Now the TRUTH is coming out. A Shout out to Carol McKinnely and Fox for the truth.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Let's face it: if John and Patsy had been living in a mobile home and John had been an auto mechanic - they would have both been arrested and put on trial 9 1/2 years ago.

There's a lot more pointing to them (mostly Patsy) than there is on this Karr guy.

What a world we live in......
Nova said:
You may well be right, dasgal. But I think the fact that the suspect was in Thailand - and the sudden surge in media interest - may have forced some hands. Better to bring the nutcase back, even if you end up clearing him, than to be forever accused of having let the "killer of JBR" escape.

That's exactly right. What are they going to do...ignore this guy? They have to do something. They have to at least question him. And Trisha posted that he wasn't arrested for his confesssion, but something else.

So, they will bring him back, and they will find out that this guy is looney toons. Then they will say he was never under arrest to begin with, and off he will go to face the music to whatever it was he fled from (I think Trisha mentioned).

I saw him on TV when a reporter asked him a question. To me, it looked like he was just seaching for an he was making this up as he went along. He's just an obsessed freak. And sadly, nothing more (IMO). His family is going to be able to prove that he was with them. old brain is fried reading all this.
wenchie said:
Let's face it: if John and Patsy had been living in a mobile home and John had been an auto mechanic - they would have both been arrested and put on trial 9 1/2 years ago.

There's a lot more pointing to them (mostly Patsy) than there is on this Karr guy.

What a world we live in......

That is so true. I just can't get around all the things we know. If this guy can be tied to the case by DNA, or fingerprints, then I suppose that's that. But I do believe he's just a nut.
I respect your work on the case very much Nova, but I think you are putting the cart after the horse here. He was picked up because he confessed, not the other way around.

Also, let's suppose it's a bogus much as BPD been burned by stupid theories and statements? Don't you think they would confer with legal council before spouting off? But this isn't about either. This is about the Procesuction council who DEFIED everyone with not going forward with anything they didn't believe. But they are willing to go through on this one. That says a ton.
wenchie said:
Let's face it: if John and Patsy had been living in a mobile home and John had been an auto mechanic - they would have both been arrested and put on trial 9 1/2 years ago.

There's a lot more pointing to them (mostly Patsy) than there is on this Karr guy.

What a world we live in......

Ditto. Although I do not think Patsy murdered JB - I do believe Patsy (knew) and John knows who did - it's interesting to see John on the news channels - very stoic, emploring everyone to "keep an open mind" about this Karr guy because of "what we went through" - yeah, he knows this guy did not kill JB.
You gotta remember Nova, they have no place to go making themselves look more stupid than they already did. They are looking to rectify that. This is pretty much a stroke of the All Being which I don't even believe in. You gotta luck out pretty big to have it all line up like this.
They aren't gonna come out on a half shot. They are already the biggest blunderers in history as far as cops go in history.
The DA thank whatever, has been steadfast in not rushing to trial.....that's EXACTLY why this is so important.
An then you have all those sure fire detective with books. All ruined now.
This was not an easy thing for them ALL to come together on. Thats why I'm thinking it's the real deal. That and the fact that the guy is profile city, and a freaky weirdo to boot.
dasgal said:
I respect your work on the case very much Nova, but I think you are putting the cart after the horse here. He was picked up because he confessed, not the other way around.

Also, let's suppose it's a bogus much as BPD been burned by stupid theories and statements? Don't you think they would confer with legal council before spouting off? But this isn't about either. This is about the Procesuction council who DEFIED everyone with not going forward with anything they didn't believe. But they are willing to go through on this one. That says a ton.

You are too kind, dasgal. In these parts, I'm not even an amateur! LOL.

I may well be wrong, but it isn't my understanding that he confessed BEFORE he was picked up. Rather there were reports that he revealed something "only the killer could know" in emails; but even if true, that falls short of a confession. The confession seems to have come only after a Thai interrogation and I don't know what that might involve.

