Now the TRUTH is coming out. A Shout out to Carol McKinnely and Fox for the truth.

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PaperDoll said:
I personally don't think the PD is looking ridiculous by going after a man who claims he killed JBR... The police are doing their job and looking into this since this case has NOT be solved.. This guy has a history here so why not look into it to be sure...
Wake up. They look like idiots. They have been writing books for years that the Ramseys, one or another did it. They even had guys from the FBI weight in.

And now, they are saying they are wrong. Their book is wrong. All the crap they said to fellow investigators is wrong.
Maybe they were wrong.
Tybee: He is being paraded in front of media by Thai Authorities to give statements. This picture dosent remind you at all of hostages making media appearances with their capters? The media appearances just made me squirm like something is not right here.

I fully agree...and even before Scheck reportedly said so on a morning talk show today, the film of Karr reminded me of Oswald.

Also, I think it is important to note that the PD (BPD) has not been involved in this investigation. Beckner's statement today says the department is now "ready to assist".
kcksum said:
I couldn't agree more. There has to be something going on or they wouldn't have taken this huge chance to look ridiculous. great post.


thats all
saying this was planted by Patsy, John, Lin Wood and others.Let's wait.If there is a dna match then we who believe the Ramseys innocent can crow about it.If there is not match then you Ramsey haters can resume your disinformation campaign.
It's conceivable that while his wife and kids were in bed in Ala. he and possibly others actually may have slipped away in a private plane as someone once theorized that JAR did, from Atlanta, that night. Not saying I believe it, but if the DNA matches.

With all the staging and staging-within-staging, I don't really think anyone did it alone.

And the other character we had a thread about who confessed from prison was, I believe, a James Selby.

If Karr turns out to be telling at least partial truth, might he implicate others, or has he been hired or something and some kind of protection promised?
Another Helgoth scapegoat for someone powerful? We can only wait and see, as I for one always said about the Ramsey family because their friends were all so "eccentric" as SD put it and the case so unusual, clues pointing in so many directions. Patsy did say in the Patricia letters that someone kept phoning her during the Grand Jury, sounding very crazy, "not of this world".
We do say people are spiritually possessed by Satan when they do things like this. Not saying this Karr did or didn't.

Anyone have any clue what info he had that the general public doesn't know? Which could have come from the R's or Tracey, correct?
tybee204 said:
I dont think it has to be either this guy or the Ramseys. When I first heard an arrest was made I was excited that it may be finally over. But everything I have read and heard so far tells me this guy is iffy. I think an arrest was forced because the media got wind of it...
I agree. And if they knew where this guy was, suspected he had involvement with this case (whether or not it turns out he does), know about his past child *advertiser censored* charges, know that he's currently working with children in another country, etc. - then DON'T arrest him until they can sort things out and something happens to another child in the meantime or he takes off again, it would be unforgivable. I personally am beginning to feel that this guy is being held because it's in the best interests of everyone involved until they can determine his level of involvement, if any. I am hoping with everything I am that this is the right guy. I'm not saying that it isn't; just that it's probably best at this point to see how it unwinds.
I'm holding judgement on guilt or innocence until I get more factual info, but...

I really don't buy the ex-wife's alibi... I mean, come on! How many people, honestly, can tell me how they spent their Christmas 10 years ago; where, with who, what you were doing?

Unless they follow the same exact pattern year after year after year, I doubt very much she really remembers that exact Christmas...
MagicRose99 said:
Unless they follow the same exact pattern year after year after year...

But many people do at Christmas time. If he spent every Christmas with his family until he and the wife separated, it might be easy to make the claim.
I have a question, so many posts and it's hard to keep up.. Why did this guy move to Thailand? What was the reason?
Tricia said:

Thanks to the WONDERFUL Carol McKinnley for this info. Fox has it right!!

Karr skipped town when he was arrested for some child *advertiser censored* a few years ago. He ended up in Thailand. He was ARRESTED IN THAILAND AND IS BEING BROUGHT BACK TO THE U.S. BASED ON THE CHARGES HE SKIPPED OUT ON. NOTHING TO DO WITH THE JBR CASE.

Karr is being brought back for QUESTIONING IN THE JBR CASE.
That's it. He will be QUESTIONED about the case. Nothing more.

This suspect came to light because he was emailing with people involved in the case.

Guess who is behind the "emails"?....Patsy, Michael Tracey, and Lin Wood. Yep, the three of them. I know Patsy was in direct contact with him. About the other two I don't know other than they were in on the emails too.

