NJ NJ - Margaret Haddican-McEnroe, 29, Warren, 10 Oct 2006

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The article in the link provided by summer_breeze states her father passed away last month. How sad to know he passed without ever knowing what actually happened to his daughter 7 years ago. I just watched the rerun of this story on Disappeared today I was again struck by what a kind man he seemed to be.

There are several things that stand out and point directly to the husband...I see no other alternative and it angers me there is not enough evidence to make an arrest. Unless her body is found, I fear this case will never be solved and he will continue to roam free.

#1 - Did not report her missing until 2 days after she disappeared. Even after he finally did report it to LE, her parents were still not informed, with her Mom calling the house and asking for her and the husband saying she was not home at the moment. The parents had no idea their daughter was missing until told by LE. Most people would have called everyone they could think of if they came home and their spouse was missing having left their baby in the crib alone and apparently still in their PJ's...parents being the first on the list of people to call, in my opinion. Especially, since we know she had made comments about moving back home with her parents!

#2 Husband apparently has a receipt for baby formula on the day she went missing. This does not provide any sort of alibi in my opinion since we have no idea the exact time she went missing...I am pretty sure they did not live 2 hours away from a store so why he felt the need to give this 2 hour timeframe is beyond me unless it took him 2 hours to dispose of her body. I feel this receipt serves no purpose whatsoever and is a very weak alibi if this is what he intended it to be.

#3 - Husband first stated that 11,000 was taken from the home. I know some people do not trust banks but it is rare for people to keep that amount of cash in the home for one thing. The other thing is, he changed the amount twice according to LE, later he stated it was 6,000 and another time he stated it was 5,000. If he cannot keep track of how much money is supposed to be in the home, he really should put it in the bank and let them keep track of it. I doubt there was a single penny missing and what his purpose is here I do not know.

#4 - The husband stating the black duffel bag was missing. It would be nice to know what size this bag was and really if a bag ever existed. I doubt Margaret decided to leave and the only thing she grabbed was the bag and stuffed it with cash, leaving the house and her daughter behind to start a new life elsewhere walking down the street in her PJ's. She would have been seen by someone eventually. I would surely notice a woman in her PJ's walking around with a black duffel bag!

None of these things, though extremely suspicious are enough to convict this creep. I am not even sure if her body is found if there will be evidence. It really makes you stop and wonder how many people actually get away with murder...I would love to see this one resolved and can only hope her father has reunited with his daughter and they are both resting in peace.
If he cannot keep track of how much money is supposed to be in the home, he really should put it in the bank and let them keep track of it. I doubt there was a single penny missing and what his purpose is here I do not know.

His story is he believed she left him after an argument. The idea she took cash supports this idea. I explains why he didn't notify family and authorities right away.

Did one of them work in a cash-intensive business? The story doesn't ring true to me at all.

Whether it's true or not, the missing money "explains" why he didn't call the police- a normal mode of separating from a partner would be to have an argument, take enough money to get started in a new home, and leave without further warning.
His alibi was he was running errands/getting baby formula. I wonder if they have him on camera getting the formula or what?
The officer told the ID show he wasn't going to say too much about the receipt alibi, hinting he might have more evidence that they're not revealing. They may know something only the perp would know, or they may just be trying to psych the perp out into thinking they have something they don't.
There is another thing I find very odd...
he wasn't angry that she left the baby alone,unattended?He didn't call anyone to ask whether they know where she is and WHY she left the baby alone?
Earlier she told someone she'd teach him a lesson about how much work an infant is by leaving him to do the parent duties. Maybe he thought this was part of that stratagem.

I am a parent and would never leave a kid along, BUT I'm willing to take all kinds of risk my wife won't take; even though we agree on the issues. For example, I leave them locked in the car and go into a store as long as I have the car in eyeshot from most places in the store. I let them run and hide at the park, with no fear they'll run off with someone. I let them play rough with only a warning that someone will get hurt and all horseplay must cease as soon as someone says "no thank you".

It is conceivable that a less involved parent than I am, one who allegedly told her she did nothing all day caring for an infant, might think leaving the kid a few minutes is no big deal. I think it's a bid deal, but it's conceivable a reasonable man with no childcare experience might not know how big a deal it is.
In Fact, I think that possibility alone, of loosing his own children, would be enough incentive for him to take that LTD, to prove his own innocence so that the children in his care would not be the slightest concern of them being in any kind of dangers.

Maybe he doesn't trust the lie detector test. I don't trust it at all, so I would be at loss if I were accused of a crime and asked to take one.

A lot about him looks bad, but I don't judge him for this.
1. Does anyone know why Margaret changed her name?

2. Does anyone know who placed the call that got the police to her house the day before her husband and friend say she went missing? Her husband said he downplayed it b/c he didn't want her to get in trouble. Since he was bigger than she was, he was at more risk of trouble. If her were me, a male 5'6" and in average/decent physical shape, it would make a little more sense that he'd worry about her getting in trouble for abusing him.
1. Does anyone know why Margaret changed her name?

2. Does anyone know who placed the call that got the police to her house the day before her husband and friend say she went missing? Her husband said he downplayed it b/c he didn't want her to get in trouble. Since he was bigger than she was, he was at more risk of trouble. If her were me, a male 5'6" and in average/decent physical shape, it would make a little more sense that he'd worry about her getting in trouble for abusing him.

1. She was adopted. Check the first couple of pages of this thread.
Earlier she told someone she'd teach him a lesson about how much work an infant is by leaving him to do the parent duties. Maybe he thought this was part of that stratagem.

It is conceivable that a less involved parent than I am, one who allegedly told her she did nothing all day caring for an infant, might think leaving the kid a few minutes is no big deal.

