Now the TRUTH is coming out. A Shout out to Carol McKinnely and Fox for the truth.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have to believe that the Boulder DA would not embarass themselves AGAIN if they did not have something substantial besides some creepy emails from an obviously disturbed person. If they don't yet have aDNA match, then they must be able to tie him to the Ramseys or to Boulder in some way to have him apprehended in a foreign country.
HeartofTexas said:
Amen to that! This is a man who had 3 small sons of his own, who was reported to have been in Ga/Ala. during Christmas of 1996, who now says he picked JonBenet up from school and took her to the basement. Overlooking the obvious and blatant lies relating to him picking her up from school on December 25, 1996, what are the chances that this man would leave his own 3 boys on Christmas day to trek off to Boulder to pick up JonBenet from school that day (howling!) and then take her to the basement. It's ludicrous. The man does not have both of his oars in the water. You can look at his picture and see there's something wrong with him. Yes, I believe he's obsessed with JonBenet, and yes, it's possible he's a pedophile and into child *advertiser censored*... but no, I don't think he ever met JonBenet in his life. He got no closer to her than the hundreds of pix that are circulating about her.

And emailing with Michael Tracy for 4 years (perish the thought!) would probably give you any number of inside facts relating to this case. It's just a shame Mr. Tracy didn't think to advise him that schools are closed on Christmas day (not that being a teacher he wouldn't know that to begin with). The man has had a break with reality, IMO. He sounds certifiable.
I agree with your post HeartofTexas :blowkiss: .. He looks like he's sick .. unhealthy... His story doesn't add up to what I've read about this case. Drugs? I don't recall drugs being a part in the autopsy report.. Picking her up at school??? yeah, that happened :doh: :crazy:
Tricia said:

Thanks to the WONDERFUL Carol McKinnley for this info. Fox has it right!!

Karr skipped town when he was arrested for some child *advertiser censored* a few years ago. He ended up in Thailand. He was ARRESTED IN THAILAND AND IS BEING BROUGHT BACK TO THE U.S. BASED ON THE CHARGES HE SKIPPED OUT ON. NOTHING TO DO WITH THE JBR CASE.

Karr is being brought back for QUESTIONING IN THE JBR CASE.
That's it. He will be QUESTIONED about the case. Nothing more.

This suspect came to light because he was emailing with people involved in the case.

Guess who is behind the "emails"?....Patsy, Michael Tracey, and Lin Wood. Yep, the three of them. I know Patsy was in direct contact with him. About the other two I don't know other than they were in on the emails too.

This has Michael Tracey's stink all over it. He needs a new documentary since we blasted his last one out of the water. Who's to say Tracey didn't feed Karr info? Wouldn't you confess to anything just to get out of a Thai jail?

Oh by the way, Karr's brother said his brother spent Christmas '96 with his family and he has the pictures to prove it.
John Karr did not do this. I will bet money on it. He says JB was drugged. She was not. He says he had sex with her. There is no evidence that this happened. He says he picked her up at school.

His wife says he was in Alabama.

This is pathetic. The CourtTV Board is beside themselve with "simpleminded" glee. This man is not the killer. He is not.
Solace said:
John Karr did not do this. I will bet money on it. He says JB was drugged. She was not. He says he had sex with her. There is no evidence that this happened. He says he picked her up at school.

His wife says he was in Alabama.

This is pathetic. The CourtTV Board is beside themselve with "simpleminded" glee. This man is not the killer. He is not.

A report has Karr as saying that he used chloroform on Jon Benet.,23599,20169106-1702,00.html
If he was in love with her like he says, why write a ramson note wanting money for her.. why not just take her to keep for himself? doesn't make sense to me.. Once again, I don't believe this is the guy..NOPE!! :boohoo:
I know this has been posted before, but why is everyone so rabid for this guy NOT to be the guy?
He totally fits the profile. He's the weird kinda guy who would fall in love with a little kid. He's the same kinda guy that you say, "wow, he was a quiet guy" that you would never suspect did it but did.
The cops aren't complete dummies. They would never step out like this if it's just some nut confessing. Believe me, they look like idiots already. They won't add fuel to the fire. When you see cops doing this, it's after a whole lot of politics you never see. It's not easy to easy to say "I was wrong", when you are a cop, much less the chief.
So if they are going with this, I am.
And I too will admit, I thought the little brother did it on accident. I guess I was wrong. People need to buck up and pay attention to this because it's important. He supposedly has inside details. He's a known pediphile, and he's a creep.
Get off the parents for a moment.
dasgal said:
I know this has been posted before, but why is everyone so rabid for this guy NOT to be the guy?
He totally fits the profile. He's the weird kinda guy who would fall in love with a little kid. He's the same kinda guy that you say, "wow, he was a quiet guy" that you would never suspect did it but did.
The cops aren't complete dummies. They would never step out like this if it's just some nut confessing. Believe me, they look like idiots already. They won't add fuel to the fire. When you see cops doing this, it's after a whole lot of politics you never see. It's not easy to easy to say "I was wrong", when you are a cop, much less the chief.
So if they are going with this, I am.
And I too will admit, I thought the little brother did it on accident. I guess I was wrong. People need to buck up and pay attention to this because it's important. He supposedly has inside details. He's a known pediphile, and he's a creep.
Get of the parents for a moment.

I will bet a dollar he did not do this. The reason is clear he could not be in Alabama and colorado at the same time.And is ex who I am sure would tell the truth along of his brother all claim he was in Bama.
Solace said:
John Karr did not do this. I will bet money on it. He says JB was drugged. She was not. He says he had sex with her. There is no evidence that this happened. He says he picked her up at school.

His wife says he was in Alabama.

