NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 4

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Great job everyone! There has been some excellent sleuthing lately! I don't really want to backtrack too far, but I'm really curious about this post by Appalled. I never saw it because it was removed pretty quickly, but my question to you all is this: if this is just a neighbor on Evening Lights annoyed that people are conducting searches and talking about their street/house etc more often than normal, how the heck did they know about this website??? It's not exactly like facebook or myspace...

My point is, was this person following this case AND a resident on Evening Lights? What are the odds of that?

Assuming Appalled lives on Evening Lights there is nothing odd about his or her post.

Appalled claimed they were all visited by LE and Steven's family. Further it was claimed that he was the talk of their neighborhood Christmas party. So they all know his name and it is not unusual for some of them to google his name to see what happened to him. Imagine their surprise to read that people are snooping into public records (yes I know they are public) to find out who lives there and complete strangers start visiting the neighborhood, maybe taking pictures, videos and recreating the walk.

The people in this age-restricted community have no idea who these people are and cannot tell if they are well meaning amatuer sleuthers or criminals casing out the neighborhood for homes to break into or the like.

Sure there is nothing illegal about looking at public records nor is there anything illegal about visiting this cul-de-sac. I can see how unnerving it could be for the residents to potentially be besieged by strangers whose business is unknown to them.
I thought I saw that lighter colored figure which is in the middle of the dark object perpendicular to the ground. Could be a person and it does appear to move. Almost as if waving to Steven. That could be just the image of the camera not being focussed on that spot but it could be a person standing in the street next to a car.

Putting it in as few words as possible, which I think is important for clarification, this is what I see:

The reflection of an erect, unknown lighter "figure" standing by a darker "car-shaped object". The figure displays some movement movement just as Steven's car approaches. Then "Steven" walks right up to it.
Another point that I would make about a car possibly being parked on the curb there is this. Look at the google satellite pic of that neighborhood: NOT ONE car is parked on the curb. In fact, there are very few cars even parked in driveways. Surely surely surely someone would remember a car parked on the curb, whether there was a person in it or standing by it or not, simply because it is so rarely done in that neighborhood. And they even remember it more if the car was there for say. . .fifteen minutes. In my neighborhood cars are parked all over the place including the curb. In that neighborhood it looks to be pretty pretty rare.

But it might not be rare for a visitor to pull up for a few minutes (like the realtor's white SUV that we focused on at first).

You do have a good point.

I hope LE is reading, and I hope the family re-looks at those tapes.
Assuming Appalled lives on Evening Lights there is nothing odd about his or her post.

Appalled claimed they were all visited by LE and Steven's family. Further it was claimed that he was the talk of their neighborhood Christmas party. So they all know his name and it is not unusual for some of them to google his name to see what happened to him. Imagine their surprise to read that people are snooping into public records (yes I know they are public) to find out who lives there and complete strangers start visiting the neighborhood, maybe taking pictures, videos and recreating the walk.

The people in this age-restricted community have no idea who these people are and cannot tell if they are well meaning amatuer sleuthers or criminals casing out the neighborhood for homes to break into or the like.

Sure there is nothing illegal about looking at public records nor is there anything illegal about visiting this cul-de-sac. I can see how unnerving it could be for the residents to potentially be besieged by strangers whose business is unknown to them.

It's not what is done, it's how it's done.

Friendly people with good intentions, who walk up to someone's doorstep and introduce themselves and say why they're there, may be welcomed. Accompanied by a family member, would be even more welcome.

If a close family member and an "assistant" walked around EL with a laptop computer with that video on it, and showed it to neighbors, maybe they would remember something.

Of course, if the "computer engineers" in that family did some work on that video (or used their professional contacts to do so), it might solve the mystery of the video....and help this case.

