NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #3

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And ironically --he ended up owing like 260 in court costs or something for his bogus lawsuit !! To his death he still owed it !!

linked last thread !!

Maybe he was just refusing to pay out of anger.

With his girlfriend traveling from Phillipines to Hong Kong and back again, I did a little online searching. Hong Kong's banking industry is also known as a major center for money laundering, etc.

Seems it's banks are a popular destination for laundered cash (via electronic transfer, of course). It's also a popular place for money launderers to change currencies on large amounts of laundered cash, e.g. you want to hide laundered money, you exchange it to a foreign currency and send it overseas. Once there, you can transfer it back to another currency and spend it. In general, money launderers always work with offshore banks, usually many accounts in various countries where they transfer laundered funds. This is how their bosses pick up the money.



It's possible that Paddock had some money in accounts over there and he gave her information about how to access the funds after his death. Or he just told her "I've got more money to help you live over in the Phillippines. Just go to this bank in Hong Kong and you can pick it up". He may have been wanting to give her more than $100,000 in a way that wouldn't attract attention from the IRS, etc. Less likely, but still possible is that she worked with him in helping launder and/or move money around illegally to foreign accounts to avoid taxes, etc.

ETA: The money laundering angle is difficult for most people to understand, including me. But that's why the criminals hire accountants, auditors and financial whizzes to manage it for them. Its a unique skill.
Sorry if this has already been discussed and I missed it.

I think it allows 400-800 rounds *per minute*, not per second. Still enough to overheat a modified semiautomatic rife like an AR-15. Barrel would deform/melt after several minutes of continuous fire if it was modded with something like a bump-stock, which would explain (in part) why he had/used multiple weapons.

Hopefully there's a current or former military gun tech on this tread that'll verify this. Several of my friends (former military) outside WS who have worked on weapons like these agreed on this point.

Even many types of *fully automatic* rifles (non-modified) overheat when firing multiple hundreds of rounds; they saw it happen during their military work.


Just catching up, not sure if this has been replied to. I’m not sure if the exact barrel specs of the weapons used, but it’s definitely a terrible idea to continuously run a standard AR-15 at near-automatic rates of fire. Assault rifles aren’t meant to be run full-bore auto, but in 2-5 second bursts. Certain models of the M16 and M4 have even had their automatic mode swapped to a 3-round burst mode for this and accuracy reasons.

The barrel can start to warp, you can start to have cook-offs where the chamber gets so hot it literally causes rounds to fire off without the firing mechanism being engaged. This can lead to rounds being stuck in the barrel, which could also be catastrophic.

Machine guns that are being run continuously usually change barrels every few hundred rounds to avoid issues, and they are substantially thicker than an AR-15 platform barrel. I’ve also seen MGs cook rounds off, which is also pretty scary.

Just my two cents. What you say is definitely accurate.
Exactly to carry out a massacre. Keep in mind we won't be able to understand why a psychopath does what he does. Maybe looking for infamy like the other mass shooters like Columbine. They successfully got what they wanted. The media turned them into cult heroes for other sickos to look up to.

So far I haven't heard anybody say he really liked attention. So looking for infamy as a motive sounds questionable at best.
-Just curious-has anyone seen Eric’s wife, has she made any comments? I’m wondering if she’s on the fence waiting for the outcome of how the money train will settle (legal or illegal). She could be a very private person. Seems though by now she would have gently suggested to her husband that he step back from the press a bit. If the money is corrupt I imagine there will be those who selectively chose to remain in the dark about where it was coming from. ‘Don’t ask-don’t tell’
Mr. Paddock, a former postal worker and tax auditor

is this first time we hear tax auditor?


Marilou Danley, told investigators that he seemed to be deteriorating in recent months both mentally and physically.

Dixie Gunworx in St. George, Utah. Chris Michel, the owner, said Mr. Paddock visited the store three times in January and February, making the 40-minute drive from Mesquite, Nev.

an hour and half drive to buy legal stuff?

that has to imo mean something or growing paranoia!!

From an early age, he focused on gaining complete control over his life

Paddock began buying and refurbishing properties in economically depressed areas around Los Angeles, teaching himself how to put in plumbing and install air-conditioning.

the late 1980s, “we had cash flow,” said Eric Paddock, who added that he had given his life savings to his older brother

two failed marriages, both short

arrogant, with a strong sense of superiority. People in his life bent to his will, even his mother and brother. He went out of his way for no one.

“He acted like everybody worked for him and that he was above others,” former executive casino host at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa in Reno, where he saw Mr. Paddock frequently from 2012 to 2014.

Paddock wanted food while he was gambling, he wanted it immediately and would order with more than one server if the meal did not arrive quickly enough.

Mr. Weinreich said he would get irritated and “uppity about it.”

