NJ NJ - Margaret Haddican-McEnroe, 29, Warren, 10 Oct 2006

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I wonder if the husband has taken a polygraph yet. I believe he has refused to take one. He also hired an attorney. Why is he not cooperating with LE? I still think that he has something to do with his wife's missing. He has a landscaping business so it is hard to tell where she might be. I don't believe that she would have just left and left her two babies alone in the house. Sounds to me like something bad happened to her.
Um, sorry to burst your bubble but you must have me confused with someone else.

And just so you know, JerseyGirl is not a very original username. In fact, there was once a small-time singer by the name of Bruce Springsteen with a little known hit that mentioned Jersey Girl in its title. Maybe that song wasn't widely known outside of this area but not one single person in the tri-state area can say that they haven't heard the song.

Also, you can't walk past a single store on the local boardwalks in NJ without seeing t-shirts, dolls, postcards, etc., with the term Jersey Girl on them. My young daughter has a cheerleader doll with the words Jersey Girl across its chest. Even Eckerd, Rite Aid, and Hallmark stores in this region have Jersey Girl merchandise. It's a VERY common nickname in this neck of the woods, probably thanks to "The Boss". My point is that there are probably dozens if not hundreds of Jersey Girls on the Internet. Sadly, I'm not all that unique.

In any case, the song is where I got the name from and I chose it because the original case I was researching here nearly two and a half years ago was about a missing woman in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey. I wanted my username in those discussions to reflect that I am from NJ. I have been an active member here for that entire time, mostly on the Janet Abaroa forum but many others as well. I know nothing about Margaret Haddican-McEnroe other than what the articles state but I do hope that some answers will be found soon to end the suffering of those that care about her.

ETA: Maybe now that I see your post, I should add a disclaimer under my username. I'm off to do that right now.
Dear Jersey Girl: I do sincerely apologize for the mistaken identity on this board. This was my first time posting here ever, and I've posted to the wrong person.
Please forgive. I probably shouldnt have posted that post at all, but I just couldn't take it anylonger, the other jersey girl, the post was intended for, not to say my peace. This is a very complex case, and does not need anymore untruths tolds and expected to be believed.

Again, I do apologize.

Just so everyone wil know:

The Jersey Girl my post was intended for: is Margarets suppose to be, best friend in New Jersey.

Thank You all.
amgel: So the "girlfriend" who advised the husband not to report her missing for two days was actually screwing around with the husband?

What do you think actually happened? Do you think the husband killed her or the girlfriend did it? (I think she is dead.)

Where would he/she/they get rid of a body?

Oh, and by the way, welcome to Websleuths!
I remember reading that the close friend of Margarets told the husband not to report Margaret missing for two days. It just kind of went over my head but now that you bring it up it does bother me. I wonder if they were having an affair? If so, are the two of them involved with Margaret missing or just the husband. If Margaret confronted him something bad could have happened to her and he has hidden her well. He does own a landscaping business.

I just don't buy that Margaret took off with $11,000 to make a new life for herself. What kind of a mother takes off and leaves her tiny baby in the crib or playpen but herself? Seems to me she would have taken the baby to a friend and asked her to babysit for awhile and then left in her car with her belongings. But Margaret supposedly left with all of that money but no car and nothing else. What did she do load the money in a bag and start walking!
I don't know how close LE is looking at the husband but anytime the husband refuses to cooperate with LE and won't take a poly unless they can do it on their own terms sends up red flags to me. If he murdered Margaret I hope he doesn't get away with it.
I just don't buy that Margaret took off with $11,000 to make a new life for herself. What kind of a mother takes off and leaves her tiny baby in the crib or playpen but herself?
I'm not really sure what I think happened in this case but I do believe that mothers and fathers are capable of that and much, much worse. We've seen horrific stories here at WS and elsewhere over and over and over again that prove that fact.

I know a person who watched her toddler cousins stand in their doorway and cry and cry as their mother packed her luggage into her new boyfriend's car. Apparently he didn't want the responsibility of kids so she decided to leave hers behind. In spite of the kids sobbing and calling out hysterically "Mommy, please don't go", she got into the car and never looked back. This was many years ago and the mother never came back. Just hearing that story chokes me up. I could NEVER leave my children. But sadly, people do it all the time.
I'm not really sure what I think happened in this case but I do believe that mothers and fathers are capable of that and much, much worse. We've seen horrific stories here at WS and elsewhere over and over and over again that prove that fact.

I know a person who watched her toddler cousins stand in their doorway and cry and cry as their mother packed her luggage into her new boyfriend's car. Apparently he didn't want the responsibility of kids so she decided to leave hers behind. In spite of the kids sobbing and calling out hysterically "Mommy, please don't go", she got into the car and never looked back. This was many years ago and the mother never came back. Just hearing that story chokes me up. I could NEVER leave my children. But sadly, people do it all the time.

