GUILTY NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death #2 *NG murder, Guilty endangering welfare, agg manslaughter*

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Mario is going back to "the beginning" -- the call. "The child". I'm sorry, that child has A NAME.


5 years old. Mario actually said CG came home to Mommy and Dad's house.

Rather, says it all.


Why did CG, allegedly an ADULT, not become a RESIDENTIAL PARENT to his own son? Ugh. I can't stand this. Senior Gregor, parent extraordinare. Except Corey didn't need a surrogate dad. He had a dad. Why didn't Corey's actual dad step up and be one?

Gregr fmily becaame residential parents of a child they just met 3 months before. Speaks volumes (suggesting unfit mom, drugs, etc) lots of details about how DAVE found out about grandchild, DAVE did the parenting, brought him into his home, graandpa became like a dad while dad was working, nice happy family until January.

In January Bre loses custody and visitation. Why? Drug issue. People have drug issues, but she has drug issue. So now they are the sole parent in charge of Corey wihtin 5 or 6 months of meeting him.

She finally cleans up her act and gets some visitation with her son, that her mother had visitation with but she did not. She gest one day a week and every other weekend.

Christopher moves out of the house in August. Everything is hunky dorey. everything is fine.

Then something happens, that relationship became contentious. Everything was beautiful path and then goes downhill.

Conversation where HE called CPP - concerned she is relapsing. concerned she has entered back into relationship with her exboyfriend. Can I get a bump? Can I get a bump?
treadmill day - CG and BM acrimonious texts and conversations about her being late. We see Corey opearte the treadmill, knows exactly how to operate it. That boy knew wht he was doing. And then we see what we see. I don't like it. You may not like it. But that video has nothing to do with tht boy's death 12 days later.

He didn't endanger. I am not saying that. It was not how I would have handled things. I saw Corey get up and get off that treadmill, I saw him run out.

Name one single Dr. (goes through litany of Dr.s names) that said there was any evidenc eof a bite mark to the top of Corey's head? Not one.
Corey kept getting back on that treadmill, CG only ever put him back on there once. I see him go down on Corey's head. Not one Dr. says that was a bite. It was a frustrated father groaning into his head.
Mario lists all the doctors, none reporting a bite mark on Corey's head. Seriously? It was under his hair.

Mario says CG was frustrated. Corey put himself back on the treadmill. OMG

Mario says it wasn't a bite but a frustrated growl.

I just can't.
Is there anyone who is saying Corey died of treadmill?

No, he died of cardiac arrest following BFT while in the care of his father, the same man seen abusing him.

This can't be sitting well with the jury.
Corey kept getting back on that treadmill, CG only ever put him back on there once. I see him go down on Corey's head. Not one Dr. says that was a bite. It was a frustrated father groaning into his head.
Ridiculous. We can see him open his mouth as wide as possible and push Corey's whole body down. By applying his teeth and pushing down. I am so afraid the jury didn't see that.
Mario is talking about the police officer who witnessed CG playing football with Corey. Yeah, father of the year. When there's an audience.

The treadmill didn't cause Corey to die.

The person willing to torture a child on a treadmill caused Corey to die, from injuries sustained where there were no cameras.

I hope the jury doesn't fall for his fallacy. If Corey wasn't hurt on the treadmill, you must acquit.

I'm not ready for Mario's characterization of B.
he visits Bre 3 days later on teh 23rd. She doesn't alert anybody Corey is hurt. 3 days after treadmill, bruises are different ages. She has him, not an issue, not a word, no call to CPP. the 27th 7 days later this child is trying out for a football team 7 days later the boy supposedly abused on a treadmill is trying out for a football team. 7 days later. 28th NOW she goes to DCPP. I see evidenc eof this, calls police.

I don't have to do a thing and sat there and done nothing. but I called two LOEs who responded to check on Corey. Two.

LEOs say nothing wrong. second one has on prior occassions have seen CG and Corey playing football. Throwing passes. Corey was diving for passes in the end zone. Diving. 6 year olds dive, they fall they bump, hit things. 8 days after treadmill NOTHING wrong with Corey. Every time there is an issue they roll out treadmill. I guarantee before we leave here today we are gonna see treadmill.
does any expert deliniate where the injuries seen on the scan say it came from treadmill? 11 days after treadmill. Bre applies for emergent court order. My son is being abused. She's had him through those days. Why 11 days later does she just do this. Bruises. What does that mean - HAH, maybe I could get custody.
went to court to get custody, didn't get custody, instead of doing what the court said to do and tke him together as parents, she took him by herself. History to Dr. came from Bre. Do you think she told tht Dr. she was using meth?

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