“I would liken him to a chess player: very analytical and a numbers guy...seemed to be working at a higher level mentally than most people I run into in gambling.”

he rented a hangar for $285 a month from 2007 through 2009. He also stored planes at the small airport in Henderson, Nev., from 2002 to 2010, an airport spokesman said, though it is not clear he ever lived at the local addresses to which they had been registered.

I dont know kinda sounds like he rented em out and then rented at profit to real plane owners!!


brothers would fight over who would get the whole milk. Powdered milk, less tasty but cheaper, was the norm

neighborhood was working class,

took a science class with Mr. Paddock and remembered him as smart but with “a kind of irreverence. He didn’t always stay between the lines.”
He recalled a competition to build a bridge of balsa wood, without staples or glue. Mr. Paddock cheated, he said, using glue and extra wood.
“Everybody could see that he had cheated, but he just sort of laughed it off,” Mr. Alarcon said. “He had that funny quirky smile

First building he bought ( 30 units)



close to collage

those that are good at this

30-unit building at 1256 W. 29th Street

what would it cost in 1987 or now worth ??

they were excellent investments: Stephen Paddock more than doubled his money on his California holdings, which included at least six multifamily residences, according to property records. He made money in Texas, too. In 2012, he sold a 110-unit building in Mesquite, outside Dallas, for $8.3 million.
He was a good landlord. He kept the rents low, responded promptly to his tenants’ complaints, learned all their names and made sure they were happy.

starting to wonder if brother was telling truth!!!

installed his mother in a tidy house just behind the apartment complex in Mesquite, Tex.

During the riots in Los Angeles in the 1990s, he went to the roof of an apartment complex he owned in a flak jacket and armed with a gun, waiting for the rioters,

focused and astute when he made deals.
“He was a tough negotiator,” Mr. Franks said. “He wanted his price. His terms. He was a very savvy businessman.”

“He liked everyone doting on him.”

Paddock stayed in one Las Vegas hotel gambling for four months straight,

midlevel high roller, capable of losing $100,000 in one session, which could extend over several days

Mr. Paddock may have lost that amount at the Red Rock Casino in Las Vegas within the last few months.

His game, video poker, requires some skill. Players have to know the history of a particular machine. They can do that by reading a pay table, which tells them what each possible winning hand pays out.

One of the ways that video poker players get an advantage is to play casino promotions, which essentially pay out bonuses to winners,

knew the house advantage down to a tenth of a percent,

good standing with MGM Properties, the owner of the Mandalay and the Bellagio,

had a $100,000 credit limit, ( is that congruent I thought he spent 160,000 recently?

his 60th birthday, April 9, 2013, he flew to the Philippines on Japan Airlines and stayed for five days, according to a spokeswoman for the Philippine Bureau of Immigration. The family of Ms. Danley, his girlfriend, lived there and she was visiting the country at the time. The couple went again for his birthday the following year.

When he did appear at his Reno home, he could be curt. .....“Merry Christmas!” Mr. Paddock kept walking. “

when Mr. McKay tried to strike up a conversation with Mr. Paddock about Donald Trump during the election campaign, he got no response.
“Almost everyone has a reaction to Trump,

He always walked across the street and would never pass in front of our house.”

rarely saw a window or a door open at the house.

Mesquite, Nev., a retirement community of 18,000 people a....attracts golfers and gamblers

Mr. Paddock was a man who did not want to be seen.

Danley worked in Mesquite. She took a job booking sports bets----watching horse races



outfit : tight black skirts.

she attended morning mass--Ms. Danley dressed smartly and modestly, he said. She usually sat alone.





Maybe he was just refusing to pay out of anger.

With his girlfriend traveling from Phillipines to Hong Kong and back again, I did a little online searching. Hong Kong's banking industry is also known as a major center for money laundering, etc.

Seems it's banks are a popular destination for laundered cash (via electronic transfer, of course). It's also a popular place for money launderers to change currencies on large amounts of laundered cash, e.g. you want to hide laundered money, you exchange it to a foreign currency and send it overseas. Once there, you can transfer it back to another currency and spend it. In general, money launderers always work with offshore banks, usually many accounts in various countries where they transfer laundered funds. This is how their bosses pick up the money.



It's possible that Paddock had some money in accounts over there and he gave her information about how to access the funds after his death. Or he just told her "I've got more money to help you live over in the Phillippines. Just go to this bank in Hong Kong and you can pick it up". He may have been wanting to give her more than $100,000 in a way that wouldn't attract attention from the IRS, etc. Less likely, but still possible is that she worked with him in helping launder and/or move money around illegally to foreign accounts to avoid taxes, etc.

ETA: The money laundering angle is difficult for most people to understand, including me. But that's why the criminals hire accountants, auditors and financial whizzes to manage it for them. Its a unique skill.

-And “he was his own accountant because he wanted to save money”. That is MSM somewhere on here.
exactly. Where did he get the start-up money to invest in real estate?