This is pathetic. The CourtTV Board is beside themselve with "simpleminded" glee. This man is not the killer. He is not.
solace be careful, chloroform is not detectable and is a very old and proven way to knock someone out cold. He would have had hours in the house to look around and hide. He also could have toured their home during the parade of homes.

I hate to see people come on here and say "he did not do this" and use all of these absolute terms when none of us know what is what right now.

I personally think that the DA must have a pretty substantial piece of evidence or they wouldn't have paid the money to pick him up.

Don't believe everything you read in the news.

I also know there are people on this board who have believed patsy did it for so long that this guy could have video tape of himself murdering her and they would swear she was holding the camera. Too many hours have been invested in proving patsy a murderer, they can't bear to see they might be wrong. That's a huge thing because now she's dead and there will never be a way to tell her that she was judged wrong. I actually can understand that. There are good people here who have devoted countless hours to the belief that Patsy got away with murder. If this guy is a dna match that will negate the countless hours they spent looking at the wrong person.....that is huge and my heart hurts for those people. I think we should just all wait and see what they have. Either way, a dangerous pedophile is obviously apprehended so that's a point scored for the good guys right?
It was reported on UK TV that Karr was emailing Michael Tracey in Colorado, over a long period, who communicated everything to the authorities, who then arranged for him to traced and arrested.

There are a lot of weirdos out there that are sick and perverted that would fit the profile, but that doesn't mean they killed JBR.. To me, this guy may have many screws loose and claiming he killed JBR is just one of the loose screws... I still don't buy it.. I also think the media is playing this one up way too much..:twocents: I can't help it, that is just the way I feel until I'm proven wrong.. hehe :p And when I am proven wrong, you can all feel free to do this to me :croc: :slap: :loser: and then I'll :truce:
I dont think it has to be either this guy or the Ramseys. When I first heard an arrest was made I was excited that it may be finally over. But everything I have read and heard so far tells me this guy is iffy. I think an arrest was forced because the media got wind of it. Beth Karas stated a bit ago that she hasnt been able to find any connection to Colorado. Carr's ex is adament he was in Alabama with her and his children that Christmas. Untill they can place him in Colorado Dec 96 or make a DNA connection I will hold off an opinion of guilt.
I'm a retired homicide investigator, so hang in with me here.

Yeah, nutheads confess.

But look at what happened here. Patsy and John were hung up by pretty much the whole investigative team. Then when they find this dude, the investigate team says, hmmm this is the guy.
They didn't say I sold a zillion buck calling the Ramseys the killers. Just said, mmmm, maybe I was wrong.
Do you have any idea how much butt covering is going on at this very nanosecond? A crapload. And legally to boot because of the books. But they are standing by this dude. It better be a pretty powerful damn reason. And that's why I bring in the politics. Your mind will whirl at the amount of spin that about to happen. Mark my words.
Take it or leave it. There is no smart reason for the PD to accept this. It only screws them. There is something here.
dasgal said:
I'm a retired homicide investigator, so hang in with me here.

Yeah, nutheads confess.

But look at what happened here. Patsy and John were hung up by pretty much the whole investigative team. Then when they find this dude, the investigate team says, hmmm this is the guy.
They didn't say I sold a zillion buck calling the Ramseys the killers. Just said, mmmm, maybe I was wrong.
Do you have any idea how much butt covering is going on at this very nanosecond? A crapload. And legally to boot because of the books. But they are standing by this dude. It better be a pretty powerful damn reason. And that's why I bring in the politics. Your mind will whirl at the amount of spin that about to happen. Mark my words.
Take it or leave it. There is no smart reason for the PD to accept this. It only screws them. There is something here.

And I say that this guy has been arrested on tons LESS evidence than there was against the Ramseys.
dasgal said:
I'm a retired homicide investigator, so hang in with me here.

Yeah, nutheads confess.

But look at what happened here. Patsy and John were hung up by pretty much the whole investigative team. Then when they find this dude, the investigate team says, hmmm this is the guy.
They didn't say I sold a zillion buck calling the Ramseys the killers. Just said, mmmm, maybe I was wrong.
Do you have any idea how much butt covering is going on at this very nanosecond? A crapload. And legally to boot because of the books. But they are standing by this dude. It better be a pretty powerful damn reason. And that's why I bring in the politics. Your mind will whirl at the amount of spin that about to happen. Mark my words.
Take it or leave it. There is no smart reason for the PD to accept this. It only screws them. There is something here.

I couldn't agree more. There has to be something going on or they wouldn't have taken this huge chance to look ridiculous. great post.
OK, I have a question. There are over 300 people in this place and atleast that many posts in the last day or so. I haven't had time to read everything so forgive me if this has already been asked. Did he confess to the murder or killing of Jon Benet or did he just say that he was with her when she died?
wenchie said:
And I say that this guy has been arrested on tons LESS evidence than there was against the Ramseys.
And what prey tell were the Ramsey's arrested for? Hmm? Ever see handcuffs on either one of them?
What I'm saying is that you might not know everything. That would be crazy, huh? Maybe the cops are holding something you don't know about.
Magine that.......
detectivewannabe said:
OK, I have a question. There are over 300 people in this place and atleast that many posts in the last day or so. I haven't had time to read everything so forgive me if this has already been asked. Did he confess to the murder or killing of Jon Benet or did he just say that he was with her when she died?
He confessed essentially when he said it was unintentional.
I personally don't think the PD is looking ridiculous by going after a man who claims he killed JBR... The police are doing their job and looking into this since this case has NOT be solved.. This guy has a history here so why not look into it to be sure...

dasgal said:
He confessed essentially when he said it was unintentional.
He is being paraded in front of media by Thai Authorities to give statements. This picture dosent remind you at all of hostages making media appearances with their capters? The media appearances just made me squirm like something is not right here.

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