Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #10

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December 19th, 2012: '...developing an emotional attachment...he took a polygraph...'

January 26th, 2013: 'Jennifer please come home if you can...Prayers you are well.'
LostNMissing video.

January 30th, 2013: 'Polygraph...Asked if his wife was taking any medications, the husband said, “Let’s not talk about medication.”

January 29th/30th, 2013: "And you know, she changed unfortunately ... I'll leave it at that."

March 5th, 2013: 'Keith Wilcox, a disabled retiree...recalled Monday, he never believed such a scenario would ever take place...“She would never, ever leave her kids,” '

The link from the 29th of Jan. doesnt no longer bring up the interview. WBNG must have taken the story off.
The link from the 29th of Jan. doesnt no longer bring up the interview. WBNG must have taken the story off.

Thanks. It is still viewable but I can't edit any more. I'll wait until I have a few corrections, then find a nice mod to help.....
Sleuthing GR and or his family is not allowed. He is not a suspect or person of interest at this time. Discussing or sleuthing his family business is not allowed.

I'm confused by that comment. We knew exactly where the van was parked shortly after it was found. Were you just not aware of this or did you have different info?
Sleuthing GR and or his family is not allowed. He is not a suspect or person of interest at this time. Discussing or sleuthing his family business is not allowed.
Respectfully asked...How about Jens businesses....please clarify, because many of the online records have ALL of their names on them, like any family might have, and although not a person of interest named by LE, GR has been her voice since the beginning, and may well have been one of the last people to have any conversation with her or observations....this would be so much easier if there were more verified insiders and family. *sigh*:blushing:
Does anyone recall GR ever offering an explanation for his initial media silence during the first two months Jennifer was missing?

Or why he suddenly changed his behaviour and began talking to media?

Abrupt changes in behaviour make me uneasy when it is someone within the close circle of a missing person. Was GR known to be media-shy and retiring before his wife went missing?
I found the 'last interview' link I was looking for yesterday, by the way. It was March 1st.
Does anyone recall GR ever offering an explanation for his initial media silence during the first two months Jennifer was missing?

Or why he suddenly changed his behaviour and began talking to media?

Abrupt changes in behaviour make me uneasy when it is someone within the close circle of a missing person. Was GR known to be media-shy and retiring before his wife went missing?

In perusing some old postings yesterday, found one by Lavinda Dolce -- she explained that the reason he didn't do any interviews previously was that Jennifer's family had asked him not to -- something about wanting to maintain I recall. I think there may have also been a comment about not wanting to interfere with the police investigation, but can't exactly remember. Anyway, she said that she spent a lot of time convincing him to do the interviews, because community awareness was key in a missing person investigation.
I have some catching up to do and hope to do it before I head off to bed...looks like nothing new today though :(.

A few weeks ago I posted that I was headed to Khao Lak/Phuket for Spring Break with our friends across the street. The husband is in charge of IBM here in Thailand. I had thought I would pick his brain a little (for our info here I hope the police have covered that) and then dismissed it thinking it was way too far off and surely there would be an arrest....:sigh: Songkran is here and we are headed out in the morning....
Respectfully asked...How about Jens businesses....please clarify, because many of the online records have ALL of their names on them, like any family might have, and although not a person of interest named by LE, GR has been her voice since the beginning, and may well have been one of the last people to have any conversation with her or observations....this would be so much easier if there were more verified insiders and family. *sigh*:blushing:

Good question BearAngel, I'm going to leave for SoSueMe to check out and answer this one :)

My understanding has always been we can't sleuth and discuss someone unless they are a POI or Suspect, named by LE.

Respectfully asked...How about Jens businesses....please clarify, because many of the online records have ALL of their names on them, like any family might have, and although not a person of interest named by LE, GR has been her voice since the beginning, and may well have been one of the last people to have any conversation with her or observations....this would be so much easier if there were more verified insiders and family. *sigh*:blushing:

Ok, I asked and the answer is still a No. We can not discuss Jennifer's, GR's or family businesses.
I have some catching up to do and hope to do it before I head off to bed...looks like nothing new today though :(.

