NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #12

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Foul play

If only we could figure out why he went to SCA.
parked his car there
spent day and night someplace there
didn't meet with foul play yet.
called voicemail next day.
something went wrong
then met with foul play.
I'm not sure to what great lengths you're referring or what "normal" methods are employed in CIA recruitment,

I think he meant they don't "disappear" people off the street.

You apply for a job at the CIA, in the same way you apply for any other federal job. You fill out an application, and if you get to the next step, go through a lengthy interview process. You can apply online at CIA.gov.

Remember Valerie Plame? She was the wife of an envoy/ambassador (Joe Wilson) and lived an open life in Washington DC society. What *was* top secret was her job (covert agent for the CIA).
I think he meant they don't "disappear" people off the street.

You apply for a job at the CIA, in the same way you apply for any other federal job. You fill out an application, and if you get to the next step, go through a lengthy interview process. You can apply online at CIA.gov.

Remember Valerie Plame? She was the wife of an envoy/ambassador (Joe Wilson) and lived an open life in Washington DC society. What *was* top secret was her job (covert agent for the CIA).

I see - thanks. Perhaps I'll apply, land myself a new job and see if we can't get some better information to help find Steven!
Of all the little anomalous things about this case, the one that continues to bother me the most is that JRZ went on the lam at the same time.

It's almost like they both said, "Hey, we gotta get out of this place."

But he didn't.

Remember, LE was able to talk to him and per the landlady Thread 1/Post 452, Jan 14, 2010, JRZ's whereabouts were known a month after Steven disappeared.
I was, but am not anymore unless something comes up. This is the bane of my trade -- if there's not something new, we seem to forget about the story.

More than that though, I believe that I now have a conflict of interest in this case because I am now looking to find Steve, rather than being an independent observer. For example, I didn't write about the search, because I was busy participating in it.

So that's where I'm at...

...and we're glad you're with us, in that way. This is a real stumper. That's why I keep throwing out that other slim possibility.

This is the :banghead:--iest case ever, in my 20+ years of following this kind of thing.
although interesting that sw thinks VM was SK, I don't see it myself. The most interesting question about that to me that I haven't seen anything on is what VM's were left on his phone between noon and when VM was checked. It would be on his cell phone itemization, so family knows. I would also be interested to know why that hasn't been divulged.

There must be something to divulge if VM was checked, right?

although interesting that sw thinks VM was SK, I don't see it myself. The most interesting question about that to me that I haven't seen anything on is what VM's were left on his phone between noon and when VM was checked. It would be on his cell phone itemization, so family knows. I would also be interested to know why that hasn't been divulged.

There must be something to divulge if VM was checked, right?

I don't think it's something they're hiding. As I've said (or maybe thought, but not said...), the family has been exceptionally forthcoming on this case. I've seen cell phone records, his email account and the messages in his Facebook account, along with basically open access to the family.

As a family member said, the document is exceptionally hard to read. I've showed it to several people, some who are experts in the field, and they cannot decipher anything beyond the most basic details (time and location of a few calls).

That said, according to the pings, Steve made or received (can't tell) 11 calls or texts (also can't tell) between noon on the 13th and the 7 a.m. VM call the next day. I take these with a grain of salt because they all are from known people and could have all been incoming with Steve not answering.
I don't think it's something they're hiding. As I've said (or maybe thought, but not said...), the family has been exceptionally forthcoming on this case. I've seen cell phone records, his email account and the messages in his Facebook account, along with basically open access to the family.

As a family member said, the document is exceptionally hard to read. I've showed it to several people, some who are experts in the field, and they cannot decipher anything beyond the most basic details (time and location of a few calls).

That said, according to the pings, Steve made or received (can't tell) 11 calls or texts (also can't tell) between noon on the 13th and the 7 a.m. VM call the next day. I take these with a grain of salt because they all are from known people and could have all been incoming with Steve not answering.

Wow...11 calls or texts after seeing Steven in the video...and they are all from known people. Does his call history show that kind of activity on any
other day? Where there 11 different people? or 1 or 2 people making the
11 calls?

I see now that the calls could be from Steven or to Steven....so 11 instances in which the phone is used....and all of the contacts involve known persons.
Wow...11 calls or texts after seeing Steven in the video...and they are all from known people. Does his call history show that kind of activity on any
other day? Where there 11 different people? or 1 or 2 people making the
11 calls?

I see now that the calls could be from Steven or to Steven....so 11 instances in which the phone is used....and all of the contacts involve known persons.

This is why I think the connection to SCA is someone he knows, therefore it doesn't seem out of the ordinary for him to get the calls.
Wow...11 calls or texts after seeing Steven in the video...and they are all from known people. Does his call history show that kind of activity on any
other day? Where there 11 different people? or 1 or 2 people making the
11 calls?

I see now that the calls could be from Steven or to Steven....so 11 instances in which the phone is used....and all of the contacts involve known persons.

Actually, from swjaxon's description (which is extraordinarily rare to have a knowledgeable person such as him attempt to interpret the data), they are pings, can't tell from listing they have if incoming or outgoing, calls or texts, and probably can't tell id of other phone.

These would be the pings that are stored when call communication is done with cell phone, not the constant homing pings which are stored and kept separately under widely differing policies among carriers (such as not at all).

