NM - Man seeks to identify pooping jogger

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Actually... They came close to catching her several times...

but no one wanted to make the final arrest...

seems she was offensive... (To their senses) :snooty:
The suspect has entered an insanity pee, I mean plea!

Last time anyone saw (or smelled) her... She was hiding in a dump-ster....
she can't hold down a job, either...

she refuses to do the "grunt" work... :no:
she lost all her sailing friends...

she constantly was "dropping anchor"...

You guys make me chuckle out loud! LOL! I love how you get on a roll, and then days go by and suddenly tons of posts! Keep up the good work! :)
Here's a screenshot of the bags used to collect evidence at the crime scene:


"A man wants to identify a woman he caught on camera multiple times defecating next to his home during her morning jog.

It was Easter Sunday, and a young woman was on her morning run. She made a turn, jogging towards an alley. Then a security camera catches her.

"Drops her pants, lets go, puts her shorts back up, without any wipe, nothing else," said the man who lives at the home, who didn't want his face on camera and wanted to be called Bobby."

lol @ "malicious fecal distribution"

More and video at link.

Poor woman!
When analyzing the evidence, the reading of the Gas chromatographs was off the charts!
I've been avoiding this thread for 2+ months because I didn't think I could stomach it only to finally open it and find 6 pages of jokes. LOL.

thanks for the chuckles
can fecal samples from local female joggers be obtained? That would end this $hit right now . . .
You guys make me chuckle out loud! LOL! I love how you get on a roll, and then days go by and suddenly tons of posts! Keep up the good work! :)

I love that lovely portrait of the Anthonys in your Avatar, Mitzi!

I think they should use it as their Christmas card pic to send to all their friends and loved ones! (That is... If they have any...:waitasec:). :sleigh: :santa:

can fecal samples from local female joggers be obtained? That would end this $hit right now . . .

The evidence shouldn't be very difficult to find...

IIRC... LE has cordoned off the crime scene with toilet paper...
(Instead of crime scene tape...)

:laughcry: I just read the tags for this thread! There's a $hitload of 'em! Hysterical! :laughcry:

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