NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #8

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ok fine this week there are two more cops around on the floor

ok then ............................

this is flat out embarrassing as a citizen!!!

i loved the lawyer little accent!!
They were always there Cariis,
They were investigating another matter in the hotel at the time.
Its reported in early story versions.
the reason for their presence was never disclosed though, it was published as being unconnected.
This whole thing gets more befuddled as time goes on. It should be becoming clearer as time goes on. Nope. Not this case.

What in the world is going on?

I dont have the faintest idea. No clue at all. Nada.
Of COURSE it was a priority!!!
Beast was in all liklihood howling so loud he was scattering chips all over the casinos..
they probably even got it for free..
howling ceases, beast asleep.. $$$$$$


Isn't that covered in the $40 resort fee?

-More on SP cleansing from the priest:

A Chicago Catholic priest has performed a spiritual cleansing of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino room used by gunman Stephen Paddock during a mass shooting in Las Vegas earlier this month.

The Rev. Clete Kiley told Newsweek that he confronted what he called the “mystery of evil” while performing a Roman Catholic rite on October 18 inside a room on the hotel’s 32nd floor. It was from this room that Paddock unleashed a barrage of bullets onto a country music festival on Oct. 1, killing 58 people and wounding hundreds more.

Kiley, who is affiliated with the hospitality workers’ union UNITE HERE, was in Las Vegas to comfort traumatized staff at the Mandalay Bay ― some of whom he said were nervous about returning to the 32nd floor. After the FBI released the floor back to the hotel, he told the Chicago Sun Times that he brought a glass of water and a palm branch with him to perform a cleanse.

When the temporary door that had sealed the crime scene was opened, Kiley said he felt as if he was “pushed back.”

“In my mind, I found myself saying to myself: ‘Oh no, you have to go.’ I instinctively began to pray in silence: ‘St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Protect us against the wickedness and snares of the devil,’”

Great!!! Now all we need is a young priest...seriously. I. Can't. Even.
Has the "curtain closing" on this investigation be as simple as the great need to protect monies coming into Las Vegas? 60 billion dollars a year

The public relations firm will charge them millions.

According to Clark County's website where the Las Vegas strip is located:

"Tourism's economic impact on Clark County for 2016 was nearly $60 billion, including $6.4 billion spent on gambling on the Las Vegas Strip, according to Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority data. "

" Las Vegas welcomed nearly 43 million visitors"

I have always felt, from the beginning of this investigation, when so few details were coming out that power and money were effectively shutting this down.

This is why I believe that so many questions the public had (and has) will never be answered. This is my opinion.

60 billion dollars a year. I can't even fathom that. That is from tourism alone!
Have not seen latest presser and in looking I found his grand debut yuk

so lets go down memory lane:

he lives locally basic simple fact buzzzzz WRONG!

he is traveling with the lady basic simple fact buzzzzz WRONG!

gives info about cars but for some reason he is the only LE person I have ever heard that can not determine the colors of the cars It is on the reg. Harder to find huh??

right here multiple shooters have "PROVEN to be false " first presser

awaiting proof of such as we type!

goes back into he lives local and wont release his local address?? basic simple fact buzzzzz WRONG!

everyone must shelter in place although 18 seconds earlier he stated "PROVEN to be false "

unknown color repeated cars

we believe it is a lone world actor

we will do regular briefings to keep you updated. liar liar pants on

lets review the recent one!!

he had to have assistance -- that is what he opens with one more time he had to have assistance

reporter in la la land : you seem to have put quite a bit together --WTF is this reporter talking about a month later?

Working in the shadows

we went through all is electronics (missing a hard drive)

Local sheriff duly impressed with FBI (who cares your an idiot IMO!)

Gets (bugged me from day one) into all the "trigger" stuff -- that is a fallacy -- people don't snap - unless psychotic typically

Most thinking about and planning for long periods of time

It may be alonger term thing that made him snap --the sentence makes zero sense in that the statement is saying two opposite things at once --he is just yuk

As far as I know , we know, that he never showed up at the other two music areas he made resv at,

He then talks about it like he made it to the other two concerts wrong

Interviewer equally dim --- he was not acting like a sniper EXCEPT when he was targeting officers --snipers are snipers ! They don't turn on and off being a "sniper"!!

Proceeds to proclaim that he is psychotic -- there is no indication that he was psychotic
as a clinician I just hate the word crazy - he throws that in

he then proceeds to go into disassociation from victims which has no relevance in mass shootings - he is getting that confused with when the murderer intimately knows the victim

He then goes into the apple falling from the tree -- states the mental health community would have issues with him stating such - clueless about mental health --mental health professioniials are firmly entrenched in the reality that early years profoudly influcne the rest of ones existence.

He then , in all his expertise throws in the word manic

He then proceeds with the unproven nonsense of what a big deal he was on the strip -- when the reality at this point, the only thing we have heard from that other big owner of hotels is that he was not a big time deal, and considered pretty unsophisticated as a gambler and certainly was not a whale.

