NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #19

DNA Solves
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If he walked far enough that the residents/visitors go out the other way to leave normally, then I would deduct he had been there before or someone told him to park there.

Which would mean:

A. He never needed gas or food when he was in the area previously (doubtful)

B. The someone that gave him instructions told him to park there. So would he go to the home of someone that told him to park so far away? Again, doubtful...that would be a dead give away that something sinister was up.

C. He had plans to leave and start a new life. Again, doubtful. Why answer the phone when GW called and/or the men from the ward? AND tell them where
he was. I think he told the men from his ward because he figured GW would be telling them whatever he was doing anyway...which would essentially make GWs description of the conversation false. And given the weather and having a car full of them...wouldn't you take a coat? Cash checks and leave with some cash, and leave the cars keys with the car.

D. He decided 12 was the time he wanted to ditch his life, end it, etc. Again, doubtful. 12 that day doesn't appear to hold any significance. AND, if he wasn't going to an "appointment", why worry about being so prompt. Referring to B...it seems like an actual appt is the only viable option. AND since there are no records of anything "nefarious" going on...it would seem someone he talked to regularly, and maybe even that morning, was the link to the appointment.

GW opened a medical supplies distribution "franchise" of sorts in St. George...why not offer SK a job? GW didn't tell the Elders that SK wouldn't be at the meeting, but they realized he wouldn't...why didn't GW tell them he had talked to SK? The last conversation SK had with GW was when they were within miles of each other BUT had no idea. Do you really think that SK tells GW that he was also in Vegas and they don't have any conversation about it...even though phone records show they speak regulary? If GW was one the road when he said, in the location he said, he could have made the meeting before church...why ask SK to go? Why did GW stay in Vegas Saturday night if he was on his way back so early Sunday? He wouldn't have been out drinking if he was living up to the expectations of his calling. GW posted dismal status updates more than once on Facebook after SK went missing. GW told GSmith during the search that someone Told him they were 100 percent sure they had seen SK when GSmith inquired of GW of his thoughts about SK. AND since GW posted that conversation...he has basically not posted anything further on here. GSmith posted while still in the field...did something else take place or did he learn something else that has kept him quiet?

Ok I can't go back up to read my comments from my iPad (wish WS was more iPad friendly) I think I just put all my questions, deductions out there. My husband and I walked EL during our trip to see Garth Brooks. I'm kinda mad about that...bc now every time I hear a GB song...I think of SK. But it did renew my desire for closure to SK's life story. I worried about admitting that I stalked the neighborhood, but I hope it demonstrates my level of commitment.:innocent: Next I want to walk the neighborhood where SK helped the girls, my husband is convinced there's something there that would help me get my focus off GW. He's on team GW...I'm not. ;-)

Thank you CC. Many of us keep coming back to the SAME questions re: GW. I truly believe there is a reason for that.

O/T - sorry about the Garth connection - but have to ask, how was the show?
If he walked far enough that the residents/visitors go out the other way to leave normally, then I would deduct he had been there before or someone told him to park there.

Which would mean:

A. He never needed gas or food when he was in the area previously (doubtful)

B. The someone that gave him instructions told him to park there. So would he go to the home of someone that told him to park so far away? Again, doubtful...that would be a dead give away that something sinister was up.

C. He had plans to leave and start a new life. Again, doubtful. Why answer the phone when GW called and/or the men from the ward? AND tell them where
he was. I think he told the men from his ward because he figured GW would be telling them whatever he was doing anyway...which would essentially make GWs description of the conversation false. And given the weather and having a car full of them...wouldn't you take a coat? Cash checks and leave with some cash, and leave the cars keys with the car.

D. He decided 12 was the time he wanted to ditch his life, end it, etc. Again, doubtful. 12 that day doesn't appear to hold any significance. AND, if he wasn't going to an "appointment", why worry about being so prompt. Referring to B...it seems like an actual appt is the only viable option. AND since there are no records of anything "nefarious" going on...it would seem someone he talked to regularly, and maybe even that morning, was the link to the appointment.

