NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#29

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Bloody good one mate! Bob's your Uncle!

Personally, I can't think of anything more perfect than that, a wattle tree species suitable to the local area.

Brilliant idea.

There are so many varieties...Acacia baileyana - Cootamundra Wattle is a very pretty wattle...but there's probably quite a few different varieties which grow throughout that area & are suitable. It would all need to be checked out with local council. As someone has mentioned, Paul Tully, may be a good person to contact.

First & foremost I'd still think out of courtesy to Allison's family, that it gets ok'd with them...they may wish to do something else.
Yep like bin bags and they are still crappy, the reason I always put two in at once. You think someone would manufacture something that could actually hold rubbish without it leaking or dripping all over the place.

Just thinking, a woman would have known that, but most men would not have a clue!!

ha, ha..yes you are right.. unless you get the 'tough bags' (thicker, stronger garbage bags)..
Our detective Ainsworth is very good at deflecting the media and I think we need to read between the lines of his statement about ABC when they discovered her body and reportedly said 'no visible external injuries' .

I was thinking along the lines that perhaps, yes like other posters have said internal injuries for ABC. But maybe not so externally visble but still there scalp wounds? The hair covers wounds - and head wounds bleed like nothing on earth so perhaps she did have a head wound but Ainsworth could still say quite honestly - not visible externally. Even a tongue wound (say from a chipped tooth or from despite the fact that it could be visible - if her mouth was closed it would be hidden from sight)

He is a very very cool character our Inspector Ainsworth!

A lot of folks on here love Hawkins...I love Inspector Ainsworth :).....apologies to
There are so many varieties...Acacia baileyana - Cootamundra Wattle is a very pretty wattle...but there's probably quite a few different varieties which grow throughout that area & are suitable. It would all need to be checked out with local council. As someone has mentioned, Paul Tully, may be a good person to contact.

First & foremost I'd still think out of courtesy to Allison's family, that it gets ok'd with them...they may wish to do something else.

Love this thinking! There are actually quite a few yellow flowering natives that we could add ti the wattle. Goodenia, brachyscome (paper daisy), guinea flower spring to mind. Imagine all that, plus some local wattles! (Fimbiata, disparrima etc)
Ooh! This could b gorgeous!
Love this thinking! There are actually quite a few yellow flowering natives that we could add ti the wattle. Goodenia, brachyscome (paper daisy), guinea flower spring to mind. Imagine all that, plus some local wattles! (Fimbiata, disparrima etc)
Ooh! This could b gorgeous!

The Lemon-scented Myrtle, would that be appropriate? I love myrtles but I have no idea if it's suitable.
I enquired of a friend of mine who works in a prison if this is a usual occurence. My friend said that it isn't common but occasionally in the mental health unit they'll get one who does.

We shouldn't be surprised. It is very apparent that he has a high sex drive!
This one sounds really nice: Hymenosporum flavum, the Native Frangipani, is one such species. This adaptable rainforest tree grown naturally in Qld and NSW, but seems just as happy growing and flowering further south, in Victoria. It must have protection from frosts when plants are young. During late spring and early summer there is an abundant display of delightfully fragrant flowers which are initially cream then change as they age to yellow then deep gold. Fragrant oils which incorporate or replicated the fragrance of this species are now readily available.
"Officers ruled out releasing the key detail" to her COD.

The one, (not plural) detail is huge here in this article thanks UT

Just thinking this comment and the one quoted through again. Could it have been a plastic bag over her head fastened with lock ties around her neck. In which case COD would be strangulation or suffocation whichever happened first?
We shouldn't be surprised. It is very apparent that he has a high sex drive!

Plus, ya know, guys do it to relieve stress... it's very common and nothing to do with 'sex' per se...

I used to work with investment bankers.

Just change the 'b' to a 'w'.

One guy three times a day. Said it helped him think more clearly.
Hi, This is my take about this. I think you will find that the Japanese sunflower and the Mexican sunflower you see growing wild sometimes along road sides are classed as obnoxious weeds.

Not trying to be a spoilt sport, but like already stated, Sunflowers are not native to Australia and Sunflower seeds are high in fat and unbeknown to many people, are not recommended as a natural diet for Australian native parrots except as an occasional treat in spite of seeing them in those wild bird mixes you buy. They are a high heat fuel source, can overheat their bodies thus affect their feathering, can be addictive and cause some birds endless health problems like obesity.

The domestic type Sunflowers you see in people's gardens have high cultivation needs and don't take well to growing wild. The birds will often rip the seeds out from the ground before the plants get a chance to grow anyway.

I've worked with Australian endangered flora and my thinking is that if one is to plant something, that is, if it is legal to do so on public land, maybe a yellow flowering (I gather Allison loved yellow flowers), native plant suitable to the local area and one which is of a species that the local native wildlife feed from and rely on for their well being.

Some seed mixes contain large quantities of sunflower seeds, which may attract larger seed-eating (granivorous) birds (particularly parrots), but these seeds are high in fat. Black sunflower seeds should be avoided altogether; a small quantity of grey-striped sunflower seeds is fine. (The detrimental effects of high fat diets on bird health are similar to those for us unfeathered creatures).

