NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 2

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I'm wondering if all the road trips he'd been taking were connected to a pending break. We've been trying to figure out why he took that unannounced trip to see Annemarie. Maybe it's just this simple?

Guys - I don't recall seeing a missing persons poster for Steven. Is there one? I'd like to take a few with me when I go out and about today. Will definitely leave one at that IHOP.


Posters here.
eta: I have no intention of bailing on this case just because a family member feels the need to hold back one detail. Family has provided us with a lot of information we wouldn't normally have. I hope nobody actually leaves this thread because of it.


I am not planning to bail at this moment either, but I have to agree with what Fairy said. If the one fact that is being withheld is a huge factor in this case and we are all way off, then we might be spinning our wheels here or at least be able to eliminate certain ideas.

Heres a few examples of withheld information and where that would come into play:

1) If there was another camera that showed Steven walking up to the SUV and giving the Blond woman inside a kiss and then driving off with her. That would definitely eliminate some of our other theories (the gay theory, the suicide theory, etc.). Also, it would seem he just drove off into the sunset and there is no law against that. The family may want to withhold that information because even though they know he left voluntarily, they want us to keep looking for him so they know where he is.

2) Maybe the hard drive was searched and the information being withheld is what was found on it. Steven could have been looking up flights to Brazil a few days before he left and noone can locate his passport now. I think information like that would change the way we are looking at this case.

3) If there was a note left in the car that we don't know about that said "can't live like this anymore I am sorry." The family wouldn't know if that meant suicide or starting over, but they wouldn't stop looking until they knew and would want the publics help in doing so.

4) He does have a mental illness and was taking medication that was left at home. In that case some of the girlfriend/boyfriend theories would go out the window. The SP theory would go away. The focus would be more directed to things like the IHOP sighting, homeless shelters, etc.

Hopefully my post makes sense and kind of explains where we are coming from. I respect the decision of the family to withhold what they need to if it will help find Steven.

I just don't want to be focusing on Las Vegas if you know he hopped on a bus to Michigan ;)
I am not planning to bail at this moment either, but I have to agree with what Fairy said. If the one fact that is being withheld is a huge factor in this case and we are all way off, then we might be spinning our wheels here or at least be able to eliminate certain ideas.

Heres a few examples of withheld information and where that would come into play:

1) If there was another camera that showed Steven walking up to the SUV and giving the Blond woman inside a kiss and then driving off with her. That would definitely eliminate some of our other theories (the gay theory, the suicide theory, etc.). Also, it would seem he just drove off into the sunset and there is no law against that. The family may want to withhold that information because even though they know he left voluntarily, they want us to keep looking for him so they know where he is.

2) Maybe the hard drive was searched and the information being withheld is what was found on it. Steven could have been looking up flights to Brazil a few days before he left and noone can locate his passport now. I think information like that would change the way we are looking at this case.

3) If there was a note left in the car that we don't know about that said "can't live like this anymore I am sorry." The family wouldn't know if that meant suicide or starting over, but they wouldn't stop looking until they knew and would want the publics help in doing so.

4) He does have a mental illness and was taking medication that was left at home. In that case some of the girlfriend/boyfriend theories would go out the window. The SP theory would go away. The focus would be more directed to things like the IHOP sighting, homeless shelters, etc.

Hopefully my post makes sense and kind of explains where we are coming from. I respect the decision of the family to withhold what they need to if it will help find Steven.

I just don't want to be focusing on Las Vegas if you know he hopped on a bus to Michigan ;)

I'm not bailing either - the Flamingo/Boulder Hwy/IHOP tip is something to go on!

I agree with your points above, but I hoping for something as simple as getting the receipts and phone calls firmed up so we can move on. It's been days and we're still confused on some of those points. I am anyway...:crazy:

And you have a good point - much as I would love to take a little vaca to Brazil, it's going to be a lot easier for me to head over to IHOP!
Good Morning Fairy. Didn't realize you were here. Hope you don't mind me speaking for you. was just trying to explain what I think many were feeling.
Good Morning Fairy. Didn't realize you were here. Hope you don't mind me speaking for you. was just trying to explain what I think many were feeling.

Good morning. No, I don't mind at all. And I would be happy to help Steven's family if I can.

