NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 2

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Yes while Kmart has excellent deals I just find it odd. Were the toys, say, board games? Or other games to play in the car? Maybe he was planning on being in his car alot and needed something to do. Maybe whoever he was meeting has children.(not hinting to SP, just brainstorming) I am just curious about how it is known that they were for his neice and nephew. It just doesnt fit. drive, drive, drive, eat, gas up, drive drive drive, stop and buy toys, drive......

Actually nothing fits but maybe...just maybe there might be a tiny clue there

I've wondered about the toys as well. I know that it's been assumed that they were Christmas gifts for his brother's children because they match the ages and genders, but if they weren't wrapped with with their names on them then we just can't say for sure.

I know someone asked earlier about the coats, if they were all men's coats around his size or if they were different sizes or could be for women or children. I'd be interested in hearing about that.
Did anyone notice that Naegle still never answered the questions about Webb? Did he show for the meeting? How did the Bishop know he wasn't coming? Why didn't he tell the Bishop Steve told him that he could not be there if he talked to the Bishop?

Also, where was his phone pinging when he was talking to Webb and the Bishop???? He talked to Webb around 8. That would let us know if he was in Vegas or St. George.

I looked at the houses on the east side of Evening Lights. We can rule out, based on where he crossed and his reflection in the car, that he didn't go to the first two houses. All of the houses on the street after the second house are owned by "people", not "banks", and currently none of them are behind on their mortgages enough to get a Trustee Sale Notice from their lender. So, from afar they all look normal. I have found very interesting information after five hours of on and off searching. One of the people on that street has ties to Sacramento AND St. George. I found this odd. I THINK this is where we need to focus.

I also think Steven was with someone who had a phone...leading up to his "meeting", maybe not AT the meeting. The other person probably gave him the directions at some point.
The street in the last KNOWN place of him being alive...that's pretty HUGE. That would explain the before and after in my humble opinion.
Exactly. Steven was going to Evening Lights...why? Who told him to go there? How did he speak to them?

He didnt communicate through anything he owned to anyone "out of the ordinary". So that can mean one of 2 things. Either one of his ordinary friends knows more than we do or he was using someone elses communication devices. Somehow there is a missing link somewhere. He didnt just show up at random.

If a call was made from Stevens phone while he was traveling to someone Steven did not know, then he possibly had a passenger using his phone. Naegle asked if Z had any relatives because he said he had been calling family, correct me if Im wrong. How does she know Z talked to family? Do they have Z's phone records or did Z use Stevens phone?

We need answers. Its a shame the car was not fingerprinted. Maybe Steven had company on some of his road trips. Did Z have transportation? Was Steven taking him places and picking him up for extra money?

Naegle asked ~ -Does Jordan Zirkle (steven's roommate) have family in Vegas as he claims? He made lots of calls to Vegas to "family"
The street in the last KNOWN place of him being alive...that's pretty HUGE. That would explain the before and after in my humble opinion.

Evening Lights turns into Portsmouth Creek....and look at all the streets that branch off Portsmouth.

There's only one way in and out: Laurel Heights, near where he parked.

There's only one cul de sac that's not totally surrounded by homes: right where he parked.

If he had a specific destination, there's really nothing to say that it was on Evening Lights. It could be on any of those streets and there's at least 150 homes. It also could have been someone in a car.
Maybe he used the phone at the house, so the owners have the records of who the roommate called. If that's the case, then CALL the numbers. If the numbers are on Steven's phone, then how does the family know they are JZ's calls and not his? Does Steven's mom get his phone bills and she asked him and she took his answers for face value???? This would explain why there is nothing on his phone...he knew his mom would see who he was talking to.
Maybe we should do another search of homeowners on the surrounding streets as well as EL. Any connection within immediate walking distance is worth looking at.
Maybe he used the phone at the house, so the owners have the records of who the roommate called. If that's the case, then CALL the numbers. If the numbers are on Steven's phone, then how does the family know they are JZ's calls and not his? Does Steven's mom get his phone bills and she asked him and she took his answers for face value???? This would explain why there is nothing on his phone...he knew his mom would see who he was talking to.