A few weeks ago I posted that I was headed to Khao Lak/Phuket for Spring Break with our friends across the street. The husband is in charge of IBM here in Thailand. I had thought I would pick his brain a little (for our info here I hope the police have covered that) and then dismissed it thinking it was way too far off and surely there would be an arrest....:sigh: Songkran is here and we are headed out in the morning....

Thanking you in advance for any info you can relay to us. Can you also ask about the conferencing? How reliable is it for an alibi?

Have a great time! And safe travels!
Jennifer, her car and her phone location......I just can't make that fit with a professional killer. Too complicated.

Sometimes the simplest and most obvious explanations are the best, imo.
Of course, we all know there is an unsolved murder in Pharsalia, which some say was a drug crime, but just for the sake of thinking outside the box, what if she met up with whoever it was that killed Tom Francisco in 1999? Who knows who it was that shot him or where the person might be today? Could she have unknowingly befriended this person? Its just a strange coincidence to me that there was an unsolved murder that happened just a few miles up the road from where her body, phone and van were found, that i cant help but think there may be a connection between the two. Maybe im way out there thinking this but i suppose it could be possible. What i dont understand is if the crime took place at her home then why whoever did this to Jenn, would have taken her body so far away from where she lived, and run the risk of being seen with her body in the van, when there are many other places that they could have gotten rid of her body nearby her home. Thats what makes me think the crime took place near where she was found, if indeed it was a homicide, of which we dont know yet for sure.
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Thank you!
Of course, we all know there is an unsolved murder in Pharsalia, which some say was a drug crime, but just for the sake of thinking outside the box, what if she met up with whoever it was that killed Tom Francisco in 1999? Who knows who it was that shot him or where the person might be today? Could she have unknowingly befriended this person? Its just a strange coincidence to me that there was an unsolved murder that happened just a few miles up the road from where her body, phone and van were found, that i cant help but think there may be a connection between the two. Maybe im way out there thinking this but i suppose it could be possible. What i dont understand is if the crime took place at her home then why whoever did this to Jenn, would have taken her body so far away from where she lived, and run the risk of being seen with her body in the van, when there are many other places that they could have gotten rid of her body nearby her home. Thats what makes me think the crime took place near where she was found, if indeed it was a homicide, of which we dont know yet for sure.

Perhaps whoever left Jen's body knew about the unsolved 1999 murder, and wanted to lead people to think it might be the same killer?

IMO, whoever left Jen on the side of the road would want to dispose of the body far enough away from their own residence so as to not draw suspicion upon themselves.

Jen's body could have been wrapped in a tarp or shower curtain and placed on the floor on the van next to where the sliding side door opens up. It would not have been seen by anyone while the van was driving down the road.
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Thank you Mods for keeping us in line. I know we all appreciate the challenges that are presented by this case. I noticed I was kindly assisted in the editing process, as two of my recent postings were deleted. I understand the first one, because we were told, after I posted it, that it was off-limits. And since that was the first time I'd mentioned that, I don't have to worry about going back and editing that topic out of previous posts. The other posting...not quite sure what my error I just case I need to go back and edit other postings...are we pretty much working with the same ground rules that have been here all along (and the new no-no's that have been spelled out to us recently)?:gomods:
Perhaps whoever left Jen's body knew about the unsolved 1999 murder, and wanted to lead people to think it might be the same killer?

IMO, whoever left Jen on the side of the road would want to dispose of the body far enough away from their own residence so as to not draw suspicion upon themselves.

Jen's body could have been wrapped in a tarp or shower curtain and placed on the floor on the van next to where the sliding side door opens up. It would not have been seen by anyone while the van was driving down the road.

Yes, i guess it would make sense to dispose of the body away from their own residence, but why on Center Rd. where there are homes nearby and obviously children living nearby too as evidenced by the school bus in the video by ORR. It seems to me that whoever did this would have dumped her far out into the state woods where she wouldnt have been found for a long time, if ever. It doesnt make sense to me either that her van was found right out in the open, in town. It would seem that whoever did this would have abandoned it way out in the boonies on a dirt road or stuck it in an old abandoned barn or at least hidden in thick woods.
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