NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #4

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Security guard was allowed to go on vacation. Can we hear the status of his 'wound'?
Shot in the thigh, also the bullets were supposed to be sprayed in the adjoining rooms as per Sheriff via Dailymail
We are not hearing from people who say they say a martian come out of the guitar and start shooting !

WIth the same degree of possibility it certainly is fair to ponder:

Can more than one window possibly mean more than one person . Sure. If that possibility sounded like Jesus cracked the other window well

Might it pertinent to ponder if a 64 year old out of shape guy with out an lot of known gun experience be able to handle a machine gun so well? That is fair. None has claimed ET did it !

No where in this detailed narrative by the maint guy did it sound like a furry of 200 bullets could have been -- but he was neat casue he was step by step and created a visual image of the event.

Is it a conspiracy theory when it is fact , at this point, that very sophisticated computer systems have clearly monitored that he was given an employee ID. The notion that this was a perk by the hotel is so far out in left field

Is it a conspiracy theory , from this fact, to conclude that an employee gave him one of their ID card at times- that is reasonable IMO -- he did not go to HR and get one.

From that reality is imo valid to ponder if someone else might be aware of something , well if we operate under the notion that the employee ID card did fall from the sky - we would have to go to a more rational notion that an employee gave him their card.

It might have been as simple as a hundred dollar bill and a ask for a card from time to time. Possibilities.

This fake news fad on the other hand imo is totally overblown. Everything is a conspiracy

-- on the planet there are truths and realities

INterestingly when someone has a Muslim name the notion that busloads of people are instantly involved . Usually in approx 4.6 secs.

But when it is a white American male it is automatically and just as instantly a lone wolf .

WHite collar crime -- is that a conspiracy>
Do we daily hear about white americans dealing drugs , money laundering,organ selling, bank fraud, pimping money laundering funding entities that do not have our best interests at heart -- sure

Is it a conspiracy theory to include those possibilities in evaluating what transpired. imo sure.

Upon opening the newspaper everyday are we flooded with corrupt politicians congressmen wall street brokers mayors police chiefs cops firemen teachers insurance salesman and sheriffs ..

Is that conspiracy or truth?

Would it be a dash out there if we were pondering if Nabisco gave General Motors stolen money from Burger King to fund this -- probably!

Sounds conspiracy ish to me !

While reading abovementioned news is it a reality that black market sales are a reality ? We read about it all the time. Heroin, RX, Cars Humans Blood food guns ,

Is it a conspiracy theory to possibly ponder that maybe 44 machine guns and four tons of ammo and some bombs might have some monetary value .

Is that a conspiracy theory or are those the headlines of our reality.

IMo it has gotten so the opposite -- 99% of living is a giant conspiracy. People just don't have that much time to make up all this junk.

All this false flag illuminati numbers bible asteroids grabs for guns by the govt THOSe are conspiracy theories.

Crime mental illness Corruption black market organized crime money greed laundering money are they the headlines in our daily existence?

That is the stuff I read about -reality.

IMO many of the folks out there with megaphones screaming that living is all one giant conspiracy are simply put -- paranoid.

The world in its entirety is not out to get each and everyone of us.

Are there valid journalists on the planet? Of course there are. Read there code of ethics. Has SM impacted that - certainly but that does result in journalists who are sitting on their computers with glee in there eyes and smiling like the Joker from Batman while deciding what BS they want to make up for there report - that is paranoa moo

Inquisitive thinking and pondering alternatives and reality based options is critical thinking.

Its gotta be the pitts believing every minute of anyone's life ; everyone is out to get someone --

There are truths .....................................
Some people bring a ton of stuff. They go shopping. Some people come from foreign countries and they do a ton of shopping. Some people use Las Vegas as a jumping off point to go to other places

Las Vegas has a lot of trade shows as well and people bring tons of stuff to the show. My friends buy a ton of stuff when the shows are over because the vendors do not want to haul the stuff away.

