NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 9

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What if he was forced to walk out there.?
I sure would like to know where this information came from. Steven's cousin, Jeff, and another looked at that campsite before the search this morning. It was my understanding they were going back there later with Rolf to take a closer look. I hope they did.

I guess you could poke through the stuff with a stick, and look for recognizable clothing.

Those little bags of trash, all neatly tied up and piled together. Whoever camped there, was being tidy about it. Those bags may have the clues inside. Or dog poop.
What if he was forced to walk out there.?

Like at gunpoint? More likely, I'd think. But you'd have to skedaddle quickly after doing "whatever".

The signs would have been most evident right after he disappeared. One of Ted Bundy's victims was spotted by a tourist, who saw scavenger birds picking at something in a snow.

Those kinds of birds will hover and circle above their target, and take turns landing. It's like they have a look-out system. (We've watched hawks attack a dead deer on the mountain behind us - horrific but fascinating.)

During the initial search for Steven, an eye on the sky around SCA might have been helpful.
I agree with fasteddy4. The direction we started out in, which was the west side of the search was full of large black rocks and a lot of smaller rocks. We had no idea whether we were looking for a murder victim or a suicide victim, which, IMO, makes a big difference. Somewhere along the way, I met up with another searcher and I mentioned that it would be easier if we knew that. He told me that it was suspected someone else put Steven there. That was when I sort of veered to the east, near that cement drainage culvert. The rocks there were mostly very light colored and much larger in size and in volume than where we started out. I had long since fallen way behind fasteddy4 (he really is FAST!) but he headed that way too and was brave enough to scale down the hill to get closer to that drainage area. I stayed up above in the rocks close to the edge. I really hate to actually type this, but it would be very difficult to see a skull in those rocks.

And he's right, that drainage area has probably been flowing pretty well a couple of times over the past few months. There were several large drain pipes that run into it as well. It might be wise to search where it ends on both sides.
I agree with fasteddy4. The direction we started out in, which was the west side of the search was full of large black rocks and a lot of smaller rocks. We had no idea whether we were looking for a murder victim or a suicide victim, which, IMO, makes a big difference. Somewhere along the way, I met up with another searcher and I mentioned that it would be easier if we knew that. He told me that it was suspected someone else put Steven there. That was when I sort of veered to the east, near that cement drainage culvert. The rocks there were mostly very light colored and much larger in size and in volume than where we started out. I had long since fallen way behind fasteddy4 (he really is FAST!) but he headed that way too and was brave enough to scale down the hill to get closer to that drainage area. I stayed up above in the rocks close to the edge. I really hate to actually type this, but it would be very difficult to see a skull in those rocks.

That reminds me of how Chandra Levy's remains were found: a mentally-challenged man was looking for turtles at the bottom of the Rock Creek Park hill - near the lower road - and picked up her skull.

Would it be possible to stand at the bottom of that channel, and look upwards towards the rocks? (It's too bad that something can't be mass-sprayed that would react with biological materials - kind of like a bone-ID version of luminol.)

And he's right, that drainage area has probably been flowing pretty well a couple of times over the past few months. There were several large drain pipes that run into it as well. It might be wise to search where it ends on both sides.

I remember LE searching SCA's drainage areas, right after your big rains ended.

I wonder if they went that far, and what that area drains into.

Unfortunately, a body will rise from the water, but bones that wash down, will not.
That reminds me of how Chandra Levy's remains were found: a mentally-challenged man was looking for turtles at the bottom of the Rock Creek Park hill - near the lower road - and picked up her skull.

Would it be possible to stand at the bottom of that channel, and look upwards towards the rocks? (It's too bad that something can't be mass-sprayed that would react with biological materials - kind of like a bone-ID version of luminol.)

I remember LE searching SCA's drainage areas, right after your big rains ended.

I wonder if they went that far, and what that area drains into.

Unfortunately, a body will rise from the water, but bones that wash down, will not.

fasteddy4 did go down next to the channel and looked up - and over. As I said, there's a gravel road that runs alongside the channel (thanks for that term - I just couldn't think what to call it!). That's what led me over there after learning that we were looking for Steven's "dumped" remains.

Here's something that really freaked me out; I found a white cross painted on the ground. I took a picture of it, but I just didn't see anything else unusual in that area. I was truly freaked out, until I found another one. I'm thinking that those sites were marked for future homesites.
Like at gunpoint? More likely, I'd think. But you'd have to skedaddle quickly after doing "whatever".

The signs would have been most evident right after he disappeared. One of Ted Bundy's victims was spotted by a tourist, who saw scavenger birds picking at something in a snow.