I have several of Steven's posters ready to go and will head out as soon as my son wakes up. He's a teenager so it's a bit early in the day for him - and I'm not going alone!
Snipped a long post that one thing stood out to me. AM bolded above is the family/marriage counsellor that works out of the home on Evening Lights. Seeing Steven on the video made me think he had a specific place to go to for an appointment, and that it could be for some professional help.


The Vegas theory is one that I wouldn't ignore. I would be going there and looking around and showing his picture to the homeless areas, and staking out the IHOP.

But how did he get back to Vegas? If my appointment theory is right... he should have left that appointment and walked back to his car and driven away.


The Susan theory seems like a far stretch, but nobody here has any right to tell anyone else to drop that theory. If anyone can tie the 2 together, then I say sleuth away. I'd be happy to think that Steven is fine and helping someone else stay safe.



eta: I have no intention of bailing on this case just because a family member feels the need to hold back one detail. Family has provided us with a lot of information we wouldn't normally have. I hope nobody actually leaves this thread because of it.


Hello Paris, Yes I think I remember you posting about the counselor in an earlier post, but I did not recall the May name. My question would be--Why is he driving that far to go for counselling? How did he plan on paying for it? And agreeing with you, but St. George, not Vegas. Where and how did he go after the session? Maybe he was wanting input on how to tell his family his reason for leaving?

I'm not sure of the other posters intentions with the Susan/Steven theory, it appears they didn't have their facts straight. But, I will say, as someone who has followed both cases, there ARE many things that lead me to think there may be a connection. I truly want to believe if this is true, they are off somewhere, but, I also think there could be chance they are both "disappeared".

JMO, but I think the one thing that is being held back is the documentation. Several people have ask about his birth certificate and passport to no avail. I think the family might want to keep that hushed, so as not to discourage the search.

I have to get away for awhile, my eyes are burning and my grammar and spelling is going downhill. Later.
Must comment...Laytonian, your posts are very interesting and thought provoking. I don't know how familiar you are with the SP case, but if you are not, I sure would like for you to take a look at it. Have seen your other posts around also. :cool:

I'm very familiar with the Powell case, and see no reason to connect them.

I also see no connection between the names in the other post, and the Koecher disappearance. Playing "six degrees of separation" and finding it suspicious that someone who lives in Vegas is linked to someone in Sacramento, is also going to find millions of other people suspicious (because they'll have the same link).
Ah Naegle,
You wrote that ONE piece of information is being withheld. You wrote :Yes, it's important,Yes it would generate more ideas. When asked if you could answer our questions you wrote : Yes, besides the ONE I am doing my best to ignore. "
So, is the ONE question from someone here the same ONE that is being deliberately withheld ? Can you please tell me that ?
I have gone back through these threads, and I * think * I know what the piece of information might be .... If I'm correct it really does change everything, and also makes me somewhat less optimistic.
In the interview with Steven's dad, he stated that LE in both St.George and Vegas did not take this seriously at first.Then they did. I would think they took it seriously AFTER they got the missing piece of information. Correct ?
I really,really do not believe Steven flew to Brazil. That information would be so easy to obtain, and one of the first things LE could check out.
I'm new on here as far as being a registered user but I have been following this case for a while now & have read the entire first thread & this new thread - many of my thoughts have been brought to light by others. I'm impressed & very delighted to see a forum where ideas can be thrown around.

One thing I thought about that hasn't been talked about for a while.
The mesquite & Kmart deal- okay just a thought are the times taken off of receipts or bank statements - if bank statements- sometimes activity/time is delayed until the transaction has gone through - My point is that maybe he went to Kmart then on his travels & stopped in Mesquite & the time stamps may be off if transactions were delayed. Just a thought from watching my bank account obsessively.
You all are wonderful & I'm glad you are on here KC

NotNosey, you're absolutely right.
That's why I've been asking for the information from the receipts.

For example, I used my debit card four times on Wednesday.
By the time I got home, four of the purchases had already been deducted from my checking account.
One was deducted the next day.
One still hasn't shown up.

It's logical that he drove to Mesquite after the Kmart purchase (and after he was last seen at his home, at 10:30pm Utah time).....just because we need to know if HIS actions were logical.

As I've said here, we may be trying to apply logic to the illogical.
QUOTE]I'm wondering if all the road trips he'd been taking were connected to a pending break. We've been trying to figure out why he took that unannounced trip to see Annemarie. Maybe it's just this simple?[/QUOTE]

Annemarie says on her Facebook page that she is trying to figure out what to do with the rest of her life. Maybe that sparked something. But it also says she works in SLC I believe...so not sure why he would stop at the Ranch.
QUOTE]I'm wondering if all the road trips he'd been taking were connected to a pending break. We've been trying to figure out why he took that unannounced trip to see Annemarie. Maybe it's just this simple?