I hear what you are saying but we haven't heard anything about Margaret that would make us believe that she would do that. She didn't run around at the bars and she didn't run around on her husband that we are aware of. It sounds like the only time she ever left a child was when she was in the service. She was fighting her parents who were trying to get custody of the oldest child. Her friends all say that she would never leave her babies behind and she would never just leave them home alone either. There is nothing in her past that would lead anyone to believe that she would grab the money and run. I might be wrong but so far nothing points to her being the kind of person that would do something like that.

I would never have left my kids either. I raised 4 kids alone from the ages of 9,8,7, and 4. Believe me, there were times when I could have run out of the house screaming at the top of my lungs and never looked back but I didn't. The fighting used to really get to me! But we made it and they all turned out to be great adults...thank God! I would have died before I would have left my kids or someone would have taken them from me.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying that she did or didn't take off but I just don't know yet what I think is the most likely scenario. I also haven't read anything other than the articles so you know much more about this than I do.

Why were her parents trying to get custody of her one child?
Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying that she did or didn't take off but I just don't know yet what I think is the most likely scenario. I also haven't read anything other than the articles so you know much more about this than I do.

Why were her parents trying to get custody of her one child?

I believe she is dead. It has been too long for her not to contact someone about her children. Have the cops done anything about this case or have they just said she ran. If she did run (which I highly doubt) she would have to be so cold not to wonder about her kids. I guess the more I think about it I gues it does happen, but in this case I believe that someone killed her. Have the cops looked deeper into the friendship between the husband and friend? Did she have any secrets, such as a biyfriend or such. I really just need some type of news in this case it makes me so sad.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying that she did or didn't take off but I just don't know yet what I think is the most likely scenario. I also haven't read anything other than the articles so you know much more about this than I do.

Why were her parents trying to get custody of her one child?

I think the parents wanting the older child had something to do with the fact that they had raised her for quite a while when Margaret was in the service and they didn't want to let her go when Margaret came home for good. I think this was discussed on CTV forum by some of the family or friends of Margaret. I know that Margaret wasn't going to let them have her oldest daughter and they had been fighting in court from what I understand.
amgel: So the "girlfriend" who advised the husband not to report her missing for two days was actually screwing around with the husband?

What do you think actually happened? Do you think the husband killed her or the girlfriend did it? (I think she is dead.)

Where would he/she/they get rid of a body?

Oh, and by the way, welcome to Websleuths!

Thank you for the Welcome AlwaysShocked and Jersey Girl! Hello Again,

I am still so sorry for my post against you Jersey Girl, I'm so glad youre forgiving of me. LOL, the Jersey person I was suppose to post to was Jersey Friend, like Bobbisangel commented.

I was way offf, I saw Jersey and guess I saw red that day!

Yes, Margaret's friend in New Jersey, JerseyFriend screen name: was astranged from her husband at the time Margaret disappeared, and he was seeing another woman actually I heard from what I feel a very reliable source. Seems this friend of both Margaret and Tim's, because she too was in the Landscapping Business. Another whole story there.

When Margaret first disappeared from her home and left her infant in the crib, my first thoughts were here are these two people both in the Landscapping Business! Access to Lime, and other ways to rid a body instantly. Machinary, etc. Sent up great big hugh RED FLAGS to ME.
Only my OP. Having experience with this type thing in another case, is the only reason it threw up flags here.

Then when Nancy Grace's story aired, and Father Haddican mentioned that Margaret had been to his house the day before, angry and cussing and wanting a Divorce? I figure she musta found out something she didnt like at all to actually make that harsh of a statement wanting Divorce to her father. Then it came out also, that there was a disturbance call to Margaret's home the day before too. But when Police got there, she had already left and there was no report on any family violence that day.

Margaret had 3 children, all girls, age 9, that belonged to another father other than Tim's. Name unknown to the public. The infant and other child in daycare I think around 22 months old but both Tim's children.
Theres always the scenerio that Margaret found out about an affair or whatever the cause for her to tell her dad she wanted a divorce?
That ole Tim might just be one of them fathers, who cops the attitude that he ain't gonna be a weekend dad? via Divorce?

Then you have Margaret's Adoptive Parents in New Jersey, who had tended to Margaret's oldest daughter while she was in the Service.
These grandparents to this child didnt wanna give up custody of this child when the mother left the service and got her back and married and went on with her life having 2 more children. That was one thing that really irked me, when Margaret came up missing, that the Haddican family only wanted the 9 yr old child in their custody and went to court to get it. This childs father sided with these people, him being the oldest child father, he could now have visitation, from these people, but was not allowed any with Margaret. And there was just cause and just reason for this. On behalf of Margaret's knowledge and wishes! I'll let you all fill in the blank here. But the Haddican's did not even try to get the other children in their custody? They only went after the 9 yr. old. There is reason for this too, if you think about the fact the Mother was in the Service?
I'm trying to tell you all something here! But am not at liberty to say it out right. Not just MOP.