I don't want it to sound like I am saying that MGM could did not do there job and then engages in a rather stupid dialog of the ways it could have been prevented

I think that is one thing that just so bugged me he seems like he just makes up stuff as he goes - cause often he says one thing and then a ltittle bit later he says something that totally contradicts what he said -- like basically just BSing his way through it all

The reporter then gives him accolades for the tremendous amount of transparency he has shown throughout the event -- what planet is the reporter on?

why did you decide to be so darn transparent he asks??

Sheriff picks up on the delusion (!) and carries on about all his transparency!

then says none of the times were wrong it was just the way they were described -- what the heck does that even mean -- again just spewing out hot air with words that make no sense

the timelines changed but the timelines did not change -- hey that is what he just said don't ask me what he is talking about

Maybe becasue the fuel tanks did not blow up the Seriff continues so then maybe he decided he might kill a bunch of people -- he just happened tohave dozens of machine guns -- again makes no sense

he then says he was accessing the crowd to determine where they were going -- what shooter needs to access where people will go when the people are in a confined space with specific exits only -- no one needs to access where people are going to run -- its kind of a given in the setting -- again just bla bla bal

He then says JC informed them he had been shot --I never heard JC say he was shot

reporter then asks as it relates to the control room was there an error in the logs -- this is 2017 people quit using logs decades ago -- in a 3500 room resort I kinda think they are very computerized and no one is sitting with a diary and a pen logging what time a call came in - might be wrong I suppose

I now know why sheriff selected to the interview with this bozo!

Sheriff then goes off into something that i have no idea what he is talking about and has never been revealed before actually the shots were fired when he encountered the blocked door no idea what he is talking

he then proceeds to describe response time as amazing and astounding and wonderful and terrific and shocking --someone is using a huge extremely loud machine gun heard all over and cops arrived amazingly --the strip is a road - one would think if LE hears machines guns they would kinda head in that direction just a hunch!

he then backtracks on his declaration that he had a escape plan he total muddles that up in this presser and goes bla bla bal

From the onset when he made his determination that a dead person had an escape plan it struck me all along that that was a pretty amazing skill - to be able to read dead peoples minds - now that is a skill set .

I never bought the bomb stuff in the car (It hits me as the potential buyer of the arms indicated they might be interested in some bomb stuff --terrorists like those kind of guns he had all over his room imo - speculating here ) .

Like really? This guy , according to this notion , apparently believed he would be able machine gun people, get down from the 32 floor, get to the garage, drive his car somewhere else and blow up something ??

that makes no sense in that the reality is one would kinda know in advance that roads would be blocked

The reporter asks about the police going to other hotels that night -- the sheriff states that practice for us -- we make assumptions that there might be more than one shooter . _No dude that is total BS -- officers were going all over because dispatch we're getting calls at other locations.

That in and of itself is so stupid. The way he states it is we typically go running around to a bunch of locations as a matter routine??

He then (hey at least it is one honest thing) openly admits that yeah the accidentally get shot by a cop was not out in the public space.

IMO that is a hugely insightful piece of information. IMO it indicates his belief system
that is totally within his prerogative to select what gets into or stays out of the public - his words - space. Knowing that a cop fired has no impact on investigating anything. Keeping it from the public is deceiving the public It is not honest.

It mirrors the same belif system (that he can on his own decdie what gets out in the public space when he , at the onset, declared that his officers engaged with the suspect. The word engaged gives an entirely different notion of what transpired as opposed to the truth - we entered and there was a dead person on the floor. Two different things. One truthful. Another a flat out lie. Patterns

AH there is a part two of this guy -- but I need a break

There is a PS here ! We are all used to perps in these crimes having some extra ammo.

Entering a resort with 5000 machine gun rounds sure sounds more humm humm , if you will retail --- as opposed to , hypothetically, believing that one person just might be in need for 5000 rounds of bullets!

Speculation: IMO that might be accurate in a battlefield somewhere -- in a resort having 5000 rounds and dozens of machine guns in his room and car sounds much more like black market , or sting that went wrong only mo

We know this person liked money -- this is first time I have heard this. He was having money problems according to the Sheriff.

Dealing in arms is lucrative..................just saying..........................

I’m still reeling from the Las Vegas massacre. But everyone else has moved on.
The deadly mass shooting was just weeks ago, but it's as though it never happened.
November 2 at 10:00 AM
I was singing and swaying in a crowd of 22,000 that Sunday night in Las Vegas, loving every minute of the country music concert, when gunfire erupted. Seconds later, I was running for my life, and nothing would ever be the same for me.

It has been a month since the largest mass shooting in modern American history, and it seems everyone has moved on.


