GUILTY NV - Jason Rimer, 4, disabled, dies in hot car, Las Vegas, 8 June 2008

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What 4 year old sleeps that long (through heat, hunger, noise) unless he wasn't: quite ill, sedated, or restrained.

Every 4 year old in the family I've observed has been able to get out of a locked car (like many said above). I don't have any kids..but I'd imagine their survival instinct has kicked in at that point and they'd attempt to get out.

I hope I'm wrong..but the child was not an infant...unless maybe he had a developmental problem or something we are unaware of...I'm at a loss.

I don't know. What happened to him before he was left in the car????? There's more to this than neglect, me thinks.

::sigh:: (I apparently missed a I see lots of you have brought these things up!)

Eyewitness News did get a chance to speak with the parents Tuesday. They didn't want to go on camera but say they are upset and angry at themselves for not noticing their youngest child was missing -- saying 4-year-old Jason Rimer paid the price for their mistake.


CPS has investigated this family at least three times in the past, looking into complaints against this family -- including allegations of not feeding the kids and unclean living conditions.

Stan Rimer talked to radio station KDWN about what happened.The station asked him how his family lost track of a mentally disabled 4-year-old.“No one ever said anybody was missing or anything. We usually keep Sundays a quiet day, and one got away from us,” Rimer said.He was then asked how the boy was overlooked at dinner time.“They usually go in and grab for themselves, and nobody ever mentioned Jason not coming to the table,” Rimer said.In the family of eight, Rimer said the older brother usually watches out for the younger ones.

Okay, I am a horrible, horrible person. I admit it. The child was mentally disabled. Either these parents are incredibly neglectful as seen in the above comment (fend for themselves? A four-year old?) or they decided they didn't want to care for Jason anymore and...


Okay, I am a horrible, horrible person. I admit it. The child was mentally disabled. Either these parents are incredibly neglectful as seen in the above comment (fend for themselves? A four-year old?) or they decided they didn't want to care for Jason anymore and...

This story just ticks me off the more I hear about it. And the parents are idiots who definitely need charged. At LEAST with neglect. It's not your older childrens' job to take care of your youngest ones!:furious::furious::furious:
Okay, totally missed the fact that he was disabled....wasn't mentioned in any of the earlier articles... only the last link (that I saw). Now this is even worse.
OMG! As if this story could not get any worse!! GRRRRRRRR! :furious::furious::furious::furious: :behindbar :behindbar
Is the father cognitive of the fact that he and his wife are the parent's of this child..not their oldest son? Sounds like he is shifting the blame in his own mind to the oldest son when he said he usually watches out for the younger ones. He is not the parent sir should know when one of your children is missing. Suppose the child had gotten out of the car seat and wondered the neighborhood or into the street? Same result would have been likely...hit by a car or abducted .

These parents need to have their kids taken away from them..they obviously don't parent..they just leave the responsibility for that up to the oldest son.
Okay, totally missed the fact that he was disabled....wasn't mentioned in any of the earlier articles... only the last link (that I saw). Now this is even worse.

I totally missed that fact too. Now I know why he didn't get out of the car himself.
I wonder how old the oldest child is? The boy that they put all the responsibilty on. I'm sure they are blaming him too when it was their responsibility to take care of the 4 year old.
The parents have taken responsibility: "They didn't want to go on camera but say they are upset and angry at themselves for not noticing their youngest child was missing -- saying 4-year-old Jason Rimer paid the price for their mistake."

I don't think it's fair to say they are blaming anyone else if the above statment is true. When they talk about the olders watching the youngers, I think they are trying to explain why they weren't on top of it. Explaining is not blaming.

IMO, they should have been on top of it and they should have been watching a mentally disabled 4 year old. But it is stretching things to say they're blaming anyone when they've admitted to what they did.
The parents have taken responsibility: "They didn't want to go on camera but say they are upset and angry at themselves for not noticing their youngest child was missing -- saying 4-year-old Jason Rimer paid the price for their mistake."