Nothing on his phone?
There's plenty on his phone, but it's all apparently explained.

The simplest explanation, if he was using another communications device, would be a TracPhone (pre-paid cellular). Like Josh Powell went out and got, after the police took his in the first search warrant on Dec 7th.
There are many other streets within Anthem that he could have just "parked" on. He could have gone north instead of going west on Savannah Springs. If he is not on the camera any other time, I don't think he had been at the house any other time. I just think he did not want to park in front of the house b/c he was doing something he was not comfortable with...whatever that was and parked in the cul-de-sac.

If he was just walking away, I think he could have avoided all the houses by going behind the houses in the undeveloped area, which is still undeveloped area...this satellite shows that subdivision in its current state more or less based on information I received from a local realtor in that area. From the video we know he was wearing tennis shoes, so he could have "weathered" the walk and avoided alot of potential sightings if that was just a random parking spot.

Naegle...have you watched the videos to see is he was maybe a passenger in a car that went by that house? Do you have any information from neighbors about any other neighbors or activity in that small little "subdivision" of Athem?
"Nothing on his phone?
There's plenty on his phone, but it's all apparently explained."

Explained by who? Steven?

I would like to know where Naegle got information about the roommates calls? If it was that Steven explained they were his roommates family...then that is not really an explanation. That is what I was trying to put forth.
Lots of online data....I'm scrolling through the bookings right now.

If nothing else, go here https://news.washeriff.net/bookings/ and just scroll. They either have the world's worst photographer, or some folks' family trees don't fork.

Nope. No Z booked last 48 hours, or released last two weeks.
"Nothing on his phone?
There's plenty on his phone, but it's all apparently explained."

Explained by who? Steven?

I would like to know where Naegle got information about the roommates calls? If it was that Steven explained they were his roommates family...then that is not really an explanation. That is what I was trying to put forth.

Steven's phone records have been fine-tooth combed. No one unusual was found on it, and they've talked to everyone he called, or called him.

That's how they found how Steven had helped the two kids who were locked out of their home......he'd let them use his cellphone to call their mother.

The roommate has been roundly questioned by police. LE doesn't think he's involved.
Naelge wrote, "Does Jordan Z (steven's roommate) have family in Vegas as he claims? He made lots of calls to Vegas to "family""

If LE has cleared him...why is she asking this question? Help me understand that?????
My thoughts were that maybe he explained cell phone usage his mom saw as his roommate using his phone. Maybe it was Stephen using his phone...and once he realized that his mom was looking at the bills, he stopped using it.

Naegle also said that Steven's boss last talked to him on December 8th. When Steven helped those girls, did he have a flier with him? Were other fliers found? I am wondering if that is truely what he was doing in that neighborhood.

I wonder who made the decision to hand out fliers in that neighborhood, that specific day if he had not spoken to his boss for at least 3 days according to what I read.

I'm starting to wonder if all the information we are getting is just "face value", and the behavior has been on-going, just no one has had any reason to put two and two together until now.
Naelge wrote, "Does Jordan Z (steven's roommate) have family in Vegas as he claims? He made lots of calls to Vegas to "family""
If LE has cleared him...why is she asking this question? Help me understand that?????

Because he's not an especially savory character, and you'd probably suspect him too, if there were no other answers.
But his convictions were much less than I'd expected.

Now I can't find anything about "cleared".....but there has been at least one post about him.

Did you see stillLooking @ 01-14-2010, 01:23 PM (I think she's the landlady):

"Sorry for the super long post! I've been trying to post for a few days but had to register and then wait for ever for the mods to turn on my posting priviledge!

Yes we know where Jordan is & where he works. So do the police.

The police have questioned Jordan but I don't know it into how much detail.

We have since heard rummors (from an Orem officer even!) that Jordan was one of the biggest drug dealers in St. George!

