GUILTY NV - Jason Rimer, 4, disabled, dies in hot car, Las Vegas, 8 June 2008

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What do you think it's doing to the older boy to hear these comments from his father? Thanks dad for letting me know I wasn't doing my job of watching my little brother!!! :furious:
I was talking to my husband about this case last night and he couldn't believe a parent would go 17 hours without checking on a 4 year old. We have pets and check on them constantly, right now the dog is sleeping on his bed in the other room and it wasn't 10 minutes ago that I stopped by to pat him on the head and covered him with his blanket, I know where our cats are also, they're both napping also, it's a gloomy stormy day here and a good morning for a nap. You better believe that if I had a 4 year old disabled son here I'd know where he was and how he was doing. Why have kids when you aren't taking the responsibility of raising them?

My 5 year old son sometimes "fends for himself" but I sure as heck wouldn't call it dinner! He'll go to the kitchen and grab an apple, some cheese or some chips but I always make sure he eats an actual dinner! Even if it's just a sandwich!
My 5 year old son sometimes "fends for himself" but I sure as heck wouldn't call it dinner! He'll go to the kitchen and grab an apple, some cheese or some chips but I always make sure he eats an actual dinner! Even if it's just a sandwich!

The comment about fending for themselves at dinner really shows how neglectful these parents are. I can just imagine the junk my kids would eat if I didn't make sure they were eating properly. You can also bet that I go and tuck them in at night and then throughout the night to make sure they are o.k. These parents are totaly to blame for this childs death, they should have been doing their jobs.:mad:
I'm so upset now reading he was disabled. Here's the thing w/disabled children, IMHO. I have 4 kids. One is disabled. Guess which one gets way more attention than all the others? My disabled child.

So yeah, if my typical (i.e. "normal") 12 yr old boy went missing for hours, I might not have a clue where he's at because I've been focusing on my disabled child for the most part. NOT the other way around.

OMGosh, I'm so sick at the thought of this. Can you imagine what the older boy must be going through right now? :mad:
Add in the fact that if he's disabled, he probably wasn't your typical 4 yr old...maybe more like a 2 yr old mentally and maybe even physically (skill-wise) as young. :mad:
The comment about fending for themselves at dinner really shows how neglectful these parents are. I can just imagine the junk my kids would eat if I didn't make sure they were eating properly. You can also bet that I go and tuck them in at night and then throughout the night to make sure they are o.k. These parents are totaly to blame for this childs death, they should have been doing their jobs.:mad:

I think what surprises me the very most, cali, is not putting a 4-year-old to bed. I mean even if you asked the older kids to do everything else, I think most parents would come in for a kiss and snuggle at the end. Honestly, I find not doing that bizarre!
And how would a mentally disabled 4 year old fend for himself at meals and bedtime???

I hate to say it but it sounds like the parents just don't care and losing this child will make their lives easier.

God knows, it makes it better for the baby, he's in a MUCH better place now!
What I'm wondering about is this, if you have a 4 year old child, wouldn't you want to see him, spend some time playing with him, sharing something with him? In 17 hours time, there wasn't ever a moment when neither parent didn't just want to spend 1 minute with this precious little boy?

If this is how they treated him, how have they treated their other children? I'd really be interested to know just what they spent their time doing all those hours.

And the mother went to get another child from church? Did she take that same vehicle?
Hmm, does that strike anyone else as being a really convenient alibi?

Not me. These parents may well have been negligent - the more info that develops, the more it seems they were. But I don't for one second think they were trying to kill this child by leaving him in a car for 17 hours.
I think what surprises me the very most, cali, is not putting a 4-year-old to bed. I mean even if you asked the older kids to do everything else, I think most parents would come in for a kiss and snuggle at the end. Honestly, I find not doing that bizarre!

Same here scm:blowkiss:. You would think they would have at least checked in on a disabled 4 year old, I just don't get it.:mad:
Hmm, does that strike anyone else as being a really convenient alibi?

A neighbor on a video somewhere said she took the pickup to save on gas.

I'm glad she could think about being efficient with her money.
Whoa.. i'm sorry but I knew where my 4 year old was at ALL times. My 4 year old wasn't even allowed to play outside without me or dad out there the WHOLE time watching.. I don't have much sympathy for these types of parents sorry. So like at bedtime they just crashed never once wondering where their little boy was? Who does that? :waitasec:

I perceive excuses and further explanations as completely different things.

As a mother, she should not have even mentioned her older son in this - it's she and her husband's responsibility, NO ONE ELSE'S, to care for their children - there is NO excuse or further explanation that could even hint at minimizing their responsibility (lack of) here! :behindbar
Boy these parents (if you can even call them that) sure do like to blame their children for their own faults. Sick..
This is just so very very sad and preventable. I have tears in my eyes thinking of that baby. That was the worst feeling I got when I read what the father said.
How do SIX children fend for themselves for dinner?!!
What the heck are the parents doing??
How could he say those things in public about the older child?
Oh my God.
These children need to be taken from this home.
Boy these parents (if you can even call them that) sure do like to blame their children for their own faults. Sick..

I was just thinking the same thing Sadie, it is absolutaly disgusting that these people place blame on there kids like this. Hello personal responsibility people.

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