Those kinds of birds will hover and circle above their target, and take turns landing. It's like they have a look-out system. (We've watched hawks attack a dead deer on the mountain behind us - horrific but fascinating.)

During the initial search for Steven, an eye on the sky around SCA might have been helpful.

You would think ---somebody would have heard a gunshot and called it in. I know I live ina SW desert community and sounds seems to echo or be amplified because of the vastness.
fasteddy4 did go down next to the channel and looked up - and over. As I said, there's a gravel road that runs alongside the channel (thanks for that term - I just couldn't think what to call it!). That's what led me over there after learning that we were looking for Steven's "dumped" remains.

Here's something that really freaked me out; I found a white cross painted on the ground. I took a picture of it, but I just didn't see anything else unusual in that area. I was truly freaked out, until I found another one. I'm thinking that those sites were marked for future homesites.

How big were they? They COULD BE navigational aids.

Speaking of future homesites: I was just looking at the satellite map, and see vacant lots in that area, with some homes under construction.

I wonder how many cement slabs were poured after Dec 13th?
thanks for taking the time today fasteddy and others who have been literally on the ground out there.

Mrs. Koecher's impressions are similar to many people here who felt that it was no accieent that he found that spot to park the car.

However, I part company with SuziQ who said that she thought that the perp knew cameras were there and that's why the car was not removed. If the perp, BDW, or whoever he was meeting that day knew there were cameras there, he would have instructed Steven to park elsewhere.

That's the thing though. I don't think they counted on Steven missing the street, parking where he parked and walking back.
Has anyone sleuthed our poster Appalled? Anyone have a guess as to who he is and where exactly he lived?
What I got from that post was for us to look at what they referred to as house 3 on the map.
That's the thing though. I don't think they counted on Steven missing the street, parking where he parked and walking back.

Steven's car would have been visible on both CAM3 and CAM7, even if he'd driven up Evening Lights Ave and parked elsewhere.

In fact, we'd have a closer view of the car (and driver?), through CAM7 than we do of the figure walking across the street.
How big were they? They COULD BE navigational aids.

Speaking of future homesites: I was just looking at the satellite map, and see vacant lots in that area, with some homes under construction.

I wonder how many cement slabs were poured after Dec 13th?

The first one was fairly large and toward the west end. The second one was smaller and closer to the east side. Both were to the south of the airport. They were perfectly shaped - not haphazardly painted.
What I got from that post was for us to look at what they referred to as house 3 on the map.

Yup. It'd be appalling to think someone would be so stupid as to identify *themselves* in a (troll?) post to a bunch of people they've already taunted as nosy retired gossiping elderly women.
The first one was fairly large and toward the west end. The second one was smaller and closer to the east side. Both were to the south of the airport. They were perfectly shaped - not haphazardly painted.

OK. "Fairly large" and "smaller". Gotcha ;)

They're markers of some sort, obviously. I think it'd be unlikely that homes would be built in that search area; it's likely runway clearance.
Sleuthing other posters is against TOS.



It was obviously, though, that someone was trying to cause trouble for the resident of a certain home. No one would really point *themselves* out to us, after insulting people by "name" for 132 paragraphs ;)
OK. "Fairly large" and "smaller". Gotcha ;)

They're markers of some sort, obviously. I think it'd be unlikely that homes would be built in that search area; it's likely runway clearance.

Okay - I'm not very good at this but I'll try. The first one was maybe 7 x 7 feet. The second maybe 4 x 4. I'm no aviation expert, but where they were located didn't make much sense to me as being runway markers. The first one wasn't in what I would consider a good spot for a home, but the second one was possible.

There are homes currently under construction just on the other side of the channel from where we were, so the location wouldn't be so odd.
Okay - I'm not very good at this but I'll try. The first one was maybe 7 x 7 feet. The second maybe 4 x 4. I'm no aviation expert, but where they were located didn't make much sense to me as being runway markers. The first one wasn't in what I would consider a good spot for a home, but the second one was possible.

There are homes currently under construction just on the other side of the channel from where we were, so the location wouldn't be so odd.

Well...I dunno what they are, but they're definitely designed to be seen from the air (otherwise, they'd be upright).

I'd think the channel would be on the Anthem boundary, to keep floodwaters from flowing into the neighborhoods.
One thing I want to mention, if it was someone in SCA that harmed Steven, they haven't been caught yet. The fact that his car was parked there hasn't led to anything of importance, has it? Absolutely nothing has come up connecting Steven to that area and it's likely, at this point, nothing will. If someone did harm Steven, they know that. They're probably thinking no one in their right mind would think a killer is living in SCA. But it may very well be that there is.

IMO, just because we can't find a reason for Steven to be there, doesn't mean he didn't have one himself.
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