Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 2

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To be fair she disappeared on 12.11.2012 and the phone was found on 12.12.2012. Or am I wrong?
I find it more fishy that he didn't ring the person in charge of the investigation to tell him that he has the App which shows a location and he was going out to get the phone now. Why wasn't he going with LE to retrieve it?

You are right. GR went alone to retrieve the phone, took pics of the location and THEN called police to say that he had found the phone.

Still, why not use the iPhone tracker as soon as he believed his wife to be missing, which was apparently the night before, when he called police?

If he thought there would be ANY threat of criminal involvement, why go it alone to retrieve the phone?
The iphone will tell the last time it was charged. Mine will lose its full charge overnight on my dresser if i dont plug it in. To take it upon yourself to retrieve the phone is destroying potential evidence. If someone is missing for days and you find their phone in a ditch i think that qualifies as a potential crime scene and documenting it snd collecting the phone should be left to police. To have not called the police is very suspect. What if she was being held somewhere with the phone? He would be walking into some volatile situation. Imo, the phone thing is snother huge red flag that all is not as it appears in this case.
I've been wondering if the phone may have been placed there on the same night that it was found. Just a thought. IMO
I too see that as one of the possibilities.

Still, why not use the iPhone tracker as soon as he believed his wife to be missing, which was apparently the night before, when he called police?

If he thought there would be ANY threat of criminal involvement, why go it alone to retrieve the phone?
If GR is innocent, it could be that he didn't thought of it until someone reminded him of the App's existence. Some people just get numb and can't think straight in an event of great distress.

If he is guilty, than maybe the phone wasn't planted there just yet, or he thought using the app and finding the phone to fast would be suspicious.

Him going alone is very strange. If JR was kidnapped and held, then indeed what if he was going to happen on some dangerous perp face to face?
People on this Jennifer L Ramsaran Missing facebook page are suggesting that the photos of the search by New Berlin Police was done awhile back (not recently) on "Pat Farley Road" when they had more snow on the ground:

This is correct. We only had that amount of snow about three times since 12/21/12. Correct me if I'm wrong OffRoadRunner...

The NB police dept.'s FB page was just created on Thursday, and those pics were posted yesterday.
Why doesn't surprise me that that facebook page is trying to insinuate that the search shown on the picture has just happened and is ongoing, hence no need to go out for the civilians and search for JR.
Not like the husband live in another county and would have no idea of the actual weather and how much snow there is around at the moment.
However open minded I'm trying to stay, this sort of things (I mean knowingly trying to mislead the public) are making it very hard for me.
My thoughts exactly. Seems it was left on so it would be found.

I've thought this too. But iphones do keep a record of where they've been recently - so if that's the case, then that's going to be discoverable, I think.
Why doesn't surprise me that that facebook page is trying to insinuate that the search shown on the picture has just happened and is ongoing, hence no need to go out for the civilians and search for JR.
Not like the husband live in another county and would have no idea of the actual weather and how much snow there is around at the moment.
However open minded I'm trying to stay, this sort of things (I mean knowingly trying to mislead the public) are making it very hard for me.

This whole case, including the police facebook page smells of a big cover your backside campaign. The car and the phone haven't yielded any clues? What about the mud and fingerprints? The hair dying is just too convienient, as is GR's sauna alibi. No activity on her bank cards etc..., its been over a month, why on earth would they not encourage a public search before the winter gets worse out there. I mean at this point it has to be a body they are looking for, so after a month in the elements how much evidence could be left that could be compromised? I just get this feeling of that time is being allowed to pass in a very passive-aggressive way. Why oh why oh why???
Perhaps the reason LE is so adamant about keeping civilians from searching is because of the way GR "found" the phone. If they do think that he hurt or killed Jennifer and if LE continued to allow or even encourage civilian searches, that decision by LE could be used by a slick defense attorney to imply that LE must not have been concerned with the way GR found the phone if they allowed civilian searches to continue.

In other words, could it be that they believe GR planted the phone? Could it be that they intend to use the fact that he went to get it by himself without notifying police as an indication of tampering with evidence? Would their case, ( if there is one), be less credible if they allowed others to search without police present, even though evidence was compromised or destroyed by the way GR "found" and collected the phone??

Oh, and about GR finding the phone on his own - could he have gotten carried away with playing "detective"? An action that is misguided, certainly, but with innocent intentions?
Is it possible that JR's phone will actually track towards Destiny Mall and back prior to being discarded? I wonder if she was driven in her own vehicle, possibly dropped off somewhere en route home, and the phone and van staged to finish the process.

I could see that happening as the mileage, gas, & phone would corroborate that she left on her own and did go to Destiny USA. The difference would be that she wasn't driving and wasn't alone.

Hope I'm making sense..
As we can all compare the cases we have followed on WS. How the people closest to them react to things gives us a clue as to whether to see them as having any guilt. When we see someone very involved, talking to all media, giving interviews, getting people involved...they usually have nothing to hide (not always...but most times) those that try to stop the process, "take the focus off of them", hinder getting the word out...we see many flags for reasons...and yes some of those people are innocent...but many are not.

I always look to see how everyone reacts at the beginning....from the took GR a day and half to report her missing.....

He found the phone.

He has wanted no searches to take place by the concerned community.

He gave up hope the first week she was missing.

He went on with life as usual.

He has not contacted, Cue, Texas equisearch, Find me...or any of the missing persons organizations.

He has not gotten out and posted flyers locally at the beginning.

He has not set up any media interviews.

He contacted a psychic...that's it.

He did things out of the norm on the day she was missing.

What did he do the next day?

He has spoken horribly about a person (Jillian) setting up fb page to help find JR.

He has condemned searches and this other fb page.

Ask any family who is missing a loved one......they want HELP.....they don't turn away HELP!!!!!!!

Anyone think of things I have missed?
This whole case, including the police facebook page smells of a big cover your backside campaign. The car and the phone haven't yielded any clues? What about the mud and fingerprints? The hair dying is just too convienient, as is GR's sauna alibi. No activity on her bank cards etc..., its been over a month, why on earth would they not encourage a public search before the winter gets worse out there. I mean at this point it has to be a body they are looking for, so after a month in the elements how much evidence could be left that could be compromised? I just get this feeling of that time is being allowed to pass in a very passive-aggressive way. Why oh why oh why???

How much clout does GR have in the community... Specifically... With the LE?

What is his relationship with the officer he saw at the sauna on the day in question....

It almost hints at, "I've got friends in high places".....

I'd add to what krey wrote that if LE knows for a fact that she ran away they are not allowed by law to reveal that info. without her permission and that possibly they are just watching GR's behavior, just waiting for him to reveal the truth thru his actions, or lack there of...
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