Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #12

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I just looked through our media and maps thread, and the picture of the location where Jennifer was found isn't there. That means it was posted by someone and is lost in the threads here somewhere. Sorry, I just can't remember where it might be.
Jen was an awful insomniac that didn't sleep much and woke at the drop of a hat. If she was awake that morning, I guess not the bedroom unless her powerful meds played a part ...
While I'm not thrilled that he's out on bond and that there are no conditions, it's such a small town and EVERYONE has their eye on him, I doubt he'll be able to do anything unnoticed. If the kids are returned to his custody though I'll be very disappointed.


The couple's three children are expected to be the focus of a custody battle.

I expected nothing less after the public bashing he did of their Mother.
It would be pretty hard for a light sleeper to sleep through an undomesticated husband getting three kids ready for school, imo.
Does anyone know what kind of projects he managed any way? Is everything at IBM dealing with computers? Was he a project manager of a different field other than computers? It seems like he had confidence anyway, to think he could use that.

Well, the IBM plant in Endicott (in Broome, next county down) used to produce things like photo-copiers, back in the day. Have no idea what they're doing now.
Me too. When I first joined, and being English, I felt obliged not to post if I couldn't say thank you! Refresh often works, or I just go back later now and say thanks.

I didn't think of that end of it - that it could have been someone seeing GR not at his computer when he said he was. I wonder.....

Well, we know he was at the Y at some point during the working day (made a big deal about saying his wife was shopping, accdg to DA). Had he set his computer for "working" during that 2 or 3 hours or so?? If so, that means that any other time when he was supposedly logged in as "working" could not be considered an alibi.

I wonder if LE checked with IBM -- if they keep logs of when people are logged in, the same as companies keep track of when people "clock in" in some jobs?
Well, we know he was at the Y at some point during the working day (made a big deal about saying his wife was shopping, accdg to DA). Had he set his computer for "working" during that 2 or 3 hours or so?? If so, that means that any other time when he was supposedly logged in as "working" could not be considered an alibi.

I wonder if LE checked with IBM -- if they keep logs of when people are logged in, the same as companies keep track of when people "clock in" in some jobs?

I have an old Uni friend works for IBM takes days when working from home, and an IT guy does the same I will ask :)
I recollect nanasbabes posted she and her daughter left a bouquet of flowers there, and saw GR cruising slowly past as they turned round.

Luckily he was in a car and not his lycra. That would have been really frightening.

ETA Sorry upstatelaura, I forgot to quote your post. We do have a clear picture way back of the exact spot.

Actually, he was in his lycra while in the car! She said he had on the same shirt he was arrested in. How creepy is it that he was driving by the site where he allegedly dumped her body?

I recollect nanasbabes posted she and her daughter left a bouquet of flowers there, and saw GR cruising slowly past as they turned round.

Luckily he was in a car and not his lycra. That would have been really frightening.

ETA Sorry upstatelaura, I forgot to quote your post. We do have a clear picture way back of the exact spot.

zwiebel I do have to tell you though and if I said this already guys i'm sorry, but the shirt he was wearing when he got arrested was the same shirt he had on that day we seen him! My daughter and myself laughed a lot about that! Also I heard from a great friend today that the kids school has a NEW security system in place and you now have to be approved to get into the door! She was so relieved because she has 2 boys that go there, and a certain persons she said are NOT allowed in the doors!!! :floorlaugh:
Well glad to hear the school at least put some restrictions in place; even though his bail has none. I find that ridiculous. By the way I would have been really creeped out running in to him there. I wonder if he was looking to see if he left anything incriminating at the site.

zwiebel I do have to tell you though and if I said this already guys i'm sorry, but the shirt he was wearing when he got arrested was the same shirt he had on that day we seen him! My daughter and myself laughed a lot about that! Also I heard from a great friend today that the kids school has a NEW security system in place and you now have to be approved to get into the door! She was so relieved because she has 2 boys that go there, and a certain persons she said are NOT allowed in the doors!!! :floorlaugh:
zwiebel I do have to tell you though and if I said this already guys i'm sorry, but the shirt he was wearing when he got arrested was the same shirt he had on that day we seen him! My daughter and myself laughed a lot about that! Also I heard from a great friend today that the kids school has a NEW security system in place and you now have to be approved to get into the door! She was so relieved because she has 2 boys that go there, and a certain persons she said are NOT allowed in the doors!!! :floorlaugh:

I hope the GF would not give him the code. More and more schools are tightening up which is great! So what has the GF been up to while he was in jail? I would hope she would be cooperating with police if she was not involved. I really hope he does not do anything stupid .... but really what is to stop him??
It would be pretty hard for a light sleeper to sleep through an undomesticated husband getting three kids ready for school, imo.

Maybe not so hard if her sleep had been assisted by some benzodiazepine snuck into her morning tea or in something she ate when she first awoke.

Benzodiazepine meds (Valium, Onfi, Diastat, Clonazapam, etc.) are used as epilepsy rescue drugs. Most people with epilepsy keep them on hand in case of an emergency. Without them knowing, GR could have easily filched some from either his mother's supply or that of his mistress.

