NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 6

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GW posted on his FB page that he was really down about something.He wrote " It's a long story.Maybe I'll tell you about it sometime." Very interesting comment and choice of words. I seriously doubt that he has any knowledge of a homicide. He wouldn't ever write " Maybe I'll tell you about it sometime". Also, "It's a long story" ; there must have been much leading up to the event of Steven's disappearance, it probably was not a random, or spur of the moment thing.
I want to say that I am taking GW at face value when I write about this comment. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I am also going on my belief that the "something" that was causing him to feel down was the disappearance of Steven Koecher.
I believe that there is much to be learned about this right there in St.George, in the neighborhood and house where Steven last lived.
I had also asked what GW does for a living..
Remember Jaxon, the Vegas reporter who stopped in here last month and discussed the case with us?

I just re-read his story.

Jaxon's story (who interviewed Steven's parents) claims that Steven bought gasoline in Wendover on the 9th AFTER he visited with the N family.

Can someone explain this?
GW posted on his FB page that he was really down about something.He wrote " It's a long story.Maybe I'll tell you about it sometime." Very interesting comment and choice of words. I seriously doubt that he has any knowledge of a homicide. He wouldn't ever write " Maybe I'll tell you about it sometime". Also, "It's a long story" ; there must have been much leading up to the event of Steven's disappearance, it probably was not a random, or spur of the moment thing.
I want to say that I am taking GW at face value when I write about this comment. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I am also going on my belief that the "something" that was causing him to feel down was the disappearance of Steven Koecher.
I believe that there is much to be learned about this right there in St.George, in the neighborhood and house where Steven last lived.
I had also asked what GW does for a living..

I agree. On several levels.

I don't suspect GW of being involved in anything criminal or harmful towards Steven. To me, he's the easy target of suspicion, and maybe I'd feel differently if he were the last person to talk to Steven. But it's not. Seth Abboud was, and we know where Seth was ;)

There could be a big difference between statements given to LE, and those available for public consumption (including the family).

I do believe that whatever was going on with Steven, is connected to St George. He's behind on his rent, and the landlord is calling daily. What about his car? At first, we heard that he was behind on those payments, too.

St George is where all of the driving trips radiate from.
At the time Webb said that, he likely didn't know about the voicemail call which only became known when the phone records were obtained.
If he DID have prior knowledge of the call to voicemail, he wouldn't have mentioned it, because that would have disclosed knowledge of the disappearance.

MY only problem with any of the events of Sunday morning, Dec 13th is that the GW-SK call was at 8:57am St George time.
It's two hours driving time between Vegas and St George.
GW, who is quoted as saying he was already on his way back to StG, wasn't at the PEC meeting at 11:10.am

Has it been confirmed that Gw wasn't at the meeting, I thought we didn't know for sure ?
Has it been confirmed that Gw wasn't at the meeting, I thought we didn't know for sure ?


The reason Seth Abboud called Steven to see if he could attend PEC, is because GW hadn't arrived at 11:10am.
Does anyone know if GW works in St George or Smithfield?

ETA: I have his home address, middle name, DOB, High School and I can't find a whole lot on him.
I re-read these three posts and looked at the times stated. I don't think GW made it to services that Sunday based on the wording in these posts.


Travel time between Las Vegas and St. George is 1 hour and 48 minutes - according to MapQuest

Utah is in Mountain Time Zone - 11 a.m. in St. George
Nevada is in Pacific Time Zone - 10 a.m. in Las Vegas


(10:00 a.m.) 11:00 a.m. PEC Meeting


7:57 a.m. (8:57 a.m.) President Greg Webb calls Counselor Koecher, telling him that he's in Vegas and asks Steven to attend the 11:00am PEC meeting at the ward.

Steven says he's in Vegas, but would attend if needed. Webb says he's enroute to St George himself, so will cover it himself. Call lasts two minutes.(Source: KCN/phone records/Webb/Doxey)


10:10 a.m. Las Vegas time
11:10 a.m. St. George time

Paul....snip #9

At approximately 11:10 AM on Sunday, December 13 during PEC meeting, we called Steve on his cell phone to see if he could be at the meeting to replace our EQ President (whom we had just realized wouldn't be at the meeting).


