No outcry to find the killer/Zanny

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I think if she was innocent, she would have said something about the killer when she was sitting in the nurse's office and saw the news for the first time ... oh, but then she already forgave Zanny so no point in that.


I agree that the A's know Casey did it and hope it was an accident.

But, I also think the A's are funneling money into Casey's defense. IMO, the lines actually are blurred.


If this defense team had any real brains, instead of spending money on hired guns, they'd get someone on the team to bribe 1 or more of the jurors. IMO, that's about the only real shot they have. :eek:

Did I just say that?
Yeah, but that was back in early August, before the FBI interviews IIRC. I think within days of making that statement the A's began to doubt. I'm certain they no longer believe in Zanny.

I agree with you Chilly. I really think they know the truth. They may not be able to admit that publicly or even to each other or themselves, but they know and they know that each other knows. It's a strange thing.
By the way One Hooah, your Emma is the sweetest little doll! She has such refined, delicate features. But, it kinda creeps me out that her beautiful little face appears so close to casey's mug on your signature. ACK!
Answer to your quesion is;
The defense does not have to prove who did it, the state does. The defense just has to prove the state is wrong and give theories to knock the states evidence down. Period.
BUT that wont work, because KC herself and her family ranted on and on about the nanny and threw others under the bus since.
Defense was better off taking a plea and saying she was mentally ill or it was an accident. but oh well too late.. so the defenses loss.
Such a good thread O.H.W.! I couldn't have said it better and I've been spewing for more than a week about this issue. The A's haven't done a thing to 'find the real killer'.

If someone killed my granddaughter and her body was found like Caylee's was, like a piece of garbage, double bagged and duct taped... I'd be screaming at everyone to help me find her killer. I'd beg endlessly for help. I'd do anything, go anywhere, talk to anyone. (Maybe scream isn't the best choice of words considering the A's actions) but you get the drift of my point.

And yet all they're doing is 'focusing' on KC, dear sweet KC who loved her dear sweet child. :rolleyes:

I don't wonder anymore whether the A's think she's innocent at all.
they did beg for LE to investigate everyone who had been around KC/Caylee. Then they finally hired private investigators. They couldn't solve it. Certainly not their responsibility or job, but I can understand why they hired PI's, I would have, too. My impression at this point is that they are simply exhausted and devastated and resigned, in total grief, and not sure any more what to think, I think they have begun to fear KC could be responsible (or at least involved). I'm sure they still hold out hope that other evidence will be found exonerating her, who wouldn't hold out that hope.
It seems to me that the A's have all but said they no longer believe the Zanny story. Why would they be expected to ask for help finding someone they don't believe exists? I suppose, if they were in cover-up mode, as so many people insist, that's exactly what they would do.
I wouldn't expect the Anthonys to say anything at this point. I'm glad they've stopped with the media appearances.

But now that I'm thinking about it, why isn't Jose -or his spokeswoman- out there talking about how LE should be looking for the real killer instead of trying to pin the crime on their client? That's pretty standard stuff for defense attorneys who claim a client is innocent of a crime. I can't think of a single Jose soundbite since Caylee's body was found in which he talked about someone else killing her. Am I missing something?
Answer to your quesion is;
The defense does not have to prove who did it, the state does. The defense just has to prove the state is wrong and give theories to knock the states evidence down. Period.
BUT that wont work, because KC herself and her family ranted on and on about the nanny and threw others under the bus since.
Defense was better off taking a plea and saying she was mentally ill or it was an accident. but oh well too late.. so the defenses loss.

I see your point and I am very aware that the burden in on the state. The topic was ... why no outcry for justice if they believe that the killer is still out there? ... and perhaps more importantly what this tells us.

JB says it may be hard to believe but Casey is innocent. When I heard that I thought that maybe they were going to posit that Caylee was killed accidentally ... but then he labels the forensic evidence as "junk science." If Casey's defense was going to be that it was an accident then her lawyers would not need to try and discredit the evidence, by calling it junk science and retaining their own high profile expert scientists. They would expect the forensic evidence to be the same ... whether it was an accident and subsequent cover up ... or a murder. The evidence would really not be a problem for them. They would just need to provide some proof of how it happened ... ie Casey testify to such. What that tells me is, according to JB, Casey is innocent and (because he is trying to discredit the forensics) there was no accident and cover-up. That only leaves that someone else killed Caylee. Yet there is no effort to find this person ... No outrage that that a baby killer is on the loose, while his innocent client sits in jail.

The fact that the A's have made no mention of searching for the killer says to me, by omission, that they believe Casey is responsible, whether they believe it was an accident is not clear.
Sometimes you say it best when you say nothing at all.
OT ... thanks for all the nice compliments about Emma ... she is my angel!
Such a good thread O.H.W.! I couldn't have said it better and I've been spewing for more than a week about this issue. The A's haven't done a thing to 'find the real killer'.

If someone killed my granddaughter and her body was found like Caylee's was, like a piece of garbage, double bagged and duct taped... I'd be screaming at everyone to help me find her killer. I'd beg endlessly for help. I'd do anything, go anywhere, talk to anyone. (Maybe scream isn't the best choice of words considering the A's actions) but you get the drift of my point.

And yet all they're doing is 'focusing' on KC, dear sweet KC who loved her dear sweet child. :rolleyes:

I don't wonder anymore whether the A's think she's innocent at all.

.. and I no longer care what they think, after reading GA's "****ing flunkies" quote in DC's interview.
Then all the A"s Have to do is admit their Daughter killed their grandaughter, but they stand behind her..Case closed.