The Boulder DA's office and the BPD have been rather tight-lipped. Maybe they have a great case against Karr but have learned their lessons about talking too much to the media. Or maybe not.
wenchie said:
Let's face it: if John and Patsy had been living in a mobile home and John had been an auto mechanic - they would have both been arrested and put on trial 9 1/2 years ago.

There's a lot more pointing to them (mostly Patsy) than there is on this Karr guy.

What a world we live in......
So if he did it, he must have been setting the Ram's up, there's just too much evidence pointing at them to dismiss.
Nuisanceposter said:
Picked her up at school? Since when is class held for American schoolchildren on Christmas Day??? NO public schools are open Christmas Day.
Bingo! Lie right there- this clearly isn't the guy!
LinasK said:
Bingo! Lie right there- this clearly isn't the guy!

It is inconceivable to me that in a case with an out-of-this-world profile that an arrest warrant would have been both sought and then given unless they had some corroborating evidence. Of course, this is now the primary test of the competency of the D.A's office, which took over the investigation from the BPD -- and we know what their skill level was (zip).
Wudge said:
It is inconceivable to me that in a case with an out-of-this-world profile that an arrest warrant would have been both sought and then given unless they had some corroborating evidence. Of course, this is now the primary test of the competency of the D.A's office, which took over the investigation from the BPD -- and we know what their skill level was (zip).
:laugh: :slap: :hand: (high five in this case). Wudge, one of the few times we're in agreement. So are you starting to think this guy's story isn't adding up?
LinasK said:
:laugh: :slap: :hand: (high five in this case). Wudge, one of the few times we're in agreement. So are you starting to think this guy's story isn't adding up?

I always hold to a presumption of innocence, always. Nevertheless, Karr has allegedly confessed to JonBenet's death having been an "accidental" death caused by an alleged chloroform overdose. I have little cause to trust the accuracy of media reports that create a myriad of storyline conflicts. This is especially true given that much of the reporting is from media sources in Malayasia.

Overall, Karr's confession favors his guilt, and his arrest and conviction -- in absentia -- for child *advertiser censored* in California, demonstrates his sexual interest in children, as does his online posts under Powerwurks. So I don't think we have a boy scout here.

But we do need to wait for the dust to settle.
Wudge said:
I have little cause to trust the accuracy of media reports that create a pyriad of storyline conflicts.

Wudge, such is my respect for your posts that I went to a dictionary to look up "pyriad." Thought you ought to know. :)

Your caution at this moment is exactly what we should all strive to achieve.
Wudge said:
I always hold to a presumption of innocence, always.
I know, I've gathered your profession at the very least.;)

Nevertheless, Karr has allegedly confessed to JonBenet's death having been an "accidental" death caused by an alleged chloroform overdose. I have little cause to trust the accuracy of media reports that create a pyriad of storyline conflicts. This is especially true given that much of the reporting is from media sources in Malayasia.

Overall, Karr's confession favors his guilt, and his arrest and conviction, in absentia, for child *advertiser censored* in California demonstrates his sexual interest in children, as does his online posts under Powerwurks. So I don't think we have a boy scout here.

But we do need to wait for the dust to settle.
The guy is clearly a pedo. But we don't know what he's gaining by confessing verbally on TV. He wasn't willing to put his confession in writing according to the news reports.

Maybe he thinks he'll be treated better here in the U.S. But he's got obvious lies in his story like picking her up at school. There's no way that happened. She was with her immediate family at a party until that night.
Nova said:
Wudge, such is my respect for your posts that I went to a dictionary to look up "pyriad." Thought you ought to know. :)

Your caution at this moment is exactly what we should all strive to achieve.

(chuckle and salute)
PaperDoll said:
No one is answering my question... does anyone know why he went to Thailand in the first place?

He had a teaching job there. According to the snippet of news I caught, he was arrested on his second day (or maybe his first.) Before that, he allegedly worked as a teacher/"nanny" for people in Europe.
LinasK said:
I know, I've gathered your profession at the very least.;)

The guy is clearly a pedo. But we don't know what he's gaining by confessing verbally on TV. He wasn't willing to put his confession in writing according to the news reports.

