Now the TRUTH is coming out. A Shout out to Carol McKinnely and Fox for the truth.

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luvbeaches said:
Many people do the same thing...we do. Always, at our house Xmas eve, and our house Xmas morning, and then to MIL's. We've done it for 30 years.

I'll bet she heard the confession...and went "what"? It would be like someone in my family confessing to a crime that happened on Xmas Eve, when I knew that person was with us. Besides, this guy looks like the light is on, but no one is home.

There's something else going on...

Either he wanted to get out of Thailand, or he wanted the publicity or something. But I personally do not believe this is the guy...and I really got excited when I first heard this...and now I am bummed because I just don't think it's the guy.
We go to my parents every year for Christmas, BUT, I cannot tell you which year particulary that my brother and his family skipped... I cannot tell you which year particularly we had an extra guest... certainly NOT 10 years after the fact.

I'm sorry... but I'm still not buying her alibi...
MagicRose99 said:
I'm holding judgement on guilt or innocence until I get more factual info, but...

I really don't buy the ex-wife's alibi... I mean, come on! How many people, honestly, can tell me how they spent their Christmas 10 years ago; where, with who, what you were doing?

Unless they follow the same exact pattern year after year after year, I doubt very much she really remembers that exact Christmas...
There are a few point which would make me believe her:-

1) A quick sum says their oldest child was 4 when JBR was murdered. I don't know what the ages gaps are but that's an age when parents enjoy Christmas - kid is old enough to express excitement.

2) I couldn't tell you what my daughter got for her Christmas 10 years ago - but I sure know that my husband and I have never spent a Christmas apart.

3) JonBenet's murder was major news that Christmas - that will be a marker in many people's memories. Families would have discussed it. Parents would reflect on their own children.

It wasn't just any old day of the year - that's what will make recollections more valid.
PaperDoll said:
I personally don't think the PD is looking ridiculous by going after a man who claims he killed JBR... The police are doing their job and looking into this since this case has NOT be solved.. This guy has a history here so why not look into it to be sure...
You forget about liability and civil causes. There is a lot of money involved in admitting you are wrong, especially if you have deep pockets from books sales.
Just a quick note :)

The BPD has not been involved in this matter until Beckner issued a statement today saying the dept was at the ready to do what is asked. This has been the DA's investigation.
narlacat said:
I thought he confessed lol.
This is crazy.
Here I was thinking it was all nearly over.

Me too...I was really excited yesterday. Now I think he's just a fruitcake.
shana said:
Just a quick note :)

The BPD has not been involved in this matter until Beckner issued a statement today saying the dept was at the ready to do what is asked. This has been the DA's investigation.
And the "quick note" substantiates that the PD stands behind the litigation.
shana said:
Just a quick note :)

The BPD has not been involved in this matter until Beckner issued a statement today saying the dept was at the ready to do what is asked. This has been the DA's investigation.

Hmm....The DA's investigation. Oh, dear....this is going to go south and south quick. I wonder how long it will take them to come forward and say he's not the guy (if he isn't and I don't think he is). Surely, they wouldn't charge the guy on his confession (only). There has to be more evidence, and if his family can prove that he was with them, how would the DA's office challenge that...confession or not?
Go, Feiger.

He's come right out and called it what it is - a fraud.
Just to add to the above, can't you see the writing on the wall? The police want to shut up. The prosecutor feels confident, when they didn't before. You've got a big freaking weirdo saying he did it. The cops are saying he knows stuff he shouldn't know, and all the book writers are scrambling to get a word in.

Doesn't take a doctorate.......
PaperDoll said:
THANK YOU... hehe :blowkiss:

If I come across the answer...I'll post it. And if you do the same. I'd be willing to bet it has something to do with child *advertiser censored* and Thailand...isn't it a hotbed of activity there?
PaperDoll said:
No one is answering my question... does anyone know why he went to Thailand in the first place?
There is only ONE reason pedophiles go to Thailand
The D.A. will need solid evidence...forensic evidence, for example. Strong DNA match for starters :)
If you missed Feiger on CC, I'm sure it will be played again (and again and again and again).

