NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#29

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Forgive me chipping in here, but if GBC is still only a remand prisoner - he hasn't been tried, or sentenced - wouldn't he have different rights from those serving sentences? Including visitors, etc? Or does the presumption of innocence not extend into the remand section of the prison?

I have no idea, but any info from someone who does know the difference would be great....

My understanding is that all the prisoners at Arthur Gorrie are on remand, hence presumed innocent until otherwise?
I scratched my leg 5 or so days ago. I don't know how, or on what.

Interesting to see the stages the scratch went through: from a raised welt, to a scab, to a bit of a faint scar. most noticeable were the 2 first stages, welt and scab.

Strange that GBC stayed in hospital on day 3-5, when I am guessing his scratches were scabbing. Got me thinking, perhaps the 'accident' and 2 day hospitalisation was to steer clear of media photographers during the scab phase?

I think you are right Kailee. I'm sure though that even at that early stage the police had some idea of the person responsible in the missing person case as it was then. Quite possibly they have those hospital records from GBCs stay with the exact list of injuries etc. He was a little bit hurt you know...moo...:moo:.
Hi all :)
I have to go to work now until after midnight so could you please try to keep the posts down to under 50 pages??? Ha ha Asif!
Oops... It's the cheeky monkey in me. Have a good night everyone :)
Hi all :)
I have to go to work now until after midnight so could you please try to keep the posts down to under 50 pages??? Ha ha Asif!
Oops... It's the cheeky monkey in me. Have a good night everyone :)

Hahaha, I went shopping for 2 hours and there were 5 pages to catch up on....

It's pretty sad that people these days have become de-sensitised to extra-marital affairs. Especially ones that have been going on for over 3 and a half years. Imo, TM deserves no sympathy. It's pretty simple, don't have sex with another womans husband and you'll be fine. You can't get caught up in a messy situation that way. jmo

I agree. It is sad that infidelity is so prevalent in today's society. Marriages on the decline divorces rates rising. Unfortunately when marriages go bad it happens. When I sought counselling when it happened in my marriage , the counselor said "Infidelity is not the cause of a troubled marriage but purely a symptom that it already was." She was spot on.
Hello, I am back from jail......firstly Case Closed and Mothergoose...I was hoping you would both accept my apologies for being rude....I dont know what got into me...even my daughters told me I was acting like a cranky old lady.....and I hope everyone else is ok Im back xxxxxxxxx

WELCOME BACK! :woohoo:
Funny I didn't see you in jail. We must've been in different units. :)
Given the nature & HORROR of this case, it's only natural for emotions to run wild at times. That's human nature & proof that we ALL have deep feelings.
Love & LIGHT!
Hi all this is my 1st post here as I too, am intrigued by this case. I find myself being convinced that GBC murdered ABC even though we don't know all the details, and he has proven to be a 2 timing snake in the grass.
However, I continually remember being in Mt Isa in 1980, when the Chamberlains lost their baby to a Dingo. The entire town were ready to string them up as well as the rest of Australia and the NT Police, but time should have taught many of us that were around that they were telling the truth the whole time! Strange things CAN happen!
They not only lost a baby, but lost their marriage and a great deal of quality from their life that they'll never recover.
As we discuss this case we need to remember that GBC may not have done it, even though from what we have gleaned through the media and via police that he looks pretty guilty. We have to allow the man the right of a fair trial before we throw the rocks!!
The day that ABC was reported missing I was speaking to a Journalist that I know, he said to me that the Police were convinced she was murdered and that he did it, and that was the 1st day. Evidently, there is a Traffic Cam on the roundabout that the Police were focusing on but it only takes photos once a minute, not a video stream. That is one reason why they were seeking the public's help.
Having said all that I can't help believing that GBC murdered ABC either in a spare of the moment thing or something he had been considering.
I have my own scenario of what may have happened like the rest of you. I wonder if the call to NBC at 12.30 was an admission of what he did, and a call for help or advice. I think NBC at least knew what had transpired on that night and either assisted through advice or practically. Hence the family's refusal to help Police and the self incriminating Google search.

