NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #4

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-I have never heard of a service or freight elevator being a perk. They are filthy by nature. The service staffers are typically in rubberized footwear, rubber gloves, etc.

I'd appreciate being able to avoid the main entrance, lobby, the crowds, and small talk. It might be convenient too. But. It's weird and I've never heard of anyone doing this.
Am entire arsenal? Lol come on

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Why not? It is legal. Of course, you would only do it if you had no thing except moving them from place to place. Lots of people in the US have a lot of guns.

Was suspecting this to be the case.

Las Vegas is a company town, controlled by the companies who own the casinos. They also have a lot of political control over local elected officials, news media and LE.

The casino owners are probably worried about lawsuits and how this event will affect business. Local LE is probably not sharing with the FBI all the evidence from inside the hotel - e.g. security video, communications between security guards, etc. They want to conduct the investigation in a way that protects Mandalay Bay. They want to control the press conferences and media messaging to prevent negative impact on LV tourism business.

The union representing the hotel security guards is trying to protect them in the event the hotel wants to shift blame to them.

FBI wants to get to the bottom of all of it, regardless of which party, if any, has to take blame.

Schazam!!!! You got it! I've seen and known this type of political 'good ole boy' stuff in a city I lived in and top LE (Sheriff) and his family and their friends were welcome guests (hotels and restaurants) of the large resort/entertainment spot and it was all FREE courtesy of the resort. But when a crime happened on resort property Sheriff was on TV
giving such a slanted interview and denying the resort had any culpability. Knowing the inside info of how he was a
comped guest anytime, colored his response and highlighted his attempt to protect the resort. Same here in LV.
Yes, you did reply with this scenario before. That seems like a weak possibility. Conspiracy theorists, what do you think?

Simple. The reason they wouldn't want to publicize accomplices and other shooters on the loose is because there is billions of dollars at risk in Vegas tourism if trips were to get cancelled and people were afraid to visit. I am a perfect example. The night of this tragedy- at 10 pm...you know what I was doing? Planning a trip to Vegas for my birthday next month. However, I was having issues getting my frequent flier miles account to cooperate, so I gave up and figured I'd take care of it the next morning. The next morning, I woke to news of this tragedy and told my husband I would not be booking my trip until I had a better idea of how the investigation was coming along.

If there were multiple shooters that hadn't been located, or if were somehow connected to ISIS, I don't want to go just yet. So far, I haven't booked my trip, even though pricing has come down significantly for the weekend I had in mind.
I really don't see how a gross freight elevator is a "perk".. I wish I knew some high rollers who could verify this. I worked for a few very posh hotels and we did everything to keep our guests away from that crap.. The hoops they go through using service elevators etc just so no one sees the dirty behind the scenes day to day

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Could just be the 'SPIN' the hotel is giving, to evade liability.
Simple. The reason they wouldn't want to publicize accomplices and other shooters on the loose is because there is billions of dollars at risk in Vegas tourism if trips were to get cancelled and people were afraid to visit. I am a perfect example. The night of this tragedy- at 10 pm...you know what I was doing? Planning a trip to Vegas for my birthday next month. However, I was having issues getting my frequent flier miles account to cooperate, so I gave up and figured I'd take care of it the next morning. The next morning, I woke to news of this tragedy and told my husband I would not be booking my trip until I had a better idea of how the investigation was coming along.

If there were multiple shooters that hadn't been located, or if were somehow connected to ISIS, I don't want to go just yet. So far, I haven't booked my trip, even though pricing has come down significantly for the weekend I had in mind.
Exactly. Not sure what else Vegas has to offer besides tourism?
And we all know how much tourism dropped off after 9/11
People to this day won't visit NYC

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I'd appreciate being able to avoid the main entrance, lobby, the crowds, and small talk. It might be convenient too. But. It's weird and I've never heard of anyone doing this.

I may have just squealed at work when I saw your tagline #SSDGM!!!
Hahaha I've worked in one. Most people with tons of luggage and money don't cart their own bags to their room. Jmo
AND if they do, people notice. Especially this guy. Would stand out like a sore thumb
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Why? Why would he stand out? I only stay in hotels where there are people to bring your luggage on those big dollies. I don’t think Motel Six brings luggage to your room.

Las Vegas has trade shows. The vendors bring in all kinds of items and lots of them. As a matter of fact, wasn’t there supposed to be a gun show soon in Vegas that was cancelled?

When I travel, I get a hotel on Priceline that often is where the airline personnel stay. They don’t have too much luggage. Usually just a roller bag, but I have seen people with tons of luggage. I don’t find it remarkable in the least.
We are not hearing from people who say they say a martian come out of the guitar and start shooting !

WIth the same degree of possibility it certainly is fair to ponder:

Can more than one window possibly mean more than one person . Sure. If that possibility sounded like Jesus cracked the other window well

Might it pertinent to ponder if a 64 year old out of shape guy with out an lot of known gun experience be able to handle a machine gun so well? That is fair. None has claimed ET did it !

No where in this detailed narrative by the maint guy did it sound like a furry of 200 bullets could have been -- but he was neat casue he was step by step and created a visual image of the event.

