NJ - Newborn boy found on hood of car, Edison, March 2010

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This may be a long shot here, but I hope they have checked perhaps any of the younger residents that live at the nursing home to make sure none of them gave birth to a child and someone may be trying to hide it, like inapropiate sexual relation with a resident etc you get my drift....

I just started cooking in our nursing home here and we have a couple of long term residents who are 30 35 years of age...Like I said could be a long shot...
So glad he's ok. He couldn't have been out there long or he would have been dead, right ?
I'm not excusing the stupidity of whoever left him, but I think their intention was for him to be found right away. I wonder what time the shift ended ?
I'm also thinking he was naked and not bundled up because whoever left him thought he wouldn't be seen or that someone might think it was just a towel or blanket and ignore it.
With all the abused/murdered child cases we follow, it's almost a relief to hear this instead of hearing that the baby was killed and thrown in the garbage.
I read the interview with the woman who found the little guy and I think the most important piece of info is that he was red. That baby was only there for less than a minute or so is my guess. I really wonder if someone didn't see this woman leaving the nursing home and heading out to her car, and lay the child quickly somewhere she'd see him. They could have easily ducked down just a car or two away from her.

I agree that the little arms waving was what got her attention. I want to think that if the woman would have started her car and pulled out, the person leaving the baby would have snatched him back. I wonder how close the car was to the front door?
they left him on top of the car, naked, in the middle of a blizzard. im not getting any warm and fuzzies towards whoever did it, nor does it seem they particuarly cared if the baby was safe or not

there was a hospital around the corner, even if theres no safe haven law, leave the baby in a bathroom or something. jesus christ.
I read the interview with the woman who found the little guy and I think the most important piece of info is that he was red. That baby was only there for less than a minute or so is my guess. I really wonder if someone didn't see this woman leaving the nursing home and heading out to her car, and lay the child quickly somewhere she'd see him. They could have easily ducked down just a car or two away from her.

I agree that the little arms waving was what got her attention. I want to think that if the woman would have started her car and pulled out, the person leaving the baby would have snatched him back. I wonder how close the car was to the front door?

I was thinking/ hoping the same thing.
they left him on top of the car, naked, in the middle of a blizzard. im not getting any warm and fuzzies towards whoever did it, nor does it seem they particuarly cared if the baby was safe or not

there was a hospital around the corner, even if theres no safe haven law, leave the baby in a bathroom or something. jesus christ.

No warm fuzzies here either, but there is a difference between stupidity and malice.
If they didn't care at all, they could have left him on the side of the road, in a trash can or killed him and buried the body.
I definitely don't think we're dealing with wonderful people, but whoever it was could have done something much worse.
It could have been a teenager that didn't know about the safe haven law.
Or someone suffering postpartum psychosis or a mental illness.
I'm not excusing them, I just don't think they left him there to die.
they left him out in a blizzard where who knows how long it would take for someone to walk by.......and it doesnt take a baby long to freeze to death. especially when he has no clothes on. that sounds pretty much like malice to me........especially when there's a hosptial right around the corner!

i got bashed for not wanting a woman who left her toddler safe and sound at a police station crucified.......but im not giving this woman/man/couple (?) brownie points for leaving him onn a roof top instead of in a dumpster.
ITA, kbl, about leaving him inside but I'll take what I can get. For some reason this person wanted this baby found, not dead. I really think this person knew how far the surveillance camera reached and they did not want to be seen. He was red so he really wasn't in danger of imminent death. Of course, it's awful and traumatic and my heart breaks. But you and I just can't get inside these people's brains, I don't think.

I'm playing off the story I've heard for years of women in Korea leaving their babies at police stations as they waited across the street. They knew the babies would be found and safe. Remember the old classic films from the 20s-30s? They would show a poor teen mother forlornly looking lost as can be as they cradled an infant in their arms. They'd approach a church and lay the baby in a special niche and ring a bell. The nuns would come running. Well, think about it, these days aren't much different than the depression in some ways, are they?

Maybe, we need to re-look at the the Safe Haven laws. Given what we all see on here everyday, there's no time to waste.
You didn't get kicked by me. I thought the woman who left the baby at the police station did the right thing. That baby was never in danger for a second. Common sense tells me she did seek out a Safe Haven.
ITA, kbl, about leaving him inside but I'll take what I can get. For some reason this person wanted this baby found, not dead. I really think this person knew how far the surveillance camera reached and they did not want to be seen. He was red so he really wasn't in danger of imminent death. Of course, it's awful and traumatic and my heart breaks. But you and I just can't get inside these people's brains, I don't think.

