NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 9

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There you go with the logic again! Isn't it you who consistently reminds us not to apply logic to an obviously illogical situation?

If Steven did suffer some type of mental break, our attempts to make sense of it are futile.

Except he was so organized in his illogic, right down to leaving the car in the ONLY cul de sac Anthem Sun City that was devoid of surrounding homes.

Everyone knows about security cameras at retail stores and parking lots; who knew Mr Security was lurking on the corner? It seemed to be the perfect hiding place. But why HIDE the car there?

Unless he ran out of meds. Whatever he was telling gsmith about, maybe he'd continued taking until he could afford them no more -- about November, when his friend saw him go downhill. Others had to have noticed.

Back in October, I was at an event downtown and I met a young homeless man. He was just about to turn 25. I asked him where his "people" were and he said he didn't know. Said he thought his mom might be in Florida, but he wasn't sure. I asked him where he was from and he said he had been in Colorado. He was very evasive with his answers to some of my questions. He said he didn't do drugs or drink. Someone had given him $20 and you'd have thought he hit the lottery! But I saw him use that money to buy food. Lots of food and NO alcohol, though it was there. So I gave him some more $$$. And I told him there were people who could help him. The longer we chatted, the more agitated he became. Some of his mannerisms led me to believe he was autisic on some level.

The next day, I scoured the missing persons boards searching for him. He had told me his name and I searched everywhere I could think of trying to find someone looking for him. No such luck.

I mention this only because I do believe this kid was just in need of health care - not rehab. Alone in the world and fending for himself.

Not all of these people have drug or alcohol addictions. Sometimes, they just fall through the cracks.

Or no family that cares or knows what to do. Or thinks they are fine somewhere, living with a girl.

Do you still have his name? Maybe you should put the story on a google webpage (they're free), and then, if someone searches for his name, they'll see your report.

Like this tip about someone at a homeless camp resembling Steven.

Didn't they have a cellphone camera with them? Or a smart phone? or anything?
Earlier, when we were researching potentially related cases in the Las Vegas area, we found a lot of unidentified homeless men who were killed in flash floods. Apparently camping in arroyos like this is pretty common.

If that's true, I would say they're illegal immigrants. I remember them finding skeletal remains up in the Black Mountains a while back. Never did hear who it was. Same with two other remains found up on Sunrise Mountain just a few months ago.

What's interesting about the site we learned of today is that it's so close to the homes. If someone was there for any length of time, wouldn't someone have seen them in the area?

We have what appears to be a homeless guy in our area. He really stands out because we're away from the city and it's unusual. He's young and appears to have some type of skin condition on his face. He just walks and walks and walks all the time. But, he carries nothing with him. Ever.
Except it's their right to live on the streets, to avoid their families, to stay "lost".

Unless you could get a court order to put your family member in a psychiatric hold, you could be charged with a felony if you tried to "kidnap" them.

If a psychiatric hold was long enough to get a diagnosis that the person was a danger to themselves or society, they perhaps could be committed to an institution. But then there's the issue of paying for it. I guess you get them declared disabled, and hope SSDI and Medicaid will help you take care of them.

Oh, man. I hope he just walked away. I'm starting to think mentally ill and homeless might be the worst scenario.

There I go. Talking myself out of another one. :banghead::banghead:

My husband will be SO glad when this case is over, and there's not another man in our lives.

How true Laytonian. Most here probably don't remember NYC's most famous homeless person who used the nickname "Billie Boggs".

Here is an archived article about her rise to fame and return to obscurity:

How true Laytonian. Most here probably don't remember NYC's most famous homeless person who used the nickname "Billie Boggs".

Here is an archived article about her rise to fame and return to obscurity:


Thank you WR. I do believe some people just aren't cut out to be "traditional" members of society. Based on what we've learned about Steven over the past several months, that may very well be the case here.
How true Laytonian. Most here probably don't remember NYC's most famous homeless person who used the nickname "Billie Boggs".

Here is an archived article about her rise to fame and return to obscurity:


Thank you! I remember the publicity, and lost track of her. I honestly thought she had ended up living happily and respectably.

The description of her being so calm and collected around the media and doctors, then acting out when not being "watched" is exactly the opposite of what we've seen from the Smart kidnapper, Mitchell.
If that's true, I would say they're illegal immigrants. I remember them finding skeletal remains up in the Black Mountains a while back. Never did hear who it was. Same with two other remains found up on Sunrise Mountain just a few months ago.