Is it a conspiracy theory when it is fact , at this point, that very sophisticated computer systems have clearly monitored that he was given an employee ID. The notion that this was a perk by the hotel is so far out in left field

Is it a conspiracy theory , from this fact, to conclude that an employee gave him one of their ID card at times- that is reasonable IMO -- he did not go to HR and get one.

From that reality is imo valid to ponder if someone else might be aware of something , well if we operate under the notion that the employee ID card did fall from the sky - we would have to go to a more rational notion that an employee gave him their card.

It might have been as simple as a hundred dollar bill and a ask for a card from time to time. Possibilities.

This fake news fad on the other hand imo is totally overblown. Everything is a conspiracy

-- on the planet there are truths and realities

INterestingly when someone has a Muslim name the notion that busloads of people are instantly involved . Usually in approx 4.6 secs.

But when it is a white American male it is automatically and just as instantly a lone wolf .

WHite collar crime -- is that a conspiracy>
Do we daily hear about white americans dealing drugs , money laundering,organ selling, bank fraud, pimping money laundering funding entities that do not have our best interests at heart -- sure

Is it a conspiracy theory to include those possibilities in evaluating what transpired. imo sure.

Upon opening the newspaper everyday are we flooded with corrupt politicians congressmen wall street brokers mayors police chiefs cops firemen teachers insurance salesman and sheriffs ..

Is that conspiracy or truth?

Would it be a dash out there if we were pondering if Nabisco gave General Motors stolen money from Burger King to fund this -- probably!

Sounds conspiracy ish to me !

While reading abovementioned news is it a reality that black market sales are a reality ? We read about it all the time. Heroin, RX, Cars Humans Blood food guns ,

Is it a conspiracy theory to possibly ponder that maybe 44 machine guns and four tons of ammo and some bombs might have some monetary value .

Is that a conspiracy theory or are those the headlines of our reality.

IMo it has gotten so the opposite -- 99% of living is a giant conspiracy. People just don't have that much time to make up all this junk.

All this false flag illuminati numbers bible asteroids grabs for guns by the govt THOSe are conspiracy theories.

Crime mental illness Corruption black market organized crime money greed laundering money are they the headlines in our daily existence?

That is the stuff I read about -reality.

IMO many of the folks out there with megaphones screaming that living is all one giant conspiracy are simply put -- paranoid.

The world in its entirety is not out to get each and everyone of us.

Are there valid journalists on the planet? Of course there are. Read there code of ethics. Has SM impacted that - certainly but that does result in journalists who are sitting on their computers with glee in there eyes and smiling like the Joker from Batman while deciding what BS they want to make up for there report - that is paranoa moo

Inquisitive thinking and pondering alternatives and reality based options is critical thinking.

Its gotta be the pitts believing every minute of anyone's life ; everyone is out to get someone --

There are truths .....................................
Thank you for having the courage and grace to add a much needed reality check to all this! I am on my fire tablet, and it is awkward to give thanks ... You deserve a standing ovation... Yes,yes, and yes... This is real life people, not just another story, another mystery we like to chase. The victims are you and me, just out for a night of fun, could have been us, unfortunately it might be a next time so we really should be thinking,asking all the questions, concentrating on the answers... This entire fiasco scares the poop out of me...
This probably sounds silly but, I think you're probably right. I've been thinking... Las Vegas is billed as; What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas! They are well known as a place that you can go and do pretty much what you want 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, and no one will know. An adult playground. Just like the old AC/DC tune, Vegas was known in my day as "Sin City". I've read, been told by friends, about some of the absolute bat***** crazy stuff that goes on in Vegas. I think it may be a case of staff becoming desensitized.

People commit suicide in those motels after losing everything. Very few hotels have rooms with balconies or windows that open in Vegas. Las Vegas has a very high suicide rate. The hotel does not like to advertise suicides in their rooms. I think that they figured SP was a drunk, despondent, gambler, who was shooting up the room, and killed himself, since the gunfire stopped after he shot the security guard. It was a leg wound, he was still around when they stormed the building, so they did anyone at the hotel take the guard to the hospital. Did they even call an EMT for the guard?

Sorry if the above questions have been answered, I'm catching up.
Palms Place has balconies, if anyone cares or needs to know that info. We stayed on the 50-something floor. It was terrifying to just stand on it, for me. There was a parking garage below in some areas but it was still over 40 floors down.
Presumably, that is the active word...
Agree totally...

I'll choose honest over perfect, every single time...
Investigation is fluid, but some fundamental information, such as timeline, presumably should have been established quickly before making erogenous claims. There were two people inside the hotel shot at, that we know of-a security guard and a hotel engineer (sometimes described as a "maintenance worker), before suspect started shooting at people outside. We know for sure that at least the engineer radioed hotel and asked them to call the police, because msm obtained that recording. So how hard was it to establish the timeline?
Presumably, that is the active word,I agree with this 100 %...

I'll choose honest over perfect, every single time...
Why? Why would he stand out? I only stay in hotels where there are people to bring your luggage on those big dollies. I don’t think Motel Six brings luggage to your room.

