GUILTY NY - DM, 6, & FM, 12, Huevelton, 13 August 2014 - #2

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I'm not positive this is the same Nicole Vaisey, but here is a video posted in memory of her father, d. 2008.
He sure looks a lot like her boyfriend, and there are several jokey references to physical discipline. Makes me arm-chair link her kink to love from a father figure. Only this one had another agenda.
[ETA after looking a little more, if this is the right Nicole, then it's her grandfather, not her father.]

There's a comment in Gawker that "The brother of the women" (sic?) posted on FB, "It was planned. They were building a soundproof room onto their house for the purpose of keeping the kids longer. They were going to kill them. They videotaped themselves sexually abusing those 2 girls and they weren't the first ones. It's happened before." I don't have very good Facebook-Fu, but maybe someone else can verify that?

Can you clarify something for me, if it's possible? Was the sound proof room info. discovered before or after this abduction? I assume after, because if someone knew of it WTH would you not call the cops?!!

Eta: I mean did the commenter indicate when they knew of the room.
Nowhere does it say that the other 3 victims were the children of the perp! :facepalm:
Nowhere does it say that the other 3 victims were the children of the perp! :facepalm:

Yes. I almost said, "I hope it's not them!" But, things can go from that to...well you know.

(And I hoped it wasn't anyone, so this news is just heartbreaking.)
Nowhere does it say that the other 3 victims were the children of the perp! :facepalm:

They don't name sexual assault victims, if the names of his kids are publicly known the press may be cautious about saying outright that they were the victims, even if they were. I saw a case where you could infer that the perps' kids were the victims a while ago, but the press never came out and said so.
if the Gawker commenter is referring to brother JRV, then it's false. He hasn't commented since July 29 (about a new car). The half-brother also makes no mention of that. The comment theoretically could be private...but as it wouldn't be private to detectives, I'd doubt he'd make it at all. And if it were private, the Gawker person wouldn't have read it, most likely.

It could be her mother's deceased companion's son -- the son's wife is a FB friend of Nicole, and they are local. She called her mother's bf "Papa" -- so maybe people think she's sister to his son.
Nowhere does it say that the other 3 victims were the children of the perp! :facepalm:

No, it doesn't. It could be 3 other children, completely unrelated (but if so...who???). However, the fact that he has 3 children does make one wonder. In fact, it would be remarkable if they managed to escape unwanted attention from their pedophile father and his gf, considering that most pedophiles begin with relatives or close acquaintances -- someone who "trusts" them.

I can relate with this local. One of my high school alumni's was arrested in one of those soliciting children stings last year. Many of us (alumni's) had him as a friend on fb and voiced how creepy it was to think he was looking at photos of our kids on our fb. He commented on some of their dd's pics how beautiful they where. Disgusting! Makes a person feel violated just having known what they did and that they had access to your private life. You just really don't know people even when you grow up with them.
I can assure you, don't ask how :blushing: That viewing regular *advertiser censored* doesn't lead to rape or take away any disgust at the act. JMO

Respectfully snipped.

I just want to thank you for your no doubt tireless research on this topic. ;) You are a true humanitarian to take one for the team pursuing this research. ;) :silly:

"7 News reporter John Friot also learned from Rain that recording equipment was present during the alleged abuse of the sisters, ages 12 and 7. Additionally, Friot reports, the girls were shackled together for part of their captivity inside a home on route 21 in the Town of Hermon.

Howells is expected to waive his right to a preliminary hearing this Thursday; it's not clear whether Vaisey will do so.

Investigators have left Howell's home on county route 21, after searching all weekend. Rain said investigators are searching through computer hard drives, files and other evidence collected from the home.

Friot learned investigators found evidence Howells was in the process of building a sound-proof room.

Rain said she is hoping to find a way the two sisters won't have to testify, possibly through plea bargains with both defendants"
The youtube user has an SVU video linked so it might just be her

If it's hers, I think it may be a tribute to a grandfather; her father is still living and on Fbk. (She posted a profile pic Father's Day 2013 of him holding her when she was little.)

ETA: Just saw Abigail's post above; agree--it may also be a companion of her mother's who died. So Gawker comment might refer to a son of that companion.
I wasn't being defensive, nor was I stating it was irrelevant. However since we shouldn't attribute criminal leanings to sexual abuse I'm childhood I'm not sure why the minute someone has an "alternative lifestyle" they are instantly more suspect or deserving of comments like "brain bleach". There are good decent people there that don't deserve to be ridiculed. If the comments were only directed towards the accused, this wouldn't be an issue. But it is. Every time.

I think the brain bleach comment was mostly about the marks in the picture described that are attributed to needle play. I am not in the lifestyle, but I have friends who are. While most people "in the lifestyle" are normal human beings, there are certain aspects that are concerning. The people I know who are into fetishes that involve blood (needle play, knife play, etc) tend to be people who are "recovering" self-harmers. Discussions I've had with psychologists who have studied BDSM tend to corroborate this. For this reason, many people, even those educated about BDSM, believe that these activities may violate the safe, sane and consensual guideline. And really, brain bleach isn't so much a judgement about lifestyle choices as it is a comment about being squeamish. It's a less polite way of saying "Not my kink." :)

There are people who sexually abuse children in all walks of life and kink. The BDSM community gets a bad rap because people tend not to understand why that would be fun for people. I personally don't understand the appeal of 95% of BDSM but then again, I don't understand the appeal of golf or skydiving either.

Places like fetlife get a bad reputation because most people outside of the lifestyle only hear about them in cases like this. Maybe BDSM needs to hire a PR firm. :)

I can assure you, don't ask how :blushing: That viewing regular *advertiser censored* doesn't lead to rape or take away any disgust at the act. JMO

My feelings too.

Well just remember, the devil is in the details. :drumroll: :giggle:

Steely, you never cease to crack me up!!

Oh no.

No, it doesn't. It could be 3 other children, completely unrelated (but if so...who???). However, the fact that he has 3 children does make one wonder. In fact, it would be remarkable if they managed to escape unwanted attention from their pedophile father and his gf, considering that most pedophiles begin with relatives or close acquaintances -- someone who "trusts" them.

I was hopeful his kids were left unscathed. I'm less hopeful now. But it could be someone else.

Respectfully snipped.

I just want to thank you for your no doubt tireless research on this topic. ;) You are a true humanitarian to take one for the team pursuing this research. ;) :silly:

Ha ha!! The levity is so much appreciated (and needed)! Love it!
How far away is the house of the perps from where they dropped them off? Do we have a map of this already?
I don't think they knew what to do. They wanted the sexual thrill, but killing was not in their agenda. It would be let them go, or kill them. They could not travel with them and not be caught. I think they hoped that the girls not speaking English and a community that is isolated from our criminal system...would help them not get caught.

The eldest girl speaks English.
Anyone who lived among the Amish would likely know that they learn English in school. I don't think they were targeted specifically because they were Amish. I think it was more that they knew the girls would be manning the farm stand. I think they were easily targeted because of their Amish life, but not specifically targeted because they were Amish, if that makes any sense. (Much as the Nickel Mines shooter picked an Amish school because it was easy, not because it was Amish.)
How far away is the house of the perps from where they dropped them off? Do we have a map of this already?

I believe it was something like 10 miles from perp's house to where they were dropped off. The perps' exact address doesn's show up on Google or Bing maps (too rural), but here's the approximate address (Marshville at Rte 21; the house is just abt 1/4 mile SE of this intersection):

ETA: Here's where the perps' house is in relation to the intersection of Marshville and CR-21:


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