NM - Alexee Trevizo, 19, Charged with murder of newborn in trash can, Artesia, Jan 2023

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Where did you see that interview?
Awesome, Thankyou @Sillybilly :)

There are far more police bodycam videos available than what has been released as well as more (& lengthier) videos of investigators interviewing people. See newly-allowed YT Page link below; There are 18 videos relating to this case


Full Bodycam LE Speaks to Alexee Trevizo's Mother (days after incident) 5:26

Detectives Interview House Supervisor 15:41

Full Hospital Surveillance Video 1:59:09

In Hospital After Giving Birth 1 (unedited) 2:02:10
Unedited Version: Bodycam Shows Alexee Trevizo in Hospital After Giving Birth (1)

In Hospital After Giving Birth 2 (unedited) 1:56:13
Unedited Version: Bodycam Shows Alexee Trevizo in Hospital After Giving Birth (2)

LE Speaks to Alexee's Mother After Alexee's Arrest 3:21
Full Bodycam: Police Officer Speaks to Alexee Trevizo's Mother After Her Arrest

Detectives Go To Alexee's House 2:47
Full Bodycam: Detectives Go to Alexee Trevizo's House

Detective Calls Alexee 1:44
Alexee Trevizo: Detective Calls Alexee

Alexee Ignores Detective Outside Artesia High School 1:00
Full Bodycam: Alexee Trevizo Ignores Detective Outside of Artesia High School

Detectives Interview CNA 19:46
Alexee Trevizo: Detectives Interview CNA

Detectives Interview Triage Nurse 12:56
Alexee Trevizo: Detectives Interview Triage Nurse

Detectives Interview ER Doctor 13:16
Alexee Trevizo: Detectives Interview ER Doctor

Detectives Interview Hospital Housekeeper 11:55
Alexee Trevizo: Detectives Interview Hospital Housekeeper

Detectives Interview Charge Nurse 23:43
Alexee Trevizo: Detectives Interview Charge Nurse

Detectives Interview Registered Nurse 10:00
Alexee Trevizo: Detectives Interview Registered Nurse

Detectives Interview Ultrasound Technician 9:21
Alexee Trevizo: Detectives Interview Ultrasound Technician

Police Speak to Alexee's Family in Hospital 12:21 (FYI: appears boyfriend/infant's father and his mom are also present in waiting area)
Full Bodycam: Police Officer Speaks to Alexee Trevizo's Family in Hospital

Arrest of Alexee Trevizo 17:42
Full Bodycam: The Arrest of Alexee Trevizo
"LE speaks to Alexee's mother after Alexee's arrest"
I see a lot of similarities to my own mom with these two. She was abusive, probably narcissistic, religious and cared A LOT about appearances. If I had been a pregnant teen, I would have considered running away or *something else* harmful to avoid dealing with my mom's reaction. I'd lie about sexual activity, would have hid a pregnancy as long as possible because if you grow up in a Mommie Dearest type situation, you can't react the way a normal kid would. I'm not saying this mom is any of those things but I do think more will come out at the trial that the dynamics in the home were far from typical. Who knows if they even acknowledged it behind closed doors? I've heard of lots of people in denial about being pregnant and hid it the whole time. My stepmom's niece hid a pregnancy and only woke her mom up when she was in labor and none of the family could tell because of the way she carried it. Of course, none of this excuses what was done to that baby but that is not a normal family so I don't think we can expect her to have made rational decisions.
Aside from killing her newborn child, the thing that really hit me hard is that she never identified her baby as being a baby.

“Nothing” didn’t cry. “It” didn’t cry. Over and over.

She tried to wipe away the blood. She tried to hide what was going on. She lied about not having sex. She put her newborn baby in a bag and put him purposely at the bottom of the bin so no one would find him. He suffocated to death. How horrific.

Sorry but no sympathy here. She knew what she did and did it purposely in my opinion. She lied to everyone about everything to cover for herself. No care or worry for this poor baby.

TBH I’m not happy she was released. I’m not happy that she can go to prom. This girl MURDERED her own baby. That’s a fact.

When the grandmother hears from Medical that the baby will be taken for an autopsy, I saw her future flash before her eyes.

All of the descriptions like scared, afraid, terrified fit here. So does stupid. On any given day leading up to this one, what did the girl think she'd do once she began delivering her baby?

