family and siblings, to live in fear....not only for happened to her but for their own safety. That's beyond cruel.
She has also caused her family embarrassment. Its not their fault...but it hurts just the same. My children have done some really dumb things and even though it was their doing, it caused me shame and pain.
I know plenty of 16 year olds....I have reared 4 of my that age, they have some sense of what they are doing.
Maybe Kara didn't realize this would become so huge. But she had to look at other abductions and the attention they garner. She had to know this was wrong in more ways than one.
I just saw a Missing poster for Kara on Instagram. It's been posted multiple times this past hour and has what looks like a still from security footage at the train station. I haven't been able to find the source. Has anyone else seen this?

I don't want to post the pic because I'm not sure if the info is accurate.
Caught on surveillance camera


This is from the train station. She's got her purse, and a rather large backpack with her, which leads me to believe she has planned to be gone awhile. This wasn't a spur of the moment thing.

Photo from:
Grandfather speaks out (with video)

Clark's Kara Alongi, 16, is still missing as of 7 p.m. on Monday night after apparently boarding a 6:47 p.m. train from Rahway Station heading northbound.

Tonight, Alongi's grandfather Paul Alongi Sr. spoke to Patch, pleading for his granddaughter to just come home. He said he spent last night canvassing New York's Penn Station, handing out flyers of his granddaughter's photo.

"We want her to know it's okay to come home," Alongi Sr. told Patch. "We know she's got a great life ahead of her. She has her family supporting her and her friends supporting her. We just want her to know it's okay. Come on home. We just want you, honey."

Alongi Sr. says his granddaughter was not acting unusual preceding her disappearance and that she was in a good mood, especially at a family event earlier in the week.

Video at link:
Updated description of what she was last seen wearing

Alongi was last seen at the Rahway train station around 6 p.m. carrying a blue Eastpack backpack and brown leather tote bag, wearing blue jeggings, tan suede moccasins and possibly wearing a navy blue "Clark Cougar's" t-shirt with the number 2 and the name "Alongi" written on the back or a blue "Colonia Patriots" t-shirt with the letter "C" on the back. Police have obtained a photo of Alongi at Rahway station.

IMO, at least one of Kara's friends knows where she headed. Hopefully someone talks soon.
Caught on surveillance camera


This is from the train station. She's got her purse, and a rather large backpack with her, which leads me to believe she has planned to be gone awhile. This wasn't a spur of the moment thing.

Photo from:

Wow, now I'm even more convinced she met someone, hopefully not online and unknown. Please have let her confided in at least one friend and they come forward.

So this was taken at 6:47 She called the cab at 6? Is that correct? Definite intention of running off, the question is why.

16 yr olds think they know the world but they are so damm naive.

Thankfully the grandfather is speaking, why not the parents?

Just thinking out loud...

what do we think the number 2 on the back of the Clark's Cougar sweatshirt represent!

It sounded from her tweets that she may be on a sports team ( tennis?).

Or could it be the number of a guy on another sport's team?

( I still remember my VB number and my DH's numbers from football...both a "few" years ago in high school! :wink: )

UPDATE, 11:10 P.M.: Clark Police Chief Alan Scherb tells Patch: "We still don't know whether she ran away or if there was any foul play. There are no obvious signs of a break-in and the home was not ransacked.

UPDATE 11:55 p.m.: Clark police chief Alan Scherb has dispelled rumors that Kara was kidnapped.
"We don't feel any foul play was involved," he said. "There was nothing disturbed inside the home."

So is Kara really missing, or is this some kind of joke?

IMO she left on foot and then got into a car further down (probably at the end) of her street. This would explain why dogs tracked her scent a few houses then it stopped.

Her house isn't rural, by any means. I have a hard time picturing an abductor walking or carrying her down, past several houses, then into a car without any witnesses.

IMO, she ran away. But I hope she is ok, safe, and comes home ASAP.

You guys both had it early on. Kudos!!

Clark police said they do not have any reason to believe the 16-year-old girl whose disappearance caused a whirl of activity on Twitter tonight is in any physical danger.

He asked Kara to call police.

Well, what if she was lured away by some creepy adult posing as a teen?

I mean, I saw her tweets. Seems to be a disrespectful girl who also likes to joke a lot. So, she may just be a spoiled brat.

But, she could have been lured.

Or, she could have been abused at home or something and had to get away.

None of us really know. But she's young and needs to be found. Later, the reasons why she did this can be examined.

On another note, can someone tell me why parents aren't more vigilant about what their teens are posting on the internet? My goodness! It is a fact that posts like hers can make people less sympathetic to the missing person and less vested in them being found.

I think parents should monitor more and talk to their kids about the consequences of being public jerks.

This is surely a new world. Every stupid thing a teenager thinks or says is instantly a permanent message on the internet.
Her grandfather had stated he had spent the night passing out flyers at Penn Station. So, it sounds like police (and her family) believe that's where she went.

Now the question is where did she go from Penn Station? Did someone pick her up, and they left the city? Did she take a taxi to someones apartment?