Paul #12

The PEC meeting started at 11 A.M. At 11:10 A.M., we realized that Greg, the EQ President, was not going to make it to the meeting, so the Bishop asked Seth Abboud, the clerk, to call Steve (the EQ counselor) and see if he (Steve) could be there or if perhaps Greg had prearranged for Steve to be there in his (Greg's) place. When Seth got Steve on the phone, it was around 11:15 Utah time, which would be 10:15 Vegas. As far as we know, that was the last time anyone talked to Steve. He said that he couldn't make it to the meeting as he was in Vegas and couldn't get back in time.


According to the above posts, I don't think that GW made it to the meeting.

And there is something wrong here. How did they just realize that GW would not make it?

Was it because he was not there at 11:10 a.m. or did they receive a call from GW (I don't think so) or did they call GW and they could not find him.
Their question was "perhaps GW had prearranged for Steven to be there in GW's place" - so Paul did not know about GW's call to Steven (who was in Las Vegas), or he would not have had Seth call him.

Where was GW? On the road to St. George as he stated at 7:57/8:57 am?
Where was GW at 11:15 am?
GW posted on his FB page that he was really down about something.He wrote " It's a long story.Maybe I'll tell you about it sometime." Very interesting comment and choice of words. I seriously doubt that he has any knowledge of a homicide. He wouldn't ever write " Maybe I'll tell you about it sometime". Also, "It's a long story" ; there must have been much leading up to the event of Steven's disappearance, it probably was not a random, or spur of the moment thing.
I want to say that I am taking GW at face value when I write about this comment. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I am also going on my belief that the "something" that was causing him to feel down was the disappearance of Steven Koecher.
I believe that there is much to be learned about this right there in St.George, in the neighborhood and house where Steven last lived.
I had also asked what GW does for a living..

I agree with taking GW at face value with this comment. But let's get serious. I think we all know why everything is so "secret". You have LDS men in LV on a Sunday morning. If it was for a good reason, we would hear about. No? You have a barely employed person, who does not pay his rent for 3 mos., eating at Taco Bell and peanut butter sandwiches, driving around all over the place purchasing gas--- a lot of it. You have a neighbor, IMO, who was keeping eyes on Steven---at least that night, supposedly. You have a roommate, with past drug convictions (w/minors) who skipped out a month before. Was he working? Why did he not pay HIS rent? You can't tell me SK was making decent money in the job he had and why he did not get a regular *ick* job that might have supplied him with some health insurance while doing his job search; especially in a place where the economy was not 'as bad' as others. No. Steven was occupied/focused by/on something or someone to have these things present. Also, if the parents were not aware of it, that's another question. Why? Why wasn't there true, open, communication between them re: problem? Maybe there was, and we are just not aware of it? See we have had the basic info for along time, keep spinning our wheels, with no new solid clues/evidence, except the info on the 9th. I don't believe for one minute he drove from RV to SG in that amount of time...no way; and then back to Wendover or northern Utah the next day. Nope. The dog that is not barking is too scared and curled up in the corner. That dog wouldn't be my buddy, protector, or relied upon for chasing down game or pointing them out. Not accusing any person(s) here, just sayin......
What I would hope is that GW followed the tenets of his religious upbringing and his church, which does, I believe, stress the value of honesty and integrity in everyday life. I sincerely hope that he has spoken openly either to LE, the Koecher family,or both. I read that the family now seems to think that Steven took off ; I wonder if GW did speak to them...
Liz, Then why not tell the media, and let us stop worrying that something terrible happened to him?
Where did you read that? FB? Article? Where do they think he went to? Did they say?
No, it was posted here, can't recall by whom.The post said ( paraphrasing ) " the family now seems to think that Steven took off, but LE is planning another search, so maybe they(LE) don't think he took off " Could just have been an opinion as to what the Koechers think, but, there has not been any more talk of a presser anytime soon.And, as far as I know, no more word of another search. If the family does think this, I have no idea why they have not come out and said so. It is a bit strange. IMHO.
Remember Jaxon, the Vegas reporter who stopped in here last month and discussed the case with us?

I just re-read his story.

Jaxon's story (who interviewed Steven's parents) claims that Steven bought gasoline in Wendover on the 9th AFTER he visited with the N family.

Can someone explain this?