That's a really good question. Sounds like his family wasn't well off, especially after father (the bank robber) went on the run and in prison. So where did he get the money to invest in real estate?
-Great Cariis!!! I was hoping for fresh content. I wonder where the ex wives are? Seems like no one wants to talk except Eric-he seems panicked in that regard. Tax/accountant is on record here, but I haven’t seen much of the other you’ve discovered.
It's amazing how psychopaths can be so charming, just read up on Ted Bundy as an example, That's if he was a psychopath.
I am wondering if it could have been schizophrenia he was suffering from.

I do not think all psychopaths are that charming. Some are, some aren't.

Many are pathological liars and engage in risky behavior.

They are easy to anger as they are temperamental.
Hello, I'm a newbie to this forum. Have been lurking for awhile though, but decided to join today. I just wanted to give my insight into the kind of relationship that I think Stephen Paddock might have had with Marilou Danley, and why I'm not surprised that she might have been left in the dark when it came to her bf's plans to commit mass murder. Having grown in a Filipino household, and having been surrounded by women similar to Marilou who have had foreigner 'caucasian' boyfriends, most of these women aren't really treated as equals. The kind of men that they tend to attract are sadly those who believe women are subservient to men. Filipino women have been taught to put their husbands and their family's needs above their own, and yes, having money can be a huge factor in why they would put up with mistreatment from their partners. I'm not saying that Marilou was a mail order bride, but let's just say that I wouldn't be surprised if she originally was. I also think Stephen Paddock probably viewed and treated Marilou almost like a child, and I have a feeling he controlled the narrative in their relationship. Because of colonial mentality, and probably lack of confidence, I don't think Marilou ever asked questions or interfered with any of Stephen's plans. Filipinos tend to try not to rock the boat, it's a cultural trait.

Yes, Marilou probably could communicate in English very well, having lived in English speaking countries for a long period of time, but I can guarantee that there is still some sort of communication barrier there. Filipinos are well known to communicate in English quite well, but there is still a significant difference between someone who is a Native born speaker versus someone who considers English as their second language. Filipinos who grew up in the Philippines tend to take things 'literally', they have difficulty understanding puns, word plays, or innuendos unless they were very well educated in the English language from a young age.

Furthermore, just wanted to add that I don't find it unusual that Stephen Paddock would send money over to Marilou in the Philippines. Filipinos are well known to send money to their families, and I know a few foreigner men married or in relationships with Filipino born women who have sent money over to their wives or gfs relatives. The huge amount of money sent over might have been uncommon, but the actual practice itself isn't. Also, Marilou having a bank account in the Philippines despite not being a Filipino citizen anymore is also not strange. My mother is not a Filipino citizen either but she has a bank account in the Philippines, it just makes it easier for her to store her money safely and access it conveniently whenever she goes there on holidays. As for Stephen being influenced by terrorist groups in the Philippines, though that may be a possibility, i think it is highly unlikely unless he has visited or come into contact with Muslim extremists from the southern part of the country. From what I've read Marilou originated from the North, she most likely is Christian Catholic, which the majority of the country is. But all this is just my speculation, she might very well have been in the know or was an accomplice to his plans. Just wanted to share my perspective.

Interesting insight.
I do not think all psychopaths are that charming. Some are, some aren't.

Many are pathological liars and engage in risky behavior.

They are easy to anger as they are temperamental.

Exactly. Being charming is not a requirement to be a psychopath. They could be (presumably that makes it easier for them to con you), but not necessarily.
"A psychopath doesn’t have a conscience. If he lies to you so he can steal your money, he won’t feel any moral qualms, though he may pretend to."
Exactly. Being charming is not a requirement to be a psychopath.
"A psychopath doesn’t have a conscience. If he lies to you so he can steal your money, he won’t feel any moral qualms, though he may pretend to."

Psychopaths have no empathy for others.

They can use aliases or different names. They can be deceptive.

Hare Psychopathy Checklist

The twenty traits assessed by the PCL-R score are:
glib and superficial charm
grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
need for stimulation
pathological lying
cunning and manipulativeness
lack of remorse or guilt
shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
callousness and lack of empathy
parasitic lifestyle
poor behavioral controls
sexual promiscuity
early behavior problems
lack of realistic long-term goals
failure to accept responsibility for own actions
many short-term marital relationships
juvenile delinquency
revocation of conditional release
criminal versatility

Injustice Collectors

1.) Injustice Collectors are convinced that they are never wrong. How is it possible that they are never wrong? It is simple: They are always right.

2.) Injustice Collectors never apologize. Ever. For anything.

3.) Injustice Collectors truly believe that they are morally and ethically superior to others and that others chronically do not hold themselves to the same high standards as the injustice collector does.