[ame=",-74.134369&spn=0.282713,0.676346&sll=40.692365,-74.132465&sspn=0.282699,0.676346&geocode=FYKaawIdrKCS-yH5xiOKUrcBgSm5RpmHj7PDiTH5xiOKUrcBgQ%3BFfTNbQIdlPKW-yn5tzQUrlnCiTELxignjABkPg&t=h&dirflg=r&ttype=now&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=def&mra=ltm&z=11&start=0"]Rahway to Penn Station - Google Maps[/ame]
Rahway to Penn station

Rahway Stop ID: 95127
North Jersey Coast Line Train towards New York Penn Station
8:54pm - 9:36pm (42 mins, 6 stops)
I've been reading a little about this girl, and just wanted to hop on to a make a comment. I apologize for not having read this entire thread before saying anything, but I got way too overly involved in the Ivy Merck case recently, and just can't get caught up in spending huge amounts of time on any other cases any time soon. I do just want to say though (and I see that at least a couple of other people here would agree) that these cases are starting to make me really ANGRY. These people who run off and cause all this drama and worry and upset should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Ivy Merck was found after 3-4 weeks of being "missing", during which time her friends and family were going through pure hell and agony. One phone call from her could have eased everyone's minds and put a stop to all the resources that could have been better spent elsewhere. Now here we go again!!! What a selfish little brat this girl is. People are going to start rolling their eyes and assuming every case is a hoax, because of these few bad apples who spoil the whole bunch (the "whole bunch" being people who are REALLY, legitimately missing).
I've been reading a little about this girl, and just wanted to hop on to a make a comment. I apologize for not having read this entire thread before saying anything, but I got way too overly involved in the Ivy Merck case recently, and just can't get caught up in spending huge amounts of time on any other cases any time soon. I do just want to say though (and I see that at least a couple of other people here would agree) that these cases are starting to make me really ANGRY. These people who run off and cause all this drama and worry and upset should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Ivy Merck was found after 3-4 weeks of being "missing", during which time her friends and family were going through pure hell and agony. One phone call from her could have eased everyone's minds and put a stop to all the resources that could have been better spent elsewhere. Now here we go again!!! What a selfish little brat this girl is. People are going to start rolling their eyes and assuming every case is a hoax, because of these few bad apples who spoil the whole bunch (the "whole bunch" being people who are REALLY, legitimately missing).

The thing that annoys me is you just know this girl will be remembered just like Chris Crocker and Rebecca Black and all the other Internet celebrities are. But it's an uphill battle just to get people to know the names of missing persons in the first place!
You guys both had it early on. Kudos!!

Well, what if she was lured away by some creepy adult posing as a teen?

I mean, I saw her tweets. Seems to be a disrespectful girl who also likes to joke a lot. So, she may just be a spoiled brat.

But, she could have been lured.

Or, she could have been abused at home or something and had to get away.

None of us really know. But she's young and needs to be found. Later, the reasons why she did this can be examined.

On another note, can someone tell me why parents aren't more vigilant about what their teens are posting on the internet? My goodness! It is a fact that posts like hers can make people less sympathetic to the missing person and less vested in them being found.

I think parents should monitor more and talk to their kids about the consequences of being public jerks.

This is surely a new world. Every stupid thing a teenager thinks or says is instantly a permanent message on the internet.

Her Twitter name is her actual name and public. shouldn't be difficult for her parents or other family member to find her account. Some of her tweets are just hurtful and foul (IMO). If I ever found that my daughter used that language or tone she'd be off the Internet so fast!
I hope she comes home safe, of course.

But I have to disagree that she deserves as much attention as any other missing person, she doesn't.
This girl ran away, faked an abduction and she will likely come home when she is ready. She doesn't want to be found.

I don't want the police looking for someone who doesn't want to be found, when there are other children like Jaycee, Shawn, Elizabeth out there.
Yes there is a risk to a runaway and normally I want them looked for... but faking an abduction REALLY makes me angry.

She does not deserve the same attention that a truly abducted person should get.
The kids lost in the woods, or being held as sex slaves, or that are too young to run away... should get this attention.

Now when someone texts that they are in the trunk of a car, people are going to say "but maybe it's a hoax, remember that girl who faked it?"

(Just to put it out there I do back peddle a bit in the post only because of more details coming out surrounding this case.)

I disagree with you here. 16 years old is still considered a child and the police are obligated to find her even if it is a runaway case. They need to make sure she is safe. What if she met some idiot on the internet and is in danger right now because she was manipulated? We do not know the full details as to why she is gone or who thought this plan out. What if she met a guy and was manipulated into doing this? To be honest there is a good chance that she WAS and that whoever she is meeting is the mastermind behind the tweet being put out and the well thought plan of her leaving. Now that more details are coming out maybe I am wrong and she's not a brat after all. I thought maybe she just took off or something like normal runaways do but this looking more like maybe she met someone on the internet who had a well thought out plan as to how they could meet up.

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