The only person that the A's need to admit anything about what they believe is to themselves and I think they have done that. That is why they don't visit CA, that is why they are out of the media, that is why they haven't had a outcry to find the real killer. They know that the real killer is in jail.
I don't need to hear CA and GA admit that their daughter killed sweet Caylee. I doubt that you will ever hear those words (even after conviction) come out of their mouths.
Sometimes silence is the best giveaway.
The only person that the A's need to admit anything about what they believe is to themselves and I think they have done that. That is why they don't visit CA, that is why they are out of the media, that is why they haven't had a outcry to find the real killer. They know that the real killer is in jail.
I don't need to hear CA and GA admit that their daughter killed sweet Caylee. I doubt that you will ever hear those words (even after conviction) come out of their mouths.
Sometimes silence is the best giveaway.
ya i feel this way too ..they know she did it ..however admitting they believe that to the public is probably too difficult for them to do ,so instead they stay with she didnt do it ,because in thier heart of hearts its what they want to believe.. and they know they let caylee down ..and somewhere along the line i think cindy emotionally let casey down
I haven't heard anything at all about the A's claiming SODDI. Cindy said in her FBI interview that she's realized Zanny was the name Casey gave to whoever was watching Caylee at the time - could be Jesse, could be Amy, etc. She struggled with it, but she eventually admitted that there is no Zanny and that Casey's stories were false.

Hi Chilly Willy,

I can totally relate to the part above bolded by me.
Had it not happened to me, I would never have believed it possible....for a human being to be in such blatant denial about something so obvious to the rest of the world.

Something I knew in my own heart for several years (nowhere near the seriousness of a death caused by another loved one), I refused to accept, refused to discuss and felt the longer it went unmentioned, the more I didn't acknowledge it, the more apt the situation would just go away.

It didn't.

It's been five months now and I'm still not totally coming to terms with what I now know to be true (a mother's hopes and dreams for her child, and all that), but I'm working on it, one day at a time.

I might not like most of the A's antics during the last seven months but I can stand here and say that I do understand the struggle they are going through in their own minds, hearts and souls.

What the human mind can and will do to's astonishing.
I believe there was no public outcry for the killer because they knew the police had the real killer in custody and they were doing everything in their power to draw attention away from that person and onto anyone else they could think of at the time. They have thrown so many people under the bus that it is sad! But, no pleas to catch the person.
I think the A's still want to support their daughter's defense, which is a different matter than liking and supporting JB or actually believing that she is innocent. I agree they're not stupid and have most likely believed for a long time that Caylee was dead and that Casey was responsible. GA certainly doesn't seem to like JB and I can't imagine CA likes the fact that he is more in control of Casey than she is now. As to not going to see KC, who can know why they don't? Maybe KC won't see them. As to whether they're just leaving it to the criminal justice system now, I have mixed feelings. They're her parents, and if they just want to sit back and secretly hope that a prosecution fails and she comes home . . . Where does that end and intentionally trying to subvert or thwart LE begin? Somewhere in this mix is where people begin to feel angry on behalf of Caylee or uneasy about what the A's know.
True, that was the case with SP ... however, SP never said so and so "kidnapped my pregnant wife".
Scott at least made an attempt to put in time at Laci's missing command center, and even Susan Smith made a phony plea to find the kidnapper...
I think that the fact that the A's nor anyone else ... including JB, have put forth an effort to find the killer/kidnapper, Zanny "the Nanny" Fernandez-Gonzales, speaks volumes. If someone dear to your family was kidnapped and later found murdered ... wouldn't you do all you could to bring the person accused to justice? After all, we know that Zanny was the last person to have Caylee -- at least according to Casey and the A's. So why do we not hear via the attorney that the A's are asking for help to clear their daughters name and bring the real killer to justice? Also, you notice, we never hear from anyone on the defense asking for the "real" JH or JL, Samantha and RF nor any other, heretofore, unverified witnesses to come forward. Any ONE of these people could clear his client ... or in the least verify her credibility ... yet he has made no public EFFORT to find them! How could ALL of these people suddenly drop from the face of the earth at the same time? To me that says it all. IMO a jury will think the same!
You hit the nail on the head with that!! I have thought from the beginning that no one in this family acted like they were distraught to find their granddaughter. What happened to the picture of the nanny that JB said he had?
I don't really know... I guess they all fail "Bad Guy 101"... OJ Simpson set the precedent years ago. He never really did anything to go after "the real killers", after making big claims.

I just wish this darn thing would go to trial now... There doesn't seem to be anything else that can be said or done that would make much of a difference... or jeez.. make anything else sound better for the defense. Put a fork in it, man... Barring some kind of unforeseen miracle... the defense is toast.
I don't really know... I guess they all fail "Bad Guy 101"... OJ Simpson set the precedent years ago. He never really did anything to go after "the real killers", after making big claims.

I just wish this darn thing would go to trial now... There doesn't seem to be anything else that can be said or done that would make much of a difference... or jeez.. make anything else sound better for the defense. Put a fork in it, man... Barring some kind of unforeseen miracle... the defense is toast.

And the congregation said ... "A'men"
Of course the Anthonys know deep down KC did it. But I see (CA in particular) them still following along with whatever KC says. NONE of the jailhouse tapes show CA or GA challenging KC when she gets defensive over a question, or confronting her on her stories and how they just don't add up. KC throwing in that bit about giving "the nanny" a key to the house or how she told her friend that JG had a key to her car and may have done something to it, etc....KC just doesn't seem to realize that it's REASONABLE doubt. Not any doubt. She can put these stories out all she wants, but they would only go to opportunity, not motive. But I digress....the A's have not promoted "the real killer" theme. Actions always speak louder than words.
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