No Death Bed Confession...

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Joy comes in the Morning
Aug 29, 2005
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I watched LKL and they said that there was no confession from PR that she killed JBR before she herself died. They said she actually said that she wished the police would find JBR 's killer soon becaue PR herself was ready to "konk out". After that she went into a comatose state then died.
michelle said:
I watched LKL and they said that there was no confession from PR that she killed JBR before she herself died. They said she actually said that she wished the police would find JBR 's killer soon becaue PR herself was ready to "konk out". After that she went into a comatose state then died.

michelle, even if there had been, I doubt they'd say so.
Me either. I think some expected Burke to talk, but he would hardly alienate his only living family.
Yeah. If he knows anything, it will still be a while.
Paradox said:
In an odd, irrational irony, Patsy may well have attempted to unify her psyche by eliminating JonBenet from the equation.

You mean like she saw JB as stealing all of her good qualities and leaving the bad ones in her?
"I mean Patsy saw JonBenet as an object that carried the projection of her own psyche. JonBenet was growing up, growing away. As she did she was literally taking parts of Patsy with her. If JonBenet gained her own identity, Patsy's allready fragile persona might split completely."

That one I can buy!
I talked to a homicide detective shortly after we both watched the CRT TV segment. He said one of the things they got "right", was that the force behind the blow to the head indicated it could not have been delivered by Patsy or a child. That idea should be put to rest.
When LK asked John (on the replay last night) why he picked up Jonbenet when he found her on the basement floor, his response is what I would call "normal" - "She's my DAUGHTER - I didn't know whether or not she was dead - it didn't register."

Yet, when Patsy runs from the other room to where John has lain Jonbenet on the floor - she ALREADY knows that Jonbenet is dead. She doesn't touch or hug her - she throws her body on top of her. She starts the "Jesus, you raised Lazarus...." carp instantly - without looking for any signs of life.

How did she know Jonbenet was dead? I would think that with any parent, it would take a few minutes (or more) for it to even register. a point.
I would think that a parent would refuse to believe it. I can barely believe there is a conscious thought process that would register a person's child is dead before they have done the most 'out there' things to revive her, clinging to almost no hope.
SuperDave said:
Yeah. If he knows anything, it will still be a while.

I agree with you, SuperDave. In an earlier post on the now-locked MNSBC Breaking News Thread, I commented (totally personal opinion) that when certain 'eyes that can no longer see and ears that may no longer hear' - so will Burke speak up. This whole situation threw that family under intense scrutiny that there's NO WAY Burke 'slept through it all'.

No way.

He'll speak up. And HIS will be quite a story; he'll get to a stage where he's not only ABLE to separate truth from blunder (and/or a forced silence) - but where he is COMPELLED to understand and repeat everything ON HIS TERMS and relay it all as and how the events unravelled ... in HIS MIND.

He'll never be judged as and when that day comes when he might, or does, try to gain closure. He was as much a victim; he was never allowed to talk - be it the presumed truth or not. Gosh, I'm sure he misses his sister and has missed the hugs, attention and recognition he deserved as A PERSON. He's been a 'background voice and a legal prop', IMO, and qite pitifully so.

It's tragic he's lost his mom; more tragic his sister was murdered while they were both so utterly vulnerbale and completely upsetting that such speculation has controlled or been a major part of his entire young life ... whatever his 'role' was.

He'll have his say, I think. He's long entitled to it. Burke needs his own questions , memories and comments recognised and answered. There HAS to moments, times, conversations and events he's had to block out - but will his reflection on his childhood be that of happy, carefree 'normal' memories?

I think: not.

If (and that's reitereated IN CAPS: IF) Burke was in any way involved - or may remember, well society has a responsibility here and NEEDS to uncover this NOW to avoid another damning situation (for example the murder of Teri and her niece Michelle after Hurricane Ivan, Florida in 2004.) That's IF. And that's not JUST in case he was responsible. It INCLUDES what he witnessed at such a young age. The ABUSED become the ABUSER. His knowledge, frustration or memories may just burst one day and I happen to think mom and dad could have been more honest.

A mystery? Perhaps. To some, not me. IMO.

