Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #13

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I dunno. This sounds almost like part of a setup.

"Sayles to Jenn Ramsaran: aren't you worried that someone (online) might find out where you live?"

Remy tried to go down this path to blame someone online.

Thinking out loud here. Remy seemed to have been changing his strategy.

Starts out (first day) with, "We had a perfect marriage" (to police) and "she would never leave her kids" on his FB -- and seemed to want to portray Jen as victim of a random sex offender? Remember how he said something about that house that at one time was boarding released sex offenders? Then it turned out the house was empty - no longer boarding anyone.

Then (2nd day) he shows up at police station with ES in tow, IDs her as his mistress, and then starts the bit about the men online. I think ES may have had something to do with the story changing.
Was very disappointed and in disbelief that after all this, up until just a couple of months ago according to Ashley Babbitt's tweet, ES still did not want to testify against Remy.
Was very disappointed and in disbelief that after all this, up until a couple of months ago according to Ashley Babbitt's tweet, ES still did not want to testify against Remy.

Yes. Despite what I regard as her coldhearted selfishness and foolishness though, I don't think even she deserves to become the next wife of Ganesh AKA Remy AKA PsychoG Ramsaran. Hope her testimony helps get justice for Jennifer because I believe it may save Eileen from herself too.
Ashley Babbitt @evesunashley · 48s

Concluded for today. Revoir has matters to discuss with counsel. #RamsaranTrial.

Ashley Babbitt @evesunashley · 1m

Deputy Hayner said she located dead body on her father's land. #RamsaranTrial
Excuse typos I keep making. Doc called with results of my xrays for poss fractured arm this afternoon. I've done something worse. Feeling it now, as day wears on here.
Ashley Babbitt @evesunashley · 48s

Concluded for today. Revoir has matters to discuss with counsel. #RamsaranTrial.

Ashley Babbitt @evesunashley · 1m

Deputy Hayner said she located dead body on her father's land. #RamsaranTrial

I wonder if GR knew who owned the land?
I know we haven't heard much, but I do think Eileen's testimony is going to be quite helpful in getting a conviction for GR. Even though she seems essentially to be a hostile witness, prosecutors still wanted her. That's telling, in my opinion.
Eileen's testimony is kinda reminding me of mistress whose name's slipped my mind in Gerard Baden Clay trial in Australia. She was on his side, but I'm sure her evidence helped with his conviction. It was damning.

ETa: Tony something. Though she's probably best forgotten.
Eileen's testimony is kinda reminding me of mistress whose name's slipped my mind in Gerard Baden Clay trial in Australia. She was on his side, but I'm sure her evidence helped with his conviction. It was damning.

ETa: Tony something. Though she's probably best forgotten.

Wondering just how much she's on his side at this point. She did, after all, testify today that he was manipulative and controlling of her, as well as verbally abusive. As mentioned above, she's probably realizing she dodged a bullet. She could have very likely been GR's next victim. Now that the big house has been sold, and GR fired from his job, has regained all his weight and likely to spend a long time in prison, he's probably lost whatever appeal he initially had. Her reluctance to testify may not be due so much to wanting to support GR as to not wanting all the sordid details to come out in public -- probably wanting to salvage any friendships she has left, and perhaps her marriage (if that longsuffering guy is still hanging around)
I missed Carol (Jen's mom) testifying in court today, as well as Autumn (the bank employee that GR asked for a three-way with). Those who went to court today, feel free to add, as I'm sure I forgot some things.

Synopsis of today's proceeding: Officer testified that GR showed up at the Y on 12/11/12 around 12:30 (sauna). They spoke briefly. GR said he was cold from running. ES took the stand. She was Cara's girl scouts leader, starting in 2006. She started working out with Jen at home in 2012. In 02/2012, ES and GR started their affair. Between 2006 and 2012, the friendship was inconsistent, but prior to 2012, ES and Jen rekindled their friendship. In 02/2012, ES started talking with GR about quitting smoking and getting healthier. GR offered his basement gym for her use in 02/2012. ES said Jen didn't know about the affair at this time.

ES had sex with GR oftentimes in Jen's home when Jen was working at her part-time job. ES said Jen did all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and taking care of the kids (bringing them to/from school, etc.). She said "we were really close." ES and Jen were together every day. The affair started when ES was working out in Jen and GR's basement. GR came down and asked her if he could kiss her. ES said he could. The DA asked her how often ES had sex with GR. ES said "All the time." When ES was not with GR, GR texted her "all the time." Both ES and GR talked to their respective spouses about divorce in the Summer of 2012. In the Fall of 2012, GR pressured ES to leave her husband, saying she deserved better and that he (GR) was all she needed. GR also pressured ES for sex every day. During the end of 11/2012, GR sent the email to ES that said he would do anything and everything for her and their relationship. When they broke up and ES went back to her husband, GR told her to return the cell phone that he bought her and dresses he bought for her ("Knowing you will be wearing them for your husband while *advertiser censored**ing him *advertiser censored**ing destroys me. Enjoy *advertiser censored**ing him. You did this by lying. I was the only one totally blindsided...You used me like a tampon and flushed me. Don't ever think of me again..."

