NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #4

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One can use the ignore feature. Just wanna let you know tho --that if the need for the ignore feature on your end is related to content as opposed to a personality clash it wont really help ya that much!

By that I mean if you want to ignore people that have a differing opinion, and you want to read things that solely endorse what you think kinda does not work that way!

It really cant be used as speed up process, !

It is easier to do just do an analogy!

One already think an apple is responsible
Another poster thinks it was an orange

That in itself is what makes the world go around and WS interesting ! But that is jmo!

Most like adding the notion of orange to there thought process - it opens up minds etc - resulting in thinking and exposing self to to notions one might not ever consider.

So if one who posts something that one has already has decided just cant be the posters actual post does not come up

But many are ok with discussing it. So another poster who thinks peach is responsible , while being ok with differing , and wanting to share there peach notions - responds to the orange thoughts!

But if the poster than put on ignore- does not even want to think about oranges at all- down the thread you really wont be able to ignore the alternative orange theory casue a dialog about that (what we do here!) will have been created .

But for a poster who does not want to even consider orange - the only way that poster can actually determine ugh that person thinks about orange-- is to start reading the the back and forth !!

How would one know if the post only agrees with one posters thoughts unless they read the thread!!..

I think what I am trying to say and not doing a very good job (!) the ignore button
cant speed anything up in terms of reading a thread!

Casue folks that respond to differing thoughts reply . The replies you will see
even if the poster is on ignore .

It wont help with speeding up anything casue threads tend to move a little to the right and then left etc.

How would one be able to find posts that only say what they think without reading all posts ??

Not sure if that makes sense!

Just pick your favorite one you want to try it on -- I don't think it is gonna help you if you want to avoid new. different,ideas or thoughts !!

Its a busy thread - I guess I am suggesting dont go on an ignore frenzy (!) cause you will end up not being to follow the thread as they tend to be flexible and open to new thoughts.

Basically the only way imo to follow a thread is to be able to do that but how can one do that if tons of posters on ignore

It would be like reading a book and skipping chapters!!

Or when studying for a test only practicing the stuff you already know cause it is more comfortable!


I dont know if I have said this clear!

Just go on the ignore thing slowly -- cause for the most part notions change and evolve and grow .

I am old and not into Sm but one thing I have discovered ! is nowdays there are tons of places where one can go where people read only what they have already decided is fact!

As a curious person by nature I have never understood the younger generations only wanting to expose themselves to a preconceived notion -- it seems that would boring - but I have serious attn span issues and do better if the stuff is different, and interesting and something I have never thought about or pondered or wondered !

But the neat thing about WS is the what I call "oh" moments!

Actually they are typically oh sh#t moments (uttered aloud! honest)

I never thought of what that poster just posted , and then brings up a flurry of new questions!

A lot of times the oh st*t are brilliant-- it makes ya wanna go learn more -

Which is neat! imo

Just do one ignore first and see if it helps you ignore ideas and new thoughts while still being able to follow the thread -- its a diverse group which makes it WS!

Lol! I get you... I know you were being serious,really trying to express a very important point; I actually laughed out loud reading your analogy...[emoji6]
All I know is that you are my favorite fruit today, I smelled what you were cooking![emoji16]

I'll choose honest over perfect, every single time...
I believe, in more time, we will learn more about the background of S.P. , especially his violent nature.

Some psychology sites I've read speak about serial killers/mass murderers who harbor a "goal" of carrying out mass destruction of human lives. Some of these individuals carry out these atrocious crimes earlier in their lives and some wait - especially the type who are "power" killers.

Perhaps in S.P.'s life, with all of the money he accumulated he felt the sort of "power" that these killers fantasize about. After years, this type of "power" was not enough. Perhaps he craved the type of "power" and "control" over people that only a mass killing could satisfy his deeply harbored "goal".

This could possibly explain why he waited until 2016 to buy the 33 guns. That could possibly have been the time that S.P. decided that the only way he could feel true "power" as in his "goal" would be to carry out a mass murder.

In other words, he was waiting all of his life to do this.

We will never likely know. However, I do believe that in time we will learn more about S.P.'s violent nature.

I agree with Cariis in that it was not so much of a "trigger" that set S.P. on this path, but a lifelong psychopathic goal of S.P.'s that was buried deep within him and he kept it secret from others.

Indeed to SP money may have equated "power" and eventually gambling and the opportunity of winning lost its kick. I'm not trying to get inside his mind but from all reports his lifestyle appears unhealthy in that neither he nor others have mentioned much in the way of anything other than he was driven to spend the most of his recent years sitting at gambling machines. So maybe he wins, his money obviously didn't buy him happiness - worse yet, he chose to inflict his grief upon innocent victims.
I have, although in the opposite way. I know someone who has been a monster to their children, while friends and the public believe he is kind and generous.