Hang around a big hotel some day. Luggage is amazing.
Hahaha I've worked in one. Most people with tons of luggage and money don't cart their own bags to their room. Jmo
AND if they do, people notice. Especially this guy. Would stand out like a sore thumb
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As it relates to TOS ABC news is MSM -- SUPER DUPER msm!!

Our concerns are now facts as reported by an internationally acclaimed news agency that has been reporting news since the 50's if not earlier!!

The fact that it what reported that the Sheriff was quite pis#ed when the FBI ordered him to go public about his lie - and he was very unhappy about being forced to be honest with the American public - might be further support --there not taking their lunches together! moo

Or perhaps the FBI is forcing him to change the truth. We’ll never know. [emoji854]
Shot in the thigh, also the bullets were supposed to be sprayed in the adjoining rooms as per Sheriff via Dailymail

That is a weird statement no? How does the sheriff know what the guy was thinking about the trajectory of the bullets he was shooting

Just on FOX- will post link when available.

They played audio of first call that shots fired down the hall.d
Or perhaps the FBI is forcing him to change the truth. We’ll never know. [emoji854]

IMO most behavior is about gains

We have a what looks like ! rigid FBI agent !

We have a Sheriff whose department is under federal investigation

Who would benefit by making the story:

A) His officers response time was spectacular, amazing, incredible and timely


B) They really effed up and lots of people are hurt

Then we have to see what gains would a FBI agent have

A I am involved in this investigation -- might it better for me to just let the Sheriffs version stand?

or is it more ethical and proper to

B Take a part of the responsibility that I did not intervene earlier --and insist that the facts be provided to the public . I will stand my ground and not let this supposed LE person want to perpetuate a falsehood.

Now this is just mo. I think this dude tried (for as long as he could tolerate- the stupidity) to play politics. But as this is going on he started to realize that this dude really has no clue what he is doing . He is a sheriff - they do speeding tickets!

I think he finally went to his superiors and wa like oh god he missed the shooting range, effed what happened and when , is talking about searching for a trigger , is saying he can read minds and that he planned on escaping thinks there is nothing meaningful about two cell phone things , he cant conduct a press conference without rude or getting flustered . The whole world is watching this . I need your permission _ I think we should let him know he can pretend that he is in charge and acknowledge that they got the timeline totally wrong , or we will do it,

This is only speculation , but I would think by this point other agents are starting to get concerned too.

There city cops -- this is huge.

If one of your loved ones was killed who would you want to find out what happened ?

Some Sheriff or the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States of AMerica?

Do you want s specialist that specializes in heart transplant or an internist!!

He is out of his league .........moo

Fair question imo

This a national crisis.
I want to know the truth about the room. We have evidence SP was in Vegas the 25th. Sheriff still says he was in a different room until the 28th. We have a room receipt from the 27th with room 32135.

Brian Hodges was in 32134. So did he break into that room? Was he let in by the security guard?

He was seen with someone who police wanted info on. We were told that person was located and suggested it was a prostitute. Then we are told prostitute claims are wrong and he was seen 200 times and only ever by himself.

Security guard is on “vacation” yet he’s praised as a miracle HERO but no interviews. Instead, maintenance guy is now allowed to give interviews.

WTF is going on? Makes no sense at all.
Las Vegas shooter reportedly used hotel freight elevator as high-rolling perk


A Las Vegas bellhop may have unwittingly helped Stephen Paddock carry his arsenal of weapons and ammunition up a freight elevator Paddock accessed through a special hotel perk and into the out-of-view 32nd-floor suite Paddock used to rain down mayhem on a country music concert crowd.
Am entire arsenal? Lol come on

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I haven't noticed any reports of his delivering his stash of weaponry all once, in fact to the contrary. The huge assortment of weaponry, ammunition, tools and protective gear that was eventually amassed may be insight within the thought process of a obsessive and disjointed mind, over a period of several days, planning and re-planing a far greater disaster to impossible "superhuman" heights that he intended to have culminated in his eventual successful escape.