Best: PSA
sissi said:
I talked to a homicide detective shortly after we both watched the CRT TV segment. He said one of the things they got "right", was that the force behind the blow to the head indicated it could not have been delivered by Patsy or a child. That idea should be put to rest.

I'm afraid that's wrong, sissi. People are incredibly powerful in moments of rage. Not only that, but have you read my post on leverage?
I've always thought this, too, but I wonder how much he'll remember. I don't know if he could remember it with an objective mind, because he's had all these years of his parents telling him their versions of events. I doubt that he will really have a lot of memories of Jon Benet that are really his - I have known people who have lost siblings when they were young and aren't sure now what memories are real and what are borne of pictures and family stories. So he might spend forever answering questions the way his family filled in gaps for him.

PolkSaladAnnie said:
He'll speak up. And HIS will be quite a story; he'll get to a stage where he's not only ABLE to separate truth from blunder (and/or a forced silence) - but where he is COMPELLED to understand and repeat everything ON HIS TERMS and relay it all as and how the events unravelled ... in HIS MIND.
sissi said:
I talked to a homicide detective shortly after we both watched the CRT TV segment. He said one of the things they got "right", was that the force behind the blow to the head indicated it could not have been delivered by Patsy or a child. That idea should be put to rest.

And I talked to our Chief of Police, and he said just the opposite.
SuperDave said:
I'm afraid that's wrong, sissi. People are incredibly powerful in moments of rage. Not only that, but have you read my post on leverage?

I don't know if Patsy hit her or not, I suspect she did, but you have to wonder what the motivation is for some people to say that Patsy or Buke did not do it. Like it should be "put to rest," because some poster on here says so. That's rich!

Yes, people are incredibly powerful in moments of rage. It is possible that Patsy delivered the blow (I'm one that doesn't believe Burke was involved).
I also believe they called all their friends over there to muddy the crime scene. What parent would invite friends over to the house, when their child had been kidnapped, and the ransom note said they'd behead her if they talked to a stray dog. Maybe the kidnapper should have been more specific and said, "If you call all your friends."

I remember the report that Patsy watched through splayed fingers.

John told someone (can't remember who), that he found JonBenet at 10:00 (or something like that). Of course the RDDO said he was saying 10:00 and it had something to do with a different time zone...oh sure.

And Patsy having the same clothes on and it took her how long to send those in? And then one of the items was thought to be new, not worn before.

And the balled-up red shirt in the bathroom.

The diaper-like things hanging out of the cabinet next to JonBenet's room.

And Burke being heard on the 911 call.

They least Patsy did. She was dead. I think John knew it also, at least after 10:00.

This is why she acted the way she did. She knew.
No, no deathbed confession, but we did get a little morsel from Aunty Pam.

"Patsy got her victory." Why didn't she just come out and say SBTC to complete the sentence? She might as well have said, "Patsy wrote the note."
AutumnBorn said:
No, no deathbed confession, but we did get a little morsel from Aunty Pam.

"Patsy got her victory." Why didn't she just come out and say SBTC to complete the sentence? She might as well have said, "Patsy wrote the note."

It's par for the course. Her comments on the note have never been really helpful!
Paradox said:
I think Patsy dealt with her bad qualities by punishing the object. The violation and the head blow were punishments. The stringing up was the "display of the criminal". After that was done she showed care for the object by wrapping it.

Patsy's good qualities were dealt with by the image she made of JonBenet in death; a perfect angel. She told Burke at the funeral "Look, she's perfect".

What you are describing is a person with Borderline Personality Disorder...a person who is deathly afraid of abandonment (real or imagined) and when this object of affection or neediness leaves (real or imagine) the BPD essentially "kills her off" (real or imagined).

JonBenet was becoming her own person. She stressed that point by wearing the white Gap top and then later that night by not wanting to get up to use the potty.

Patsy snapped! Even good people snap! Saints snap! The pope snaps! Jesus snapped at the vendors in the synagogue!
All snaps have a pre-history.

BPD, DID, MPD, HD, pick-em, mix-em, choose-em. She's one for the books, that's all I can say.

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