No search on Monday?

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LE stated the test would be set up by the FBI at a later date and didn't specify when or where, IIRC. Flying home for a few days if he plans to return doesn't mean he has abandoned the searches for Caylee which to me is what you are insinuating plus further indicating he is avoiding or refusing the LDT. Correct?

In today's news updates it quotes LP as saying a company has offered him money to fund the search provided he gives them exclusive access to film it. He said he was thinking about it, hadnt decided yet. I think if this same offer had been made to Tim Miller he would not have to think about it, it would have been a no. No one should be filming the search, no one should be using cell phone s to call a friend or family to tell them what they found. It's about bringing a little child home with grace & dignity. TES still has a group there & they aren't getting the bucks for exclusive access. I have always supported LP until he did the dive & esp doing it with Murt. For me, that said it was more about face time. Like all of you, I dont care who finds this child, I support everyone looking, but do it w/o cameras. Caylee & all the other missing deserve that.
I'm perplexed - all emotion aside - why is the FBI/Local LE so upset w/ these recent searches by LP?

Is LE committed to taking the case to trial w/o a body and any additional searching will only support KC's case by supporting the fact that Kaylee is alive due to the fact that multiple groups, on multiple days, searched a great deal and was not found?

Is LE committed to a theory of how her body was disposed of (i.e. driven to the ocean) and any further searching around Orlando area puts doubt in the minds of the public around this theory?

Does LE (or FBI) think it makes them "look bad" or incompetent if someone other than them (or a professional search org) finds Caylee?

I just can't wrap my head around why LE is so bent out of shape by LP.


When the media circus and all the rumors get going at a such a frantic pace it creates tons of work and distraction for LE. Their phones go crazy, the media starts issuing requests for documents. LE tried to explain this to the Anthony's, that their communication with the press, and especially saying things that weren't true in the press caused all sorts of problems, including them being forced to release info under the sunshine law that they otherwise wouldn't do. Whether the rumors originate with LP or just follow him, I would guess that is why they are frustrated with him.
That "pesky 8th amd" has been interpreted by the Supreme Court as "bail should not be excessive in light of the perceived evil". Just thought I'd mention that.

I'm not going to argue whether LP has caused material harm to this case - I know he has. If you think he's great, you think he's great - I have stated my reasons for my opinion of LP. I don't "hate" the guy, I'm not "on the side of the Anthonys", I don't consider this a high school cross town rivalry where people have to choose sides, I look at it objectively as a whole and try to figure out where all the pieces need to go to fit the whole case and arrive at a resolution.

p.s. Yes, he did interfere with the case when he bailed her out - sweating is a technique used by LE to further the cooperation of the suspect. The indeterminate of the incarcaration is what wears the suspect down. If LE had wanted her bailed out they would have asked for bail that was affordable to the suspect. That's how it works.

And of course the Anthonys don't want their granddaughter's body found - would you like that? They want to hold out hope as long as possible and whether you agree with it or not, it seems to be their coping mechanism.

So then, why is she not "sweating" now? She is charged with murder and is on a NO bond status. That would seem like it would be some grounds for her to be a bit nervous, and having been incarerated for quite some time now, she does not seem to be "sweating" one bit. If it would have worked then, it should still work now, so to me that says she would not have broken then, as she is not breaking now.
When the media circus and all the rumors get going at a such a frantic pace it creates tons of work and distraction for LE. Their phones go crazy, the media starts issuing requests for documents. LE tried to explain this to the Anthony's, that their communication with the press, and especially saying things that weren't true in the press caused all sorts of problems, including them being forced to release info under the sunshine law that they otherwise wouldn't do. Whether the rumors originate with LP or just follow him, I would guess that is why they are frustrated with him.

I see - LE has their hands full w/ KC and any other cases so this draws them away and diverts their time chasing phantoms...
In today's news updates it quotes LP as saying a company has offered him money to fund the search provided he gives them exclusive access to film it. He said he was thinking about it, hadnt decided yet. I think if this same offer had been made to Tim Miller he would not have to think about it, it would have been a no. No one should be filming the search, no one should be using cell phone s to call a friend or family to tell them what they found. It's about bringing a little child home with grace & dignity. TES still has a group there & they aren't getting the bucks for exclusive access. I have always supported LP until he did the dive & esp doing it with Murt. For me, that said it was more about face time. Like all of you, I dont care who finds this child, I support everyone looking, but do it w/o cameras. Caylee & all the other missing deserve that.

I don't have a problem with filming searches as I have watched many, many credible news organizations which were on the scene with live streams being broadcast coast to coast and on the internet. I was watching when they brought up the car which held the body of the girl in WI. I was watching when they found others, too. These live stream broadcasts in no way demeaned the search or the person being found.