4.) Injustice Collectors make the rules, break the rules and enforce the rules of the family. They are a combined legislator, police, and judge and jury of

5.) Injustice Collectors never worry about what is wrong with themselves as their "bad list" grows. Their focus is always on the failings of others.

6.) Injustice Collectors are never upset by the disparity of their rules for others with their own expectations of themselves.

7.) Injustice Collectors rationalize their own behavior with great ease and comfort.

Here are more with 20 characteristics

Characteristics of Injustice Collectors

1. Injustice collectors are never wrong. How is it possible that they are never wrong? It's simple: They are always right.

2. Injustice collectors never apologize. Ever. For anything.

3. Injustice collectors truly believe they are morally and ethically superior to others and that others seem incapable of holding themselves to the same high standards as the injustice collector does.

4. Injustice collectors make the rules, break the rules and enforce the rules of the family. They are a combination of legislator, police, judge and jury to those they consider their subjects. They forever banish from their kingdom any subject they deem disloyal, and only grant clemency if there is sufficient (in their eyes) contrition.

5. Injustice collectors never worry about what is wrong with them as their "bad" list grows. Their focus is always on the failings of others.

6. Injustice collectors are never troubled by the disparity between their rules for others and their own expectations of themselves. Injustice collectors rationalize their own behavior with great ease and comfort.

7. Injustice collectors have an external orientation; the problem always exists in the world, outside of themselves, and in their view, the world would be an acceptable place if their rules and standards were followed at all times.

8. Injustice collectors do not have a capacity for remorse, empathy or guilt.

9. Injustice collectors scoff at the idea of therapy, therapists, self-help books, and other tools used by people who struggle to live with them.

10. The phrase "walking on eggshells" describes life with an injustice collector.

11. The IC (injustice Collector) will prey upon your weaknesses to frame all issues in their terms.

12. IC's will always cry foul when you are 'mean' to them and accuse you of being nasty when you are confronting them with their negative behavior.

13. They are titanically insecure and cannot trust anyone. All relationships they have, even with their own parents and children and trustless and must be reinforced by subordination over and over.

14. They can only strengthen relationships through imprisoning their mates and banning behaviors and other relationships. Friends and family are a huge threat to the IC.

15. They must repetitively revisit situations where you service them, give in to them and agree with them. They will over time shrink your world to a small plot of empty activities that only they like. They are terrified of travel, meeting new people, understanding new concepts and paroling you from any punishment they have previously 'convicted' you of.

16. They do not care about you at all, they care about aggrandizing themselves with you as an assistant producer.

17. They will occasionally do something for you, but if you are not completely brainwashed, it will be a negative experience for you in the end. Example is throwing you a birthday party. I guarantee you will not have fun at your own party.

18. They will force you to choose between them and other things you like or love. The more you choose them, the more they will make you choose them over and over. They do not understand the concept of loyalty at all.

19. Hypocrisy is their modus operandi for debating and arguing with you. Everything they say about you is true about them. (aka Projection) It makes it so you try to 'win' fights by getting them to agree with you, which they never can because their whole position is false.

20. Your life will disappear into their lives. Your hopes and dreams will fade, even in your own mind. You will eat what they want, you will watch what they want on TV, you will vacation where they want, or not at all.

Injustice Collectors show similarities to psychopaths. When you think about it, injustice collectors are extreme narcissists.
I was sending for a business (if that matters) so I never had to do anything differently for wires over $10k. I did it from my computer, I didn’t have to go to the bank in person. Idk about sending from a personal account. I would think they would have to send a form to the IRS reporting the transfer but I’m not sure. Maybe if we have a banker here, they can weigh in on that

From the IRS.

There is a lot of paperwork with transferring $10,000 and over, I wonder when he did it.

-Great Cariis!!! I was hoping for fresh content. I wonder where the ex wives are? Seems like no one wants to talk except Eric-he seems panicked in that regard. Tax/accountant is on record here, but I haven’t seen much of the other you’ve discovered.


Its the therapist in me!!

The past leads to the present!!! Period imo!

Family stuff in any event like this is crucial imo !!
So far I haven't heard anybody say he really liked attention. So looking for infamy as a motive sounds questionable at best.

He wanted what he wanted and NOW! People said he was arrogant. Had expectations. If the food did not arrive fast enough, he ordered more
This seems to apply only if someone brings an actual bag of paper money to the bank. I don't think there are any such requirements for electronic transactions to transfer money from one account to the other.

Yes, there are. The law was made to deal with drug money originally.

They always adk if you have more than $10,000 when flying. One time we saw a man who said he did. What happens ? Do not know
Feds say father was psychopath with suicidal tendancies.

His DNA is a major clue. If dear old Dad was a suicidal psychopath then it all makes sense. We may never know why he chose Vegas and that particular festival either. Psychopaths have very different reasoning than your average person.
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