Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 2

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Looks like pics have been deleted or the access has been changed. The front page had photos on it, they are now not there. Other albums were visible and now aren't. Clearly someone who perhaps shares a pc with JR is doing this.

It looks as though almost all pics are now set to private.
It looks as though almost all pics are now set to private.

Yes, now almost everything is set to private. Cover photos can't be set to private, so that's why we can still see them.

Next, her friends list and "about me" section will be missing. Seems like he's trying to close off the public from any further interest in JR.
I wonder how this benefits him and how it will be justified publicly?

My guess is "took photo of kids down," or something like that.

Or, "to protect JR's privacy"...

If JR wanted it set to private, she would have done that herself.

Makes me wonder what JR would want NOW.
100% agree with cluciano.

I wonder - and this might be pretty far-fetched - but I wonder if LE feared for the safety of the searchers? Maybe they feel like a certain potential perp is capable of freaking out if he feels like searchers are getting close to real evidence. Or maybe they fear that he might harm himself in such a situation. So they're trying to control the searches, and either not let him know where/when they're searching, and/or keep an eagle-eye on him during said searches, just in case.

Does that make any sense?

bbm..... but YES!
there are 3 kids to keep things as "normal" as possible until an actual or more sufficent pin of evidence can be placed on that donkey. MOO / IMHO

o/t thanks for the welcome Krey! a little nervous about the rules & such but happy to be here nonetheless! :great:
Ugh, I'm busy but popping in real quick! On the missing FB page, theres always a sense of accusation to anyone other than that specific FB page admin. Now something to do with JR's personal FB.

I'm so over that page and the drama.

Where is Jennifer?!?! Surely by know if they found that she was meeting up with an online friend, they would know. Gotta wonder about those smart computer IT people though. I tell you my gf is an IT whiz and I no doubt know that she could hide and dispose of a whole lotta things on a pc

Hmmm this got me thinking that maybe she can help with questions surrounding computer evidence.

Can't wait to get back here later. Lots I want to comment on but it's time for yard work.
Ugh, I'm busy but popping in real quick! On the missing FB page, theres always a sense of accusation to anyone other than that specific FB page admin. Now something to do with JR's personal FB.

I'm so over that page and the drama.

Where is Jennifer?!?! Surely by know if they found that she was meeting up with an online friend, they would know. Gotta wonder about those smart computer IT people though. I tell you my gf is an IT whiz and I no doubt know that she could hide and dispose of a whole lotta things on a pc

Hmmm this got me thinking that maybe she can help with questions surrounding computer evidence.

Can't wait to get back here later. Lots I want to comment on but it's time for yard work.

BBM. I agree, I feel like Jennifer is getting lost amongst all this. Is there not a privacy issue with accessing someone else's fb account?
I agree with the comments on here regarding the need to include "the husband is cooperating with police" in the poster. It is also the first thing that popped out at me, as I like most others here, haven't seen that before. It doesn't appear as though the husband needs another PR disaster at this point. Following the logic of the husband "being the last to see her," (ie. an attempt to paint him in a good light) why leave out that he took a polygraph and says he has "an airtight alibi"? Seems like that would be helpful as well, following that line of thinking.

I do think this poster is beautifully done. Nice placement of photos. As for the photos, I'm wondering of all the pics of Jennifer that are out there, why include an unflattering one of her looking down at her phone? Is this a purposeful attempt to help substantiate claims that Jennifer may have met someone she formed a relationship with online, as has been reported numerous times in the media?

TIA for your answers, Lavonda.

Observations of this new poster for Jennifer...

1. IIRC the new website was formed partially to remove attention from the children... Yet they are mentioned on this poster... Alerting the public that there are three children without the security of their stay at home mom?

2. The picture of Jennifer with phone sent out a strong immediate "subliminal" message from the creator of the poster that JR may have been involved in social media...

3. Information regarding the "cooperation" of the husband takes away from the purported goal of putting JR out into the public eye so that she may be found...

4. The info regarding the "cooperative" husband reminds me of, "Thou protesteth too much..." (Line from Shakespeare play)

Wow, so I just read the entire thread(s). I started off early on this case, but Dylan kept me busy and I never really came back.

My thoughts: something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and it ain't the cheese.