If he was, it was not obvious, at least to us or he would have been evicted. Steven never said anything to my husband about Jordan and drugs either so I have no idea if or what Steven knew. Jordan did keep his room locked and when we finally got the room open there was the evidence that drugs had been in his room.

I do not think Steven is the type to knowingly participate in illegal activities. I do however think he, as many of could be, given the right circumstances, be dupped into something illegal, or a situation where he could be taken advantage of. "
My thoughts were that maybe he explained cell phone usage his mom saw as his roommate using his phone. Maybe it was Stephen using his phone...and once he realized that his mom was looking at the bills, he stopped using it.

Naegle also said that Steven's boss last talked to him on December 8th. When Steven helped those girls, did he have a flier with him? Were other fliers found? I am wondering if that is truely what he was doing in that neighborhood.

I wonder who made the decision to hand out fliers in that neighborhood, that specific day if he had not spoken to his boss for at least 3 days according to what I read.

I'm starting to wonder if all the information we are getting is just "face value", and the behavior has been on-going, just no one has had any reason to put two and two together until now.

The two young girls, and the neighbor he arranged to watch them, were the witnesses on "flyer day".

Since Naegle corrected the date of the Ruby Valley visit to the 9th, instead of the 8th, that makes a trip of almost 1200 miles (IF he went no further than Ruby Valley) in two days or a bit more.

We don't know if he spoke to his boss on the 8th. Naegle just said "saw".
Neagle how sure are you or other family members that that is in fact Steven in the video? 0%-100%
I'm starting to buy into the theory that he may not have been alone on the trip, due to the lack of communication that he had with anyone. I think the fact Neagle brought up JZ speaks VOLUMES.

How do you know JZ was communicating with family and where they lived?
A million thanks go to Fairy for going out to IHOP and checking things out. Here’s what our family has decided to do.
The people at IHOP have a very particular man in mind when they’re talking to us. They also say that he comes in fairly regularly. For these reasons we are waiting on their signal to act. This area is a big area and even a thousand people couldn’t comb it top to bottom. On top of that, even if we could get a thousand volunteers, it’s not the safest place to be combing. If we did do an all out search it could scare this man we’re hoping is Steven away. We DO NOT want to do that. Who knows where he would surface again? Also, homeless people tend to band together when they smell trouble. They may know exactly where this man is and point us in the opposite direction to protect him. We have family very nearby who can act quickly if the man returns to IHOP. LE has been alerted about the situation. There was the rumor that the man had been asked not to sleep at IHOP anymore. We are contacting similar restaurants in the area and asking them to be on the look-out in case he starts showing up there. We are also trying to get video from restaurants in the area.
I know you all are just on edge to get him home safely because of the storm and his probable mental state and I’ll tell you we are too, but we have decided (after much debate) that this is the best way to proceed. As a favor to me, am asking you all not to criticize this decision. I want to stay and help you all, but this is one thing I wouldn’t be able to handle reading. That being said, your theories about why he might be there don’t upset me so please don’t feel like you have to hold those back.
Thank you all, again, for your help.

Naegle, I think your families plan is excellent and totally agree. Finding one person in the vicinity of LV and the surrounding area is no easy feat. I admire your openness and realize between the forums and the website you must clearly have your hands full physically, mentally and especially emotionally. Please let your family know that our thoughts are with them as well as the concern for Steven. Thank YOU for keeping us informed.
We do have access to his email and fb accounts. Again, maddeningly, all seems normal.
Where in the world did I leave off with GW? His story checks out, I think the conclusion to that was that Paul Doxey never called, but was present when Steth talked to Steven.

Do you know if GW ever lived in Henderson or LV?
You have to have 50 posts to send/receive PM's. Most people go to the games forum to build up their post count.

Thank your Paris, I was feeling a little rejected as 4BB, I searched and searched last night on here to figure out how to enable my PM's. LOL Strange I couldn't find a note about the 50 posts. Again thank you.
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