GUILTY NV - Jason Rimer, 4, disabled, dies in hot car, Las Vegas, 8 June 2008

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Here's a more direct link to the report of the child fearing retaliation:

One of the Rimer children did notice that Jason was missing, however didn't speak out for fear of retaliating of his parents. The child went on to say that "sometimes his parents get mad if he asked "stupid questions."
Little Jason Rimer was alone outside in the big sport utility vehicle. But no one seemed to notice.

He was a 4-year-old who still wore diapers, couldn't dress himself and had trouble walking because of a genetic disease that crippled his body and his mind.

Yet his parents and five older brothers didn't seem too worried that Jason wasn't around.
Thank you..I just can't imagine having a disabled child and not checking on them constantly..much less letting 17 hours pass ..and obviously the parents still weren't checking since a sibling found the child. Glad to hear the other children are not in their custody at present.
From the link I just posted (and there's lots more!):

Clark County Family Services, which includes Child Protective Services, has had 21 contacts or referrals involving the Rimers since 1988. During a February 2007 home visit in response to allegations including physical abuse, neglect and sibling sexual abuse, a case worker warned the parents about the consequences of excessive corporal punishment, according to a child fatality information document. The worker told the children they could talk to school staff about what happened in their home and closed the case, finding the allegations unsubstantiated.
The parents had a clean bedroom with a fully stock refrigerator and microwave.
I am glad these parents were arrested. It now seems very obvious that their neglect led to their son's death. My prayers for this family - it sounds like there were a lot of questionable things going on in that home.
From the link I just posted (and there's lots more!):

Clark County Family Services, which includes Child Protective Services, has had 21 contacts or referrals involving the Rimers since 1988. During a February 2007 home visit in response to allegations including physical abuse, neglect and sibling sexual abuse, a case worker warned the parents about the consequences of excessive corporal punishment, according to a child fatality information document. The worker told the children they could talk to school staff about what happened in their home and closed the case, finding the allegations unsubstantiated.

Holy hell!!! 21 contacts with these freaking people, allegations of abuse , neglect and Sibling sexual abuse???
Yeah, the allegations of sibling sexual abuse really got me. That may be why the daughter is estranged from the family along with her saying the father often beat her and had the boys join in on the beating.
Little Jason Rimer was alone outside in the big sport utility vehicle. But no one seemed to notice.

He was a 4-year-old who still wore diapers, couldn't dress himself and had trouble walking because of a genetic disease that crippled his body and his mind.

Yet his parents and five older brothers didn't seem too worried that Jason wasn't around.

I am flabbergasted by this article. Mom looked for him, couldn't find him and went back to bed. She got up in the middle of the night, and "something didn't feel right" so she WENT BACK TO BED! This woman so needs to be slapped upside her head. My jaw is hanging open!

The parents had a clean bedroom with a fully stock refrigerator and microwave.

While the children lived in a filthy house, dirty kitchen and fended for themselves. Unbelievable!

Unreal, isn't it? Most mothers listen to that funny feeling and check on everyone.

She also kept the the rest of her house filthy (from reports) but her bedroom was spotless and well stocked.
Unreal, isn't it? Most mothers listen to that funny feeling and check on everyone.

She also kept the the rest of her house filthy (from reports) but her bedroom was spotless and well stocked.

The things she is quoted as saying! I couldn't believe it. She looks for him, can't find him, so she takes dinner to her husband in their nice clean room while the other kids eat on their own.:eek:

And the getting up, knows something isn't right, so she goes back to bed? Who would do that? If you have enough sense to know something isn't right!!:eek:

By her own admissions, how could you help but think this mother was working on some level to remove the child from her life. Whether purposefully or subconsciously.

What is it Shazza always says: I'm gobsmacked. (I don't really know what that means, but it sure seems to fit how I feel at the moment).

Little Jason Rimer was alone outside in the big sport utility vehicle. But no one seemed to notice.

He was a 4-year-old who still wore diapers, couldn't dress himself and had trouble walking because of a genetic disease that crippled his body and his mind.

Yet his parents and five older brothers didn't seem too worried that Jason wasn't around.

Snipped from the link above...

Colleen Rimer climbed out of the Excursion and headed inside. She told police she asked her 15-year-old son, who also might be developmentally disabled, to get Jason out of the vehicle, but added he might not have heard her because she had laryngitis, the report said.
That boy gave conflicting accounts of whether he heard his mother's order, and the other boys told police they didn't hear her tell anyone to get their little brother, the report said.
Colleen Rimer, who said she was also feeling ill, went upstairs and napped, a common activity for her on Sunday afternoons, while the boys stayed downstairs and played video games.
After several hours, Colleen Rimer drove back to the church to pick up Brandon Rimer. The teenager told police she drove her husband's Dodge truck, which was unusual because she always drove the Excursion, the report said.
When she went downstairs to cook dinner, Colleen Rimer told her children to look around the house for Jason.
"When I looked, I didn't find him either. So I don't know why it slipped my mind," Colleen Rimer told police. "Then I just went and took dinner to my husband."
At bedtime, the children slept downstairs in the living room because their bedrooms don't have air conditioning, the report said. None of them noticed Jason was missing.
That night, Colleen Rimer woke up about 1 a.m. to go to the bathroom and "didn't have the right kind of feeling. You know what I mean?" she told police. She lay down and went back to sleep.
During questioning by detectives, Colleen Rimer denied that she or anyone else intentionally hurt Jason. The detectives suggested that was the case, pointing to evidence that she drove a different vehicle to pick up her oldest son from church and suggesting she intentionally asked one of her developmentally disabled sons to get Jason from the SUV in hopes he would fail.
The things she is quoted as saying! I couldn't believe it. She looks for him, can't find him, so she takes dinner to her husband in their nice clean room while the other kids eat on their own.:eek:

And the getting up, knows something isn't right, so she goes back to bed? Who would do that? If you have enough sense to know something isn't right!!:eek:

By her own admissions, how could you help but think this mother was working on some level to remove the child from her life. Whether purposefully or subconsciously.

What is it Shazza always says: I'm gobsmacked. (I don't really know what that means, but it sure seems to fit how I feel at the moment).


That's what I said when this story came out. I think it was done accidentally on purpose.
We think alike Salem!

Great Minds - SW :)

I agree Lurker - the more this woman talks, the more you can see that "accidently on purpose" at work. :mad:

Its so sad because you just kind of know that no one looked after that little boy for all of his short 4 years. Just older siblings. Mom said he was "her baby" and she took him everywhere..... Except to the dinner table for food and to bed for rest. She loaded him in the car and drove him around alot. He didn't learn to walk until he was 3.5 years old. I know he was disabled, but I bet he could have walked at 2 or 2.5 years, IF someone would have worked with him, spent time with him, loved him.

It may have been a subconscious wish to be rid of him...or else she's the biggest airhead on the planet and should't be raising children. Or both.
This seems like a convienant way of getting rid of a child who is troublesome. A child with severe mental and physical problems. These parents did this on purpose. No doubt about it. They were sick of this kid and figured why not? No one will care, it will be considered an accident!

They should have the same thing happen to them. It is a horrible death.

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