NY - 10 dead, 3 critical after mass shooting at a Buffalo supermarket, 14 May 2022 *Guilty*

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Gary Slutkin, an epidemiologist who studies mass shootings and intervention methods, said that to understand the contagious nature of these high-profile events, it helps to think of it like a disease.

For mass shooters, he said, exposure often comes from hanging out in online chat rooms where people discuss and glorify past mass shooters. Susceptibility might come from a perceived grievance — something they believe is unfair in their life — coupled with past trauma, like being bullied, he said.

Mass shooters are frequently obsessed with large, deadly rampages. They carefully follow traditional news coverage and social media posts of such events. They study the mechanics of how past shooters planned their attacks. They hang out in chat rooms where they talk about the affinity they feel with past shooters. This fuels a contagion, experts say, that can sometimes agitate for years within shooters before they act.
Yes, and a year ago when he was making threats and plans, he was referred for mental health treatment (see link above).

Unfortunately, laws prevent many clearly in need of treatment from receiving the same if they refuse treatment including abandoning their Rx. PG isn't the first and won't be the last.

In such cases, court action is suspended until the defendant is treated, and/or restored to competency, where they can return to court to face criminal action against them. MOO
I hear you. He was underage then though… at least until the end of June 2021.
Near the beginning of the (below) CBC news video, the reporter states that Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau has
said that Canadians all across Canada grieve with Buffalo citizens at this unfathomable time.

As one of these Canadians, I can tell you that we are still "reeling" from the news of this hateful, rage-filled, planned out and evil act.

Our hearts are with everyone who is affected by this horrible act in that area. We also understand that citizens who are not from Buffalo are heartbroken, shocked and angry that this has happened yet again. We feel this way as well. As you know, Canada has experienced hateful and racist acts of violence over decades and continues to.

We stand with all Americans who care about all of their fellow citizens.

Just my opinion, as well as extending our love and support to you all.

We are deeply saddened.

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To the many who have sent prayers to my staff member Zeneta & her son Zaire following yesterday’s shooting in Buffalo - thank you. Those prayers have been answered. He is now home resting, & beginning the healing process. Please continue to pray for the families of those lost.

Aaron Salter being interviewed about his Hydrogen Fuel System​

Heartbreaking. Killed for no reason other than the color of their skin.

I am so very tired of this.
There's healing in Buffalo's future. (The shooting (and shooter) remind me of 2021 Boulder's King Soopers that also left 10 dead).

I also won't be surprised if the case against PG is delayed since I suspect he will be deemed incompetent to participate in his case and sent for treatment.

Very sad for the community and families. :(

My god. There’s so many of these shootings that I can’t remember all of them. I totally forgot about King Soopers.

While I’ve been on my iPad tonight, I received a CNN alert about a Los Angeles church shooting!
This is racist hate, pure and simple.

I hope that, as in the case of the McMichaels who were convicted of the first degree murder of Ahmaud Arbery (and in that case, it was more spur-of-the-moment, not an execution of a plan that had been in the works for months, if not years, as is the case with this shooting), that he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law at both the state and federal level.

This wasn’t the work of someone with severe mental illness to the extent that it would justify an insanity defense—he meticulously planned, scouted, and executed a mass murder of innocent Black people from a predominately low-income area. This wasn’t a random attack, this was a devastating mass murder motivated by one man’s (I refuse to call him a teenager) pure, unadulterated hatred for a group of people underscored and rationalized by his own victim complex. I sincerely hope he spends the rest of his life in prison, which I’m sure will not be a pleasant experience for him. MOO.

After making the threat, Gendron “went to a local hospital, he was there for … about a day and a half, evaluated and then released,” Gramaglia said.

The teen was not on the radar of federal law enforcement, even after writing a 181-page, race-hate-filled manifesto online at some point detailing murderous plans.

There was nothing picked up on the State Police intelligence. Nothing that was picked up on the FBI intelligence. Nobody called in any complaint,” Gramaglia said. “The State Police did their job to the fullest that they could at that time.

Gendron spent the past three months working at a nearby deli but mostly kept to himself, residents said.

“He was a shy kid,” said 21-year-old Joseph Sharak, who has known Gendron from childhood.

The shop’s background check on Gendron had not turned up any red flags, Donald said.

“He didn’t stand out,” he said of the teen. “Because if he did, I would’ve never sold him the gun.

“I don’t understand why an 18-year-old would even do this,” Donald said. “I know I didn’t do anything wrong, but I feel terrible about it.”

Gendron insists that his views weren't influenced by his parents, friends or anyone else in his life. Instead, he writes, it started when he was 16 and pandemic boredom drove him into the darker corners of the web.
"I was not born racist nor grew up to be racist," he said.

