NY - Ex-President Donald Trump, charged with 34 criminal counts of falsifying business records, Apr 2023, Trial 25 Mar 2024 #2

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I think she cares about the witch hunt of a trial. I care about that. The FEC and the DOJ both found no reason to prosecute.
It's not a witch hunt of a trial. Campaign finance laws have to be enforced no matter which political party it is and no matter how embarrassing it is whether it be democratic candidate John Edwards or republican Donald Trump.


At issue is another fairly esoteric body of law: campaign-finance limits. These laws limit how much money people can contribute to political campaigns and how campaigns have to report what they take in and how they spend it. Outside parties can spend money on promoting candidates, too; those are called independent expenditures. But they can’t coordinate with the campaigns or candidates on how they plan to do so.

The goal of those laws — an important aspect of the issue at hand — is centrally to limit the corruption that could follow from a big donor bankrolling a candidate’s entire campaign. If, say, Google could simply put up a candidate and spend $1 billion getting her elected to the Senate, it would be hard for anyone to compete — and Google would have a presumably loyal senator sitting in D.C.

It's not a witch hunt of a trial. Campaign finance laws have to be enforced no matter which political party it is and no matter how embarrassing it is whether it be democratic candidate John Edwards or republican Donald Trump.


At issue is another fairly esoteric body of law: campaign-finance limits. These laws limit how much money people can contribute to political campaigns and how campaigns have to report what they take in and how they spend it. Outside parties can spend money on promoting candidates, too; those are called independent expenditures. But they can’t coordinate with the campaigns or candidates on how they plan to do so.

The goal of those laws — an important aspect of the issue at hand — is centrally to limit the corruption that could follow from a big donor bankrolling a candidate’s entire campaign. If, say, Google could simply put up a candidate and spend $1 billion getting her elected to the Senate, it would be hard for anyone to compete — and Google would have a presumably loyal senator sitting in D.C.
Yes, those laws need to be cleaned up again, too.
Yes, those laws need to be cleaned up again, too.
Why do the laws need to be "cleaned up"???? Laws are laws and I've seen no evidence that the Federal Election Commission isn't doing its job.


The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an independent regulatory agency established in 1975 to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended (the Act). The FEC has jurisdiction over the financing of campaigns for the U.S. House, Senate, Presidency and the Vice Presidency.
Why do the laws need to be "cleaned up"???? Laws are laws and I've seen no evidence that the Federal Election Commission isn't doing its job.


The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an independent regulatory agency established in 1975 to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended (the Act). The FEC has jurisdiction over the financing of campaigns for the U.S. House, Senate, Presidency and the Vice Presidency.

Legislate Citizens United into oblivion, for a start.
That was a SCOTUS decision and I doubt it can be legislated.

Yes, it can be. It has to be done. No choice. As it stands, we have legalized corruption through unlimited bribery.
There are many decisions the court has made that have been reversed through legislation.

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Yes, it can be. It has to be done. No choice. As it stands, we have legalized corruption through unlimited bribery.
There are many decisions the court has made that have been reversed through legislation.

Unfortunately, I think it will stand. What I hope will be legislated is term limits for the SCOTUS. It has become far too political.

From your link:

But then came Citizens United v. FEC (2010). In a controversial 5-4 decision, the justices overturned portions of their previous decisions and ruled that campaign donations and political advertising were forms of free speech, and the government should not be in the business of censoring free speech, regardless of who pays for it.

“When Government seeks to use its full power, including the criminal law, to command where a person may get his or her information or what distrusted source he or she may not hear, it uses censorship to control thought. This is unlawful. The First Amendment confirms the freedom to think for ourselves,” wrote Justice Anthony Kennedy.

“Corporations, like individuals, do not have monolithic views. On certain topics corporations may possess valuable expertise, leaving them the best equipped to point out errors or fallacies in speech of all sorts, including the speech of candidates and elected officials.”
Tuesday, April 30th:
*Trial continues (Day 5) (@ 9am ET) – NY - *Donald John Trump (76/now 77) was indicted (3/30/23), formally arrested, charged & arraigned (4/4/23) with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the 1st degree & conspiracy in connection with hush money payments to two women [Stephanie Clifford aka adult actor Stormy Daniels & former Playboy model Karen McDougal] before the 2016 presidential election. Plead not guilty. Warrant vacated, released on own recognizance. New York County
New York: Submitting false invoices or checks. All 34 counts against Trump are felony charges (class E) instead of misdemeanors.
Trial began on 4/15/24 with jury selection & ended on 4/19/24. Trial expected to run 4 days a week. Jury Selection Day 1-4 (4/15-4/19/24).
Jurors selected: 12 jurors & 6 alternates. [Jurors: 7 men & 5 women/6 Alternates: 5 women & 1 man].
Trial began on 4/22/24. Trial is expected to run 4 days a week [Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays].
New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Marchan presiding. Manhattan Attorney General Alvin Bragg. Prosecutors are Susan Hoffinger, Joshua Steinglass & Matthew Colangelo. Defense attorneys Todd Blanche, Emil Bove, Susan Necheles & Gedalia Stern.
Trump is required to attend each day in person — although the judge could grant permission for special absences. Trump has vowed to attend court during the day & travel to campaign events at night.