I don't think it's fair to say they are blaming anyone else if the above statment is true. When they talk about the olders watching the youngers, I think they are trying to explain why they weren't on top of it. Explaining is not blaming.

IMO, they should have been on top of it and they should have been watching a mentally disabled 4 year old. But it is stretching things to say they're blaming anyone when they've admitted to what they did.

Yes, but then they go on to give the excuse that the oldest boy ususally watches the younger adding that statement in is just that an excuse...
They were to be in court at 9:00 this morning to try to get their other children back.
I agree, Delta.

It amazes me that neither parent made sure the mentally disabled four year came into the house after the outring nor made sure that he ate dinner.

It is not the older boy's responsibility no matter how much they relied on him to take care of the younger children. He is probably feeling so guilty right now and it is not his guilt to bear.
Older siblings are NOT the parents! When you have a disabled child to put one of your older ones in charge IMO is even worse. There is nothing wrong with having an older child watch over the younger ones if you have to run to the store real fast or go outside to mow the lawn or run to the post office assume for 17 hours the older child is watching your disabled 4 year old and you never question it or check in on it? That is totally wrong in my book and should never happen!
I'm sorry but there is no defense for this. Any parent who does not know where their son is for SEVENTEEN hours is guilty of neglect. There were so many opportunities in the span of time to realize your son is missing - lunch, dinner, bathtime, bedtime being the obvious ones. To not notice that your 4 yr old was not around to eat dinner and STILL wasn't around when it was time for bed shows that these parents are not very involved with their child's everyday life and ensuring their basic needs are met. A parent of a 4 year old should know where that child is at all times. Especially when that child is mentally disabled.
Stan Rimer talked to radio station KDWN about what happened.The station asked him how his family lost track of a mentally disabled 4-year-old.“No one ever said anybody was missing or anything. We usually keep Sundays a quiet day, and one got away from us,” Rimer said.He was then asked how the boy was overlooked at dinner time.“They usually go in and grab for themselves, and nobody ever mentioned Jason not coming to the table,” Rimer said.In the family of eight, Rimer said the older brother usually watches out for the younger ones. Okay, I am a horrible, horrible person. I admit it. The child was mentally disabled. Either these parents are incredibly neglectful as seen in the above comment (fend for themselves? A four-year old?) or they decided they didn't want to care for Jason anymore and...

WTF!! That makes this even worse IMO. The poor kid was mentally disabled...and his parents put the burden of taking care of him on his older brothers? And for that matter...WTF were their worthless A$$es doing all day that they could not attend to their children? I hope to God that they don't get their kids back...they don't deserve those precious gifts!.:furious:


In the family of eight, Rimer said the older brother usually watches out for the younger ones.

“He generally will tell us anything that's wrong. I trusted that he saw all them. And it never crossed my mind we had one dying in the car,” Rimer said.

Rimer said they're all devastated, and they hope people understand no one intended for this to happen.

“I want everybody to look at all the good things that we've done for 21 years for our kids,” he said.

There were at least three calls to Child Protective Services before this incident.

The family said they believe those were from their estranged daughter.


If this isn't the father blaming the oldest son ..then I don't know what to call it?

Interesting that the eldest daughter is blamed for the other calls to child protective services. She probably left because she got tired of being the parent to the younger children.

This father is making his older children his excuse for not having to parent his children..
I agree, Delta.

It amazes me that neither parent made sure the mentally disabled four year came into the house after the outring nor made sure that he ate dinner.

It is not the older boy's responsibility no matter how much they relied on him to take care of the younger children. He is probably feeling so guilty right now and it is not his guilt to bear.

I agree with this, SD. Just because you're used to and comfortable with olders watching youngers (and in large families that definitely happens) doesn't make it a fail-safe arrangement. Parents need to parent. A parent should continually be registering where all the children are - particularly a mentally disabled 4 year old!

My prayers for this family. This is a terribly sad thing. I am sure they are all crushed and feeling guilty.

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