I can't explain it. Ruby Valley originally on the 8th, then on the 9th 11am. Gas on the 9th....time???, in St. George the 9th at 6pm.
If the the last call from church was at 11:15, this would have been a "just make it" trip to Henderson at 12.
But the phone calls put him there at an earlier time. ???
I agree with taking GW at face value with this comment. But let's get serious. I think we all know why everything is so "secret". You have LDS men in LV on a Sunday morning. If it was for a good reason, we would hear about. No? You have a barely employed person, who does not pay his rent for 3 mos., eating at Taco Bell and peanut butter sandwiches, driving around all over the place purchasing gas--- a lot of it. You have a neighbor, IMO, who was keeping eyes on Steven---at least that night, supposedly. You have a roommate, with past drug convictions (w/minors) who skipped out a month before. Was he working? Why did he not pay HIS rent? You can't tell me SK was making decent money in the job he had and why he did not get a regular *ick* job that might have supplied him with some health insurance while doing his job search; especially in a place where the economy was not 'as bad' as others. No. Steven was occupied/focused by/on something or someone to have these things present. Also, if the parents were not aware of it, that's another question. Why? Why wasn't there true, open, communication between them re: problem? Maybe there was, and we are just not aware of it? See we have had the basic info for along time, keep spinning our wheels, with no new solid clues/evidence, except the info on the 9th. I don't believe for one minute he drove from RV to SG in that amount of time...no way; and then back to Wendover or northern Utah the next day. Nope. The dog that is not barking is too scared and curled up in the corner. That dog wouldn't be my buddy, protector, or relied upon for chasing down game or pointing them out. Not accusing any person(s) here, just sayin......

I don't believe he drove from Ruby Valley to St George in the estimated 4.5 or 5 hours available. You just can't shave three hours off an 8-hour drive, and be "just fine" in a sacred religious ceremony.

I don't even believe he drove from Wendover to St George on the 9th, either.

The ONLY way he could have been back to the temple at 6:30, would have been to my tired old "south on US-93" route and NOT stop in Wendover for gas.
I made two maps -- I see NO WAY the data supports those three stops:

WHICH piece of data is out of place?
Ruby Valley?
St George temple?

There's another person, occasionally mentioned, who has the same name as someone with multiple drug convictions (and a longer history than the roommate). That's all I'll say. Same name. I have no other info.

NOW....how about y'all actually looking at the data and helping to figure this mess out, rather than just clicking that "thanks" button ;)
Hmm, I believe it was in the last 5 pages or so.It was a fairly recent post. It sure stuck with me... I just can't recall the poster...
And I believe it was surely just that poster's *opinion* that the family seems to now think that he took off. Not a fact, because facts here are scarce. But,still it's interesting,KWIM ?
I don't believe he drove from Ruby Valley to St George in the estimated 4.5 or 5 hours available. You just can't shave three hours off an 8-hour drive, and be "just fine" in a sacred religious ceremony.

I don't even believe he drove from Wendover to St George on the 9th, either.

The ONLY way he could have been back to the temple at 6:30, would have been to my tired old "south on US-93" route and NOT stop in Wendover for gas.
I made two maps -- I see NO WAY the data supports those three stops:

WHICH piece of data is out of place?
Ruby Valley?
St George temple?

There's another person, occasionally mentioned, who has the same name as someone with multiple drug convictions (and a longer history than the roommate). That's all I'll say. Same name. I have no other info.

NOW....how about y'all actually looking at the data and helping to figure this mess out, rather than just clicking that "thanks" button ;)

I've also got confirmation from another source that Steven was at the Temple on the ninth..

"December 9th is the date he was in the temple on ward temple night. He was one of the only three men that showed up that day to perform ordinances. Good luck on your investigation"

So we KNOW he was at the temple that night!
Laytonian....I am getting out maps and calendar for December. Of course I do not think it can be done - the trip from RV to Wendover to St. George.
I believe he was in St. George for services, and it was well documented.
My gut is that the RV trip was on another day. The $100 could have been given to him on any day and any time.

I do have a question about SK's finances. Was it his routine to charge everything on his debit card and perhaps have his Mom cover his account?
And if that is true, do we know how long that has been happening?
We KNOW that the receipts were found in Steven's car but do we KNOW that they are Steven's receipts? Are they tied to his debit/credit card?
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