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Me too... In my case it was my mother...[emoji22] A narcissist...

I'll choose honest over perfect, every single time...

Gunshots can be heard in the background as Schuck reported the shooting on his radio, telling a dispatcher: "Call the police, someone's firing a gun up here. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor down the hallway."
It was unclear if the hotel relayed the information to Las Vegas police, who did not respond to questions from The Associated Press about whether hotel security or anyone else in the hotel called 911 to report the gunfire.

Wild that this maintenance guy is just now appearing some 10 days later to be such an integral part of the incident.

Very simple - they have the audio of his call over radio. What time was that? And then what time was the call from MB to 911? How do you set about to publish an "official timeline version 2.0" without including the timestamps on these 2 calls????

IMO opinion it was very brave of him to do the interview. To me even after 10 days he still sounds shook up by what he witnessed and the thought he could of died if he hadn't been warned by the security guard.
IMO opinion it was very brave of him to do the interview. To me even after 10 days he still sounds shook up by what he witnessed and the thought he could of died if he hadn't been warned by the security guard.

I agree, not knocking him at all. Just that there was no mention of him in the equation at all up until pretty much yesterday. Now it appears he is actually the first to alert those outside of 32nd floor of the shooter.
That makes it sound like he was a considerate man ha!

I found the fact that door was locked wildly confusing -- paranoid>>>

makes zero sense on any level

your in the middle of a shooting frenzy and your locking the door -- not like its a time consuming entity

but we do have to remember he booked two in Chicago and that has to mean something

And one thing we all can agree on, by all reports, consideration is not his specialty... I remember the brother"s interview where he talked about being taken out to eat by the shooter , and in his words "You have to understand how my brother was, we would be having drinks, getting ready to settle down etc. And he will say " Can you get me a sandwich?" "That is just who my brother was, and he was fun, and quirky..." I immediately thought brother is either in shock or they really have some strange dynamics going on in their family...
My point is, consideration for others was not this guys aim...

I'll choose honest over perfect, every single time...
And one thing we all can agree on, by all reports, consideration is not his specialty... I remember the brother"s interview where he talked about being taken out to eat by the shooter , and in his words "You have to understand how my brother was, we would be having drinks, getting ready to settle down etc. And he will say " Can you get me a sandwich?" "That is just who my brother was, and he was fun, and quirky..." I immediately thought brother is either in shock or they really have some strange dynamics going on in their family...
My point is, consideration for others was not this guys aim...

I'll choose honest over perfect, every single time...

But that’s not “by all reports”. A former co-worker/employee came out and talked about how he cared about everyone and tried to help everyone do their best, IIRC.

Lots of contradictory information.
and as we learn more more nuance presents itself

- the employee badge being used all over the hotel is bothersome

- I could even kill someone if I shot 200 rounds -- a boo boo on his leg is somewhat ludicrous. I have doubts about the 200 shots.

the doorway sure looked reasonably good after someone with a machine gun is supposedly 20 feet away . For some reason the word pulverized comes to mind ! J

- I think our Sheriff got a volley into the crowd misplaced -- and now does not want to come out and say i made another mistake there were not 200 rounds in the hallway. And no one person hurt -- out of 200 shots in close proximity there is leg boo boo -- defries logic logic of any kind!

So the dude is blasting 200 rounds down the corridor and the room service cart is 8 feet away from this and it is pristine. What are room service carts machine gun proofed or something ! China was all nicely placed despite a hailstone if raging bullets?

Table cloth not a scratch?

After seeing the diagrams - is when this line of thinking was born

And while we are here - the primary witness is taking a vacation with zero explanation?
Before the FBI arrives .

The dynamic between the two of them becomes more and
more understandable . "Excuse me, you let our only witness take a vacation because he felt like getting out of town for moment? In the biggest shooting in the nations history and you are signing hall passes?

The discussion, on the dispatch audio (hey just a fact guys - not a conspiracy here - its on the tape) of three not one, not two but three black vans being kindly escorted by LE to the airport after the biggest shooting in history? Then afterwards the airport is locked down?

Some of it like that Naked GUn movies !

Much is off kilter-and imo we are so far past ludicrous land.......
Yes, yes,and yes....

I'll choose honest over perfect, every single time...
So people who were there and report multiple shooters are conspiracy theorists? Again, it's quite an insult when the public discounts people who were actually there. I posted before but there are 2 people that stand out to me right now. Rocky Palermo and Gio Rios.
Look them up. Then ask yourself how a man (Rocky), can be hit while running horizontally in the pelvis, from a shot 32 floors above him. And how inside the Tropicana on the casino floor shots were fired and Gio was running for his life.

Do some digging. I'm sure there's more.

:goodpost: Apparently keyboard warriors know more than the ones who were actually there!!

You are correct. Rocky believes the actual number is 3-5. Rocky also insists some exits were closed off that night when they were open the night before.

