NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#28

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I just read in one of the news reports that there was a number of calls/texts made. So i guess with that side of things we haven't heard all the details of them yet. And it came on the newsbreak on tv not long ago that he can apply for bail again but they don't know what the next plan is as far as that goes.
Ok these text messages take the cake for stupidity. They don’t make any sense and really if you want to be known as having a reputation to be a regular texter then it makes no sense he did not text her when he didn’t see her in the bed when he awoke. They make no sense within the 3 contexts he told about ABC disappearance.

GBC left ABC watching the footy show at 10:30 and when he woke from his impenetrable slumber she was nowhere to be found. (Yet he awoke and made his face call to dad? Obviously sleep walking and facetiming in his sleep as well! Simply didn’t miss ABC sleeping form.)

GBC says she went for a walk and never returned. At what point in the morning did he arouse from his deep sleep to see her to know what she was wearing if she was leaving before he woke?
Story 3
She went for a walk at 10pm and he never saw her again. Yet he managed to fall into his sweet bliss of unconsciousness and wake up again to make his face time call at 12:30 am and miss the form of his wife’s body, fall back to sleep. And then again next morning when he awoke ABC was supposedly out walking again at 6:20 and he was hoping she slept well? He had no idea where she had been for the past 8 hours but he was a concerned, dressed and making lunches. (Only exercise mad females do two workouts in less than 12 hours!)

Obvious the facetime call was not meant to be detected and the STUPID text messages were setting up a framework for his hopeless alibi.

Just as an aside from experience of my friends but my husband NEVER NEVER NEVER makes the kids lunches. And I am going out on a limb here and saying most males don't do this mundane task. So WHY is he making the lunches – I don’t think he is helping ABC get ready to go to a conference–he knows for a fact ABC is dead under a bridge and the kids will need lunch.
seats were not removed, it would take several hours to do this and this fool would not even know how to do this. The captiva rear seats (1 row only of rear seats in their car) were simply released by the latches and dropping down allowing for a bigger space in the back obviously

The confusion about the seats being removed is from another post way back when there was discussion about a photo which I think Grannie put up, one was GBC and someone else (cant remember his name, he had murdered his wife and this particular person had removed the seats in his car).
Not necessarily. They're pretty expensive and rather attractive items. My son did NVG training in the Reserves and he certainly wasn't allowed to take them home. I suppose a senior NCO or an officer might though, if they were instructors or part of a special training group and it was part of their kit. The average grunt wouldn't possess them, no, unless they were a private buy.

A dedicated scout instructor might though.
I wonder if TM is wondering how much of this is all her fault. With her putting so much constant pressure on GBC to tell Allison about the fact that they were together again and that they wanted to be together. Surely she must have realised he was not man enough to do that. TM is a fool if she thinks he could have ever come clean to Allison about any of his intentions with her - just as he didn't come clean with her about his other bits of fluff on the side. The only way out of his marriage would have been if Allison had decided to leave him or for her to die. I don't think his pride would have allowed the former to happen. TM doesn't realise what a spineless wimp she was pursuing. - JMO
It is strange though. As an Aries I attract a lot of Virgos. My husband is a Virgo, two exes were Virgos, best friend is a Virgo and now you like me ; )

Opposites DO attract!

I'm a virgo and my last 3 boyfriends were Aries and now I'm stuck with a Leo :( He's a whole new kettle of fish.
I'm a virgo and my last 3 boyfriends were Aries and now I'm stuck with a Leo :( He's a whole new kettle of fish.

Is your new boyfriend obsessed with is hair at all? Or does he have a huge mane of hair? Or unusual hair? Just interested.
Ok these text messages take the cake for stupidity. They don’t make any sense and really if you want to be known as having a reputation to be a regular texter then it makes no sense he did not text her when he didn’t see her in the bed when he awoke. They make no sense within the 3 contexts he told about ABC disappearance.

GBC left ABC watching the footy show at 10:30 and when he woke from his impenetrable slumber she was nowhere to be found. (Yet he awoke and made his face call to dad? Obviously sleep walking and facetiming in his sleep as well! Simply didn’t miss ABC sleeping form.)

GBC says she went for a walk and never returned. At what point in the morning did he arouse from his deep sleep to see her to know what she was wearing if she was leaving before he woke?
Story 3
She went for a walk at 10pm and he never saw her again. Yet he managed to fall into his sweet bliss of unconsciousness and wake up again to make his face time call at 12:30 am and miss the form of his wife’s body, fall back to sleep. And then again next morning when he awoke ABC was supposedly out walking again at 6:20 and he was hoping she slept well? He had no idea where she had been for the past 8 hours but he was a concerned, dressed and making lunches. (Only exercise mad females do two workouts in less than 12 hours!)

Obvious the facetime call was not meant to be detected and the STUPID text messages were setting up a framework for his hopeless alibi.

Just as an aside from experience of my friends but my husband NEVER NEVER NEVER makes the kids lunches. And I am going out on a limb here and saying most males don't do this mundane task. So WHY is he making the lunches – I don’t think he is helping ABC get ready to go to a conference–he knows for a fact ABC is dead under a bridge and the kids will need lunch.

My guess is that the lunches were already done the night before by Allison.
Could he have been trying to look up a psychiatrist that he thought ABC may have been going to, given that she may have had some problems with what was going on in their lives? If he really was worried that she hadn't shown up at home?

I sometimes use Google rather than the White Pages if I'm not sure of the name or the spelling of a business, for example.

Just a thought....

Interesting thought. I would say hmm.. It seems that from MSM he has had more psych help lately than anyone involved. If Allison had psyc help, it maybe to help her to understand and get support about a philandering hubby. My opinion is that he would know the name of the doctor helping her. Bills sent to the home etc and from what I gather his family do like to check their mail themselves.
Is your new boyfriend obsessed with is hair at all? Or does he have a huge mane of hair? Or unusual hair? Just interested.

Too funny. Yes he does. His hair idol is JFK. He always wears a cap if he is having a bad hair day.

Not a big mane or lots of it thank goodness. Men with long hair is not my thing.
How do you think it made me feel? I still feel bad for not looking after I posted that. I freaked a lot of people out with that post, especially my husband!

Alicat, you MUST NOT feel bad. You weren't to know. Hugs to you xx
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