"Though Paddock checked in about a week before the shooting occurred, he did not remain in Las Vegas. Authorities believe he traveled to Mesquite several times in the days leading up to Oct. 1.

Throughout his time in Las Vegas, Paddock did not interact with many people, the sheriff said, dispelling rumors the shooter had met with a prostitute for at least one night.

Bellman helped with bags

On at least two occasions, a bellman helped Paddock bring bags up to his 32nd-floor suite. After poring over surveillance footage, authorities have yet to spot any red flags about Paddock’s actions leading up to Oct. 1 that may have signaled his planned ambush."
I believe, in more time, we will learn more about the background of S.P. , especially his violent nature.

Some psychology sites I've read speak about serial killers/mass murderers who harbor a "goal" of carrying out mass destruction of human lives. Some of these individuals carry out these atrocious crimes earlier in their lives and some wait - especially the type who are "power" killers.

Perhaps in S.P.'s life, with all of the money he accumulated he felt the sort of "power" that these killers fantasize about. After years, this type of "power" was not enough. Perhaps he craved the type of "power" and "control" over people that only a mass killing could satisfy his deeply harbored "goal".

This could possibly explain why he waited until 2016 to buy the 33 guns. That could possibly have been the time that S.P. decided that the only way he could feel true "power" as in his "goal" would be to carry out a mass murder.

In other words, he was waiting all of his life to do this.

We will never likely know. However, I do believe that in time we will learn more about S.P.'s violent nature.

I agree with Cariis in that it was not so much of a "trigger" that set S.P. on this path, but a lifelong psychopathic goal of S.P.'s that was buried deep within him and he kept it secret from others.
Just on FOX- will post link when available.

They played audio of first call that shots fired down the hall.d

I heard it !

And in the first 6 seconds the guy says someone is shooting on the 32 floor -

and the sheriff guys have to spend 25 minutes trying to figure out what floor --

when a dude whose tushie was almost shot off on the 32 floor told them exactly where he almost lost his tushie!!

another thing.... wouldn't the fact that MB accepted SP giving MLD's ID card at check-in be a HUGE liability issue for the hotel? similar to my bank asking for ID and I presented someone else's but they just said, OK it's not your ID but we'll cash that check for you anyway.

So was using MLD's Id card on check-in part of his plan to confuse the hotel on 'who was actually in the room'?????
I just want to clarify. The ID was like a driver's license correct?
MLD never worked for Mandalay Bay, just Atlantis.

I keep reading about the service elevator.
It seems like in some articles they are stating she did work there in the past.
I dont think she jas had a "job" in a casino for the last 3 years.

"Ms. Danley left employment with Atlantis several years ago.”http://www.rgj.com/story/news/2017/...ttps-www-linkedin-com-in-marilou-d/723629001/

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Wow. Just wow.
Hey I've been known to be wrong.

Volant LLC - owned by John W Rogers
Volant Associates LLC - John W Rogers Jr

Both are based in VA - one has a connection to SP

I see similarities, or coincidences if you will.

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good Morning America-TV News 7am -10/11/17

Marilou Danley has been put on 'Select Watch List', TSA notified, to prevent her leaving country and being unavailable
for follow questioning. She still has not been cleared.
Brother Eric has also 'not been cleared'

Sources tell GMA the FBI and Sheriff are NOT getting along as Sheriff has put obstacles in way of FBI during investigation.


Was suspecting this to be the case.

Las Vegas is a company town, controlled by the companies who own the casinos. They also have a lot of political control over local elected officials, news media and LE.

The casino owners are probably worried about lawsuits and how this event will affect business. Local LE is probably not sharing with the FBI all the evidence from inside the hotel - e.g. security video, communications between security guards, etc. They want to conduct the investigation in a way that protects Mandalay Bay. They want to control the press conferences and media messaging to prevent negative impact on LV tourism business.

The union representing the hotel security guards is trying to protect them in the event the hotel wants to shift blame to them.

FBI wants to get to the bottom of all of it, regardless of which party, if any, has to take blame.
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