NY - Captured, escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #8

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CNN - she's asking Cuomo whether he was fishing when he got the word that Matt was shot dead, he says "I'm sorry? The audio has obviously gone dead" and the anchor laughed and showed a pic of him holding a huge fish, and Cuomo laughed a bit and said "that is totally false, I would exclude that source from ever giving any more information, that is so totally wrong it is just breath taking. My breath.. it is taken."

(anchor laughs again)

".... we caught a number of things this weekend and it was all good."

And then Chris Cuomo winked (oh right they're brothers LMAO - so HE"S the "source" hahaahah) and said "notice that in the pic he wasn't holding the fish with his hand he was holding it with a grip. That's a violation of Man Law just so you know".
""Deputy Tarsia was a good person. Happy, smiling all the time," said Broome County Sheriff David Harder (R). "I don't have much to say good about Sweat. All he was was just a killer, a murderer. The way he treated Deputy Tarsia that night was inhumane."

Now that Sweat has been captured, Tarsia's family wants answers.

"At least now we'll maybe know what happened," said his brother Tom. "They'll put him in a pen where he never gets out. He should have been in there in the first place."


During the capture, Sweat suffered two gunshot wounds to the torso.
Tarsia's brother said Sweat got what he deserved.

"I was hoping they'd catch him and shoot him and run him over and do every harmful thing they did to [my brother Kevin]," said Tom."

I suspect that Tillie was not very popular with other women, at the prison, or otherwise. The only woman who has spoken up for her is her daughter-in-law, who is betrayed by Tillie, along with the rest of her family. JMO
I suspect that Tillie was not very popular with other women, at the prison, or otherwise. The only woman who has spoken up for her is her daughter-in-law, who is betrayed by Tillie, along with the rest of her family. JMO

Ah yes, the same daughter in law who told MSM days after the escape that if Tillie had done anything it was just contact Matt's daughter about art.

I don't understand why this daughter in law wasn't questioned deeply and instantly about that fact. Maybe she was but we didn't hear about it.
Hopefully we will learn what went on as the investigation proceeds. Maybe we will hear from other prison employees now that Gene, Tillie Matt and Sweat are gone. JMO

IMO: There had to have been a whole tight-knit group of Clinton staff involved in the excape- - 1.) Need for big circular saw to cut that big square opening into the steam pipe --- and we've been told over and over in press that that cut took great skill !!; and 2.) NO accident that in that vast wooded area, Matt & Sweat wound up in that 1st cabin with the bunk beds which was owned by a little group of Clinton staff (5 of 'em, stated online repeatedly, but have no link...) and 1 more corrections officer working at another prison-----and THAT last guy was the one 'checking on the cabin' --- I betcha whoever of the '5' was in on this, had NO idea that last guy would be toodling up in the woods to check on the cabin. I also think that after Tillie 'no showed' at the sewer lid, Matt or Sweat PHONED one of those '5', or someone 'tight' with 1 or more of them and who was a part of the escape all along, and directed Matt & Sweat to go to that cabin to get some h20, food, sound sleep. I also betcha, by android 'smart' phone, Matt & Sweat were told next to get to the Willett cabin, again for some food, sleep, h20. Detailed directions to those cabins and maps would have been sent via the android phone, cuz' neither were 'easy' sites to find. And, too, I betcha, again by android phone, Matt was directed how best to get up to the Canadian border.
Oh, I bet Matt, and Sweat, were super mad at Tillie for no-showing !!!
I just can't wait 'til we learn who else of the Clinton staff was part of this !!!
Many reasons Clinton staff got in on this, apart from any remuneration: 'Hate the boss', 'I'll get back at the boss', 'hate my coworkers', 'the way ''they'' treat me, ''they'' deserve this !!!'
Tillie and Palmer IMO will make plea agreements: Maybe Palmer will 'spill some beans', to get some time cut off his imprisonment. But Tillie, seems like such a huge liar, whatever she says to try to make things better for her will be just another sackful of twisted lies (she lies so much and so extremely, IMO, I bet she stumbles over her tongue every time she opens her trap - you know, she can't remember all her lies, because no human has a big enuf' brain to hold such a load of baloney !!!).
MM (Minnesota Mary) - Yep, and on top of THAT, just a few posts before yours I was transcribing what Cuomo was saying on CNN and he said Sweat had a backpack with maps, insect repellent, poptarts, and other supplies in it. He said investigation will be done into who supplied him with these things/how he came to have them.
She probably was questioned, but,yes, we did not know anything about the art dealing at the time that tidbit was revealed. JMO
Cuomo is on CNN, he says Sweat had a back pack with him with supplies including lights, poptarts, insect repellent, and maps. Cuomo says part of our investigation will be into how he acquired that stuff.