GW opened a medical supplies distribution "franchise" of sorts in St. George...why not offer SK a job? GW didn't tell the Elders that SK wouldn't be at the meeting, but they realized he wouldn't...why didn't GW tell them he had talked to SK? The last conversation SK had with GW was when they were within miles of each other BUT had no idea. Do you really think that SK tells GW that he was also in Vegas and they don't have any conversation about it...even though phone records show they speak regulary? If GW was one the road when he said, in the location he said, he could have made the meeting before church...why ask SK to go? Why did GW stay in Vegas Saturday night if he was on his way back so early Sunday? He wouldn't have been out drinking if he was living up to the expectations of his calling. GW posted dismal status updates more than once on Facebook after SK went missing. GW told GSmith during the search that someone Told him they were 100 percent sure they had seen SK when GSmith inquired of GW of his thoughts about SK. AND since GW posted that conversation...he has basically not posted anything further on here. GSmith posted while still in the field...did something else take place or did he learn something else that has kept him quiet?

Ok I can't go back up to read my comments from my iPad (wish WS was more iPad friendly) I think I just put all my questions, deductions out there. My husband and I walked EL during our trip to see Garth Brooks. I'm kinda mad about that...bc now every time I hear a GB song...I think of SK. But it did renew my desire for closure to SK's life story. I worried about admitting that I stalked the neighborhood, but I hope it demonstrates my level of commitment.:innocent: Next I want to walk the neighborhood where SK helped the girls, my husband is convinced there's something there that would help me get my focus off GW. He's on team GW...I'm not. ;-)

The neighborhood where he "helped" the girls, looks a lot like SCA. Newer homes, close together, dry landscaping - with one extra thing: more people who know each other, due to them (pretty much) all belong to the same ward. I'm not sure if that neighborhood would ignore drug pushers, aliens (or whatever it is that one of our visitors claimed was there).

If I have my choice ONLY between GW and that neighborhood, I'm on Team GW.

When you "stalked" that SCA neighborhood, what did you think?

I'm still surprised by how short EL is, how close together the homes are, how one naturally crosses the street due to the curve in EL, and how utterly "barren" it looks. Did you notice that there seems to be a security camera on the back of Mr Security's home?
I have not spoke for awhile, but I am going with team GW too.
Sorry to be a dunce....but what does it mean to be on team GW? To believe he had nothing to do with Steven's disappearance or that he did?
Sorry to be a dunce....but what does it mean to be on team GW? To believe he had nothing to do with Steven's disappearance or that he did?


I, frankly, think GW knows more -- and it's nothing criminal, but he can't say due to his religious beliefs.

I, frankly, think GW knows more -- and it's nothing criminal, but he can't say due to his religious beliefs.

Thank you, laytonian. I agree.

I can't think of anything that would keep me from divulging important information concerning a missing person for over a year. Not one thing - other than criminal involvement. But that's just me, I guess.

I, frankly, think GW knows more -- and it's nothing criminal, but he can't say due to his religious beliefs.

Totally agree! I do not believe his intentions were criminal, but maybe they are now because he knows something, but is hiding it to protect himself.

I should have been more clear on the team thing...in our house you join the team you believe in, I'm hoping that wasn't the case in your houses cause I think GW knows SOMETHING.

Something I thought of AFTER viewing GW's website...you can find it through the Saint George Chamber, maybe SK was delivering for him when he was doing all the driving. They service nursing homes, etc., all over Utah.

As far as EL...

Google makes it seem larger than it is. Homes are close...AND now I understand the casita thing. Totally unattached and someone could live totally separate from the home. I would like to know why the one casita was not part of the rental of the vacant house??

The cameras that the corner house had come in groups of 4 or 6 on every website I could find them on...Costco, Overstock. Maybe he didn't connect them...or they didn't want to hard wire them in and they don't record, just act as a deterrent possibly. We have the small circle ones on an arm around our house for that exact reason. The small cameras might be inexpensive, but they are work to hard wire decently. The circle gets a 360 view...and record in color during the day. Wouldn't that have been nice!!!!
I love him even more now. Very intimate...just him in jeans on the stage telling his life story through music. His wife, who is more attractive and thinner in person, came out also in jeans and sang with him. Of course the audience sang "Friends in low Places". If I lived there, I'd have gotten tickets for two of the December shows! So good!
usually when you say your team someone - you're for that person in a postivie way like team jacob or team edward - (twilight reference) LOL. I'm not Team GW, I think he knows more than he's letting on.
And I think what ever SK was doing in the neighborhood or who ever he was meeting up with him may have had other plans - my reason in thinking this is that there is another cul-de-sac just around the corner that he could have possibly parked in. IF the person he was meeting with lived in or near that cul-de-sac they didn't want him parking near there. Or if SK really was walking a way from "this" life (LDS) (which I disagree with), maybe he wanted to park where his car was not in anybodies way - but that theory doesn not make sense to me. Simply because he left so many things behind - like basics - like a jacket - as mentioned above.
where are you SK.
Hey questioned have they searched the area where his phone stayed for 2 days and the areas it pinged at?