ES and GR got back together on 12/10/12, one day before Jen was murdered. ES and GR had sex that day and made plans for their future together. They went up to Wappanocca Rd. together in GR's van. ES said she didn't know that Jen went to see a divorce lawyer. On 12/11/12, the day Jen was killed, GR called ES and asked him for a ride home from the Y. She gave him a ride home, and wasn't invited into the house to have sex with him. This was unusual she said, because he normally did. GR said he couldn't get in touch with Jen all day that day. ES said that normally, Jen and GR texted frequently throughout the day. On 12/12/12, ES went to the police department to tell them that Jen had been playing online games with others. ES said Jen would never leave her kids. ES said she was "overwhelmed by it all," that she loved GR, and that GR never looked for his wife. GR asked ES to move in both before and after Jen's body was found. ES received a stack of graphic, sexually explicit FB messages from GR. They were entered into evidence. Ditto for the transcripts of phone conversations between ES and GR when GR was in jail.

While Jen was missing, GR changed ES's mailing address to his own, without her knowledge. Same thing for her email address. He set up email accounts for ES under the name "EIILEEN RAMSARAN" before he was arrested for Jen's murder. GR asked ES to send him nude pictures prior to his arrest. She agreed and sent them via her cell phone. Prior to his arrest, GR physically pulled ES back into his house when she went to leave. He was screaming at her for 20 minutes and wouldn't let her leave. The kids were downstairs at the time. ES eventually stopped taking GR's phone calls from jail. She was arrested for contempt of court for refusing to answer the summons for her to appear in court. She said she was only there to testify because she "had no choice."

Deputy Hayner testified that she looked for Jen's found in the same location it was eventually found by GR, but never saw it there until GR showed it to her. It wasn't there the previous two times she looked there for it. Deputy Hayner found Jen's body over an embankment on Center Rd. in the Town of Pharsalia.

From Jillian's summary: ES said she didn't know that Jen went to see a divorce lawyer.

So, Jen had gotten in to see a divorce attorney?
Early morning here in Australia .. thank you everyone who has been filling these pages with trial info. Really appreciate it! :tyou:
I think your phone auto-corrected phone to found in your last sentence. THANKS for the update -- it included TONS that didn't get tweeted today!!:loveyou:
ES and GR got back together on 12/10/12, one day before Jen was murdered. ES and GR had sex that day and made plans for their future together. They went up to Wappanocca Rd. together in GR's van.
Where's Wappanocca Road? Did she say what their plans for the future were?

ES said she was "overwhelmed by it all," that she loved GR, and that GR never looked for his wife.
Pretty much what everyone else is saying.

Prior to his arrest, GR physically pulled ES back into his house when she went to leave. He was screaming at her for 20 minutes and wouldn't let her leave.
Yep, escape a bullet, she did.

ES eventually stopped taking GR's phone calls from jail.
I wonder when (if?) she started putting two and two together?

Deputy Hayner testified that she looked for Jen's found in the same location it was eventually found by GR, but never saw it there until GR showed it to her. It wasn't there the previous two times she looked there for it.
So, did he plant the phone there later? Or was it in a spot where it couldn't really be seen?

Deputy Hayner found Jen's body over an embankment on Center Rd. in the Town of Pharsalia.
OK, so her Dad found it at first, and then, what? Called her over?

I must say, plenty of criminals have been convicted on far less circumstantial evidence than has already been presented in 3 days of trial. And we haven't even gotten into all the technical/medical stuff. Hope it doesn't obliterate all the compelling testimony from GR's friend, mistress, in-laws, etc.
On the update on JFJ FB page, ES's husband has made a comment.
Rob Houston was mentioned in court today. He'll be testifying via Skype, I believe, next week.
He is the person Jen was gaming with the morning she was killed. He texted her around 8:30 am (EST), "Where'd you go?" when she abruptly stopped playing the game. She never replied.
Anybody seen that latest article with Eileen's comments? So angry, I forgot the link.

"I have not spoken out since the beginning of Jennifer's disappearance," Sayles wrote. "I thought I would get a chance to talk from my heart today. I want Jennifer's family to know I only wish for peace for her entire family and peace for Remy's family.
"One question that bothered me that I could not finish my reply to was 'if I still loved him,' and my answer was yes," Sayles wrote. "And if able to finish my answer, I would have told them that regrettably I used those words 'I love you' to find the truth in so many lies.
"All I want is the truth to be known and although so much cannot be changed, I hope those involved can someday find forgiveness and peace."

"I would really like Jennifer's family to know how sorry I am for their loss," said Sayles. "Jennifer was an amazing, amazing woman and mother. I'm very sorry for what they've been through."

"I have not spoken out since the beginning of Jennifer's disappearance," Sayles wrote. "I thought I would get a chance to talk from my heart today. I want Jennifer's family to know I only wish for peace for her entire family and peace for Remy's family.

"One question that bothered me that I could not finish my reply to was 'if I still loved him,' and my answer was yes," Sayles wrote. "And if able to finish my answer, I would have told them that regrettably I used those words 'I love you' to find the truth in so many lies.

"All I want is the truth to be known and although so much cannot be changed, I hope those involved can someday find forgiveness and peace."
ETA: Oop! I just saw you posted the same thing, Zwiebel!
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