We know she tore the baby's umbilical cord as if an animal had ravaged it, according to one witness. That's the action that assures me that she intentionally and knowingly made sure the baby would not live. Her baby died without a name.
Sorry but no sympathy here. She knew what she did and did it purposely in my opinion. She lied to everyone about everything to cover for herself. No care or worry for this poor baby.

TBH I’m not happy she was released. I’m not happy that she can go to prom. This girl MURDERED her own baby. That’s a fact.



I agree what she did was purposeful and she had full knowledge. I also agree she should be punished on a par with others convicted of homicide.

In the exchange between family and LE as events were unfolding, Alexee’s sister said she had extreme “back pain” for over a day already. That means she was in labor for hours, and the baby didn’t just suddenly “drop out”. Full knowledge.

However, I also believe there’s room for empathy. Family dynamics around pregnancy at a young age can be extraordinarily complicated through no fault of the young woman. Teen women often come under extraordinary pressure from home situations. I believe many posters here can remember their teen years as being fraught at home; they have often been in developmentally torturous situations, if not about sexuality, by a myriad of other pressures.

As for going to prom, just all kinds of no. That’s going to play against her in a trial. Her attorney thought that would just be a-okay? She should have been under house arrest with a DOC bracelet, set to release her during the hours of academic school (no extras) IMO. But she hadn’t even been arrested yet? LE didn’t even interview the hospital witnesses in full until April, 3 months after the event. I don’t understand this at all.

I also don’t understand why it took so long to come out of the house when she was being arrested. She should have come out the moment the officers showed up, and said they came with orders to arrest her. This would have been the respectful thing to do. IMO this won’t play well with a jury, either. It makes it look like she was intending to flee (an officer even went around out back, in case she did).
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If I were on a jury in this case, I would want to see Alexee heavily into community service from graduation onwards, or even pumping gas to earn a livelihood. Some functional task that meets community needs and requires some acknowledgment of others and adult responsibility. There has to be some evidence that she’s not self-centered and cares only for herself. So far, we haven’t seen any AFAIK. IMO
Aside from killing her newborn child, the thing that really hit me hard is that she never identified her baby as being a baby.

“Nothing” didn’t cry. “It” didn’t cry. Over and over.

She tried to wipe away the blood. She tried to hide what was going on. She lied about not having sex. She put her newborn baby in a bag and put him purposely at the bottom of the bin so no one would find him. He suffocated to death. How horrific.

Sorry but no sympathy here. She knew what she did and did it purposely in my opinion. She lied to everyone about everything to cover for herself. No care or worry for this poor baby.

TBH I’m not happy she was released. I’m not happy that she can go to prom. This girl MURDERED her own baby. That’s a fact.

No sympathy from me either. As you pointed out, she referred to her baby as “it.” Sure, she’s young and obviously immature but there were no feelings for the baby. She wasn’t upset about her child being dead. The baby was nothing more than an inconvenience to be disposed of and hidden away so she could go on with her life.

Seeing this girl released to go merrily on her way and enjoy graduation along with her peers is abhorrent to me. She could always get her GED in prison, after she’s convicted, like other criminals.
This woman is toast

Oh. She named the dead baby boy Alex after herself? Narcissism much. Or did she have the name before she killed him, in which case she knew she was pregnant and knew it was a boy?

I'm getting very creeped out.

The boyfriend won't have any kind of immunity at trial, correct? So they have him as a witness that Alexee knew about the pregnancy?

I don't see a whole lot that will put the jury in a forgiving frame of mind. In fact, she could get a juror who's had a miscarriage, is unable to have kids, had a baby die....
I see a lot of similarities to my own mom with these two. She was abusive, probably narcissistic, religious and cared A LOT about appearances. If I had been a pregnant teen, I would have considered running away or *something else* harmful to avoid dealing with my mom's reaction. I'd lie about sexual activity, would have hid a pregnancy as long as possible because if you grow up in a Mommie Dearest type situation, you can't react the way a normal kid would. I'm not saying this mom is any of those things but I do think more will come out at the trial that the dynamics in the home were far from typical. Who knows if they even acknowledged it behind closed doors? I've heard of lots of people in denial about being pregnant and hid it the whole time. My stepmom's niece hid a pregnancy and only woke her mom up when she was in labor and none of the family could tell because of the way she carried it. Of course, none of this excuses what was done to that baby but that is not a normal family so I don't think we can expect her to have made rational decisions.
Yeah this whole thing is so weird. The phenomena in general is.