Gendron insists that his views weren't influenced by his parents, friends or anyone else in his life. Instead, he writes, it started when he was 16 and pandemic boredom drove him into the darker corners of the web.
"I was not born racist nor grew up to be racist," he said.
He must have spent a lot of hours online though… maybe his parent’s though he was doing schoolwork or something?
Like clockwork, one can predict with certainty a young mass murderer was a troublemaker in public school, but little to nothing is ever done about it. NYSP investigated this creep just last year.


Gendron has been investigated by law enforcement before.

In June 2021, police in Broome County were called by high school officials who told them Gendron had threatened violence in comments made to fellow students, the News reported.

“A school official reported that this very troubled young man had made statements indicating that he wanted to do a shooting, either at a graduation ceremony, or sometime after,” the same government official familiar with the case told the News.

State Police were sent to investigate and Gendron, under a section of state mental health laws, was referred for a mental health evaluation and counseling, the official told the News.

I cannot believe they missed all the signs. He was displaying extremely violent tendencies and racist bias. They should have investigated further in order to look deeper into his psyche. He should have been under more observation and the government must take accountably for their ineffective mental health system and interventions. I am praying the mental health and rehabilitation system gets the funding it needs to stop these horrible tragedies from occurring by providing effective help.

My heart goes out for the loved ones and families of the victims, and I hope they get the justice they deserve.
For what it's worth, I sent an email to our P.M. Trudeau, as well as our local Minister of Parliament asking if the critical topic of "Racism" will be discussed during next month's G7 Summit.

I don't see it in the overview of topics.

I'm not an overly political person but I want to do something in a constructive way. Maybe I'm just being naive.


The G7 Summit in 2022 is planned to be held on 26 – 28 June in Elmau, Germany under the German Presidency. The Group of Seven (G7) comprises seven countries - Japan, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Germany, and France – and the European Union (EU).
I am praying the mental health and rehabilitation system gets the funding it needs to stop these horrible tragedies from occurring by providing effective help.
Individual perpetrators aside, I strongly suspect that a significant number of socio political extremists- whether they be white supremacists, Islamacists, right or left wing political extremists etc. are not mentally ill in the clinical sense.

As a result, no amount of mental health rehabilitation is going to "cure" them. Rather, their terroristic actions are entirely deliberate and stem not from various forms of insanity, but from various ideologies that they chose to follow.
This is an incredibly disturbing and violent crime that has been committed. I am very upset that he had a manifesto and he was still not reported. Anyone who sees anything like that on the internet should immediately report it. see something, say something. I hope the victims families get justice and this man never faces the public again. He is very troubled and should never be out of custody. I am continuing to watch the news as they are doing their press briefings.

The problem is people DO report this stuff to FB, Twitter and the FBI and NOTHING happens...it falls into a black hole.

Gendron insists that his views weren't influenced by his parents, friends or anyone else in his life. Instead, he writes, it started when he was 16 and pandemic boredom drove him into the darker corners of the web.
"I was not born racist nor grew up to be racist," he said.

bs...boredom in a pandemic cannot turn you evil, he could have researched anything. Learned a new hobby and learned to play an instrument. Many people learned to bake, sew, and volunteer, it's just an excuse.
The problem is people DO report this stuff to FB, Twitter and the FBI and NOTHING happens...it falls into a black hole.
I dont think it is the fault of the FBI and various social media companies have devoted alot of resources to erasing violent content from their sites.


At the end of the day, our judicial system gives free speech a very wide berth. Nor, does our judicial systems support pre-emptive arrests based on what somebody might do. Likewise, forced treatment for mental illness is legally very difficult to implement.

As for social media, my guess is that he was reading and posting information on the dark web, not mainstream social media companies.
My sympathies go out to all affected by this tragedy.

I am as outraged as others here about the actions of this cold-hearted, racist murderer. He is over 18 and was over 18 last year in June (June 3rd is his birthday, I believe). His parents are not accountable for his actions as he is an adult. He planned this online with many others seeing his words week after week. He is capable of recognizing the consequences of his actions. He alone will bear the burden of this heinous crime. Unlike the school shooter in MI who is a minor, this murderer can not be controlled by his parents or anyone else if he is of sound mind and is an adult. The system failed him and us. He knew enough to get himself out of the mental health facility in a day and half.

I can't get that he targeted this place, cased the place, spoke with people and went back to annihilate as many as he could out of my mind. It is a new level of inhumanity. His mug shot looks like he has tears in his eyes......I don't believe they are tears for his victims--- maybe he is upset that he could not kill himself or that the cops didn't kill him. I just can't see that he had any feelings for any of these people once he was arrested.

Once again, we have work to do as a country because the rhetoric he spewed is on the news and spoken about as a viable way to see society in many areas of our country. It is time to make people accountable for what they say and write. As abhorrent as his thoughts are to me, his lengthy manifesto is certainly supported by some in this country. We need to address this terror threat immediately. Of course, this is JMHO.

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