Maybe he thinks he'll be treated better here in the U.S. But he's got obvious lies in his story like picking her up at school. There's no way that happened. She was with her immediate family at a party until that night.

We all know that Karr did not pick Jon Benet up at school on Christmas day. However, did Karr really say that or could that have been an interpretation or impression from a Malasian translator who was not there when Karr allegedly said that?

You might recall that as the trial went on, most everything the media reported about Scott Peterson was proven to have been an error or a falsehood. It's best to wait for time to de-smoke these reporting anonmalies.
LinasK said:
I know, I've gathered your profession at the very least.;)

The guy is clearly a pedo. But we don't know what he's gaining by confessing verbally on TV. He wasn't willing to put his confession in writing according to the news reports.

Maybe he thinks he'll be treated better here in the U.S. But he's got obvious lies in his story like picking her up at school. There's no way that happened. She was with her immediate family at a party until that night.

I haven't had time to read much and catch up so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this possibility or not but I personally think that what this sicko is gaining is that he has the chance to live out a fantasy. Yep, I believe he was interested in the JBR case because he is a pedo and he has/is fantasizing that it is he who murdered her. I don't think he expected to be arrested but since he has been he's milking it for everything he can get out of it. I think he's getting off on it because now he can pretend that his fantasy is real.
Jack said:
I haven't had time to read much and catch up so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this possibility or not but I personally think that what this sicko is gaining is that he has the chance to live out a fantasy. Yep, I believe he was interested in the JBR case because he is a pedo and he has/is fantasizing that it is he who murdered her. I don't think he expected to be arrested but since he has been he's milking it for everything he can get out of it. I think he's getting off on it because now he can pretend that his fantasy is real.
I think you're probably right on, Jack. At some point he's definately fantasized about being her murderer. Whether some sort of psychosis has developed and he truly believes it now or he's milking this thing like a champ.

Oh, and Wudge, you make a good point, too!
"I heard Dr Henry Lee today on MSNBC say that the DNA founda speck of blood in her panties and DNA from under her nails was processed right away - like memorialized and so it will not degrade over time."

He said it hasn't degraded since it was cataloged. It had already degraded substantially by the time it was logged.

"Do u think i just made up that the DNA was degraded...just pulled it out of my hat? This claim has been long documented including in published books one of which was authored by Steve Thomas! The DNA was so degraded that had to use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which involves the amplification of specific regions of DNA. The used this process because they didnt even have enough DNA bands to enter it into CODIS. so bisically they reamplified crappy dna! this is fact not fiction."

That's right.

"Furthermore we dont know whether the grand jury wanted to indict the ramseys all we know is that DA Alex Hunter chose not to indict after the Grand Jury convened. there was a good thread about this recently."

Well, the Grand Jury said they didn't indict because they didn't think a parent could do this. That strikes me as NAIVE in the extreme, but remember, the way they ran the GJ was like two hours a day every two or three days or so. NOBODY'S going to retain anything like that!

"Agreed! I'm not letting Patsy rest in peace just yet!"

Me, neither!

"Who said it had to be Patsy if not this guy?"

Nobody, but you can't ignore the evidence against her.

"Sitting at the dinner table tonight with my cousin, the detective of 16 years who happens to be the most cynical person I've ever met, and listening to his "theories", he feels that Steve Thomas pi$$ed a lot of people off, people in high places. Cousin feels this whole arrest of a suspect has something to do with making sure ST has egg on his face and is discredited for life. A payback of sorts to ST for ST making Boulder LE organization look like the Keystone Cops.
Just something that made me go "hmmmmmm...""

Maybe, but I doubt it.

"This is good news, if Karr is charged his defence team will get hold of ALL the evidence."

Yes, and won't it be interesting?

"There's a lot more pointing to them (mostly Patsy) than there is on this Karr guy."

"So if he did it, he must have been setting the Ram's up, there's just too much evidence pointing at them to dismiss."

As it stands now, that's true.

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