I'm playing off the story I've heard for years of women in Korea leaving their babies at police stations as they waited across the street. They knew the babies would be found and safe. Remember the old classic films from the 20s-30s? They would show a poor teen mother forlornly looking lost as can be as they cradled an infant in their arms. They'd approach a church and lay the baby in a special niche and ring a bell. The nuns would come running. Well, think about it, these days aren't much different than the depression in some ways, are they?

Maybe, we need to re-look at the the Safe Haven laws. Given what we all see on here everyday, there's no time to waste.

option a) leave them at a police station
b) leave them at a hospital
c) leave at a church.

all acceptable to me.

what is NOT
a) leaving them in a dumpster
b) drowning them in a toilet at the prom (then going back and dancing)
c) leaving him naked on a roof of a car in stinking blizzard.

Anonymous Drop-Off For Unwanted Infants

"In New Jersey, the Safe Haven Infant Protection Act allows an individual to give up an unwanted infant safely, legally and anonymously. The parents — or someone acting on their behalf — can bring a baby less than 30 days old to any hospital emergency room or police station. The Division of Youth and Family Services will take the child into custody and place the infant in a foster or pre-adoptive home."

A comment here. We're all pretty savvy. We know our rights and have a reasonable sense of the laws of our state...right? Do you know the particulars of your state's Safe Haven Law? I didn't. And can you imagine a teen or a frightened, possibly hormonal person knowing them? Are they plastered on restroom walls (like I've begged for)? I doubt it. I also doubt that someone in "trouble" checks the internet. This trick has been pulled since the beginning of time. Is it really any different than the baby in the basket on the front step?

My guess is that this baby was wrapped in the towel and kicked it off when he startled as newborns do. My guess is also that this person was approaching the care home thinking that it was a safe place when the woman surprised them and spooked them into laying the baby on the car and ducking down. I have a suspicion that a young man did this for some reason...possibly a teen who is the father or trying to help the mom. If I were this baby's mom, I'd be very pleased with the outcome, to be honest. I'd be heartbroken but I'd know my baby was safe...that my plan or my boyfriend's plan worked. And we can be sure she's watched.

Just a suggestion. Find your state's Safe Haven Law and print up a stack of them. Carry them in your briefcase or purse with a roll of tape. Stick one up everywhere you go.
if i was the mom and i found out he put the naked baby on a snow covered roof top and left him there to freeze, there would be a homicide involved in this case....just not the baby
kbl--I get it. The little guy was cold. He was in danger. You're talking to someone who melts when a baby's in my arms. When I look at that poor little guy I almost re-lactate and it's been 26 years since I nursed a baby. I get it.

But....and it's a big but....I think he was watched the whole time. Just my gut feeling. And this is not you and me. If you put my baby or your baby naked on a cold car, I would kick your ever-loving butt. However, we're not running from the law, or 16, or doped up. We're clear thinkers. These were not wise things to do but look at the outcome. Have you ever noticed how the Safe Haven laws promise that everything will be anonymous? Well, word on the street is that they'll check surveillance and hunt you down. Of course I wish he'd been warmly dressed, swaddled and gently handed to a nurse. But he wasn't. I'll take what I can get. He's alive and seemingly OK.

It sure as heck beats the frozen riverside or the ditch.
i dont care what your situation is, drugs, 16, scared whatever........

putting a day old baby on the roof of a car in a BLIZZARD WITH NO CLOTHES ON is NOT acceptable, i dont care if you watched from the shadows or not :(

i think i told the story of the teenage couple who hid her pregnency, but when the baby was warm, they wrapped her warmly, put her in a basket (not a trash basket) and put him on the door step of someone who thought would make a good dad, rang the doorbell, then watched from the shadows and made sure he took the baby inside.

was it young, stupid, foolish? yes. but they didnt want anything to happen to her. that i can see.......this is NOT.
I hate to sound like I'm going soft, but sometimes you have to let the end justify the means.
In this case, although what was done was wrong and dangerous, it seems like all of the intended goals were met.
The baby did not die, he was not physically harmed in any way.
The mother, father, or other person that dropped him off is still unidentified. (There are a couple news articles from today, but nothing with new info.)

As of this point, everyone is alive and able to carry on with that life. It's not ideal, but I'll take what I can get.
by the grace of god he was nor harmed, not by the person who left him there
I hope the mother is found, and gets medical treatment as well. Pregnancy carries so many health risks and issues. I don't agree with how the baby was left, but at least it was giving a chance at life. I keep thinking this was a teen, if that is the case then could be the reason he wasn't dropped off inside a building maybe thought she would get in trouble or they would contact her parents. Just my thoughts.
you know im no medical expert, but exposing a naked newborn to a snowstorm for ANY length of time leaves him open to frostbite, hypothermia and death. is there something im missing here?

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