Las Vegas has trade shows. The vendors bring in all kinds of items and lots of them. As a matter of fact, wasn’t there supposed to be a gun show soon in Vegas that was cancelled?

When I travel, I get a hotel on Priceline that often is where the airline personnel stay. They don’t have too much luggage. Usually just a roller bag, but I have seen people with tons of luggage. I don’t find it remarkable in the least.
If a 64 yr old man is bringing his entire arsenal up all at once you think he'd go unnoticed? I've stopped to help older people with 2 bags let alone a cart full. I don't think he took them all up at the same time. JMO

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Exactly. People want information right away.

I know from talking with my friend whose daughter was there but in the street and had not been at the concert, she was so terrified she could not think or speak. She saw nothing except people running and screaming. She and her friend are traumatized. All they knew when they were running was that someone screamed that there was an active shooter. They did not inow where they were running to because they did not know anything about where the shooter was.

They were about one block from the shooter and my friend’s daughter cannot remember if she heard gun shots.

If you can imagine the chaos of that time with thousands of people screaming and running. The rumors flying and people imagining things. It sounds daunting to figure anything out.

And the demanding public wanting answers. And people who are saying things because they think it is true and people saying things because they want to .

Think about how often you have been in a situation.A benign situation and others have a totally different view of things. Throw in panic and imagine the views of things
I am familiar with trauma,chaos, and confusion, too familiar for my own comfort sometimes; however, that is pretty much life, it happens, what you did not mention is "Agenda", this is a very fluid situation, and I am becoming more aware of changing agendas in this whole thing... We all should be very scared...🤤

I'll choose honest over perfect, every single time...

Gunshots can be heard in the background as Schuck reported the shooting on his radio, telling a dispatcher: "Call the police, someone's firing a gun up here. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor down the hallway."
It was unclear if the hotel relayed the information to Las Vegas police, who did not respond to questions from The Associated Press about whether hotel security or anyone else in the hotel called 911 to report the gunfire.

Wild that this maintenance guy is just now appearing some 10 days later to be such an integral part of the incident.

Very simple - they have the audio of his call over radio. What time was that? And then what time was the call from MB to 911? How do you set about to publish an "official timeline version 2.0" without including the timestamps on these 2 calls????

Despite Mandalay Bay shooter Stephen Paddock’s history of high-stakes gambling, he had no known gambling debts, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Tuesday.
And, contrary to published reports, Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, told investigators in Los Angeles she had no concerns about his mental health.​


On at least two occasions, a bellman helped Paddock bring bags up to his 32nd-floor suite. After poring over surveillance footage, authorities have yet to spot any red flags about Paddock’s actions leading up to Oct. 1 that may have signaled his planned ambush.​


So, that discredits the notion that MLD made statements helping to point towards a mental illness diagnosis. Kind of why I want to stay away from that arena with all of the contradictions we’re seeing in reporting...
I have read most of the threads on this case and I've followed the horrible media on it. I have a few thoughts on it.
First off the guns. My husband does tactical shooting so we own a few AR 15's. These guns come in pieces and they can be taken apart easily. They would be easy to transport in a duffle bag. Same with ammo. He has a tactical backpack that holds a lot of ammo. Also owning 30 plus weapons is not unheard of. Also we just went to Vegas inAugust. Their are so many people coming in and out of these casino/hotels at all hours. This guy bringing in heavy luggage on a cart would not raise flags at all.
Second the hotel room. People keep making comments about how did no one know or see these guns in that room. I travel quite a bit for work. After seeing a hidden hotel video of maids going through people's luggage, I quit getting housekeeping during my stays. I put the do not distrub thing on the door when I arrive. If I need extra towels I get the from the front desk.
Third cops timeline. So many people throwing a fit over the timeline.not just here on SM also. Think about this. Multiple calls coming in to 911 about an active shooter at this outdoor concert. Most of these people calling have no clue where the gunfire is coming from. They are just trying to get out and get help there immediately. Then during the same time you have a call (supposedly)from MB security that they have a security guard who was shot outside a hotel room. There's some crazy stuff that goes on in vegas. If I were a cop responding I would go to ground zero to locate the shooter, shooting at 20,000 plus people before the hotel. I'm sure once they arrived they realized hey the shots are coming from the hotel. At which point they try to make entry. The elevators in these hotels are near the casinos. At 9-10pm at night people are all over the place. Meaning they had to get through all the people and upstairs. Listening to the radio the other day they interviewed a swat team member. He told them cops are to make entry into any room where an active shooting is happening but if they arrive and the active gunfire has stopped they must stand down and wait for swat. As they did in this case. This is my opinion of what happened. Although I really want to hear something from this security guy.

Also I don't buy that the GF had no idea what he was up to.
Responding to your paragraph about the 3rd time line. Sorry I don't know how to bold it on my tablet.
This is exactly what I think could of been the delay. It makes sense to me that the first responders were sent to the festival and it took time to figure out where the gun was being fired from and then to arrive at the hotel.
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