I think it was the idea that strangers may be lurking. They seemed to think the car sitting there all by itself, was somehow going to harm them.
I have looked several times. I do see two objects on the ground ; probably garbage receptacles. The garbage service on that street is provided by Republic Services.I spoke to someone there, and garbage pick up is on Tuesdays and Fridays. People usually rent one or two 96 gallon container(s) ( I have one and they are huge ). People can also rent temporary dumpster containers for household renovation junk. I am *speculating that if someone went out of town on Friday, they would have put their garbage out for pickup, and if they came back on Sunday afternoon/evening, they would have taken in the receptacles then. I think the "movement" might be the "hitching", or jiggling of the video equipment itself.
I wonder if it is an optical illusion that you "see" the object at the edge of the sidewalk as being taller than the car, because of the angle of curvature of the lens on the video camera ? An enhancement would surely tell the tale IMO.
I am hoping that the searches this W/E will be fruitful. Anything which will help to put an end to this family's anguish.
I'm not seeing the shadows in that video! But assuming Steven did get into another car, would that car have passed in front of the camera view when it took off or would it go in the opposite direction?
Putting it in as few words as possible, which I think is important for clarification, this is what I see:

The reflection of an erect, unknown lighter "figure" standing by a darker "car-shaped object". The figure displays some movement movement just as Steven's car approaches. Then "Steven" walks right up to it.

Agree with this well put description.
I'm not seeing the shadows in that video! But assuming Steven did get into another car, would that car have passed in front of the camera view when it took off or would it go in the opposite direction?

that is why the next few minutes of the video are critical to the family. If the dark object suddenly moves then it was a vehicle. If it passed by the camera, all the better. Who knows, it may have made a left onto Savannah Springs in order to exit SCA and been in view of other cameras.
that is why the next few minutes of the video are critical to the family. If the dark object suddenly moves then it was a vehicle. If it passed by the camera, all the better. Who knows, it may have made a left onto Savannah Springs in order to exit SCA and been in view of other cameras.

That's exactly what I was thinking....hoping. And then we just have to fugure out who was in that car and where it went, which means :banghead:
I have looked several times. I do see two objects on the ground ; probably garbage receptacles. The garbage service on that street is provided by Republic Services.I spoke to someone there, and garbage pick up is on Tuesdays and Fridays. People usually rent one or two 96 gallon container(s) ( I have one and they are huge ). People can also rent temporary dumpster containers for household renovation junk. I am *speculating that if someone went out of town on Friday, they would have put their garbage out for pickup, and if they came back on Sunday afternoon/evening, they would have taken in the receptacles then. I think the "movement" might be the "hitching", or jiggling of the video equipment itself.
I wonder if it is an optical illusion that you "see" the object at the edge of the sidewalk as being taller than the car, because of the angle of curvature of the lens on the video camera ? An enhancement would surely tell the tale IMO.
I am hoping that the searches this W/E will be fruitful. Anything which will help to put an end to this family's anguish.

There's a search this weekend?

Come on. Spill the beans, girl. You're always coming up with inside information and tempting us with it. Even the family doesn't know when the next search is (as Naegle's q&a yesterday states)...only that when it happens, it will be organized by LE. I'd like to see an organized search by LE every weekend, but there hasn't been.

The video:
I think you're looking at something else.
You're talking about objects "at the end of the sidewalk". You CAN see those as a reflection in the video, but only in the rear window.
We're talking about an object whose reflection **in the passenger side of the window** ends at the minivan's structural pillar. The "action" in that video also ends at that structural pillar.

I know what kind of trash cans you're talking about. We have them, also. But it would take more than two, to make that car-shaped image seen in the reflection of the minivan's passenger side window.
I don't see what you all are seeing - maybe I don't have a good eye today. It looks to me like he just walks in front/passed something :banghead: I'm gonna watch it several more times & maybe hook my comp. up to my 55" see if that helps (if it doesn't disort it too much) errrhhh. The family has the video & I know Naegle has been popping in & out so she knows we are talking about this & can pass this along to RK.
I've never had any inside information ' just thought there was a search scheduled for the W/E. Apparantly, I don't have much outside information either, because I truly do not see what you all are seeing. I'm looking at the videos on a large flat panel screen, and I have asked a couple of other people to look ; they both saw nothing like a car....

