NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 9

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I don't want to assume anything right now, but it's sure been quiet for over an hour now.

Pins and needles time.


It sure is.I just got caught up reading. Hope we hear something soon.

It sure is.I just got caught up reading. Hope we hear something soon.

well not to sound crass, unless they find a wallet with the bones, they will not even have a tentative ID on the remains, assuming they are in fact human. Let's say there is a wallet with a name, they would still have to contact family of the deceased and run things like dental exams to establish a positive identification.

so at best, that's all that will come from this for the time being, however unfortunate that outcome might be.
Thanks for calling in, Fairy1

The bones have not been identified as human or animal, and are being collected for the medical examiner.

Fairy1 confirms "50 searchers" and believes that the area will require more than one search, since it's so large. Fifty people can't cover the entire area.

The "camp" (in the FB pictures) was found last night, and is going to be looked at again.

She'll be here in awhile to post a better update.
You guys are just marvelous! I'm so impressed. Been following this case, but alas, I never have any sleuthing ideas. Best wishes for success.
Just got back from the search. I was there along with Naegle, Fairy1, Sin City, and another lurker whose fake name I forget right at this second. I unfortunately do not have the time to go in tons of details. Maybe the others will do so. But some highlights:

-50 searchers
-NV Investigative Group, LLC organized and led the search
-Mr. and Mrs. Koecher were there along with other members and friends.
-GW was there.
-Some bones were found but to me it was sounding like it was animal and not human.
-The Websleuths people got a personal one on one meeting with Craig Retke from the NV Investigative Group, LLC. Nice guy. Deeply cares about finding Steven.
-Retke took a deep interest in the Appalled email from a few months ago. I emailed my copy of it to him minutes ago. Although he was familiar with websleuths, he was not familiar with that particular posting.
-Websleuths people also got virtually a one on one with Mrs. Koecher. She has absolutely no idea what Steven was doing in Vegas. Last time in Vegas had been for a family vacation or event.
-Got the impression. . .can't say from who. . .that Steven did not end up on that street by accident. He almost definitely was there because of being given directions or having an address.
-Mrs. Koecher did not believe Steven was her for work, especially since it was a Sunday.
-The area might have been a little too big for the amount of people but they were thrilled with the amount of people who showed up.

That's off the top of my head. I am sure Fairy1 and the others will leave their impressions of the day as well. Oh, and for anyone checking satellite maps, it was the area to the south of the airport on the south side of the Volunteer Road. The boundaries were Volunteer Road, the houses to the East, and the dirt road to the West. We all walked south at least a half mile. I was on the far west edge by the dirt road. And then cut across and came back on the far east side by the houses. Fairy1 was next to me to my left which would be east of my position.

Enjoyed meeting the others. Enjoyed talking to some of the other people. But, the search was fruitless. But, maybe that is good news.
Search for clues in Utahn's disappearance turns up empty

Henderson, Nev. » About 70 people slowly marched through a section of desert south of the Henderson Executive Airport today in an unsuccessful search for remains or other clues to the whereabouts of a St. George man missing for five months.

Some bone fragments were found during the two-hour sweep through about a square half mile of hardscrabble desert, but did not appear to be human, said Henderson Police Detective Rob McKay. Nevertheless, he said the fragments would be turned over to the coroner's office to be checked out as a matter of routine procedure.

Fasteddy4 , that is interesting that it is felt Steven was there because of being given directions or an address.

I have always felt his disappearance is somehow connected to the SCA neighborhood. Someone or something led him there.
Fasteddy4 , that is interesting that it is felt Steven was there because of being given directions or an address.

I have always felt his disappearance is somehow connected to the SCA neighborhood. Someone or something led him there.


And Fasteddy, good on you for giving the info on Appalled. I always felt he/she complained a bit too much. A common reaction from someone who fears the truth is getting a bit too close.
Some have wondered why someone who lived in the area would leave Steven's car there. IMO, if they knew the cameras were there, they had no choice but to leave the car there. They couldn't risk being caught on camera accessing and moving Steven's car.