Investigation & court info from 3/30/23 thru 4/12/24 & Jury Selection Days 1-4 (4/15-4/19/24) & Trial Day 1-3 (4/22-4/25/24) reference post #904 here:

4/26/24 Friday, Trial Day 4: *A gag order hearing previously set for next Wednesday, 5/1/24 has been moved to Thursday, 5/2/24.
*State witness: David Pecker, the CEO of American Media Inc. (AMI), which publishes the National Enquirer back on stand. For cross-exam & re-direct. Rhona Graff [Trump’s longtime executive assistant [from 1987 to April 2021. She was an executive assistant, a senior executive assistant & eventually became an assistant to the president & an executive VP there]. Gary Farro, a Flagstar Bank employee who had had Cohen as a client & whose testimony was used to verify a paper trail of banking information from Cohen around the time of the 2016 election. He allegedly helped set up the home equity line of credit through which Cohen paid Daniels.
*The trial will resume Tuesday, 4/30/24 with testimony from Gary Farro @ 9am.
For more info see posts #905 here:
Unfortunately, I think it will stand. What I hope will be legislated is term limits for the SCOTUS. It has become far too political.

From your link:

But then came Citizens United v. FEC (2010). In a controversial 5-4 decision, the justices overturned portions of their previous decisions and ruled that campaign donations and political advertising were forms of free speech, and the government should not be in the business of censoring free speech, regardless of who pays for it.

“When Government seeks to use its full power, including the criminal law, to command where a person may get his or her information or what distrusted source he or she may not hear, it uses censorship to control thought. This is unlawful. The First Amendment confirms the freedom to think for ourselves,” wrote Justice Anthony Kennedy.

“Corporations, like individuals, do not have monolithic views. On certain topics corporations may possess valuable expertise, leaving them the best equipped to point out errors or fallacies in speech of all sorts, including the speech of candidates and elected officials.”
These days I really think it will be overturned and sooner than we think. The decision inevitably and predictably created a very corrupt system. According to expert analysis at the time, the decision claiming money is free speech is flawed. There is nothing in the Constitution that comes close to allowing such a broad definition of speech. It has to be reversed because, technically, it can also allow any act to be considered “speech”, even robbing a bank.

There have been some interesting studies about court reform. Some ideas include expanding the number of justices along with term limits to avoid allowing one POTUS to revamp the entire court. Instead the appointments would be staggered along a schedule. I think the terms would need to be long. The danger of any term limits is the danger of checkbook politics where wealthy special interest would purchase new
Justice Merchan finds Trump in contempt on all but one of the first 10 alleged violations of the gag order. Trump must pay $1,000 per violation, and he faces a hearing later this week on the last four.

Give me a break- 1000.00 per violation= 9000.00- which is a p--s in the ocean for Trump.
Another judge with no b-----s------- Why would Trump stop the ugly and dangerous threats to judges, their families, prosecutors and witnesses? There is no incentive. No judge will throw him jail for a night--- Our justice system and courts are a disgrace.
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Give me a break- 1000.00 per violation= 9000.00- which is a p--s in the ocean for Trump.
Another judge with no b-----s------- Why would Trump stop the ugly and dangerous threats to judges, their families, prosecutors and witnesses? There is no incentive. No judge will throw him jail for a night--- Our justice system and courts are a disgrace.
I don’t know, maybe it’s better to let him work his way up to jail time, now that the judge has made rulings on the gag order. I worry if the judge jails him all the nut jobs will go crazy with the guns. They’re really nutty and jumpy in the area where I live.
I don’t know, maybe it’s better to let him work his way up to jail time, now that the judge has made rulings on the gag order. I worry if the judge jails him all the nut jobs will go crazy with the guns. They’re really nutty and jumpy in the area where I live.
I suppose that is what the judge is thinking-- still and all- letting Trump get away with what he does sends a horrible message. There are now three levels of justice: justice for the wealthy ( we know what that looks like) , justice for regular people( which is swift and stern) , and Trump justice, which is no justice or consequences at all.
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