I'm going to lurk for a while, until there are more developments ; I don't feel that I can add anything useful at this juncture. I do hope that there will be a resolution in Steven's case ; his family deserves to know what happened to him. As I have said, I do not believe he was lured anyplace.
I've never had any inside information ' just thought there was a search scheduled for the W/E. Apparantly, I don't have much outside information either, because I truly do not see what you all are seeing. I'm looking at the videos on a large flat panel screen, and I have asked a couple of other people to look ; they both saw nothing like a car....

I'm going to lurk for a while, until there are more developments ; I don't feel that I can add anytjhing useful at this juncture. I do hope that there will be a resolution in Steven's case ; his family deserves to know what happened to him. As I have said, I do not believe he was lured anyplace.

Liz b

look at the video again only forget Steven at first.

Look at the minivan in the driveway. In the window you see a reflection of the sidewalk that continues to the left of Mr. Security's home. You see the bright white sidewalk then you come upon a dark object near the end of the minivan's window.

After Steven passes to the left of Mr. Security's driveway, he then reappears in the reflection of the minivan's window.

Steven appears to be walking on the bright white sidewalk until he comes upon the dark object.

What I see is that he passes in front of the dark object to the right.

Unless this is a shadow created by some unknown object, it looks like a vehicle. Steven looks like he is walking toward the driver's side of the vehicle in the street (assuming the vehicle is facing toward Mr. Security's home. If it is parked on the wrong side of the street, then Steven is walking toward the passenger's side of the vehicle).
I've never had any inside information ' just thought there was a search scheduled for the W/E. Apparantly, I don't have much outside information either, because I truly do not see what you all are seeing. I'm looking at the videos on a large flat panel screen, and I have asked a couple of other people to look ; they both saw nothing like a car....

I'm sorry. I read your statement, and took it literally because I was hopeful that a search WAS taking place. I wasn't criticizing you personally. I'm sorry that my words sounded that way; they were not intended so.

The video: do you not even see "Steven" in the passenger window reflection?

Remember, the bigger the computer monitor in a case like this, the less detail you're seeing.

MINIMIZE your computer window, so the video looks smaller. It will then look clearer. Look ONLY at the passenger-side window on the minivan and watch "Steven" walk along until he reaches the extreme right side of that window reflection: the dark car-shaped spot.

Re-run it a few times, and pause it. Once you've spotted that car-shaped spot, you can see the light-colored figure in front of it.

Then watch it from the beginning, a few times, focusing ONLY on the "dark car-shaped object".
I don't see what you all are seeing - maybe I don't have a good eye today. It looks to me like he just walks in front/passed something :banghead: I'm gonna watch it several more times & maybe hook my comp. up to my 55" see if that helps (if it doesn't disort it too much) errrhhh. The family has the video & I know Naegle has been popping in & out so she knows we are talking about this & can pass this along to RK.

Smaller! Smaller! ;)

Remember, when you make this video "larger", you're really only making the pixels look bigger on your screen, and you lose detail. You can't make more pixels than the original security camera could create...
Steven appears to be walking on the bright white sidewalk until he comes upon the dark object.

What I see is that he passes in front of the dark object to the right.

Unless this is a shadow created by some unknown object, it looks like a vehicle. Steven looks like he is walking toward the driver's side of the vehicle in the street (assuming the vehicle is facing toward Mr. Security's home. If it is parked on the wrong side of the street, then Steven is walking toward the passenger's side of the vehicle).

Sorry to quote myself but I need to correct something and this post has been here too long to just edit.

I neglected to factor in that Steven had crossed the street and that we are getting a mirror image from the minivan.

If you note, in the street shot we see Steven walking across Evening Lights and his shadow is to the front and right of him. He reaches the sidewalk and everything is like white out.

When he appears in the minivan window's reflection it looks like his shadow trailing to his left. If you look closely enough, there is small amount of white below the dark object.

As much as I would like to say that is a car, on further reflection I do not think that dark object is a vehicle. If it was then the vehicle would have totally obscured the sidewalk, which it did not.