ETA: They probably weren't counting on Steven missing the street, parking where he did and walking back. Didn't a poster mention that Steven had a habit of doing this if he drove past where he needed to go?
Search for clues in Utahn's disappearance turns up empty
By Mark Havnes

The Salt Lake Tribune

Updated: 04/10/2010 01:21:25 PM MDT

Henderson, Nev. » About 70 people slowly marched through a section of desert south of the Henderson Executive Airport today in an unsuccessful search for remains or other clues to the whereabouts of a St. George man missing for five months.

article continues....
Some have wondered why someone who lived in the area would leave Steven's car there. IMO, if they knew the cameras were there, they had no choice but to leave the car there. They couldn't risk being caught on camera accessing and moving Steven's car.

ETA: They probably weren't counting on Steven missing the street, parking where he did and walking back. Didn't a poster mention that Steven had a habit of doing this if he drove past where he needed to go?

Yes, someone did mention he had at one time parked his vehicle further away and walked.

I think the connection to SCA is someone who is remotely connected to it.
Like someone's Cousin, Aunt, Uncle, or Grandparent lives there. Or the person Steven met there knew someone who resided there. Perhaps the person was house sitting, doing some kind of work on the home. Maybe the person said meet me there around noon. Maybe the person that lives in which ever home it is does not know Steven was even there, because they were not home that day.
-Websleuths people also got virtually a one on one with Mrs. Koecher. She has absolutely no idea what Steven was doing in Vegas. Last time in Vegas had been for a family vacation or event.
-Got the impression. . .can't say from who. . .that Steven did not end up on that street by accident. He almost definitely was there because of being given directions or having an address.
-Mrs. Koecher did not believe Steven was her for work, especially since it was a Sunday.

thanks for taking the time today fasteddy and others who have been literally on the ground out there.

Mrs. Koecher's impressions are similar to many people here who felt that it was no accieent that he found that spot to park the car.

However, I part company with SuziQ who said that she thought that the perp knew cameras were there and that's why the car was not removed. If the perp, BDW, or whoever he was meeting that day knew there were cameras there, he would have instructed Steven to park elsewhere.
I'd like to hear something on GW. Anyone talk to him?
yeah like asking him directly what we have asked for months.

I'd like many a things to be answered that we have been asking in this case, but I don't think it will ever happen.

I think there was a problem, something significant to Steven, going back to atleast his job with the Trib., but no one saw it or said anything.

I'd like to know what "meds" he was taking? Were they prescription or other. If homeopathic, there could be reactions that he was not aware of.

Maybe J was upset with something Steven said or did and came back and "spiked" his food as a joke or otherwise.
Steven would have no clue to what the H was going on ---so we get a guy who can't deliver a msg in a church meeting sometime in Nov. and then radical behavior??????
Just got back from the search. I was there along with Naegle, Fairy1, Sin City, and another lurker whose fake name I forget right at this second. I unfortunately do not have the time to go in tons of details. Maybe the others will do so.

Thanks, FastEddy -- you're a champ, as well as Fairy1, Sin City, and all the rest who volunteered and worked so hard.

Now that you've seen the area within the search boundaries, do you think a body could stay undiscovered out there, for four months?

Steven wasn't tiny. Could someone take him (dead or alive) "that far in" where he wouldn't be discovered for this long?

Would another search, with more people, perhaps be warranted?
Laytonian's questions from above:
snipped: Now that you've seen the area within the search boundaries, do you think a body could stay undiscovered out there, for four months?

Steven wasn't tiny. Could someone take him (dead or alive) "that far in" where he wouldn't be discovered for this long?

Would another search, with more people, perhaps be warranted?

YES, to all three questions. The area is dry desert, rocky, little vegitation, and sandy in the wash areas. One wouldn't normally be in that location unless one was target shooting or illegally dumping...IMO. There were a few residential homes just on the edge of the search area near Volunteer, so maybe folks would hike and walk their dogs. SCA was on the southern edge of the search area. This is where Fasteddy indicated he was searching.

There was a narrow dirt road through the search area, which probably has been used to illegally dump, etc. No doubt IMO that a crime or body could be dumped in that area, and not found for months or years.

IMO another search may be helpful. It was a lot of ground to cover. I ended up far behind the other searchers, as I was looking very closely at the ground area.

