Well well, that went all as I expected...........a total train wreck really.
Blame put onto the hospital staff
Ignores the blood work, including negative blood cultures , says they are basically useless taken approx 1hr prior to death.
Dr Baden you are a disgrace to the medical community, time to hang up your hat Doc.
I had to laugh at the questions about Corey mumbling a few words & Dr Baden asking if that was before or after he was intubated
Geez Doc as if a patient is able to talk after being intubated!!
Of course CG was never going to get on the stand, just more theatrics from this appalling defense attorney.
As to Corey dying of SUDI ( Sudden Unexpected Death In Infancy) , this made me laugh, Corey was 6 years old DOC, not a baby, nor a toddler!
SUDI can be defined as the death of an infant from birth to 12 months of age that is sudden, unexpected and would not have been anticipated to occur 24 h previously in an infant with no known pre-existing medical cause for the death.
SUDI can be defined as the death of an infant from birth to 12 months of age that is sudden, unexpected and would not have been anticipated to occur 24 h previously in an infant with no known pre-existing medical cause for the death.