Blue - I really appreciate this info. I will never again use commercial bird mix containing regular sunflower seeds. The birds have enough to contend with.
We looked after sick and injured native birds for years and never knew this.

I really like your idea of a native yellow flower.

Goodenia, brachyscome (paper daisy), guinea flower spring to mind. Imagine all that, plus some local wattles! (Fimbiata, disparrima etc)

The Lemon-scented Myrtle,

Native Frangipani

These are all very pretty plants & trees...I have a Native Frangipani, it's gorgeous although took a few years to flower.

Maybe we make a list & other members can add their suggestions??

But first the Dickies should be contacted I think. Courier Mail's Allison Sandy may still be in contact with them.
Thanks for replying to the other poster who asked.
I've been told suffocation, rather than strangulation & what was used to do that was found with her.

Which would indicate that her body had been left where it was found, and was not washed down from any other location? See my earlier post of today re suffocation.
This is paining me to write this IMO this is what could have occurred:
ABC comes home from the hairdresser full of confidence and looking good.
GBC makes some snide comment about how can she spent so much on the hairdresser when he tried to buy something at Woollies and his card got rejected.
They play pretend happy family until he girls go to bed.
The remarks keep flying 'how can you spent that much money ?'; 'well if I didn't have to be at the same conference as your bit on the side I wouldn't need to, to make me feel better, how much money do you spent on hotel rooms?'
GBC goes and has a shower, Allison follows and keeps asking 'why are you having a shower, are you going out?, are you seeing someone else?' She physically starts attacking him and getting more and more angry.
GBC knows that he does not have much more time before he loans are due to TM, there isn't a hope in hell he can repay by 30 June and knows the only option is the one he has been thinking about which is to do away with Allison so he can get the insurance. Pay out. He has been thinking about it for awhile but decides this is the time.
He grabs her and pushes her head in he sink until she seems unconscious or dead.
He goes and grabs some lock ties and a plastic bag, places it over her head and than realises he has to do something to make sure he doesn't get nailed for this. He rings TM and his father from Allison's phone (thinking he will get rid of it with he body ). TM comes over and helps out but they need someone else to drive another car so he rings NGB again this time on FaceTime and says 'please I need to do something, he kids are here alone, I need to get rid of he body and the evidence please help'
NGB only agrees if he doesn't have to drive his car there so they pick him up a the roundabout. By than he already knows what has happened.
Someone (don't know who, maybe TM, stays behind to be in the house and starts cleaning up.

Maybe all too far fetched but in my opinion pretty plausible.
Which would indicate that her body had been left where it was found, and was not washed down from any other location? See my earlier post of today re suffocation.

Any kind of asphyxiation may show similarly on an autopsy, the other evidence from the scene is necessary to determine which method caused it. So if there's hand prints on the neck, that's manual strangulation, white around the mouth and nose means a clamped hand and usually there will be nail marks where they dig in during the event or from the victim trying to remove it. Smothering with a pillow or a plastic bag over the head can leave the face white. Ligature will leave a mark around the neck. Sometimes the external "bruises" aren't visible but there will be signs under the skin. Also any items left with the victim can help determine the method used. Compression asphyxia doesn't necessarily leave visible signs, this is where the victim's chest is sat on and the weight compresses them stopping them inhaling.
just had a thought regarding the plastic bag theory, maybe allison didnt have a shower cap so used a big plastic bag to cover her hair? easy to pull over her face and drown her.
also, the photo of the blood and luminol in the car, i think it was reported there was only a small amount of blood, and think the majority of the pattern is bleach spray as this is one of the substances that shows up like blood in luminol testing. forensics can tell quite quickly the difference and would have tested the small amount of blood to be allisons.
the killer obviously went crazy with the bleach spray! imo.
Does NBC have a pool? Just wondering if GBC needed bleach and used chlorine or just had normal bleach brought over.
Just a thought, although probably a silly one
If Doc Watson is around, or anyone else who might be able to answer, how easy/hard would it be to detect drowning as the cause of death, considering the state of decomposition of the body? Would the lungs etc also be quite decomposed, as would the outside of the body?

I've just been wondering if that's a likely COD, for a few reasons...

1 - It would be much harder to fight off an attacker if you were in the bath, both with the position and being put under water

2 - The killer could have thought placing her body in water after the fact (if in fact it was submerged in the creek) might hide a drowning at home

3 - Assuming it's true that the children were at home that night, drowning would be a lot quieter, ie. pretty hard to scream under water

4 - Drowning may not show much, if any, in the way of external injuries

5 - Also, it could point to him dressing her afterwards, unless he was going to dispose of a naked body, and with this means of death, there wouldn't be evidence of death on whatever clothes she may have been wearing at the hairdressers, and probably no need to get rid of the 'before the event' clothes

I know it's a horrible subject, just the whole COD thing has me, and obviously so many others baffled.

I guess forensics would be able to analyse the water found in the lungs. If it contains chloride and (fluoride I think that is now in brissie water ?) then the drowning didn't occur in the river.
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