In the video, she’s holding her butt, as if it really is poop she thinks is causing the issue. And she went, willingly, to the ER. She didn’t go off somewhere to have it and kill the baby.

Is it possible that this teen was so deeply in denial that she actually thought the labor pains were related to constipation? And that she had to poop?

I notice that both she and that other young woman who recently threw her baby in a dumpster like garbage, have the same sort of childish tone. My sense is both were super sheltered and had strict mothers who would not allow them to do anything to mar the family’s “perfect” appearance, and were also simultaneously put on pedestals as “good girls” who could do no wrong.

I think these types of girls may learn how to be manipulative and act childish in order to avoid mama’s wrath.

I agree what she did was purposeful and she had full knowledge. I also agree she should be punished on a par with others convicted of homicide.

In the exchange between family and LE as events were unfolding, Alexee’s sister said she had extreme “back pain” for over a day already. That means she was in labor for hours, and the baby didn’t just suddenly “drop out”. Full knowledge.

However, I also believe there’s room for empathy. Family dynamics around pregnancy at a young age can be extraordinarily complicated through no fault of the young woman. Teen women often come under extraordinary pressure from home situations. I believe many posters here can remember their teen years as being fraught at home; they have often been in developmentally torturous situations, if not about sexuality, by a myriad of other pressures.

As for going to prom, just all kinds of no. That’s going to play against her in a trial. Her attorney thought that would just be a-okay? She should have been under house arrest with a DOC bracelet, set to release her during the hours of academic school (no extras) IMO. But she hadn’t even been arrested yet? LE didn’t even interview the hospital witnesses in full until April, 3 months after the event. I don’t understand this at all.

I also don’t understand why it took so long to come out of the house when she was being arrested. She should have come out the moment the officers showed up, and said they came with orders to arrest her. This would have been the respectful thing to do. IMO this won’t play well with a jury, either. It makes it look like she was intending to flee (an officer even went around out back, in case she did).
It’s bizarre that her mom would want her to go. Geez, what happened here was far from normal. A baby was killed. How should her daughter be allowed to carry on like normal? Whether her mom blames her or not, for killing the baby, maybe thinking her kid panicked, does she think it’s appropriate for her to go party?

I mean, even if her mom is convinced that her grandson was born dead (despite the autopsy findings), or that her daughter believed the baby was dead, a child was born and died. But we are going to carry on and celebrate as if he didn’t exist?
No sympathy from me either. As you pointed out, she referred to her baby as “it.” Sure, she’s young and obviously immature but there were no feelings for the baby. She wasn’t upset about her child being dead. The baby was nothing more than an inconvenience to be disposed of and hidden away so she could go on with her life.

Seeing this girl released to go merrily on her way and enjoy graduation along with her peers is abhorrent to me. She could always get her GED in prison, after she’s convicted, like other criminals.
It’s abhorrent to me as well and I don’t think she should have been allowed to go to prom or take sort in graduation. Geez. There has to be some sense of decorum when it comes to her dead baby.

That being said, it is a facet of the phenomena of these women who deny pregnancies and then kill their babies, that they don’t view them as their children or even as human. They view them as an alien thing that is merely evidence they have to get rid of.

They fear being found out for having sex more than they fear killing a living soul that is their very own child.
For that matter, did t her coach or teachers notice?
Yes, in the article Gardenista posted, her coach noticed, but Alexee explained it away by saying birth control pills were making her gain weight.

I ca n't believe the coach didn't inquire further for safety reasons, because it was dangerous for a pregnant woman to be jumping around like that. Besides, it seems the whole school was talking.
I didn't like how the mother acted when she knew they were coming to arrest her daughter and she tried her best to prevent the inevitable or try to assert some parental rights over her personal information. She was very rude about it, like she didn't know exactly what she was being arrested for. I don't believe for a second that Alexee was naive at all. I think she knew for quite a while that she was pregnant and was willing to take her lie all the way to the end of the road. She just isn't a SMART girl, that's for sure...MOO.

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