What's interesting about the site we learned of today is that it's so close to the homes. If someone was there for any length of time, wouldn't someone have seen them in the area?

We have what appears to be a homeless guy in our area. He really stands out because we're away from the city and it's unusual. He's young and appears to have some type of skin condition on his face. He just walks and walks and walks all the time. But, he carries nothing with him. Ever.

If you remember tomorrow, ask the PI if he ever heard of the Apple Valley CA remains found around Feb 1st. Found, then no word at all. I called the PD, but no response to the message I left about Steven's case.
If you remember tomorrow, ask the PI if he ever heard of the Apple Valley CA remains found around Feb 1st. Found, then no word at all. I called the PD, but no response to the message I left about Steven's case.

Will do.
I'll take a camera with me tomorrow (hope that's allowed!) and hope to be able to take some shots that will give ya'll a better idea of everything going on. It's my first search, so I'm not really sure what to expect.
I'll take a camera with me tomorrow (hope that's allowed!) and hope to be able to take some shots that will give ya'll a better idea of everything going on. It's my first search, so I'm not really sure what to expect.

Remember: focus.

Thanks -- and you have my number if you need to alert us ;)
My thanks and prayers to everybody who is searching tomorrow.
Both of them ;)

I will, I promise.

I wish all ya'll could be there tomorrow. I don't see myself fitting in well with the folks from the Bloomington Hills Ward. Let's just say, I'm going to need some smoke breaks. How do you think that will go over?
I will, I promise.

I wish all ya'll could be there tomorrow. I don't see myself fitting in well with the folks from the Bloomington Hills Ward. Let's just say, I'm going to need some smoke breaks. How do you think that will go over?

Ha haha! You are sweet. You will probably be the fun of them all. You take all the smoke breaks you need. It will give them something to talk about. Be safe.
Last night I was reviewing old threads on SK, and one Laytonian's comments really stood out with me. 2-8-2010; 12:28 pm; # 314

snipped: The further he walked the more chances someone would have seen him.

In regard to the homeless tent set-up behind SCA I wonder why none of the residents noticed any warming fires?

OT: About a month ago I was taking our sitter home & noticed smoke coming from the roadway over an arroyo (water culvert). The smoke was coming out both ends from under the roadway. The arroyo ran between two subdivisions, and it was fenced off from the subdivisions, but open on the other end. Other cars were slowing as they drove by, and a resident from a street over walked by it seeming curious. When I called Henderson Fire Dept It seemed that I had been the only one to report it. When the fire dept arrived I heard one of the firemen indicate that it seemed to be a warming fire. I left before they climbed over the fence.

Also, I am curious if the PI has arranged for any scent dogs to be included in tomorrows search? i.e. cadaver dogs
Last night I was reviewing old threads on SK, and one Laytonian's comments really stood out with me. 2-8-2010; 12:28 pm; # 314

snipped: The further he walked the more chances someone would have seen him.

In regard to the homeless tent set-up behind SCA I wonder why none of the residents noticed any warming fires?

OT: About a month ago I was taking our sitter home & noticed smoke coming from the roadway over an arroyo (water culvert). The smoke was coming out both ends from under the roadway. The arroyo ran between two subdivisions, and it was fenced off from the subdivisions, but open on the other end. Other cars were slowing as they drove by, and a resident from a street over walked by it seeming curious. When I called Henderson Fire Dept It seemed that I had been the only one to report it. When the fire dept arrived I heard one of the firemen indicate that it seemed to be a warming fire. I left before they climbed over the fence.

Also, I am curious if the PI has arranged for any scent dogs to be included in tomorrows search? i.e. cadaver dogs

I don't know if there were any fires, but if someone was there for any length of time, I should think he'd have been spotted. Seems to me the folks in the Anthem area would be pretty quick to alert someone.

I haven't heard anything about dogs. Guess we'll find out in the morning!
Fairy and everyone else that's searching tomorrow....

Do you guys have twitter that you can post updates to?
I haven’t had much time to post…. but still read this thread.
I’m praying for Steven and all those who will help in the search!
I hope that something is found that will lead to an answer.
Fairy and everyone else that's searching tomorrow....

Do you guys have twitter that you can post updates to?

I don't SuziQ - I'm just not that cool. My daughter does, but she won't be with me. If someone would PM me their cell #, I will try to text updates.
I don't SuziQ - I'm just not that cool. My daughter does, but she won't be with me. If someone would PM me their cell #, I will try to text updates.

My text and email service has been horrible this week. :( Tmobile is upgrading or something. So I'd be of no help with the text updates.
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