However, since VM was accessed, we can assume that at least one of the pings was a call to cell phone that went to voice mail due to cell phone not being answered. We also know that cell phone was on the whole time since pings were made.

7am would be someone getting up Monday morning. That is not what I based my previous statements on. I had an indication of an early morning call to VM, but I was thinking real early, like 2 or 3 am, and thinking it was inline with perps who try to make people think the victim is still alive and checked VM, giving people enough doubt that they think the victim is running away.

I do not think a perp would get up Monday morning and check victim's VM, not that it isn't real effective at imitating the cell phone owner, but just not the typical MO imo.

The cell phone would be very low on power, could have been charged with another charger but unusual to do that, check VM, then turn off and apparently discard.

Also cell phone was on but would not be near SK or SK had ringer turned off or was ignoring it, apparently not caring that battery would run out.

The info leads one to believe that nothing was wrong with SK until after Monday morning, when something did go wrong or he chose to go into hiding, apparently sheltered on Sunday.

Well, he was somewhere all those hours before last being seen so I guess I don't have anything to say no to that. Just very strange no matter what actually happened.

I don't think it's something they're hiding. As I've said (or maybe thought, but not said...), the family has been exceptionally forthcoming on this case. I've seen cell phone records, his email account and the messages in his Facebook account, along with basically open access to the family.

As a family member said, the document is exceptionally hard to read. I've showed it to several people, some who are experts in the field, and they cannot decipher anything beyond the most basic details (time and location of a few calls).

That said, according to the pings, Steve made or received (can't tell) 11 calls or texts (also can't tell) between noon on the 13th and the 7 a.m. VM call the next day. I take these with a grain of salt because they all are from known people and could have all been incoming with Steve not answering.

So...were there a large number from one specific person known to him? Did you have access to other months of calls to possibly compare that one day to?
I was referring to the cell phone records he said he saw. That is different than seeing the other, but I may have wrongly assumed.

No, you're right, I think he did say he saw cell phone records, didn't he? Good point.

Do unanswered calls show up on cell phone bills? I don't think so now that I think about it, been awhile since I looked at an itemized cell phone bill.

Possible none of those pings were on cell phone bill except voice mail left and retrieved calls.

We've added the MAP of the cell phone pings to the timeline, and I've put the time of the Overton ping in.

I'll get the rest of the mapped pings added in the next couple of days.
I agree that the key is why he was in LV because if he wanted to disappear, he could have done it from SLC or St. George, and if he wanted to commit suicide, it seems just as likely that he would have chosen the Utah desert.

My first impression upon seeing the video was he was a man with a positive purpose, going to an appointment. The second thing is that he said he'd be caught up on the rent - and that would require a good payoff. But given his temple-going, I don't see him involved in drugs or nefarious things but perhaps more like a classic Utah marketing scheme (that he didn't know was hinky).

The whole area is full of hucksters and as we know, Utah is the scam capital of the U.S. I can totally see him being drawn into some kind of pyramid scheme, and it all going south if he found out something he wasn't supposed to, or they didn't pay him (because even mild-mannered people can get upset when desperate). In fact, I think it had to be something so promising that he went to Vegas that night and slept over in his car, found a public restroom to clean up in, and wasn't taking the chance that he'd miss the big opportunity to make the acquaintance of whoever it was who sold him on this big opportunity.

Since the focus on Steven's face has turned up nothing, I agree with those who have said that what needs to happen is a re-canvassing of the Anthem neighborhood with more emphasis on people's habits. Who poured a new patio at Christmastime? Who suddenly went on a trip they hadn't talked about? Who had weird relatives visiting? Who has involved in a questionable marketing scheme of this kind? Who do they know who has anger management issues - even if they've never been arrested?

Remembering the BTK killer, I have to wonder, who are the self-appointed "enforcers" of SCA Anthem, the ones whose OCD or aggressive or twisted personalities might be covering a double life?
The ping document does show numbers, but you can't tell if it's text or a call or incoming or outgoing. I've also seen a cell phone bill. Ping list spans about four days, while the bill list spans about a week.

The majority of calls/texts come from his landlord and his employer. There are also a lot of calls from fellow church members. I haven't been able to nail down who a few of the numbers belong to.

But with the ping document specifically, almost all the calls listed after he walked past the camera come from the landlord and employer.
The ping document does show numbers, but you can't tell if it's text or a call or incoming or outgoing. I've also seen a cell phone bill. Ping list spans about four days, while the bill list spans about a week.

The majority of calls/texts come from his landlord and his employer. There are also a lot of calls from fellow church members. I haven't been able to nail down who a few of the numbers belong to.

But with the ping document specifically, almost all the calls listed after he walked past the camera come from the landlord and employer.

Do you mean there are a few numbers that are not familiar? I have wondered what type of communication was used to arrange for him to go to SCA. There is usually some type of trail.
Do you mean there are a few numbers that are not familiar? I have wondered what type of communication was used to arrange for him to go to SCA. There is usually some type of trail.

I'll have to check the document when I get back to my office. But as I recall, there was a flurry of calls on one day that seems to be related to mid-week church services. I say flurry because there are several short incoming/outgoing calls to/from several people in a short time span. Everyone I've been able to ID in that flurry was related to the church. Some of the numbers from that time remain unfamiliar to me, but I assume they belong to church members.

However, on the days leading up to the disappearance, I see nothing unusual in the call log.
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