He said something like, "if this LOON had done this crime, there's no way he could have gotten away with it for all these years. They would have had him right away. Anyone can take one look at him and see that he's not all there and doesn't know what he's doing".....(my words, but that's the gist of it).
luvbeaches said:
Hmm....The DA's investigation. Oh, dear....this is going to go south and south quick. I wonder how long it will take them to come forward and say he's not the guy (if he isn't and I don't think he is). Surely, they wouldn't charge the guy on his confession (only). There has to be more evidence, and if his family can prove that he was with them, how would the DA's office challenge that...confession or not?
After how tight they have been with bringing forth an indictment, I would be amazed if they would latch on to a nutcase. Hell, they've had a dozen nutcases to latch on to and they havent.
So why do you think, all of a sudden, they would throw their hands up and say, "yep, THIS is the official nutcase". "We didn't try the others, but this one in Tailand is a go".
And the cops all follow in line, and say, "hmmm, maybe my book isn't right, or maybe this is right".
Do you have ANY idea how many planets would have to come in line to make this all happen? LOL.
I believe it pretty much for the above. Police politics is much more than you can ever imagine.
(Pasted from more detail in email received on DA's listserv...Mods pls snip if this isn't legit to post):

The Boulder Police Department is pleased with the recent development in the JonBenet Ramsey homicide investigation. Investigators are hopeful that the arrest of suspect John Karr will lead to bringing closure to this tragic crime.
Boulder District Attorney Mary Lacy has asked the Boulder Police Department to assist with additional investigation that must yet be completed. Police Chief Mark Beckner has agreed to assist in anyway possible.
"We are cautiously optimistic with this development in the case and will certainly help as requested," stated Chief Beckner. "We know that there are still many questions that need to be answered and we are ready to assist in finding those answers."
It is unknown at this time as to what police investigators will be asked to do or how many will be assigned to assist with the follow-up investigation.
dasgal said:
After how tight they have been with bringing forth an indictment, I would be amazed if they would latch on to a nutcase. Hell, they've had a dozen nutcases to latch on to and they havent.
So why do you think, all of a sudden, they would throw their hands up and say, "yep, THIS is the official nutcase". "We didn't try the others, but this one in Tailand is a go".
And the cops all follow in line, and say, "hmmm, maybe my book isn't right, or maybe this is right".
Do you have ANY idea how many planets would have to come in line to make this all happen? LOL.
I believe it pretty much for the above. Police politics is much more than you can ever imagine.

I think the only reason they are doing anything is because of his confession (and according to Trisha, he wasn't arrested because of this).

Sadly, I understand police/DA politics all too well. It wasn't always that way, but all it takes is being screwed over by the system and you have a whole different opinion on the subject. Most people toddle through life thinking the bad guy will get what he deserves, and the good guys (the cops/DA's) are going to see that happen...Well, it's doesn't work that way. Justice is not for all. :(

I hope you keep posting. It's always interesting to hear from an "insider" to police goings-on.
dasgal said:
After how tight they have been with bringing forth an indictment, I would be amazed if they would latch on to a nutcase. Hell, they've had a dozen nutcases to latch on to and they havent.
So why do you think, all of a sudden, they would throw their hands up and say, "yep, THIS is the official nutcase". "We didn't try the others, but this one in Tailand is a go".
And the cops all follow in line, and say, "hmmm, maybe my book isn't right, or maybe this is right".
Do you have ANY idea how many planets would have to come in line to make this all happen? LOL.
I believe it pretty much for the above. Police politics is much more than you can ever imagine.

You may well be right, dasgal. But I think the fact that the suspect was in Thailand - and the sudden surge in media interest - may have forced some hands. Better to bring the nutcase back, even if you end up clearing him, than to be forever accused of having let the "killer of JBR" escape.

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