If you can't access WaPo, the article is also here:
Thanks for the link. I gotta tell you, anyone looking for a conspiracy theory involving this guy is out of their minds (meaning these nutty videos on YouTube). This guy was a frequent poster on Facebook. If he was ever upset about the shooting, it sure doesn't show. It was back to business as usual and hanging out and partying at industry events immediately. Not a word about the shooting. He was more worried about NFL players kneeling. He was a pretty conservative guy. I was pretty surprised to see some of his more juvenile reposts, though, honestly. He's not at all what I had in my mind for a serious lawyer to be.

But that's probably why he's a music industry lawyer as opposed to a corporate lawyer.

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Music attorneys well can be quite sleazy. I've had bad experiences with them. But not even mention the shooting is rather heartless.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ao...ed-to-his-child-*advertiser censored*-arrest/

“Law enforcement sources told TMZ that the day after Stephen Paddock opened fire at a Las Vegas country music festival, his brother began bragging to other patients at the facility about what his brother had done”

“After a staff member at the home checked Bruce's file and discovered Stephen Paddock was listed as his emergency contact, the employee alerted the Los Angeles Police Department, assuming officials would want to interview him in connection with the shooting”

"bragging?" I hope they thoroughly investigate him. Sounds like he is already showing red flags if he bragged about a mass shooter?! ok, Bruce not the other brother..whew. I was afraid we had a trio of psychopaths on our hands.
Great!!! Now all we need is a young priest...seriously. I. Can't. Even.

This sounds like a reality tv show.
Nothing wrong with a Priest blessing the floor/room to qualm people's fears but, lets not turn this into a circus sideshow. This case baffles me.
Has the "curtain closing" on this investigation be as simple as the great need to protect monies coming into Las Vegas? 60 billion dollars a year

The public relations firm will charge them millions.

According to Clark County's website where the Las Vegas strip is located:

"Tourism's economic impact on Clark County for 2016 was nearly $60 billion, including $6.4 billion spent on gambling on the Las Vegas Strip, according to Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority data. "

" Las Vegas welcomed nearly 43 million visitors"


absolutely yes. Money corrupts.
Also from article ...

"Kiley then walked through a hallway littered with plaster and broken light fixtures, with bullet holes still visible in the walls. As he entered Paddock’s former room, he said he felt a “profound silence.”"

What had he been expecting? Whispering, hissing, and the far off sounds of chains being banged around?

Who ya gonna call?

-More on SP cleansing from the priest:

A Chicago Catholic priest has performed a spiritual cleansing of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino room used by gunman Stephen Paddock during a mass shooting in Las Vegas earlier this month.

The Rev. Clete Kiley told Newsweek that he confronted what he called the “mystery of evil” while performing a Roman Catholic rite on October 18 inside a room on the hotel’s 32nd floor. It was from this room that Paddock unleashed a barrage of bullets onto a country music festival on Oct. 1, killing 58 people and wounding hundreds more.

Kiley, who is affiliated with the hospitality workers’ union UNITE HERE, was in Las Vegas to comfort traumatized staff at the Mandalay Bay ― some of whom he said were nervous about returning to the 32nd floor. After the FBI released the floor back to the hotel, he told the Chicago Sun Times that he brought a glass of water and a palm branch with him to perform a cleanse.

When the temporary door that had sealed the crime scene was opened, Kiley said he felt as if he was “pushed back.”

“In my mind, I found myself saying to myself: ‘Oh no, you have to go.’ I instinctively began to pray in silence: ‘St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Protect us against the wickedness and snares of the devil,’”

Father Kiley's bio:
yeah.. sure.. why not?
Seriously though.. its a strange thing indeed.
There are few enough exorcists in the catholic church..
some of it could well have been projected thoughtforms.. horror projected through those broken windows.. I think that leaves an imprint.
but it would have received a lot of prayer too..
I remember noticing Paddock's death mask.. he looked very very peaceful indeed..
I am assuming the priest is legit?
I wish he had described the 'mystery of evil' bit in more detail..
its very interesting..

He is legit but I'd like to hear from his higher ups.
I am uncomfortable with the outright ridicule of a space being blessed after employees were uncomfortable going to this floor.

Whether it's done by a Catholic priest with holy water or a Native American with sage, it's a common practice and perhaps one that gave some employees some comfort. I don't see what it has to do with the case except to mention in passing.

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He is legit but I'd like to hear from his higher ups.
So he went to give a blessing.. thats normal.. but he was confronted with the unexpected.. that is strange..
His biog is pretty impressive.Thanks for linking it..
But I doubt anybody higher up in that church will comment.. Its surprising he did.. I reckon it was real okay.
I'm sure the vast majority of the cctv footage was from in the casino itself, just logical because every inch of the casino floor is monitored.

That footage will *never* be released. Why? Because every casino has a hard and fast rule that *no pictures* are allowed to be taken in the casino. This rule is taken VERY seriously, and it's one of the things that employees are actively on the lookout for.

I'm sure the surveillance footage was given to LE with the stipulation it not be released publicly. They do not, under any circumstances, want pictures and video of the casino floor in the hands of the public.

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All they have to do is blur everyone else out. I see footage like that all the time.
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