But I have a few questions that someone here may be able to help with. What is the story with the Prado being damaged??? I hav'nt read anything about that. The damage is quite high and happened at speed, maybe 40-50 kph. I wondered if ABC may have reached for the steering wheel and pulled it to the left as a passenger, in an argument that night or when she realised her time was up??? Is there any story about the Prado??

And what is MOO?

Anyway, all interesting reading.
I snipped your post respectfully and anyone wanting to read the whole post can just click on the
after your name in the quote.

I actually don't believe it either because then you can say the same about any similar generalised statement. 'Once a victim, always a victim', 'Once an abuser, always an abuser' and so on.

It gives people no room to move, no hope for change, no way for trust to build because it sets that person in stone. It's a pretty narrow way of thinking in my opinion but one you do see flouted about from time to time.

All anyone can hope for at this stage I reckon, is have faith that the right person goes down for Allison's murder. What I dislike about trials is the cat and mouse tactics played between the prosecution and defence where sometimes it seems to be more like a game about how clever each side is rather than about justice.

Perhaps, but as my grandma used to say...If you marry a man who cheats on his wife then you marry a man who cheats on his wife.
I agree. It is sad that infidelity is so prevalent in today's society. Marriages on the decline divorces rates rising. Unfortunately when marriages go bad it happens. When I sought counselling when it happened in my marriage , the counselor said "Infidelity is not the cause of a troubled marriage but purely a symptom that it already was." She was spot on.

I am not a religious person at all, but I believe the problem is total disrespect for the 'vowes' taken when marrying. If one is unhappy and can't see a solution, then get out of the marriage first and seek happiness somewhere else afterwards. Divorce is quite easy today and is there for a reason. IMO.
Hi all this is my 1st post here as I too, am intrigued by this case. I find myself being convinced that GBC murdered ABC even though we don't know all the details, and he has proven to be a 2 timing snake in the grass.
However, I continually remember being in Mt Isa in 1980, when the Chamberlains lost their baby to a Dingo. The entire town were ready to string them up as well as the rest of Australia and the NT Police, but time should have taught many of us that were around that they were telling the truth the whole time! Strange things CAN happen!
They not only lost a baby, but lost their marriage and a great deal of quality from their life that they'll never recover.
As we discuss this case we need to remember that GBC may not have done it, even though from what we have gleaned through the media and via police that he looks pretty guilty. We have to allow the man the right of a fair trial before we throw the rocks!!
The day that ABC was reported missing I was speaking to a Journalist that I know, he said to me that the Police were convinced she was murdered and that he did it, and that was the 1st day. Evidently, there is a Traffic Cam on the roundabout that the Police were focusing on but it only takes photos once a minute, not a video stream. That is one reason why they were seeking the public's help.
Having said all that I can't help believing that GBC murdered ABC either in a spare of the moment thing or something he had been considering.
I have my own scenario of what may have happened like the rest of you. I wonder if the call to NBC at 12.30 was an admission of what he did, and a call for help or advice. I think NBC at least knew what had transpired on that night and either assisted through advice or practically. Hence the family's refusal to help Police and the self incriminating Google search.

But I have a few questions that someone here may be able to help with. What is the story with the Prado being damaged??? I hav'nt read anything about that. The damage is quite high and happened at speed, maybe 40-50 kph. I wondered if ABC may have reached for the steering wheel and pulled it to the left as a passenger, in an argument that night or when she realised her time was up??? Is there any story about the Prado??

And what is MOO?

Anyway, all interesting reading.

Welcome Peppercorn!
My Opinion Only... Moo!

Perhaps, but as my grandma used to say...If you marry a man who cheats on his wife then you marry a man who cheats on his wife.

I married a cheater, first time around.
For 15 years we were married and it came to a head when I found out he'd cheated on me whilst I was pregnant.. and then he admitted it.
I suspect part of me was spent for those 15 years trying to maintain the appearance of a happy marriage when indeed it wasn't.

The second time around, I am married happily. He is not a cheater ... but I think we all have the capacity to cheat.