If it is true he was making degrading remarks to her about the work of a stay at home wife and mother being a job that requires you to do nothing all day long,:notgood: I find it hard to believe that she would choose to teach him a lesson by leaving the baby alone when he is not there to take care of her at that time. Leaving the baby when he is there is a different story. I am sure there are couples where one parent takes on more responsibility than the other when it comes to raising the kids and I am sure there are also couples where one does not help as much and insults the other by saying the job of raising children does not entail doing much of anything, but how many mothers are going to teach the dad a lesson by just up and leaving a baby alone to wait until the father returns? Not many. If she was going to teach him a lesson, she would have waited for him to be home before leaving. From everything I have learned about Margaret, she was a responsible parent and took very good care of her kids. She would not have purposely left her child in a dangerous situation in order to educate the father on the duties required to care for a baby. It would be a moot point if he was not there to do it.
Bumping for Margaret. Just watched the Disappeared rerun again. Can't believe someone's gotten away with this for more than 8 years already...
This case had so much momentum a few years ago and now there doesn't seem to be any new developments. If the husband was involved, than her body is most likely still in Jersey since he only had a few hours. Unless there's some alibi that I'm forgetting. Hope her family gets closure soon.
Hi Guys.........has seen this episode a few times on "Disappeared" and am glad to see it being discussed here...........I am in the camp of suspecting the husband.......will sound sexist saying this but here we go : I think a man is more likely to leave a child alone/unattended than a woman would....I doubt, highly doubt that she walked away. I am sure the neighbors heard plenty over their marriage. I dont sense this was a premeditated act on his part, more like a fight that got out of hand. Maybe he restrained her in a choke hold.

I am sorry to hear that her Dad passed away...he looked like a very good guy.
Still Missing from Warren: Margaret Haddican-McEnroe


It's been more than nine years since Margaret Haddican-McEnroe was reported missing by her husband Tim McEnroe on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2006, two days after he last saw her at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 10.

On Tuesday, Oct. 10, McEnroe left the home at 1:30 p.m., and returned two hours later to find his wife missing and their infant child, six months old at the time, home alone, according to published reports. The reports indicated that McEnroe said cash was missing, but that his wife’s cell phone, broken during an argument the night before, and car were not.
10 years has now passed since Margaret Haddican McEnroe disappeared. Seeing yet another rerun of her "Disappeared" episode, deepened my sadness for Margaret, her deceased father, her mother, & her three girls: & that they still don't know what really happened to Margaret.

I am in agreeance with the camp of people who think/know that the husband is responsible for Margaret's disappearance. I am also in agreeance with all of the husband's suspicious & inconsistent info & activity that has been discussed throughout this thread. There is overwhelming circumstantial & suspicious activity towards that conclusion.

My greatest sadness for the family is that in my honest opinion, the police failed them in the 1st days of Margaret's disappearance. In my opinion, the police didn't do enough due diligence on the day of & in the immediate days following Margaret being reported missing. The lack of evidence to arrest the "person of interest", her husband, is partly because of the lack of immediate & thorough searching of the McEnroe home & property. The police had enough suspicious info & behavior pointing to the husband for them to have at least obtained a warrant (if one was needed) to search the McEnroe home for any signs of any trace evidence & blood. Since the husband had a little over 48 hours to clean up any obvious signs of a crime, perhaps, even using luminol to search for trace blood in the home & a dog to search the home & property for smells of decay could have yielded enough evidence to obtain an arrest warrant.

With that being said, & since all the circumstantial pieces weren't enough for the police to move forward against the husband, what will it take now for their to be an arrest & conviction???
Margaret Haddican-McEnroe was last seen at approximately 1:30 p.m. on October 10, 2006, at her own home Warren Township, New Jersey. Her husband says he left for the store to buy baby formula at around 1:30 p.m. That’s the last time he saw her.

“I spoke to her the Monday before she went missing. She had called me during the day and she asked if she could bring the kids over the next day,” said Margaret’s mother, Eileen Haddican. And then I spoke to her again at night and [sic] she said she wouldn`t be coming over that night, that she was coming over the next day, and that she would leave the kids and then go back and get some stuff because she had asked if she could stay with us. It was more of a, ‘Would it be all right if I came over with the kids? Could we stay for a while? Could we stay forever? [Sic]I`ll be over tonight.’”
Nearly five years since a 33-year-old mother of three vanished from her home on a sleepy, shaded Warren Township road, authorities revealed today that her husband, Timothy McEnroe, is now a person of interest in the cold case.

McEnroe, a landscaping contractor, is allegedly the last person to have seen his wife when she disappeared on Oct. 10, 2006. He reported her disappearance two days later.
Anyone with information about Haddican-McEnroe is asked to contact the Somerset County Prosecutor's Office Major Crimes Squad at (908) 575-3400, Warren Township Police Department at (908) 753-1000 or the Somerset County TIPS Line at (888) 577-TIPS (8477). All calls will be kept confidential.

Find Margaret Haddican-McEnroe: https://www.facebook.com/Find-Margaret-Haddican-McEnroe-238149799536102/



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Bumping for Margaret. 13 years is too long with no answers. Sadly I didn't see anything in the press this year for the anniversary.
Does anyone know if the unidentified female remains found in Old Bridge were ever compared against Margaret? The remains were only skeletal but there were mentions of some dental fragments found. I was curious if these dental records could be compared with Margaret's. There was also mention from the unidentified remains of a healed fracture of the nasal bone. If there was history of domestic violence between Margaret and Tim - could this be an old injury from one of their fights?

Here's a link to the unidentified female remains that were found:
New Jersey State Police - Unidentified Persons - Middlesex County

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NamUs: UP1457

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