Does not mean that there was not a car further down, but now that I realize we are looking at the opposite side of the street, if the pickup car was facing the proper direction, it would not have come back toward the cameras.
Smaller! Smaller! ;)

Remember, when you make this video "larger", you're really only making the pixels look bigger on your screen, and you lose detail. You can't make more pixels than the original security camera could create...

Well - my problem was that I was looking at the wrong video!!! I still don't see the shadows, but I do see Steven's reflection in the window.

The more I watch both videos, the more convinced I am that Steven knew exactly where he was going - and I would go so far as to say he had been there before.
Sorry to quote myself but I need to correct something and this post has been here too long to just edit.

I neglected to factor in that Steven had crossed the street and that we are getting a mirror image from the minivan.

If you note, in the street shot we see Steven walking across Evening Lights and his shadow is to the front and right of him. He reaches the sidewalk and everything is like white out.

When he appears in the minivan window's reflection it looks like his shadow trailing to his left. If you look closely enough, there is small amount of white below the dark object.

As much as I would like to say that is a car, on further reflection I do not think that dark object is a vehicle. If it was then the vehicle would have totally obscured the sidewalk, which it did not.

Does not mean that there was not a car further down, but now that I realize we are looking at the opposite side of the street, if the pickup car was facing the proper direction, it would not have come back toward the cameras.

I think you are correct. Also you can continuously see his shadow along the wall, it would be obscured if there were a car there.
Sorry to quote myself but I need to correct something and this post has been here too long to just edit.

I neglected to factor in that Steven had crossed the street and that we are getting a mirror image from the minivan.

If you note, in the street shot we see Steven walking across Evening Lights and his shadow is to the front and right of him. He reaches the sidewalk and everything is like white out.

When he appears in the minivan window's reflection it looks like his shadow trailing to his left. If you look closely enough, there is small amount of white below the dark object.

As much as I would like to say that is a car, on further reflection I do not think that dark object is a vehicle. If it was then the vehicle would have totally obscured the sidewalk, which it did not.

Does not mean that there was not a car further down, but now that I realize we are looking at the opposite side of the street, if the pickup car was facing the proper direction, it would not have come back toward the cameras.

Yes, we're looking at the opposite side of the street. The EAST side of Evening Lights, which is the side with the sidewalk.

You can see Liz b's "trash cans" (which are on the east side of the street) also reflect in the rear window of the minivan).

This is what I see:
First, there is no sidewalk on the south side of Evening Lights St.

Steven walks EAST on Savannah Springs, then walks NORTH on Evening Lights, on the EAST side of EL. He walks in the street for awhile, and just as he disappears from direct video view, he *appears* to head towards the sidewalk.

SO.....the other possibility I see, is that we're seeing the rear ends of two same-colored cars, parked in someone's driveway (?)....and the "light figure" is actually the driveway itself, showing between them? (I doubt it's more "trash cans" because that means everyone lost their mind and started putting their trash out two days early).

To me, it looks like a fairly large, dark car that's facing North on EL, with a light figure standing beside it. If it pulled away, it would continue north until it at least did a U-turn...or (more logically if someone was familiar with the area) went all the way around to Laurel Heights, then directly out to Anthem Parkway.

I think we need to consider it, until we find out differently.

And no, I'm not a fan of "grassy knoll" theories ;)
I see what some of you are saying, but I don't see what you are seeing.

I think in the window, the 2 tall dark bars on the left are the shutters on the casita at the 2nd house from the corner (not garbage cans). If you follow the roof line, you can see something dark that would be about where the driveway is for that house. That dark spot could be a car, but it is behind Steven when he walks by, and then he is gone from the screen. The dark flash of shadow... I don't know what that is. I see it earlier in the video too. I thought maybe it was the black book he was carrying and that he maybe switched hands.

There is a bit of movement in the video, but I think it's camera jitter. Oh, and just past that driveway there is a street light. Who said there aren't any street lights?

Some of you think he slowed down at the corner and waved to a person standing beside that car? If that's true, why did Steven sit in his car for 6 minutes before walking over there?

I will agree that the family needs to look closer at the rest of the video that the homeowner has.

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