Annemarie says on her Facebook page that she is trying to figure out what to do with the rest of her life. Maybe that sparked something. But it also says she works in SLC I believe...so not sure why he would stop at the Ranch.[/quote]

That's what I mean. We're trying so hard to make sense out of something that is never going to make sense to us the way it must have to Steven. KWIM?
Oh another thought I had - I don't see a connection with the SP case - yes anything is possible, but the volume of LDS in UT is hard to understand. okay for example: in my moms 1mile square block there are 5 wards & some have to go to a separate building because that one building can't occomadate that many people - meaning that we rarely crossed paths with even some of our neighbors just 2 or 3 streets over from us. This is the case in many areas of UT.

2-3 years? Try touching back yards ;) Utah is truly two separate societies, about 50-50 now. We have lived in our home for 34 years, and I've never really met the woman whose backyard touches ours. We've occasionally waved, but that's it. When I had an opportunity to talk to her daughter (on the phone) in November, due to a *very* minor issue, the daughter couldn't even place who we were. I had to describe what the back of my house looked like, before she understood who she was talking to. Just thought it kinda funny, because I knew her mother's name, I had been in her sister's home next door.....and like I said: 34 years.
I do not see any connection whatsoever between Steven Koecher and Susan Powell beyond the obvious items that they were LDS, from Utah and vanished around the same time.

SP was a Morman wife and mother in an admittedly strained marriage. SK was an unmarried Morman guy who from all accounts never had any serious long term relationship with a woman.

To suggest that SP would leave her children to hook up with a guy with no steady job, who can't pay his rent and has no track record of a stable relationship is preposterous. If true, then you have two lovers, without jobs, without a home, embraced arm in arm but wandering the west. How? His car was left behind. How would SP be getting around?

In my opinion tying the two together detracts from the credibility of this website. It is true that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. However, the chances of these two becoming star-crossed lovers are absurdly slim.

web, I believe you are an intelligent and very analytic person having read your prior posts. You are entitled to your opinions and thoughts on detraction and credibility. My thoughts on the connection between these two cases, are not so much the thought they ran off together, but that they met a dark demise because of the connection. Although the former prospect I would much rather fathom.
Granted the young man was having trouble pulling his life together for all the reasons, we do not know. I think many people would rather be in a relationship with a good man, than someone who was mentally abusive and controlling--to the point of endangering the children. If you followed Susan case, they were financially wrecked, so she wouldn't have been giving up anything in that sense. She was employed and putting money away in another account for herself and her children. I think she was at the point of leaving, with her children, when disaster struck.
web, I believe you are an intelligent and very analytic person having read your prior posts. You are entitled to your opinions and thoughts on detraction and credibility. My thoughts on the connection between these two cases, are not so much the thought they ran off together, but that they met a dark demise because of the connection. Although the former prospect I would much rather fathom.
Granted the young man was having trouble pulling his life together for all the reasons, we do not know. I think many people would rather be in a relationship with a good man, than someone who was mentally abusive and controlling--to the point of endangering the children. If you followed Susan case, they were financially wrecked, so she wouldn't have been giving up anything in that sense. She was employed and putting money away in another account for herself and her children. I think she was at the point of leaving, with her children, when disaster struck.

So, you're saying that someone who would put money away "for herself and her children" would leave her children with someone who's "mentally abusive and controlling"?

I'm sorry. I always have to apologize for being so detail-oriented. I'm not picking at you, I just don't see the logic.
Annemarie says on her Facebook page that she is trying to figure out what to do with the rest of her life. Maybe that sparked something. But it also says she works in SLC I believe...so not sure why he would stop at the Ranch.

That's what I mean. We're trying so hard to make sense out of something that is never going to make sense to us the way it must have to Steven. KWIM?[/QUOTE]

I've been saying that for days. We're trying to apply logic to the illogical....and if you think about it, it's the best-case scenario: a sort of psychological break, perhaps, that's left him increasingly unable to cope. Perhaps he's been taking medications, and could no longer afford them?
The thing that Naegle doesn't talk about, was nothing about bad character. It was "just Steven".
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