GUILTY NY - Dr. Kiersten Cerveny, 38, dies in NYC apartment bldg, 5 Oct 2015

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
My goodness! I hope her husband gets DNA tests on those kids.
Interesting he is married too....but clearly not surprising :(
It appears as though they had been having an affair for quite some time now as Holder's roommate refers to her as "Johnson's girlfriend".

"Holder’s 69-year-old roommate, Geraldine Deciccio, told cops that she ran into him in the kitchen at 8:30 a.m. Sunday, sources said. Deciccio said Holder told her that Johnson’s “girlfriend” had passed out and they were going to take her downstairs and put her in a cab, they said.
And then also it seems she has been in and out of Holder's (maybe her drug dealer?) apartment frequently as a neighbor says the following;

Residents of the building where Cerveny was found said she was no stranger to that address.“I’ve seen her coming and going,” said 52-year-old Rahim Wesley, who has lived there for 20 years. “She's been through here for about the last year. This is terrible. I feel real sad. She seemed nice. She was a very good-looking woman."

I know looks aren't everything, but I wonder what she saw in that guy over her husband.....!

Cerveny, who married another dermatologist in 2009 and reports said has three kids with him, had been out on the town with some friends when she decided to go meet up with a TV producer she was having an affair with, sources said.

The two went to the 16th Street address. The producer, whose name and age were not immediately released, knew another man who was subletting a third-floor apartment there and frequently hosted parties, sources said.

According to this ^^, producer has been released, but looking for subletter of the other apartment.

I noticed that DNAinfo changed the above bolded sentence to say, "when she decided to go meet up with a TV producer she had known for about a year". Probably covering their butts, maybe they were contacted by someone from Johnson's camp...

Edited to add updated link, since the one in epiphany's post no longer works:
It's him. He is married, as well.

What a mess.

Maybe it's just me, but Kiersten looks like a younger version of his (still beautiful) wife. What a mess indeed. Prayers for those beautiful babies. MOO, they're the real victims in this story.
I know looks aren't everything, but I wonder what she saw in that guy over her husband.....!

Her husband is a good looking guy. Very tall, and a really nice guy.

ETA I don't know why I pointed out that he's tall. I just feel so bad for him and his kids.
TTF14, film producers are typically charismatic individuals. I always say funny and smart will get you farther than good looking and sedate. I'm not saying her husband was boring (for all I know, he could be the funniest guy on earth), but she probably liked the "glamour" of her lover's connections and entertainment background. She wouldn't be the first to be taken with such things.

So sordid and messy. Sorry for her children, husband and the BF's wife. I found the BF's FB page and his wife is also very pretty, blonde and slight. She claims to have studied at Yale law, so she's no dummy either. She and the deceased could be related.

What a horrible waste of a productive life. In the end, my money's on an OD and the guys panicked.
Maybe it's just me, but Kiersten looks like a younger version of his (still beautiful) wife. What a mess indeed. Prayers for those beautiful babies. MOO, they're the real victims in this story.

I said the same thing above. It's kind of weird.
Maybe it's just me, but Kiersten looks like a younger version of his (still beautiful) wife. What a mess indeed. Prayers for those beautiful babies. MOO, they're the real victims in this story.

A lot of men have a "type" so they will go after similar looking women.
Johnson has enough solid film work behind him to know that no NYC cab driver was going to allow him/them to place the "passed out" female doctor into his yellow cab at 8 AM in the morning and drop her off w/e.

Holder (subletter) must have wanted her out of the apartment before he fled.


According to IMDB, he [MHJ] is currently working on The Deuce, a television movie about New York in the 1970s and 1980s when the city was in the group of prostitution and *advertiser censored*.

Other shows he has worked on include Michael Moore's documentary series The Awful Truth, which was broadcast in 1999-2000, and A Huey P Newton Story, a documentary about the man behind The Black Panthers.

Cerveny passed out and the source said the doctor was carried downstairs by the two men, with the intention of being put in a taxi.
What happened next is unclear.
Ok, wow that is creepy how strikingly similar Kiersten looks to Marc's wife. I wonder where his wife thought he was when he was 'out all night'. I mean I lived in NYC for over 5 years, right by there in Chelsea and dont get me wrong people party hard but I find it odd their significant others would think it was normal to be out the entire night, especially when HE lives in the city so where would he say he was?

Kinda silly for people this old and in marriages and one with three children to be acting like teenagers or early 20s in NYC by bar hopping all night and ending up at some old persons apt, Holder is said to be 60 and then his woman roommate is 69...I mean cmon what is this mother in her 30s with a seemingly nice family and successful career doing hanging out with grandparent age people (no offense just seems odd) and blowing enough cocaine (I know I have done my fair share when I lived there) to the point to actually kill herself???

The whole thing just seems waaaay off....
AND I wrote the New York Daily News reporter saying that Marc's IMDB page states he is 46 and they have his age listed as 51 and he wrote back saying below;
Paracandola, Rocco
to me
"We believe he understated his age on his IMBD page. All other indications are that he is 51."

Old people trying to pretend they are young and invincible and cool and in love and having fun partying like rockstars to the point of an educated doctor and mother and of 3 overdosing just seems sooo careless and sad to me....
Old people?! LOL.

Drugs. Drugs do that to people.
Drinking and drugs. Lethal.
Could be bad drugs. Illegal drugs aren't always pure. Just read about bunch of people overdosing in Chicago on bad heroin.

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