Who supplied Sweat with maps? Sure he could've found the insect repellent in a cabin, and maybe even the backpack, and poptarts are available in commissary, and the lights could be the lighted glasses from Joyce I suppose, but what about the maps?? He's a mapper and planner but he got his info SOMEPLACE. I want to know WHERE.
GGE just because this case is over doesnt mean you have to leave. If you do you wl be missed. Jmo idk

This manhunt was what prompted me to get an account here and I have really enjoyed exchanging ideas with others. Now that it's over and we await the investigation, I'm wondering what crime to investigate next on here. There are lots of options but this prison escape and the ensuing manhunt were fascinating and I'm not aware of any other cases ongoing at the present time that might spur such an intense level of interest and intrigue.
NONE of us can spell every word - - I misspelled 'weird' 2X last week....

IMO: There are a few more Clinton staff who were totally 'in' in this, and THEY got the poptarts and maps to Sweat: Remember, it would be in the other crooked staff's interest to get Sweat out of the USA and up to Canada---- there was NO way they could 'take Sweat out' themselves (so Sweat could never, ever possibly 'rat them out') cuz' the po po were everywhere !!
What a bunch of lies:

"Dog the Bounty Hunter helped capture 'Shawshank' prison escapee David Sweat after massive three week manhunt "


I am not even quoting any of it because someone here will think it's true and will quote me and run with it. This is just so much nonsense.

ETA: ok I"m breakinig my rule. I"ll quote part of it to show just how wrong the entire article is. The Mirror reads like shoddy fanfiction or something.

Check this bunch of nonsense out:

"Hours later, the 49-year-old tried to carjack a camper van, but the driver fled and called 911.

Within minutes, authorities had Matt surrounded and he was killed with three shots to his head after he failed to comply with their orders."

We ALL know that's wrong. Why do they lie like this??

Someone here also said that his wife, Beth, said on social media the other day that they caught Sweat themselves on Friday, right? What all nonsense has he claimed that hasn't been true, aside from trying to say that each tip was submitted to him first and HE told LE so HE should get the money? (Which is a total jerk move anyway IMO, trying to insert himself into the line of communication just to get the money. I will quite literally never ever watch that guy again.)
This manhunt was what prompted me to get an account here and I have really enjoyed exchanging ideas with others. Now that it's over and we await the investigation, I'm wondering what crime to investigate next on here. There are lots of options but this prison escape and the ensuing manhunt were fascinating and I'm not aware of any other cases ongoing at the present time that might spur such an intense level of interest and intrigue.

Welcome. I used to be concerned about this, too. One case would be fascinating to me, then when it was resolved, what would I find so interesting again? I have since learned that something always comes along - and it is almost always being discussed here on websleuths. Just wait until the urge strikes on a particular subject, and voila! There will be folks here discussing it.
NONE of us can spell every word - - I misspelled 'weird' 2X last week....

IMO: There are a few more Clinton staff who were totally 'in' in this, and THEY got the poptarts and maps to Sweat: Remember, it would be in the other crooked staff's interest to get Sweat out of the USA and up to Canada---- there was NO way they could 'take Sweat out' themselves (so Sweat could never, ever possibly 'rat them out') cuz' the po po were everywhere !!

I just get annoyed by printed stories by mainstream media that still include such mistakes, making it obvious they rely on spell checker on the computer for editing/double checking their copy. Things like "Boarder Patrol" and "Forth of July" are mistakes that should not be made by people who get paid to write for a living JMO.
(Shall we organize a mailing chain whereby one of use sends a note wishing Sweat a nice day to his mail every day for the rest of his sentence? :giggle: )

To be serious though, they keep saying Clinton has never had an escape before, but they they say never in 100 years. Which is it? It can't be both.

This prison was built in 1845. It's 170 years old. So if no escapes in 100 years, then who escaped in 1915, when the prison was 70 years old?


Then why not SAY no escapes in it's 170 year history? Is the math that difficult? *sigh*
Appears to be one of the first photos of Sweat after his capture, perhaps before emergency personal arrived.


Read more: http://www.watertowndailytimes.com/...e-david-sweat-shot-taken-to-hospital-20150628

When I saw this pic yesterday it reminded me of a picture that someone would post after hunting a deer. Kind of like a "look what I caught" picture.

I would hope that they are being overly protective and cautious of him right now. I obviously don't know him but given his recent adventures, I picture him dreaming of ways to escape, whether from the hospital or en route to his final resting spot. Hopefully everyone coming in and out is carefully watched and monitored. He may feel a bit "under the weather" now but once he is feeling better...

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Just want to say thank you to all of you wonderful posters for your up-to-date information & discussions. A special thank you to those manning the basement & to GGE for all the first morning news sources, discussion & transcriptions (which I am in awe of your speed reading & typing skills!).

Although following WS for many years, I finally joined a year ago, but never posted until now. Guess it was time to crawl out from under my rock!

And yes, I got this one wrong...Sweat was still alive & they appear to have been together!
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