Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 2

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Hello and welcome!! :seeya:

You make a great point. Why DID he jump the gun and report her missing so quickly? Some people are just worriers. My parents might do this with myself, or each other, if they couldn't get in touch by phone the whole day. We're just very close like that. GR has said that JR never goes more than 2 or 3 hours without being in touch, so maybe after a day of hearing nothing from her, he felt like something could be wrong? Was she a normally punctual person, and when she wasn't home for dinner, he felt something could be wrong? [this is from a standpoint of giving him the benefit of the doubt, of course]

It does seem very fishy.

It definitely does. In the case of a child I would understand that. Why call the police? Most people would just assume "oh maybe the phone as died, she stopped at a friends house" etc.
Who assumes the worst immediately? And if it's as GR says he believes - that she has gone off on her own - again why call the police so soon?
I would assume (and hope) they have phone records of GR calling JR's phone several times over the day. Not to mention phone records of GR calling anyone and everyone she could possibly be with. As that's what most people would do before calling LE.
Does anyone know if it has been mentioned anywhere that GR tried contacting friends/relatives first?
Hello and welcome!! :seeya:

You make a great point. Why DID he jump the gun and report her missing so quickly? Some people are just worriers. My parents might do this with myself, or each other, if they couldn't get in touch by phone the whole day. We're just very close like that. GR has said that JR never goes more than 2 or 3 hours without being in touch, so maybe after a day of hearing nothing from her, he felt like something could be wrong? Was she a normally punctual person, and when she wasn't home for dinner, he felt something could be wrong? [this is from a standpoint of giving him the benefit of the doubt, of course]

It does seem very fishy.

I think if my spouse didn't come home and I was expecting them and couldn't get in touch, then I'd call the police fairly quickly - even just to ask if they'd had reports of a car accident, or if they knew of any reason why the person might be delayed. This would be after calling everyone we knew though - it'd be interesting to know whether JRs friends and family had calls from GR that day/evening asking if they'd heard from her, as to me that would be the first step.

Wonder if the police refused to take action that early though - don't they have some kind of wait period, if it's an adult, before they'll declare them missing and start helping?

Perhaps GR forgot or didn't know she had find my iphone, and only remembered the next day. I am surprised he didn't call the police and ask them to go with him to the phones location, but then maybe if they'd said 'you have to wait 24/48/whatever hours before we'll declare her missing' he didn't think they'd help.

Not to play devil's advocate - you all know I think he's weird, but I'm just trying to find alternate explanations for things we've wondered about - to see if they can be logically explained, I guess.

The new Help Find JR facebook looks really good! I was looking at it, and the missing flyer they have up says that her car 'contained' an unusual amount of mud. Is this the case? The mud was inside the vehicle? Do we know whereabouts? For instance, whether it was just on the drivers side, or elsewhere? Or drivers side and other places?
This would be after calling everyone we knew though - it'd be interesting to know whether JRs friends and family had calls from GR that day/evening asking if they'd heard from her, as to me that would be the first step.

fringles, I think we posted at the same time! I just posted the exact same thing. It is strange that as far we know, from what has mentioned about GR's story, he has never said that he called everyone or anyone to try and find her.
From what I've read, the 24-48 hour wait period is a myth, there is no wait period. IMO that doesn't explain why he was so quick to assume she was missing.

The psychic thing is something that doesn't sit well with me. Having your traumatized children talk to a stranger? Beyond strange IMO.

Also, where does the info about the affair with the best friend come from?
Seriously? LE is still waiting on phone records, after six weeks? Can this be true?
Great Missing Person Flyer on Jennifer Ramsaran's Facebook page..

The MS Media has been consistent in Jennifer's Investigation. Consistently wrong & silent..

Example: RE: The 36-year-old has been missing since December 11th, 2012.
Since then, deputies have recovered Ramsaran's iPhone and car at two different locations.
Police No Closer to Finding Missing Jennifer Ramsaran.
By Jim Sargent 2 weeks ago.

Last week, the Chenango County sheriff’s office confirmed that Ramsaran’s husband is the one who found her cell phone on State Route 23 in the Town of Plymouth on Dec. 12, and her father found her vehicle two days later at Plank Road Manor in Norwich.
It definitely does. In the case of a child I would understand that. Why call the police? Most people would just assume "oh maybe the phone as died, she stopped at a friends house" etc.
Who assumes the worst immediately? And if it's as GR says he believes - that she has gone off on her own - again why call the police so soon?
I would assume (and hope) they have phone records of GR calling JR's phone several times over the day. Not to mention phone records of GR calling anyone and everyone she could possibly be with. As that's what most people would do before calling LE.
Does anyone know if it has been mentioned anywhere that GR tried contacting friends/relatives first?

This has me thinking..

If their marriage was not going well and seperation was being discussed - OR - GR wanted to leave her ...WHY WHY WHY - couldn't it have been assumed that she went to a friend's, was taking her time, etc.

Just a thought.
Also of note is that it wouldn't normally be too concerning if one isn't able to get in touch with a loved one who was on their way from these rural areas to Syracuse and back, as cell reception is spotty at best nearly the entire way. I know that I'm so used to it, I wouldn't even try, because the chance of me getting in touch with someone would be slim, unless I knew just when they were going through a hot spot, which would be impossible to know.

Just a thought...
From what I've read, the 24-48 hour wait period is a myth, there is no wait period. IMO that doesn't explain why he was so quick to assume she was missing.

The psychic thing is something that doesn't sit well with me. Having your traumatized children talk to a stranger? Beyond strange IMO.

Also, where does the info about the affair with the best friend come from?

Not to mention having to ask/answer questions with a "psychic" would have scared the holy bejeezus out of me, had I been a child....

That to me is paranormal... And would be traumatizing in itself!:what:

I may have missed it when the thread was being reviewed and posts were deleted.

Can anyone tell me a bit more about this alledged affair?
I know my significant other has the 'find your iphone' app, but I would have no clue how to use that for that particular phone. I wonder when it was activated on the phone and how he came to know how to locate her phone. Mine doesnt do it because i dont use the cloud feature. It would be very interesting to see what device the tracking app is installed on and when it was installed.
Also, an iphone battery will not last for 2 days, especially in the cold and with any apps running like, you guessed it, 'find my iphone', which use battery power and location services to send out gps data. The find my iphone app will not find a phone with a dead battery. A thing to check on Jennifers phone would be the last date it was charged. If it was after she went missing there are some big questions to answer.
I may have missed it when the thread was being reviewed and posts were deleted.

Can anyone tell me a bit more about this alledged affair?

I have seen this question asked.... And I would like to know what link I have missed, too!

TIA. :seeya:
Long time lurker here I finally decided to join today because of this case. I just can't wrap my head around why on earth they are not doing everything possible to find her! I can't imagine my family sitting in silence if I was missing. My husband sure as heck wouldn't be going about life as normal he would be moving heaven and earth to find me and if not for himself for our children.
Long time lurker here I finally decided to join today because of this case. I just can't wrap my head around why on earth they are not doing everything possible to find her! I can't imagine my family sitting in silence if I was missing. My husband sure as heck wouldn't be going about life as normal he would be moving heaven and earth to find me and if not for himself for our children.


So what's up with the new comment on the Help Find JR FB page? I mean, it seems like someone really wants the page shut down. Quoting that family has contacted her- makes no sense because I have personally seen JR's mother, sister, & cousin post on that actual page.

Last I checked, freedom of speech existed.

I just hate all of the ugliness that surrounds this. This can't be coming from family that loves and cares, at all.

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