Where was that, that it sat for 2 days? - what's near there? I can't remember if this was said or talked about.

I always wonder what he was carrying - a planner - a manila folder - was it a resume????? so many questions.
If he did just walk a way, it seems like he just woke up that morning and decided
"I'm sick of this life, why don't I try a new way of life" and then just got in his car and left ... because there is nothing, it seems, that would hint to him making that choice a head of time.

Happy new year all, you all amaze me with your dedication to this and other cases.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #15

Finally found the post that bugged me. One of the very last from GSmith. He asks GW a very direct question...the apparent response appears to be very telling. If he actually gave an answer you'd think GMith would have posted that instead.

Your interpretation of GW's response to gsmith is.....that GW's saying SK's alive, as confirmed by JR?

I don't know how much space gsmith had to type in the conversation, on his blackberry or iphone.

gsmith hasn't been back to talk to us, since that search, has he?
usually when you say your team someone - you're for that person in a postivie way like team jacob or team edward - (twilight reference) LOL. I'm not Team GW, I think he knows more than he's letting on.
And I think what ever SK was doing in the neighborhood or who ever he was meeting up with him may have had other plans - my reason in thinking this is that there is another cul-de-sac just around the corner that he could have possibly parked in.

True -- but that other cul de sac (one of several in Overlook Village) is surrounded by homes and a car would be quickly reported.

Where he DID park, has no homes around it. It's just a turnaround, surrounded by a little desert area.

So....the general thinking would be: "Park there, and no one knows which house you're visiting."

IF the person he was meeting with lived in or near that cul-de-sac they didn't want him parking near there. Or if SK really was walking a way from "this" life (LDS) (which I disagree with), maybe he wanted to park where his car was not in anybodies way - but that theory doesn not make sense to me. Simply because he left so many things behind - like basics - like a jacket - as mentioned above.
where are you SK.

Hey questioned have they searched the area where his phone stayed for 2 days and the areas it pinged at?

Where was that, that it sat for 2 days? - what's near there? I can't remember if this was said or talked about.

I'm not sure if the phone sat there, or just went dead on Monday morning. It wouldn't have been charged since when....Friday or even earlier?

In any case, we've been unable to triangulate anything because we can't pin down the exact location of two of the cell towers. One was a portable, that moves when needed, and the other is just called "Whitney Ranch" (no AT&T carries that name). Those two hits were a minute apart, on Dec 13th. swjaxon's phone towers map

I always wonder what he was carrying - a planner - a manila folder - was it a resume????? so many questions.
If he did just walk a way, it seems like he just woke up that morning and decided
"I'm sick of this life, why don't I try a new way of life" and then just got in his car and left ... because there is nothing, it seems, that would hint to him making that choice a head of time.

Happy new year all, you all amaze me with your dedication to this and other cases.


I'm running dry, personally. No ideas, lots of information, nothing leading anywhere in particular.

He may have scouted out that location before he parked, or the day before.

The Mesquite gas purchase: SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT:

Some believe SK may have had business in Mesquite, since he bought gas there on Dec 12th, on his way back from "south on I-15".

I think if SK had business in Mesquite, he'd have taken the first exit, where there are more places to buy gas and leads directly to all housing developments. The first exit takes you on either the north or south "business loops" - which all of town branch off of, easily.

Where he bought the gas, is just the first place off Exit 122 - the northern exit that people use to leave Mesquite. In fact, he'd have turned right off the exit, and popped in there. Visiting someone in Mesquite, would have been like turning back south, to get to their place.
Totally agree! I do not believe his intentions were criminal, but maybe they are now because he knows something, but is hiding it to protect himself.

I should have been more clear on the team thing...in our house you join the team you believe in, I'm hoping that wasn't the case in your houses cause I think GW knows SOMETHING.

...and maybe he's told it, in private? There's one article (can't find it right now) about the S&S silliness, that mentions something like "many details kept private about both cases".

Something I thought of AFTER viewing GW's website...you can find it through the Saint George Chamber, maybe SK was delivering for him when he was doing all the driving. They service nursing homes, etc., all over Utah.

If so, SK wouldn't have used his own car. GW's company delivers oxygen, walkers, and other "hard goods". No drugs, and they have a discrete service area. He wouldn't be delivering to Northern Utah, because the company has at least two offices up that way (last time I checked, a couple of months ago).