Documentation is a good idea, imo, especially where searches of LP are concerned to prove no wrongdoing and also to show the "chain of evidence" on film in case anything is found. Make of it what you want, but I think he should consider it. If it means we are at all closer to bringing Caylee home by helping fund more searches...I am all for it!!
This really grates on my nerves like you would not believe. They basically have drivin that man out of town when all he was trying to do was bring the child home for a propper burial. As for the media being there with what happend on Thursday, they were already there. People said that media was there in the morning so I think it is stupid they are saying he called them up. It's completely untrue and when LP phoned into Fox News he told them that it was the first time he was hearing about bones being found b/c they asked him about the bones.
When the media circus and all the rumors get going at a such a frantic pace it creates tons of work and distraction for LE. Their phones go crazy, the media starts issuing requests for documents. LE tried to explain this to the Anthony's, that their communication with the press, and especially saying things that weren't true in the press caused all sorts of problems, including them being forced to release info under the sunshine law that they otherwise wouldn't do. Whether the rumors originate with LP or just follow him, I would guess that is why they are frustrated with him.
Sounds like a manning and management problem to me. The public has a right to ask for docs at any time and that includes the media. LE can expect that they are going to have to spend time on docs and responding to sunshine law requests. The problem is LE's response to the public's interest, not LP's searching or that the media is interested in LP's searching. I am normally a big supporter of LE, but if that was their reason, it is an LE administrative problem -- proper manning. LE administration can expect manhours to be spent on this stuff. It goes with the territory of being a governmental LE agency.

Guys, stick with the facts. Stop the negativity.

Am I talking to myself here?

I feel like I need to shut down the forum for a day to get your attention.

Believe me, I am not opposed to doing just that.

Guys, stick with the facts. Stop the negativity.

Am I talking to myself here?

I feel like I need to shut down the forum for a day to get your attention.

Believe me, I am not opposed to doing just that.

I'm sorry - did I say something wrong???
I'm sorry - did I say something wrong???

I think it's the general tone of the whole thread she's not liking, not you. :)

We get very hot under the collar about this case, and it tends to all come boiling out.
I'm perplexed - all emotion aside - why is the FBI/Local LE so upset w/ these recent searches by LP?

Is LE committed to taking the case to trial w/o a body and any additional searching will only support KC's case by supporting the fact that Kaylee is alive due to the fact that multiple groups, on multiple days, searched a great deal and was not found?

Is LE committed to a theory of how her body was disposed of (i.e. driven to the ocean) and any further searching around Orlando area puts doubt in the minds of the public around this theory?

Does LE (or FBI) think it makes them "look bad" or incompetent if someone other than them (or a professional search org) finds Caylee?

I just can't wrap my head around why LE is so bent out of shape by LP.


I think LE is upset with LP for a lot of reasons.

1) The Bail - LE obviously wanted to keep KC in jail for a reason & specifically asked for a high bail that was out of reach for the Anthony's. Then LP shows up & bails her out under the false pretense that he believed Caylee was alive & that KC only needed to take a "Hot Shower" & then she would tell him where Caylee was. I don't buy LP's statements that he believed Caylee was alive - Anyone with any "Common Sense" knew she wasn't when this case first became public & bailing KC out served no one but LP & KC.

2) KC's Security -LP obviously didn't put to much thought into what would happen once he did bail KC out. The scene outside the Anthony home was nothing but a circus & anyone with any "Common Sense" should have known that if you bail a suspected baby killer out of jail then the public is going to get a little riled up. Local LE was called to the Anthony home on numerous occasions to keep the piece and all LP did was complain about "Threats". His handling of the entire situation, that he created by bailing KC out of jail, was unprofessional and it put an undue burden on Local LE.

3) LP's Nightly Interviews - LP is on TV & Radio every night making statments about what he "Allegedly" knows to be factual. He has done nothing but spread rumors, inflame the public, insult the Anthony's & basically spread disinformation. He comes across like he has an inside LE source which I do not believe & he has contradicted himself on numerous occasions, It's all there in the transcripts. For LP, this is not "About Caylee" this is about "getting even with the Anthony's". Making public statements that are insensitive to Caylee's memory is not only Un Professional but it is also cruel.

4)The Search - When TES searched for Caylee numerous items were found & quietly sent off to the lab to be analyzed. The public never heard about half of what was found. When LP made the "Toy Bag" discovery it was flashed on every National news outlet across the country. I know the "News" was already present but LP allegedly called more to report his "Find".The "Common Sense" thing to do would have been to call LE so they could preserve the crime scene & protect the integrity of the evidence but LP chose to broadcast his "Human Bone Find" to the world. What does this accomplish & who does this ultimately serve? This is supposed to be a search for a missing girls remains, not public entertainment that we are all entitled to.

5) Found Evidence - LP says that "Beads" were found under a tree & they match beads from the Anthony home that belonged to KC. Is this true ? I think LE better make sure it is because Cindy Anthony is sure to say that they were stolen from the home & planted. The area that they were found in was flooded during the hurricane & I can guarantee that Jose Baez will say during the trial that there is no way those beads would have still been sitting under that tree after 3 months & 2 tropical storms. LE obviously has their doubts because they are asking him to take a poly. Once again, if LP had any "Common Sense" he would have kept this quiet & handed the beads over to LE so they could handle it professionally.