One person said to me that people cheat in a marriage when their needs aren't being met by their partner.
I truly believe this to be true. It is never one sided, we do not know ABC's side either. It is just sad that she put up with it for so many years, but I understand how and why she did that. The only difference between GBC and my now ex is that I am still alive.
I agree. It is sad that infidelity is so prevalent in today's society. Marriages on the decline divorces rates rising. Unfortunately when marriages go bad it happens. When I sought counselling when it happened in my marriage , the counselor said "Infidelity is not the cause of a troubled marriage but purely a symptom that it already was." She was spot on.

I just read the above quote to my OH and he said "Yeah obviously" He leans towards a hired killer so LOL LOL.
I love the quote thanks MG.
I just had to share his next comment.

"Or he got sick of his wife constantly obsessing on a forum,maybe he had enough of her talk about a murder case" :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

(Someone check on me in the morning please :what:)
Perhaps, but as my grandma used to say...If you marry a man who cheats on his wife then you marry a man who cheats on his wife.

I don't believe things are quite so black and white. I consider things on a case by case basis, no grand assumptions. Something my grandmother taught me, open minded ness, consideration of others and every one and situation is different. I adored her for her life lessons.
I am not a religious person at all, but I believe the problem is total disrespect for the 'vowes' taken when marrying. If one is unhappy and can't see a solution, then get out of the marriage first and seek happiness somewhere else afterwards. Divorce is quite easy today and is there for a reason. IMO.

Agree. It's like keeping one foot either side of the fence - I would imagine some who cheat like to 'test' the waters first and see if the grass is greener before jumping ship (oh, sorry, so many sayings in one sentence!). :) :)
Hi all this is my 1st post here as I too, am intrigued by this case. I find myself being convinced that GBC murdered ABC even though we don't know all the details, and he has proven to be a 2 timing snake in the grass.
However, I continually remember being in Mt Isa in 1980, when the Chamberlains lost their baby to a Dingo. The entire town were ready to string them up as well as the rest of Australia and the NT Police, but time should have taught many of us that were around that they were telling the truth the whole time! Strange things CAN happen!
They not only lost a baby, but lost their marriage and a great deal of quality from their life that they'll never recover.
As we discuss this case we need to remember that GBC may not have done it, even though from what we have gleaned through the media and via police that he looks pretty guilty. We have to allow the man the right of a fair trial before we throw the rocks!!
The day that ABC was reported missing I was speaking to a Journalist that I know, he said to me that the Police were convinced she was murdered and that he did it, and that was the 1st day. Evidently, there is a Traffic Cam on the roundabout that the Police were focusing on but it only takes photos once a minute, not a video stream. That is one reason why they were seeking the public's help.
Having said all that I can't help believing that GBC murdered ABC either in a spare of the moment thing or something he had been considering.
I have my own scenario of what may have happened like the rest of you. I wonder if the call to NBC at 12.30 was an admission of what he did, and a call for help or advice. I think NBC at least knew what had transpired on that night and either assisted through advice or practically. Hence the family's refusal to help Police and the self incriminating Google search.

But I have a few questions that someone here may be able to help with. What is the story with the Prado being damaged??? I hav'nt read anything about that. The damage is quite high and happened at speed, maybe 40-50 kph. I wondered if ABC may have reached for the steering wheel and pulled it to the left as a passenger, in an argument that night or when she realised her time was up??? Is there any story about the Prado??

And what is MOO?

Anyway, all interesting reading.

Welcome! ... Information has been posted here that the Prado was damaged by GBC in a small accident near the roundabout apparently a week or so before Allison was reported missing. The poster said his/her friend saw the accident.
I don't believe things are quite so black and white. I consider things on a case by case basis, no grand assumptions. Something my grandmother taught me, open minded ness, consideration of others and every one and situation is different. I adored her for her life lessons.

Well, maybe, however as an example, my ex husband cheated on me, the other woman became pregnant, I kicked him out when I found out, he stayed with her (unmarried) for about 10 years and then cheated on her with a younger woman, with whom he now lives and has another baby. Once a cheater, always a cheater ... IMO.
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