NBC reporter saying that Campos now has armed guards outside of his house. Interesting.

NBC reporter saying that Campos now has armed guards outside of his house. Interesting.
But they couldn't put them in front of SP home to prevent a break in? Gimme a break!

Sent from my SM-T320 using Tapatalk
Lol! I get you... I know you were being serious,really trying to express a very important point; I actually laughed out loud reading your analogy...

All I know is that you are my favorite fruit today, I smelled what you were cooking!

I'll choose honest over perfect, every single time...

Ah!!!!! Another line for a tee ;)

Just pick your favorite one you want to try it on -- I don't think it is gonna help you if you want to avoid new. different,ideas or thoughts !!

Its a busy thread - I guess I am suggesting dont go on an ignore frenzy (!) cause you will end up not being to follow the thread as they tend to be flexible and open to new thoughts.

Yes and yes. Remember Evelyn Hall? "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

If I really don't like a post I just scroll and roll. Too tiring to ignore!
Despite Mandalay Bay shooter Stephen Paddock’s history of high-stakes gambling, he had no known gambling debts, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Tuesday.
And, contrary to published reports, Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, told investigators in Los Angeles she had no concerns about his mental health.​

On at least two occasions, a bellman helped Paddock bring bags up to his 32nd-floor suite. After poring over surveillance footage, authorities have yet to spot any red flags about Paddock’s actions leading up to Oct. 1 that may have signaled his planned ambush.​


So, that discredits the notion that MLD made statements helping to point towards a mental illness diagnosis. Kind of why I want to stay away from that arena with all of the contradictions we’re seeing in reporting...
Interesting indeed.
No gambling debts, no brain pathology..
I'm still feeling mercenary/soldier of fortune vibe from this.
I am still thinking he planned on escaping afterwards.
I am awaiting his blood tox screening.

NBC reporter saying that Campos now has armed guards outside of his house. Interesting.
Very interesting.. do we have his history or any known association with alleged killer prior to attack?
If a 64 yr old man is bringing his entire arsenal up all at once you think he'd go unnoticed? I've stopped to help older people with 2 bags let alone a cart full. I don't think he took them all up at the same time. JMO

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My husband and I travel with six bags, They are loaded onto a big luggage carrier thing and brought by elevator to our room. They are the max of 50 pounds each . I have yet to see anyone be interested in our luggage or that of people who have even more. I guess they can afford to pay for more bags.

The hotels we stay in are four star only because we get them on Priceline not because we can afford a four star.
I wonder how much time it took to get hotel guests out of harm's way before approaching the shooter's room?

Anyone know.... How many occupants of rooms on the 32nd floor were evacuated, and was it the "quickly-assembled quasi-swat team" (from the "60 Minutes" interview) who did all the evacuating??

ETA: I think this would factor-in to the "response time" by LE (jmo)

I have not seen this mention yet but one of the prior acts that night was Dee Jay Silver. His wife and him were at the concert and their infant son was in their hotel room, just 3 doors down from the shooter. If you look up his wives instagram she has a photo posted that says the first responders beat the door in.

But they couldn't put them in front of SP home to prevent a break in? Gimme a break!

Sent from my SM-T320 using Tapatalk

It is PRIVATE security, which says that he, his family, the hotel, etc. hired the person to be there.
My thoughts only but amidst the mass confusion, it wouldn't be surprising if private citizens who happened to be carrying didn't shoot toward a wrongfully perceived source of gunfire unintentionally causing even greater catastrophe. Just my guess about that but the reason people carry is to defend themselves so imo it's not out of realm of possibilities. As Canadians we live in a world somewhat further apart from the mindset...not saying whether that's good or bad, just the way it is. In one of the media reports I linked earlier containing communication between officers, it was mentioned people were attempting to gain access to either vehicles and weapons, assumably in order to defend themselves.

And considering the distance of SP, there's also a high probability of ricocheting bullets giving the misperceptions of gunfire coming from various directions. In one of the media reports I read, frantic people who fled to their hotel rooms and immediately called 911 initially led LE to believe the shootings were occurring at other hotels as well.

Just my opinion but some on the internet are spreading false information because the prospect of an anonymous organized group of people is far more tantalizing to consider than just one crazy lone shooter who was obsessed with winning. But that's also perhaps what SP intended, an egotistical footprint one might say.

Agree. There is also the echo. In some of the early, raw, video, you can pick it up. It's also hard to determine where gunshots are coming from. The video of LE, getting to cover, to make out where it's at,(and they're trained), is proof enough.
Interesting indeed.
No gambling debts, no brain pathology..
I'm still feeling mercenary/soldier of fortune vibe from this.
I am still thinking he planned on escaping afterwards.
I am awaiting his blood tox screening.

What is a mercenary soldier? A guy that works for Betsy DeVos’s brother? What is the name of his mercenary biz? I forget
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