All of the above is only my personal opinion
When he bailed her out he was also told that Casey would talk to him, she was afraid to talk to LE. There was still the question that Caylee may of been alive. Wouldnt it of been horrible if LP hadnt bailed her out and Casey was afraid to talk to the police and Caylee was alive. He had no clue that he was being used and that Casey and Baez had no intention of talking to him about anything. I really believe when he bailed her out he did believe Caylee was alive and was trying to do everything in his power to bring this little girl home, now that we know she is deceased I still believe he is trying to do everything in his power to find her so she can be put to rest.

That "pesky 8th amd" has been interpreted by the Supreme Court as "bail should not be excessive in light of the perceived evil". Just thought I'd mention that.

I'm not going to argue whether LP has caused material harm to this case - I know he has. If you think he's great, you think he's great - I have stated my reasons for my opinion of LP. I don't "hate" the guy, I'm not "on the side of the Anthonys", I don't consider this a high school cross town rivalry where people have to choose sides, I look at it objectively as a whole and try to figure out where all the pieces need to go to fit the whole case and arrive at a resolution.

p.s. Yes, he did interfere with the case when he bailed her out - sweating is a technique used by LE to further the cooperation of the suspect. The indeterminate of the incarcaration is what wears the suspect down. If LE had wanted her bailed out they would have asked for bail that was affordable to the suspect. That's how it works.

And of course the Anthonys don't want their granddaughter's body found - would you like that? They want to hold out hope as long as possible and whether you agree with it or not, it seems to be their coping mechanism.
I would give this a ditto, but I would add TM's name to this post as well. This does not appear to be one of the cases where the family and community pull together to turn tragedy into something that changes/helps others. Everyone that comes near this mess just gets splattered.

The sole reason that I did not mention TM is because he has "made nice" with the A's and this thread was in relation to LP's searches that he'd been conducting. I have great respect for TM and TES and IMO too many personalities clashed when they did their joint search effort.
In today's news updates it quotes LP as saying a company has offered him money to fund the search provided he gives them exclusive access to film it. He said he was thinking about it, hadnt decided yet. I think if this same offer had been made to Tim Miller he would not have to think about it, it would have been a no. No one should be filming the search, no one should be using cell phone s to call a friend or family to tell them what they found. It's about bringing a little child home with grace & dignity. TES still has a group there & they aren't getting the bucks for exclusive access. I have always supported LP until he did the dive & esp doing it with Murt. For me, that said it was more about face time. Like all of you, I dont care who finds this child, I support everyone looking, but do it w/o cameras. Caylee & all the other missing deserve that.
Tim's team leaders were protesting LP's search. I dont think it matters WHO searches, just that someone IS searching. Tim left VOLUNTEERS, not official TES employees. The protestors at LP's search clearly said they were TES people.

Tim talks to much and makes too many accusations. I think he would take the money and use it on another search. He spends too much time and money running from search to search. How many trips has he made to Aruba?
The sole reason that I did not mention TM is because he has "made nice" with the A's and this thread was in relation to LP's searches that he'd been conducting. I have great respect for TM and TES and IMO too many personalities clashed when they did their joint search effort.
This isn't about WHO finds Caylee - it's about FINDING Caylee. I don't give a hoot about who finds her - just that she is found. Tim is in NC - kinda hard to find Caylee there unless Cindy shared some of her "private" tips with Tim.
In today's news updates it quotes LP as saying a company has offered him money to fund the search provided he gives them exclusive access to film it. He said he was thinking about it, hadnt decided yet. I think if this same offer had been made to Tim Miller he would not have to think about it, it would have been a no. No one should be filming the search, no one should be using cell phone s to call a friend or family to tell them what they found. It's about bringing a little child home with grace & dignity. TES still has a group there & they aren't getting the bucks for exclusive access. I have always supported LP until he did the dive & esp doing it with Murt. For me, that said it was more about face time. Like all of you, I dont care who finds this child, I support everyone looking, but do it w/o cameras. Caylee & all the other missing deserve that.
I have to disagree.

Tim participated in the Dateline NBC show about Natalee Holloway and gave the documentary crew access to shoot their search efforts.

It's fascinating to watch the real deal instead of seeing 'recreated' material.

Here's Tim and his searchers from that Dateline episode.
This isn't about WHO finds Caylee - it's about FINDING Caylee. I don't give a hoot about who finds her - just that she is found. Tim is in NC - kinda hard to find Caylee there unless Cindy shared some of her "private" tips with Tim.

There are still team members of TEQ in Florida. Tim doesn't need to be personally present for TEQ to find Caylee.
There are still team members of TEQ in Florida. Tim doesn't need to be personally present for TEQ to find Caylee.

Is there any formal website for those remaining in the area? I'm just wondering where people can find information on upcoming searches by the TES groups still in the Orlando area.
I don't have a problem with filming searches as I have watched many, many credible news organizations which were on the scene with live streams being broadcast coast to coast and on the internet. I was watching when they brought up the car which held the body of the girl in WI. I was watching when they found others, too. These live stream broadcasts in no way demeaned the search or the person being found.

Documentation is a good idea, imo, especially where searches of LP are concerned to prove no wrongdoing and also to show the "chain of evidence" on film in case anything is found. Make of it what you want, but I think he should consider it. If it means we are at all closer to bringing Caylee home by helping fund more searches...I am all for it!!

ITA with everything you said.

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