A normal dose of any benzo med makes one quite sleepy. A higher dose can put into a deep sleep, even a coma, even death. A very tiny pill packs a big wallop.

Just a theory on my part, but could potentially be COD or have rendered her unconscious so that she would be easily smothered.

The good thing about the benzo meds is that one pill remains in the body's system for up to one week (of a living person). If given an hour or so prior to death, it would have been easily detected in the stomach contents, and also what had been absorbed could have been detected in a number of bodily organs.
zwiebel I do have to tell you though and if I said this already guys i'm sorry, but the shirt he was wearing when he got arrested was the same shirt he had on that day we seen him! My daughter and myself laughed a lot about that! Also I heard from a great friend today that the kids school has a NEW security system in place and you now have to be approved to get into the door! She was so relieved because she has 2 boys that go there, and a certain persons she said are NOT allowed in the doors!!! :floorlaugh:

Oh Nanasbabes, thank you, thank you!!! That the school now has a security system and isn't allowing certain people in indicates that he hasn't gotten custody of the children -- was SOOO worried about that.

I would expect that most of the school personnel and parents would recognize GR on the spot, so would know not to permit him in.
Just popping in real quick - I feel the same as all of you. Ugh!

For the life of me, I just can't understand or believe that there are people out there, that still believe he is innocent.

I don't know if I should laugh or cry..
I haven't been on WS in forever it seems, but just saw that GR was arrested recently on my facebook feed. SOOO happy that justice may soon be served! :dance:

This link (I hope) gives some enlightenment into why there's to be a 2nd arraignment on Tuesday. Apparently the first arraignment was in "local criminal court," and then, once the Grand Jury hands down an Indictment for a felony arrest, then the accused is arraigned in "superior court."

At this arraignment, the defendant is given a copy of the indictment against him, and he is informed of his rights.

"Upon the arraignment, the court, unless it intends to make a final
disposition of the action immediately thereafter, must, as provided in
section 530.40, issue a securing order, releasing the defendant on his
own recognizance or fixing bail or committing him to the custody of the
sheriff for his future appearance in such action."

So...bail could be revoked or increased on Tuesday. :please:

At this arraignment, the defendant would (once again) enter a plea. 4 days probably best time for defense attorney to attempt to wrangle a plea agreement from D.A.
This link provides links to the entire process.
Does the same judge preside over the superior court as the town court? Also, IMO the next 4 days might be his chance to run.

This link (I hope) gives some enlightenment into why there's to be a 2nd arraignment on Tuesday. Apparently the first arraignment was in "local criminal court," and then, once the Grand Jury hands down an Indictment for a felony arrest, then the accused is arraigned in "superior court."

At this arraignment, the defendant is given a copy of the indictment against him, and he is informed of his rights.

"Upon the arraignment, the court, unless it intends to make a final
disposition of the action immediately thereafter, must, as provided in
section 530.40, issue a securing order, releasing the defendant on his
own recognizance or fixing bail or committing him to the custody of the
sheriff for his future appearance in such action."

So...bail could be revoked or increased on Tuesday. :please:

At this arraignment, the defendant would (once again) enter a plea. 4 days probably best time for defense attorney to attempt to wrangle a plea agreement from D.A.
This link provides links to the entire process.
Will it be the same judge? I can't believe he was allowed bail....

The article above:


"The couple's three children are expected to be the focus of a custody battle. While Ramsaran had been jailed, the children had been staying with their maternal grandparents, Thomas and Carol Renz, who also own a home on Sheff Road in New Berlin."

Sounds like they no longer are... Had is past tense. I'm reading too much into that sentence, right? Any insiders around know if the kids are in a safe place? With no restrictions on his bail saying he can't have the kids with him, it being the youngests birthday, and him Most likely wanting to put as much anguish on Jen's parents I could totally see him making the kids come back to his house. How scary that would be! I pray I read that wrong....

Medically, I think I have a lot in common with Jen from what I've read... The fibromyalgia and sleep issues (insomnia, light sleeper). The Rheumatologist has given me muscle relaxers.... Perhaps he slipped too many to her? The Fibro makes getting good sleep very difficult. Having three kids, I often will lay back down in the morning after I get my oldest off to school, my middle one fed and occupied, and the baby napping. The kids say they saw her and someone chatted with her. Maybe it was on her initial wake up. Perhaps she showered (helps with morning muscle pain and stiffness) and either layed back down to rest a bit if something happened in the bedroom or maybe the bathroom the horrible act occurred. For some reason he brought up hair color and cutting. Maybe it was totally a lie since he was trying to paint her as running away.... Or maybe he focused on the bathroom because that's where it happened and his mind keeps going there- physically he didn't for awhile.

Does anyone remember the quote where he said nothing was in the house.... It was odd.... Are there any other structures on the property?

Lastly (sorry!), I was thinking today how cowardly it is to not fess up to doing the crime. GR is so narcissistic in his Lycra that I'm more surprised that knowing he is "caught" he is not doing interviews of what he did, spinning it to make him the victim, and seeking book or movie deals. It would be much manlier to admit it.... ;)
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