Fairy1, gsmith, and fasteddy gave great updates. guitar3 was the other WS person in the group that was chatting together after the search.

Word going around is that there are cell phone towers close to the search area. And, an employee of the airport was with the search party also.

There was not a cadaver or scent dog present. IMO there should have been.

I got the impression that a member of a media outlet was there, as I saw a man speaking with searchers, taking notes, and a photographer was walking with him.

Steven's father took a lot of pictures. Especially at the beginning of the search.

I took quite a few photos, and I'm going to try to get them on here for you all to see. I'm quite a dork with the computer, so bare with me. I know you all are probably anxious to see the area.

Plus, today is my anniv, so I cannot spend as much time online today as I'd like to. I have a date!! lol

Working on the pics now.
I do have a question. Is there any problem with me posting pictures of the search area? Or items in the area? No pics of any bones though. And, any problem with posting any photos that may have members of the search party in them?
Hi ya'll. Just wanted to get caught up here so I don't repeat any news. I knew fasteddy4 would fill everyone in. He really is FAST!

guitar3 was the other WS poster there. The PI took the four of us aside and gave us a rundown of his background and expressed his determination to find Steven. He's a good guy and I feel better now knowing he's working this case. He indicated there are some things going on "behind the scenes" that won't be revealed now. He does believe it's Steven on the video, and believes he looks like he knows exactly where he's going. He said he freaked when he saw the SUV too but apparently that person has been cleared. He also doesn't feel that Steven wound up in that location randomly or accidentally.

We did also have a good chat with Mrs. Koecher. She hadn't heard about the possible sighting at a homeless shelter. But she did say there may have been a possible sighting of Steven at a dental school somewhere in town. She got that from the LVMPD detective, who told her he was going to check it out. It's an interesting possibility.

I told her about what we've heard about Steven's unusual speech patterns and she confirmed that and described it as "halting." I also told her that sbbaker had just recently heard from someone who said they felt it was worse than usual. She wanted to know who that was and I told her I'd ask. sbbaker - if you have a name, perhaps Laytonian can get it to Deanne.

Here's something we didn't know....apparently, Steven left that Christmas party his ward held VERY abruptly and after having been there just a short time. That info came from Deanne and she seemed concerned about it. But she pointed out that the next day was when he was out passing out flyers and when he helped the girls who were locked out. She doesn't seem to think it was depression, but I don't know if we should totally rule out something else.

GW was there and I did express my desire to go over and shake him until he spilled the beans. But my WS buddies didn't seem to think that would be a good idea. I didn't feel a civilized introduction was the right way to go either. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to speak to gsmith - we just were never in the same area at the same time.

It was a large area to cover and yes, I can definitely see a body going undiscovered there, particularly if it was buried. But there was evidence of all the rain we've had and we've had wicked winds for a good part of the last couple weeks also. There is an ATV trail running pretty much through the area we were searching. There are also roadways to the east and west. I wasn't really sure how far we were from where Steven's car was found, but fasteddy4 said it was quite a distance for walking. It also struck me as an odd direction to go in on foot.

I've sent some pics of the area to Laytonian to post either here or on the timeline - whatever she feels is appropriate.

We were told there were 50 searchers just before we took off. If there were 70, others must have come later. The only reporter I saw was the dude from the SLC Tribune. But there was another guy there with serious camera equipment taking a lot of pics.

The terrain was very rough and wide. If the tip is truly credible, the area should be searched again, IMO. And I wish they would bring in cadaver dogs if it is believed Steven's remains are there.

I'm glad to have this PI on the case. He knows what he's doing and has strong ties to the LE community - including Detective McKay.
Fairy1, great post regarding the search update!

snipped: GW was there and I did express my desire to go over and shake him until he spilled the beans. But my WS buddies didn't seem to think that would be a good idea. I didn't feel a civilized introduction was the right way to go either. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to speak to gsmith - we just were never in the same area at the same time.

I fully agree with you regarding that a civilized introduction didn't seem the right way to go either with GW.

I'm going to take your lead, and forward the photos I took to Laytonian also. Do you have her e-mail address? I'll send her a private message also.
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