As far as EL...

Google makes it seem larger than it is. Homes are close...AND now I understand the casita thing. Totally unattached and someone could live totally separate from the home. I would like to know why the one casita was not part of the rental of the vacant house??

Me, too -- but it MAY have held personal items (storage). The daughter, who had evidently "split the sheets" with her husband, may have been staying there or keeping some of her things there.

The cameras that the corner house had come in groups of 4 or 6 on every website I could find them on...Costco, Overstock. Maybe he didn't connect them...or they didn't want to hard wire them in and they don't record, just act as a deterrent possibly. We have the small circle ones on an arm around our house for that exact reason. The small cameras might be inexpensive, but they are work to hard wire decently. The circle gets a 360 view...and record in color during the day. Wouldn't that have been nice!!!!


But WE get Cam3 and Cam7. It just seems that the rear camera would be connected, since people can walk through that fence at the end of the cul de sac....

If it were an active camera, it would have picked up SK's identity and his movements before he left the car. He did something there for 3-4 minutes, before walking away.
Your interpretation of GW's response to gsmith is.....that GW's saying SK's alive, as confirmed by JR?

I don't know how much space gsmith had to type in the conversation, on his blackberry or iphone.

gsmith hasn't been back to talk to us, since that search, has he?

No...not at all. My interpretation is that GW did not answer the question asked and instead relayed old information diverting attention.

I think if GW said something compelling GSmith would have posted. There has to be something to the fact that after that search GSmith really hasn't posted at all except for a few times that day and a few days after.
...and maybe he's told it, in private? There's one article (can't find it right now) about the S&S silliness, that mentions something like "many details kept private about both cases".

If so, SK wouldn't have used his own car. GW's company delivers oxygen, walkers, and other "hard goods". No drugs, and they have a discrete service area. He wouldn't be delivering to Northern Utah, because the company has at least two offices up that way (last time I checked, a couple of months ago).

Me, too -- but it MAY have held personal items (storage). The daughter, who had evidently "split the sheets" with her husband, may have been staying
there or keeping some of her things there.


But WE get Cam3 and Cam7. It just seems that the rear camera would be connected, since people can walk through that fence at the end of the cul de sac....

If it were an active camera, it would have picked up SK's identity and his movements before he left the car. He did something there for 3-4 minutes, before walking away.

GW opened a "franchise" that actually has agreements with certain supplies the other offices do not. If you look at the website...it talks about the ST.George office serving many remote areas.
He was just as clueless as everyone else I talked to during the search. He had just been on a bus looking for Steve when I spoke to him. He seemed sincere.

I check this site every other day to see if you guys have any more info. As for me I have nothing more to add. :(
He was just as clueless as everyone else I talked to during the search. He had just been on a bus looking for Steve when I spoke to him. He seemed sincere.

I check this site every other day to see if you guys have any more info. As for me I have nothing more to add. :(

Glad to know you're still checking in, gsmith! Wish something new would break. I got nothin' though I continue looking every day.
GW opened a "franchise" that actually has agreements with certain supplies the other offices do not. If you look at the website...it talks about the ST.George office serving many remote areas.

Do you have a cite for that (ie, a URL) that explains those "remote areas", what's different about the St George office, etc?

I've looked at their website (Cache Valley Oxygen, aka 0202.com) and just see a list of typical medical supplies.
I see only a branch of an existing company, not a franchise.

Of course, there's something I caught early on -- that's more telling than anything else (about that company) and which no one's ever tumbled onto.

Anyone else see it, when they poke around the website?
Do you have a cite for that (ie, a URL) that explains those "remote areas", what's different about the St George office, etc?

I've looked at their website (Cache Valley Oxygen, aka 0202.com) and just see a list of typical medical supplies.
I see only a branch of an existing company, not a franchise.

Of course, there's something I caught early on -- that's more telling than anything else (about that company) and which no one's ever tumbled onto.

Anyone else see it, when they poke around the website?

I'm not seeing what you're seeing. (However,I did see a wrist brace that would work better for my carpal tunnel syndrome than what I have now.)

I still check this site every day hoping for updates.
He was just as clueless as everyone else I talked to during the search. He had just been on a bus looking for Steve when I spoke to him. He seemed sincere.

I check this site every other day to see if you guys have any more info. As for me I have nothing more to add. :(

Did he answer your question...about SK and what he thought might have happened?

Thanks for the post!!!
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