And Last but NOT Least! we have JerseyFriend! in the same business, Landscapping as Margaret's Husband Tim? A whole nother Story here too.
Reasons to have doubts about this person for sure! but not at liberty to say anything here again. But, I can tell you this, She does not have me FOOLED! with her posts, that she cares so much for Margaret and is her best Friend? NOPE! I have quiet a few choice things to say to that girl! I've held my tongue long enough,! A half way decent friend, of mine, would be at that Police Station on the first day my friend went missing, begging for the Lie Detector Test! to clear ME, so they could move into the right direction of their investigation! But nope! She tell Tim, Margarets husband to wait 2 days to call police about his own wife missing? Why was this?

And well, since I posted here last time, my first post here, today, I've read another posters post that pretty much hits the nail on the head about the family in New Jersey, and their doubts about their sincerity of their actions. I can tell you that poster is not off coarse at all, but thats all I'm at liberty to say on that too. Sorry theres so much I dont' feel at liberty to say here tonight on this case. But I feel it is not my place to tell the public certain information, it is the families. But there is certainly many people in this case that have motive and just cause to want Margaret out of the picture forever. However! I am still hoping and Praying that Margaret beats all odds here, and did up and leave on her own. I'm so holding out hope for this for this family that she will turn up alive and well. Well, I hope I havent confused everyone even more than you might have been before. I didnt mean to do that if I did. I was only speaking my own thoughts and knowledge on this one. Again, thank you for the welcome. I am following this case as close as I'm allowed to as just one concerned citizen. If I hear of any further truths I can share, I certainly will do so. Thanks. nancy
I am still so sorry for my post against you Jersey Girl, I'm so glad youre forgiving of me. LOL, the Jersey person I was suppose to post to was Jersey Friend, like Bobbisangel commented.

I was way offf, I saw Jersey and guess I saw red that day!
Please don't give it another thought, Nancy. I wasn't offended at all; I realized that it was a case of mistaken identity. And I've had my share of days during which I've seen red, so really - no hard feelings at all.

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My comment today is:

Dear Ms. Grace:I'm writing to you about the Endangered Missing Person, New Jersey Mother of 3 Fire Fighter, in Warren Township New Jersey.
I am just a Concern Citizen, and Public Advocate for the Missing, Murdered and Unidentified, Volunteer who runs severeal websites and I have Margaret Haddican McEnroe on my case load.

I've listed here the weblink to email Nancy Grace and hope that everyone that reads this post, will join me in sending in their email request also. The more REQUESTS she receives from the Public wanting an update, I believe the better the chance of her actually doing a follow up on her show.
Margaret desperately Needs this type of Media Attention Today.
And any other kind of media attention we can get for her.
I will be copying and pasting this post here today, onto all my other websites, and into bulletins, and also into other forum boards as well as any place I can post it, in hopes to get the public to respond by sending in their request also.
I hope that my email is not the only email Nancy Grace receives!
My hope and prayer is that she receives millions of request!
As you all know, Ms. Grace would do an extensive research of this case as it stands today, before airing anything on this subject matter on her show. Hopefully, the family would be able to get an update of some sort, where as the police are giving what seems no kind of update on Margaret.
It only takes a minute to email Ms. Grace, please join me on this journey to get Margaret the Media attention her case deserves.
Thank You.
I have been thinking about Margaret and wondering if her story has totally dropped out of the news? Isn't anything going on at all? I wonder if LE believe that the husband is innocent or if they are keeping an eye on him. So Margaret's best friend was also a landscaper. Did she happen to work with Tim and maybe they were carrying on behind Margaret's back? Sure does make me wonder as she is the one that said to wait a couple days before reporting Margaret's missing to LE.
I've heard nothing at all about Margaret in a long time. It's horrible how people can simply disappear and time goes on without a big fuss to find out what happened. I pray that her loved ones get answers soon. This has gone on way too long.
I've heard nothing at all about Margaret in a long time. It's horrible how people can simply disappear and time goes on without a big fuss to find out what happened. I pray that her loved ones get answers soon. This has gone on way too long.

I would like to know if the husband has done anything to help find Margaret. Did he put up posters, give money to a reward fund, beg for her return in the media, etc. I can't remember ever reading that he was worried about her or missed her and wanted her back. I also want to know more about that friend of Margarets...if she really was a friend! It would be interesting to know if she spends time with the husband or not.

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