This has Michael Tracey's stink all over it. He needs a new documentary since we blasted his last one out of the water. Who's to say Tracey didn't feed Karr info? Wouldn't you confess to anything just to get out of a Thai jail?

Oh by the way, Karr's brother said his brother spent Christmas '96 with his family and he has the pictures to prove it.

Thank you for this information.
How many people, honestly, can tell me how they spent their Christmas 10 years ago; where, with who, what you were doing?

Well maybe if it was their first year there in a new house, or something distinctive took place she could.

I know exactly where I was and what I was doing on x-mas in 1996.

Something distinctive that will always remind me of that day is the news that afternoon of the murder of JonBenet Patricia Ramsey.
MagicRose99 said:
I'm holding judgement on guilt or innocence until I get more factual info, but...

I really don't buy the ex-wife's alibi... I mean, come on! How many people, honestly, can tell me how they spent their Christmas 10 years ago; where, with who, what you were doing?

Unless they follow the same exact pattern year after year after year, I doubt very much she really remembers that exact Christmas...

Most people do follow the same pattern year after year. And most people would at least remember if the dad of the house wasn't there that Christmas.
tybee204 said:
He is being paraded in front of media by Thai Authorities to give statements. This picture dosent remind you at all of hostages making media appearances with their capters? The media appearances just made me squirm like something is not right here.

Esp. b/c the guy looked drugged, his arms and legs looked limp and he looked sleepy and was having to be guided everywhere by all the jailers or whoever they were. It even looked to me like they had to push him down in his chair to help him sit.
luvbeaches said:
Thank you for this information.
Just for clarification of Tricia's post, he has been arrested, just not charged.

excerpt form press conference:

>>Statement from Mary Lacy

Good morning.

As you are now aware, John Mark Karr, 41 years old, was arrested for the murder of JonBenet Ramsey yesterday morning at approximately 6:00 am in Bangkok, Thailand. <<
MagicRose99 said:
I'm holding judgement on guilt or innocence until I get more factual info, but...

I really don't buy the ex-wife's alibi... I mean, come on! How many people, honestly, can tell me how they spent their Christmas 10 years ago; where, with who, what you were doing?

Unless they follow the same exact pattern year after year after year, I doubt very much she really remembers that exact Christmas...

Many people do the same thing...we do. Always, at our house Xmas eve, and our house Xmas morning, and then to MIL's. We've done it for 30 years.

I'll bet she heard the confession...and went "what"? It would be like someone in my family confessing to a crime that happened on Xmas Eve, when I knew that person was with us. Besides, this guy looks like the light is on, but no one is home.

There's something else going on...

Either he wanted to get out of Thailand, or he wanted the publicity or something. But I personally do not believe this is the guy...and I really got excited when I first heard this...and now I am bummed because I just don't think it's the guy.
my ex husband comes to my home EVERY Christmas eve and stays with us until Christmas day (afternoon) id allways be able to safely say he was with me and have pics to prove it. now how id prove they were from that year i dont know
luvbeaches said:
Many people do the same thing...we do. Always, at our house Xmas eve, and our house Xmas morning, and then to MIL's. We've done it for 30 years.

I'll bet she heard the confession...and went "what"? It would be like someone in my family confessing to a crime that happened on Xmas Eve, when I knew that person was with us. Besides, this guy looks like the light is on, but no one is home.

There's something else going on...

Either he wanted to get out of Thailand, or he wanted the publicity or something. But I personally do not believe this is the guy...and I really got excited when I first heard this...and now I am bummed because I just don't think it's the guy.
Or to get out of Thailand safely he needed the publicity. I have no idea just thinking.
No one is answering my question... does anyone know why he went to Thailand in the first place?
Tricia said:

Thanks to the WONDERFUL Carol McKinnley for this info. Fox has it right!!

Karr skipped town when he was arrested for some child *advertiser censored* a few years ago. He ended up in Thailand. He was ARRESTED IN THAILAND AND IS BEING BROUGHT BACK TO THE U.S. BASED ON THE CHARGES HE SKIPPED OUT ON. NOTHING TO DO WITH THE JBR CASE.

Karr is being brought back for QUESTIONING IN THE JBR CASE.
That's it. He will be QUESTIONED about the case. Nothing more.

So the BPD won't have egg on their face when they say this isn't the guy. He may have confessed, but lots of nuts do that. It's the media (with the exception of Carol Mc & Fox) who are getting this info wrong (big surprise here).

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