<Mod Snip>The missing poster with information about GR cooperating is weird at best. Very strange. Why is there no picture of the van? Although it's been found, showing the vehicle might help jog someone's memory. Anyway, carry on. I think I'll stick around.
Ugh, I'm busy but popping in real quick! On the missing FB page, theres always a sense of accusation to anyone other than that specific FB page admin. Now something to do with JR's personal FB.

Completely agree. The post you mention isn't signed by lostnmissing, either.

Lavanda, not to be taking advantage of my prior success with Facebook hints, but just while I think of it- I and other people have had trouble finding the FB page you're managing for JR. It doesn't come up in fb searches for me (it used to occasionally but now doesn't at all) so I have to access it by typing the full name of the page into google- it might just be a Facebook glitch but I thought I'd let you know as you might want to check that the settings for it are all set as public as possible.
4. The info regarding the "cooperative" husband reminds me of, "Thou protesteth too much..." (Line from Shakespeare play)


I was going to mention that quote today too! Stupid iPad ate my post and so I didn't.

My thoughts: something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and it ain't the cheese.

And this one works too! Maybe I'll have a flick through my old copy of Hamlet and see what else is in there- perhaps he'll mention where Jennifer is.
Yes, now almost everything is set to private. Cover photos can't be set to private, so that's why we can still see them.

Next, her friends list and "about me" section will be missing. Seems like he's trying to close off the public from any further interest in JR.

This is downright bizarre..... That a "loved one" of a missing person would be manipulating the missing's Facebook page... This smacks of disrespect, and infringement of the wishes of the missing!

Observations of this new poster for Jennifer...

1. IIRC the new website was formed partially to remove attention from the children... Yet they are mentioned on this poster... Alerting the public that there are three children without the security of their stay at home mom?

2. The picture of Jennifer with phone sent out a strong immediate "subliminal" message from the creator of the poster that JR may have been involved in social media...

3. Information regarding the "cooperation" of the husband takes away from the purported goal of putting JR out into the public eye so that she may be found...

4. The info regarding the "cooperative" husband reminds me of, "Thou protesteth too much..." (Line from Shakespeare play)


Agree with all those points. I can't understand why that picture of her looking down at her phone would be used? All the other pics are great, clear full face pics. This one does nothing to help people recognise her.
I was going to mention that quote today too! Stupid iPad ate my post and so I didn't.

And this one works too! Maybe I'll have a flick through my old copy of Hamlet and see what else is in there- perhaps he'll mention where Jennifer is.

Oh is that from Hamlet? I just remember it from a Golden Girls episode. That Rose Nyland was something else.

Anyway, the more I think about this I'm just totally confused why they are trying to manipulate all the media/social media about this case. I would think the more help the better. Who cares if there are more than one FB pages? As long as they're getting the info out there about Jennifer being missing, then what does it hurt? I can understand the pictures of the kids, but as someone posted above if there's so much concern about the kids why mention them on the missing poster??
Oh is that from Hamlet? I just remember it from a Golden Girls episode. That Rose Nyland was something else.

ha, I thought it was from Poirot, but then I googled... Though the Hamlet one doesn't have the part about the cheese, which is the best part of that quote of course.
Sorry for the million posts. GR is so 'built'. Like, really. I'm sort of amazed that amongst a full time job, a family, and jogging, he has time to build muscle like that- its not the usual marathoners physique, or not in my experience anyway.

That has been a question of mine from the beginning of this case...

How has he bulked up... A runner's build is usually longer and leaner?


I was going to mention that quote today too! Stupid iPad ate my post and so I didn't.

And this one works too! Maybe I'll have a flick through my old copy of Hamlet and see what else is in there- perhaps he'll mention where Jennifer is.

Jennifer... Jennifer.... Wherefore art thou, Jennifer?

Fringles, I like your idea of changing her profile photo to a missing poster. That is an excellent idea and I thank you for that. All those that personally know her on her friend list are aware. I also asked him to tag the poster to her page but to wait until I was done with the revised poster. But I really like your idea. Fact is we've always made contact with our missing through friend lists and we put posters on their wall...however, never thought to change the actual profile photo itself. This is a great thought and help to start doing for all of our families of missing!! Again, thank you.

Comment on Bold: I think this statement is misleading. "Always" to me says you always find the missing.
Missing page says they are removing photo's from JR's FB that do not have permission - JR put them there so to me that is her permission. Nobody has permission to remove them except her. Isn't this a breech of privacy? Some of the removed photo's are of food - why remove them?
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